//The Function to get IME Context [DllImport("imm32",CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern IntPtr ImmGetContext(IntPtr hWnd); //The Function to release IME Context [DllImport("imm32",CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern bool ImmReleaseContext(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hIMC);
//The Function to Set IME Opened [DllImport("imm32",CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern bool ImmSetOpenStatus(IntPtr hIMC, bool fMode);
//The Function to Get IME Status [DllImport("imm32",CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern bool ImmGetOpenStatus(IntPtr hIMC);
//The Function to get ResisterWord Styles [DllImport("imm32",CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern UInt32 ImmGetRegisterWordStyle(IntPtr hKL, UInt32 nItem, [Out] StyleBuffer[] lpStyleBuf);
//The Function to resister words [DllImport("imm32",CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern bool ImmRegisterWord(IntPtr hKL, String lpszReading, UInt32 dwStyle, String lpszRegister);