更新しました。SVNは1.41に移行しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Units] Use base_unit_info when computing the name of a scaled base_unit. Fixes #3360. [Exception] mutable get_error_info support [Python] added missing error checks in operator bool_type(), operator!(); [Mpl] Use order instead of size to find the next order in the non-typeof implementation of mpl::insert for mpl::map. Fixes #2042. [Serialization] Improved implemenation of boost_serializer_map Improved support for serialization of types in DLLS New exception for violations of ODR when using DLLS [Ptr_container] removed new_clone() overload that causes problems in other contexts [Spirit] Spirit: Added karma::stream_generator Spirit: moved karma::ostream_iterator out of namespace detail to make it usable by user code Spirit: fixed a problem in lexertl Prevent overflow in comparison. [Iostreams] atttped fix for #2932; will close after next testing cycle completes
更新しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Unordered] Remove allocator_constructor since it's never used. Initial checkin of new version of Boost.Unordered. Remove unnecessary BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAMEs Remove a few unused parameters. Remove 'static' from next_node and node_count. Will hopefully make vacpp happy. Combine hash_structure and hash_table_manager. Move size_ and cached_begin_bucket_ into table, rename hash_table_manager hash_buckets. [Spirit] Spirit: using endian from trunk starting with V1.42 only Spirit: default parameters for custom generator specs, semantic changes to binary generators Bug fix for bol/eol flag setting. Hoist the char-class namespaces into qi (for usability) Spirit: allow for mpl::vector<> instead of mpl::vector0<> [Type_traits] Fix warnings emitted by gcc when building with -Wall -Wextra.Fixes #3381. [Property_tree] Merge proptree rewrite branch to trunk. Don't mangle whitespace too much. [Graph] Added fixes to and a test for incremental_components from Michael Hansen; fixes #3250 Added qualification to has_no_vertices in cuthill_mckee_ordering; fixes #3376 Added edge() function for new interface of CSR graph, enabling it to work with the Kolmogorov max-flow algorithm [Thread] boost.thread exception types are now header-only so some uses of boost. thread can be header only
更新しました。今週はSpiritのドキュメントの更新が中心の様です。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: support use with 1.40 release Spirit: Unified semantics of tokenize_and_parse functions Spirit: removed lex::omitted in favor of lex::omit Spirit: fixing examples Spirit: Added character generator negation (unary '~' for character generators) Spirit: Added default template type for stream_generator Spirit: fixing lexer issue inhibiting usage of more than one instance of a static lexer Spirit: added static lexer version verifying compatibility with generated tables [Property_tree] Fix a missing include problem. Hopefully also fix some other sun-cc problems, though not all. Fix inspection problems. Initialize a member variable, fix lots of failing tests. [Graph] Removed unused variable due to comment from Gordon Smith Refactored CSR graph code to get ready for bidirectional support Changed directedS case to a specialization Added fixes to grid graph from Michael Hansen [Units] add base unit for pound-force [Mpi] Templated string serialization on the char type [Serialization] reimplemented BOOST_STATIC_WARNING to depend on boost::mpl::print [Numeric] matrix.hpp, identity_matrix: fix #3293: added assignments to size_common_ on each place where size1 or size2 are changed
更新しました。この2週間での大きな変化はPython3のサポートでしょうか。 只、このPython3用ライブラリをビルドしようとするとbjamの挙動がおかしくなりますので、 それについてlibs_for_build_boost.rar内のreadmeに記載しておきました。 それと今回のビルドからビルドオプションを --layout=versioned から --layout=tagged に 変更しましたので、ファイル名からコンパイラー名とバージョン番号が無くなります。 これにより、バージョン番号無しの同一内容ファイルを生成するバッチ操作も廃止しました。 以下更新内容の一部 [Conversion] DISABLE_WIDE_CHAR_SUPPORT -> BOOST_LCAST_NO_WCHAR_T. [Spirit] Spirit: fixing segfault if start rule of a grammar is not compatible with the grammar itself Spirit: imported spirit::standard namespace into spirit::qi and spirit::karma Spirit: fixed infinite loop if a Kleene is used inside another Kleene at end of input [Archive] fix archive_exception conflict with windows header [Numeric] see #3457 * matrix.hpp: added move semantics * vector.hpp: added move semantics [Wave] Wave: added missing namespace declaration [Python] Merged 2009 GSoC work from sandbox-branches/bhy/py3k branch back into trunk. [Proto] oops! add back op::address_of definition [Date_time] Refs #3308. Changed the internal type of the gregorian dates to 32 bit integer. [Unordered] Fix bug where container was reducing the number of buckets. [Math] Add hooks for the dcdflib to the incomplete gamma tests. [Fusion] Fusion: added nview and friends
