Ken Iverson passed away Tuesday evening, October 19th at the age of 83. Ken was
at his computer Saturday afternoon working on a new J lab when he had a stroke.
Three days later he died quietly with his wife Jean by his side, along with
other family members. Ken had a wonderful and memorable life. He enjoyed it
fully and he freely shared his joy with so many others.
Many people have contributed to the start, growth, and evolution of J. But Ken's
role was central and inspirational. J exists because of Ken and we will always
remember that.
The J Forum was a particular joy for Ken. He was an avid reader and was amazed
and pleased with the civility.
In his last days Ken expressed confidence that the J seeds he had planted had
taken root and was satisfied that the steady and healthy growth would continue.
Ken has passed a torch and it is now up to us.
Ken's immediate family is having a private memorial service. In lieu of flowers,
please make a memorial donation to the charity of your choosing or to the
Academy of Life Long Learning (www.allto.ca). Ken's life was based on the
importance of education and teaching and in recent years, with Jean's serious
involvement, the Academy was an important part of Ken's wider life outside of J.
/Eric Iverson