>>2 10 W=70:Ww=90:Frag=0 20 FOR Ii=0 TO 700 30 circle (320,200),20 40 line (320,60)-(320,340) 50 for i=0 to 360 60 R=I/180*3.141592653 70 x=320+W*sin(R) 80 y=200+140*cos(R) 90 if L=30 then L=0:X1=320+Ww*sin(R):y1=200+180*cos(R):line(x,y)-(x1,y1) 100 L=L+1 110 line (x,y)-(x,y) 120 next I 130 cls 140 if Frag=0 then W=W+1:Ww=Ww+1 else if Frag=1 then W=W-1:Ww=Ww-1 150 if W>100 then Frag=1 160 if W<40 then Frag=0 170 Next Ii 180 print "だからこうなっただよ!!”