tokenizer は対象のコンテナに対する参照を iterator で持っていて、かつ > ttp://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/libs/tokenizer/tokenizer.htm > Parsing is done on demand as the tokens are accessed via the iterator provided by begin. のように token_iterator でアクセスされた際にパースが発生する為、アクセスのタイミングまで 対象のコンテナが生存している必要がある。
>157 ぶっちゃけ C++ の経験があまりないんだろうなとは思いながら回答しました。popp 一時オブジェクトの生存期間とか C++ 使いなら誰もが一度ははまったことがあり11そうなところなので。 >自分で作った方が早くて楽なのになぁと思いつつ 無理に気負わず自分が書くより楽になると思う部分から使っていけばいいと思います。
更新しました。先週に引き続き今週もMathのパフォーマンスチューニングが行われています。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Fusion] Fusion: resolved const correctness issue [Spirit] Spirit: started to add attribute transformation capabilities, new examples Spirit: added simple token printer for parser trace output Spirit: added bool_ generators Spirit: added qi::bool_ [Unordered] Try supporting reference parameters in pairs. Probably not required. Remove the optimization for std::pair with a key reference. [Exeption] New function: diagnostic_information_what. [Math] A few more minor performance tweaks for issue #3407. Another round of performance tweaks for issue #3408. These should make our igamma implementation comparable in performance to the dcdflib FORTRAN routine - at least as far as MSVC is concerned. [Impl] missing namespace Refactored: use static_cast and const pointer where possible. [Graph] Another attempt at a CSR edges() fix [Python] boost/python: some Py_ssize_t replaced with boost::python::ssize_t to restore compatibility with Python 2.3 and 2.4 [Date_time] Refs #2213. Fixed UTC zone offset boudaries. Refs #1861. Changed the default format for time durations to "%-%O:%M:%S%F" instead of "%-%H:%M:%S%F".
#include <boost/multi_array.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp> int n = 10; int m = 10; boost::multi_array<double, 2> myArray(boost::extents[n][m]); boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> myArray2(n, m, n*m);
更新しました。このところ、今迄あまり動きの無かったMathやuBLASといった数式関連に手が入っています。 亦、layout=taggedでリンクエラーが発生しておりましたのでlayout=versionedに戻しました。 尚、バージョン無しのファイルは必要無い様に思えますのでバージョン無しファイル生成バッチは同梱せずに暫く様子を見ます。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: fixed a problem in Qi real_impl preventing to use an integral type as an attribute to a floating point parser. Spirit: restructured customization points, added qi::attr_cast, added phoenix expression support for Karma attributes Spirit: disabled Phoenix attributes for V2.1, adjusted tests [Numeric] see #3449: introduce new free functions to access matrix/vector properties (Incomplete) [Date_time] Refs #3470. Modified documentation for c_time functions to reflect the actual behavior. [Unordered] Make sure inserting from a range of types other than the value type is better tested. [Fusion] BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_CLASS [Math] Fix erf calculation limits. Added more performance tests along with comparisons to the DCDFLIB. Change iteration limits to use get_epsilon(). Merge changes from Sandbox. [Fusion] Fusion: fixing mismatch in default parameter to nview [Syatem] System: minor code clean up [Signals2] Added support for tracking of objects owned by non-boost shared_ptr. No documentation yet. [Graph] Fixed duplicate base class problem Removed old parameters from test code
更新しました。何となく1.41リリースが近い様な気がします。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: fixing re-initialization problem for optional attributes Spirit: improved fix for re-initialization of optionals, added tests Spirit: added missing specialization to transform_attribute. Fixed qi::subrule to use this Spirit: updating examples and tests Spirit: removing remnants of safe_bool [Fusion] Spirit: improved fix for re-initialization of optionals, added tests [Graph] Fixed bugs in F-R layout Fixed numlocalverts bug Changed boost::get() call to get() to reflect new distributed property map namespace (boost::parallel) [Serialization] Address complaints for Inspect fix memory leaks Fix problem with multiple declaration of void_cast_register [Exeption] Added errinfo_nested_exception typedef. Fixed minor documentation error. [Signals2] Work around missing include in Boost.Variant headers Include <functional>, for std::greater. [Interprocess] Fixes for 1.41 [Unordered] Correct macro checks for initializer lists. [Graph_parallel] Added edges_are_sorted tag to distributed CSR graph ctor since passing a sorted iterator range to the unsorted ctor seems to produce a different graph than passing a sorted iterator range to the sorted ctor.
更新しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: fixing endianess/truncation problem in Karma|s output iterator Spirit: fixing tests for big endian binary generator Spirit: removed undefined behavior in grammar initialization [Interprocess] Fixes for 1.41 [Intrusive] Fixes for 1.41 [Graph] Removed assertions that may depend on FP precision. [Serialization] add non-polymorphic pointer test [Pool] Allow zero-sized blocks to be allocated by malloc_n. Fixes #386 [Unordered] Use normal emplace implementation for emplace_hint and insert with hint. Fix allocator for construct from initializer list. [Random] Disable some warnings for msvc. Fixes #3532 [Math] Improve ibeta error handling, and add new tests. [Detail] fix for fix in r35591: sometimes __hppa is on PA-RISC but __hpux isn't Fixes ticket #3537 [Signals2] Qualify addressof call, refs #3534. [Python] Fix for #3490, parameter depends on python. [Thread] Added futures to boost.thread
Check failed in file /usr/include/boost/numeric/ublas/vector_expression.hpp at line 548: size1 == size2 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::numeric::ublas::bad_argument' what(): bad argument Aborted
更新しました。今週はsmart_ptr, thread, regex, xpressiveといった割と使われていそうなライブラリに fixや仕様変更が入っています。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: more work on attribute traits, allowing optional for alternatives, maxwidth supports extracting overhang [Fusion] fix for #2355: discrepancy between std::accumulate and fusion::accumulate [Regex] Tighten up error handling and checking. [Unordered] Remove 'grouped' from hash_table as it isn't used and is a bit confusing. [Circular_buffer] circular_buffer: added erase_begin and erase_end methods
Fix for bug #2067 --- use shared_mutex for thread_group rather than a simple mutex Fix for move assignment of unique_lock if rvalue refs supported More fixes for compilers with rvalue ref support [Xpressive] nested results uses a custom list type that allows incomplete types, does no dynamic allocation in the default constructor, and has a guarnteed O(1) splice; fixes #3278 [Smart_ptr] Renamed enable_shared_from_this2 to enable_shared_from_raw and added shared_from_raw free function. These changes fix the pointer value in shared_ptr which were obtained before an external shared_ptr has taken ownership of the object (for example when a shared_ptr to this is obtained in an object's constructor). [Numeric] see #3501: Reusing concepts from different compile units yields multiple defined symbols (Incomplete) * removed inlines that were added with the last commit * added anonymous namespace to make functions local to compilation unit
[Thread] Fix for bug #2067 --- use shared_mutex for thread_group rather than a simple mutex Fix for move assignment of unique_lock if rvalue refs supported More fixes for compilers with rvalue ref support [Xpressive] nested results uses a custom list type that allows incomplete types, does no dynamic allocation in the default constructor, and has a guarnteed O(1) splice; fixes #3278 [Smart_ptr] Renamed enable_shared_from_this2 to enable_shared_from_raw and added shared_from_raw free function. These changes fix the pointer value in shared_ptr which were obtained before an external shared_ptr has taken ownership of the object (for example when a shared_ptr to this is obtained in an object's constructor). [Numeric] see #3501: Reusing concepts from different compile units yields multiple defined symbols (Incomplete) * removed inlines that were added with the last commit * added anonymous namespace to make functions local to compilation unit
ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: fixing lex::tokenize_and_parse functions Fix. Disallow alpha or underscore after "int" Spirit: fixing usage of plain functions as lexer semantic actions Spirit: replaced long long by boost::long_long_type [Ptr_container] https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3579 [Fusion] Fusion: adding a missing 'const' associative_sequence_tag -> associative_tag [Regex] Added support for function objects as well as strings when formatting. [Program_options] Fix 'ambiguous else clause' compiler warning. Fixes #3556. Put description to next line if we'd overflow otherwise. Fixes #689. Use extra parens to silence warnings re &&/|| on same level. [Xpressive] fix infinite loop with some uses of \Q...\E quotemeta, fixes #3586 [Math] remove surplus const-qualifiers. [Wave] Wave: added missing header file and special handling for stlport [Smart_ptr] Added weak_from_raw(), for use in conjunction with enable_shared_from_raw base class.
template<template <class f> class T, class F> bool is_lambda_(T<F>) { return is_lambda_impl<T<F> >::value; }
template<template <class f, class a0> class T, class F, class A0> bool is_lambda_(T<F, A0>) { return is_lambda_impl<T<F, A0> >::value; }
template<template <class f, class a0, class a1> class T, class F, class A0, class A1> bool is_lambda_(T<F, A0, A1>) { return is_lambda_impl<T<F, A0, A1> >::value; }
更新しました。今週はコンパイル時の警告の抑制が中心の様です。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: fixing bug in alternatives taking optionals Spirit: started to integrate re2c style code generator for lexer [Regex] Improved error messages generated for thrown exceptions. [Program_options] Fix wordwrapping in presense of default parameters. Don't strip quotes from values. [Smart_ptr] Fixed access to enable_shared_from_raw::weak_this_ when BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS is defined. [Unordered] Change unordered move tests to be more lenient on compilers without NRVO. [System] System: Correct too_many_symbolic_link_levels misspelling. Fix #3559.
[Graph] Changed to boost::unordered_* containers instead of compiler-specific ones; made hashed containers enabled always [Integer] Reverted Integer back to Release branch state - as per devel-list discussions. [Xpressive] do NOT copy singular iterators, fixes #3538 [Iostreams] Allocate exceptions on the stack, not the heap. Refs #3612, by Richard Smith. Fix unthrown exceptions. Refs #3311. Fix mapped file errors in windows. Refs #3505. [Exeption] Prevent ADL from finding other dispatch functions or types. Required for #2094. [Fusion] avoid iterator invalidation in segmented_range, fixes #3583
[Spirit] Spirit: more static lexer updates Spirit: added new Qi example Spirit: updating example Don't match substrings in symbols::find. Added Nabialek Trick Example typeof example Implement prefix_find. BOOST_SPIRIT_AUTO added Spirit: bumped version number after the release of 1.41 Spirit: fixed references to corresponding articles at Spirit site. [Xpressive] use boost::optional's swap instead of std::swap [Random] Allow arbitrary values to be used as seeds for linear_congruential, linear_feedback_shift, and any generators that depend on them. Fixes #3516 Fix min/max problems
[Exeption] Fixed unqualified use of size_t in object_hex_dump.hpp Bug ticket 3641, also merging other fixes from the Release branch. [Format] copy-constructor now copies .dumped_ , fixing Ticket #3610 fixing elementary syntax error introduced in rev. 57734 [Functional] Turn on warnings as errors for the hash tests. [Program_options] Add option name to a few exception classes. Fixes #3423. Patch from Sascha Ochsenknecht. correct usage of tokenizer, memory bug, Fixes #3525 [Graph] Fix compilation error due to undefined fprintf/stderr. [Unordered] Use 'E' for key extractor, freeing 'K' for key. Support incomplete template parameters to unordered containers. 以上更新内容の一部 ttp://booster.x0.to/
Version 1.41.0 New Library: Property Tree. Updated libraries: DateTime, Filesystem, Iostreams, Math, Multi-index Containers, Proto, Python, Regex, Spirit, System, Thread, Unordered, Utility, Wave, Xpressive. Updates to boost build and quickbook. The CMake build system for Boost, still under development here, has been removed from the main release to avoid confusion.
更新しました。1.41正式版がリリースされてから一週間経ってもtrunkが1.42に移行しておりませんので、 マイナーバージョンアップ版が出るかもしれませんね。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Program_options] allow empty values in config file, Fixes #1537 [Spirit] Spirit: moved iter_pos parser to repository, added example Spirit: fixed token_def::what() Spirit: Moving karma::symbols to main code base [Format] fixes new functions (remaining_args, expected_args, ...) in case bound.size()==0 [Regex] Allow std::locale's to not have a messages facet installed (fixes some STLPort issues). Allow match_results to handle singular iterators. [Integer] Add support for long long throughout. Fixes #653. Update Boost.Integer meta-programming classes to work with intmax_t where possible - ie to be 64-bit clean. [Thread] Ensure call_once event is correctly cleaned up A partial fix for issue #2100: use boost::throw_exception for all exceptions except thread_interrupted Don't use timed_lock to do a lock Added missing BOOST_THREAD_DECL for at_thread_exit_function Using BOOST_ASSERT rather than assert [Graph] Changed vertex_iterator to have vertex_descriptor rather than vertices_size_type as its value type Removed old CSR interface; fixes #3135 [Smart_ptr] Add error checking to lwm_pthreads.hpp. Refs #2681. Remove std::move references. Refs #3570.
更新しました。SVNは1.42に移行しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Program_options] ProgramOptions: added a couple of missing std:: namespace qualifiers [Spirit] Spirit: added karma::symbols generator, updated docs, tests, and example Spirit: removed UB in rule and token_def initialization, added copy constructor for token_def Spirit: added karma::auto_ and related facilities, added test Spirit: added new karma example (auto_facilities.cpp), tweaks to auto_ tests Spirit: added auto based overloads for API functions where possible [Serialization] fixed BOOST_STATIC_WARNING implementation macro name conflict Fix memory leaks in void_caster short cut memory leaks [Uuid] Added uuid library Removed BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT, replaced with a static method [Iterator] Made sure that iterator_facade's nested ``::pointer`` type is always the same as what's returned from operator->. For input iterators, that wasn't always the case (see operator_arrow_proxy).Fixes #1019. [Graph] Fixed missing #endif [Integer] Change long long to boost::long_long_type etc. Make code respect BOOST_NO_INTEGRAL_INT64_T. [Bind] Make mem_fn work with overloaded unary operator&. Refs #3003. Sorry it took so long. [Exeption] Ticket #3211
更新しました。今回初めてgraph_parallelのlink=shared, runtime-link=sharedのビルドが可能になり、 同じく初めてビルドエラー無しでフルビルドが出来ました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Program_options] consistent handling of namespace std [Spirit] unicode support Spirit: fixed include guard conflict (fixes #3724) [Graph] Factored out declspec code; added BOOST_GRAPH_SOURCE where necessary [Iostream] If a write is going to go past the end of the restricted area, write up to the end before throwing an exception. [Uuid] Fixed name_generator for different sizes of wchar_t [Serialization] 1. Fixed memory leak in shared_ptr loading 2. Fixed error in polymorphic archive implementation Speed up loading of ordered collections [Smart_ptr] Avoid static destruction order issues with quick_allocator. [Proto] fix BOOST_PROTO_EXTENDS to work with elaborated types [Xpressive] disable proto's unary operator& for basic_regex objects, references #3712 [Fusion] corrected reverse_view [Gil] Added gil namespace prefix to at_c<...> calls. [Regex] Symbian patches. Fixes #3764. Fixes #3763.
*エラーメッセージ Check failed in file /cygdrive/D/boost_1_39_0/boost/numeric/ublas/lu.hpp at line 276: detail::expression_type_check (prod (triangular_adaptor<const_matrix_type, upper> (m), e), cv2) Error while dumping state (probably corrupted stack)
更新しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Regex] Improve recursion branch-prediction. [Spirit] Spirit: comment typo fixes Spirit: minor test adjustment Added note to fix the thing Spirit: expanded the quick hack to include strings Spirit: added new Karma example Spirit: little endian binary test fix [Multi_index] handled serialization of non default constructible values [Selialization] Fix plugin test/demo
更新しました。Boost.MPIにつきましては、今後MPICH2以外の使用を検討致します。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Fusion] associative forward iterators in example and docs [Random] Attempt to fix ranlux failures Try to get more information out of the failing tests. [Spirit] Spirit: fixing a problem in sequences if the attribute is a container of containers, more test cases Spirit: accounting for changed fusion::fold parameter sequence in new Boost version Spirit: fixed SA detection for karma::maxwidth [Iostreams] Don't throw if seeking the end of the restricted area of a file. Add dummy returns after calling throw_exception. [Type_traits] Fixes #3800. [Circular_buffer] circular_buffer: constant complexity of clear method and destructor [Asio] Windows needs the OVERLAPPED structure to be valid until both the initiating function call has returned and the completion packet has been delivered. Don't block signals while performing system calls, but instead restart the calls if they are interrupted. Add boost_ prefix to extern "C" thread entry point function. Refs #3809. Add a workaround for some broken Windows firewalls that make a socket appear bound to when it is in fact bound to [Functional] Rename namespace BOOST_HASH_DETECT_FLOAT_FUNCTIONS to lower case for consistency. [Uuid] optimized seed_rng optimized string_generator
更新しました。Boost.MPIのビルドにはMPICH 1.2.5を使用しましたが、>>436のサンプルは上手く動作しません。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Unordered] Formatting changes, mostly to fit within 80 characters. Also, some C casts converted to static_cast. [Spirit] Spirit: added concept checks for qi API functions, fixed qi::match functions, added basic_istream_iterator Spirit: added karma::auto_() Spirit: added missing top level include file Spirit: fix for one of the multi_pass policies Spirit: added more tests for Karma auto_ Spirit: adding the matches.hpp[] directive Spirit: adding tests for the matches[] directive [Asio] Include boost/limits.hpp rather than <limits>, to support older compilers. Refs #3743. Drop back to second_clock if microsec_clock is unavailable. Refs #3743. Use sockatmark if SIOCATMARK is not defined. Refs #3743. Disable iostreams-related functionality if BOOST_NO_IOSTREAMS is defined. Refs #3743. Apply fix for reported excessive CPU usage under Solaris. Refs #3670. Support platforms that don't define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN. Refs #3743. [Wave] Wave: updating copyrights, fixing issues introduced by latest changes to multi_pass. [Regex] Fix bug that effects recursive expressions combined with repeats. Speed up the code a little, and stop swapping stream buffers around in case that's the cause of some test failures. [Iostreams] More unreachable returns. This should only be a temporary workaround.
差し替え更新しました。Boost.MPIはMPICH2 1.2.1仕様に戻しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下追加更新内容 [Spirit] Spirit: fixing attribute handling in sequences [regex] Change name of extern "C" function so it's prefixed with "boost_"
更新しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: added compile time assertion diagnosing a configuration mismatch Spirit: working around false static assert on earlier versions of gcc Spirit: fixing tests for qi::matches[] Spirit: fixed signed/unsigned mismatch in Qi's binary parsers Spirit: added spirit::ostream_iterator Spirit: fixed violation reported by inspect Spirit: fixing nasty bug in rule copy constructor Spirit:: adding missing function in multi_pass policies. Spirit: added specialization for signed char - doh! [Bimap] fix missing include headers, ticket #1521 fix count() constness, ticket #2484 [Graph] Changed to BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (except in one test case) [Math] Change cbrt implementation to use a better performing algorithm. Change functions named "check" so they don't conflict with Apple macro of the same name. [Asio] Add coroutine::is_complete() and support for "yield break;". [Type_traits] Fixes #3704. [Property_tree] Fix a weakness in the XML whitespace tests. This allows me to have correct tests after fixing PR2855, which is also in this commit. [Python] Support different MS calling conventions, thanks to Nicolas Lelong. Closes #3833. [Mpl] Fix bitand/bitor conflicts with iso64.h header
更新しました。trunkはまだ1.42のままです。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Exeption] improved memory leak test. [Math] Improve the performance of the Bessel functions, and update docs. [Fusion] Fusion: adding overload for const parameter types Fusion: fixed adapt_class to be usable with Spirit, added adapt_class_named [Spirit] Complete Unicode Level-1 support: table generation. Spirit: adding workaround for MSVC falsly trzing to use multi_pass::operator== for other iterators Spirit: buffer[buffer[...]] does not result in double buffering anymore, added tests [Property_tree] Fix an issue in MSVC for ptree::equal_range.
[Regex] Improve regex performance on msvc by removing statically allocated recursion stack, and using a std::vector instead. [Program_options] fix in winmain, Fixes #3879 [Serialization] Added comment regarding intentional anonymous namespace in header [Statechart] simple_state::context() now also finds bases of state types. [Uuid] switch from the Boost Test Library to boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp moved uuid generators into their own file [Wave] Wave: added found_unknown_directive preprocessing hook, bumped version number
更新しました。trunkは1.43に移行しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Fusion] adapt plain old array types (1) [Typeof] Apply variadic functions patch from Sergey Zubkovsky. [Spirit] Spirit: raw[] and lexeme.hpp[] do not pre-skip anymore Spirit: adding no_skip[] directive, docs, tests, etc. added code for pre-skipping "implicit lexeme" rules [Lexical_cast] Use BOOST_LCAST_THROW_BAD_CAST consistently. [Functional] Stop using the deprecated BOOST_HAS_ macros in unordered and hash. [Unordered] Stop using the deprecated BOOST_HAS_ macros in unordered and hash. [Thread] Changed boost.thread to use BOOST_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES rather than BOOST_HAS_RVALUE_REFS Overload boost::move for thread& and thread&& [Static_assert] Use BOOST_NO_STATIC_ASSERT [Archive] change to avoid ">>" syntax error when passed a template instance [Property_tree] Make BOOST_PROPERTY_TREE_THROW an alias for BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION. [Program_options] Robustify disambiguation of full/approximate matches. Fixes #3942.
なので、rapidxml.hpp の typedef void *(alloc_func)(std::size_t); // Type of user-defined function used to allocate memory
の行を typedef void *alloc_func_result_type; typedef alloc_func_result_type (alloc_func)(std::size_t); // Type of user-defined function used to allocate memory
更新しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to/ 以下更新内容の一部 [Fusion] adapt template classes/structs [Math] Use the official boost.math check for long double [Spirit] Spirit: fixed #3806 (spirit/home/support/multi_pass.hpp missing functor_input #include) Added buffering_input_iterator to multi_pass suite adding default_wide char_encoding [Graph] Changed to allow characters that are not 8-bit; added one-bit-per-color color map [Random] Rearrange the componenents in libs/random and create a library for random_device. Fixes #3672 [Asio] Reworked implementation. Fix bug where 0-byte reads were incorrectly passing an eof error_code to the handler. Refs #4023. [Proto] fix error in invocation of callable monomorphic function objects, expression self-assignment creates an assign node [Uuid] Fixed bug in basic_random_generator. It wasn't producing random uuids correctly.
更新しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to 以下更新内容の一部 [Asio] Fix epoll_reactor bug where cancelled operations would complete with a "success" error_code. Use cancel() to avoid Windows behaviour where a connection is reset if the socket is closed while there is a pending read operation. [Proto] try again to get proto assignment overloads right add an appendix for release notes [Wave] Wave: added new preprocessing hook: emit_line_directive, added corresponding functionality to wave driver Wave: Fixed the wave driver application to strip leading and trailing whitespace from macro names specified on the command line using -U. [Spirit] Spirit: Fixing bug in display_attribute_of_parser utility. Straight UTF-8 implementation Spirit: Added missing namespace qualification When supplying 3 arguments for the adder, require the third (val) argument. Otherwise, it will be ambiguous with the 2-param version. Spirit: renaming directory [Unordered] Add quick_erase to the unordered containers. Refs #3966. [Graph] Fixed warning (and probable bug) in test case Re-enabled Spirit-based parser (but not by default) and cleaned up Graphviz reader implementation [Numeric] storage.hpp: see #3968, applied patch to use references instead of copies in swap implementations [Functional] Remove optimization which causes 0.5 to hash to 0. Refs #4038. [Python] Handle the destructor call in a way that keeps msvc happy. Fixes #4003
更新しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to 以下更新内容の一部 [Spirit] Spirit: added Karma generator for outputting arbitrary sexpr Spirit: improving customization points for karma alternatives [Asio] Change the resolver implementation to no longer require the typedefs Don't allow speculative reads when message_out_of_band is specified. Don't perform a speculative read when an out-of-band read is pending. New kqueue reactor implementation using one-shot event registration. Fix so that lock is not held while reactor is running. [Mpl] Fix for #1992 [Range] Boost.RangeEx merged into Boost.Range [Graph] Added missing include [Property_map] Converted dynamic_properties to use boost::shared_ptr instead of std::auto_ptr Added vertex_bundle and edge_bundle property maps, plus fixed some property map allocation bugs [Detail] Uncomment ifdef test that was accidentally left commented. [Unordered] Use boost::throw_exception in unordered. [Iostreams] Explicitly qualify call to equal for compilers which find it ambiguous. [Thread] Fix use of rvalue ref in futures
更新しました。 ttp://booster.x0.to 以下更新内容の一部 [Pending] Applied another patch (unordered_equal_range_dispatch.2.patch) from #3972; fixes #3972 [Asio] Add ifdef to allow asio's threading support to be independently disabled. Try using asm-based fenced block for pathscale. [Range] Boost.Range algorithms are now in the boost::range namespace and brought into boost by the appropriate using statement. [Serialization] Final changes for 1.43 [Statechart] Fixes #3963. post_event() is now protected and forwards to post_event_impl() [Spirit] Spirit: fixing attribute transformation ambiguity Spirit: generated lexer tables are not minimzed by default anymore Spirit: added single character syntax for character ranges for Karma as well, added tests [Signals2] Fix for uncontrolled growth of slot list under certain patterns of connection/disconnection without invocation. Refs #4089. [Graph] Added test case names to try to get better output on failures [Config] Added value-initialization tests for 2D and 3D arrays. Replaced IS_VALUE_INITIALIZED by FAILED_TO_VALUE_INITIALIZE, to increase code readability. Added value-initialization tests for POD structs that just have an int data member.
>>841 Boost.Converter Stream is a library that allows to convert text from one character set to another in C++ language using the Standard Library streams.
>>842 > Boost.Converter Stream is a library that allows to convert text > from one character set to another in C++ language using the > Standard Library streams. Boost.Converter Streamは、 標準ライブラリのストリームを用いて 一つの「文字からなる集合」からanother in C++ languageに テキストを変換する ライブラリです。
このanother in C++ languageが分かりませんでした。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Boost.Converter Stream is a library / that allows to convert text from one character set to another / in C++ language using the Standard Library streams.
>>844 ありがとうございます。 > to convert text from one character set to another この部分ですが、結局何ができるってことなのでしょうか? anotherということは 一つの「文字からなる集合」から別の不定の一つの「文字からなる集合」? でしょうか?? 自分で言ってて全然分かりません。自分の訳がクソ過ぎるとしか。。。
error: link=shared together with runtime-link=static is not allowed error: such property combination is either impossible error: or too dangerious to be of any use
C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/libs/fiber/build\pyutils.jam:2: in load rule PYTHON_IMPORT_RULE unknown in module pyutils. C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/kernel\modules.jam:283: in modules.impo rt C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:903: in import libs\fiber\build\Jamfile.v2:14: in modules.load C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:313: in load-jamfile C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:62: in project.load C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:763: in project.use C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:89: in load-used-proj ects C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:73: in load C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:168: in project.find C:/lib/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2\build-system.jam:553: in load C:\lib\boost\boost_1_42_0\tools\build\v2/kernel\modules.jam:283: in import C:\lib\boost\boost_1_42_0\tools\build\v2\kernel\bootstrap.jam:142: in boost-buil d C:\lib\boost\boost_1_42_0\boost-build.jam:17: in module scope