【ラスト】tankmaniaで2chの力を! 4発目【サムライ】
TankManiaの管理を任されてる人な まあ読んでくれよ
GP-6971> hi
GP-6971> I am a player from Japan
GP-6971> I have some question for you
BigNose (NL)> hi
GP-6971> The question is about Japanese players using chat in this game
GP-6971> Is it prohibited for we players to use Japense characther in this chat ?
GP-6971> These days a lot of players visit this TankMania from Japan.
BigNose (NL)> ofcourse you can use japanese characters
GP-6971> is it really ?
GP-6971> some Japanese players make regulation for another players not to use Japanese character
GP-6971> and a lot of players is being eliminated couse of their regulation.
BigNose (NL)> what do you mean?
GP-6971> ah, I mean that some japanese players are making rule by themself.
GP-6971> and they force another japanese players not to use japanese character in chat window.
BigNose (NL)> why?
BigNose (NL)> stupid
BigNose (NL)> everybody can use this chat
GP-6971> they tells that we must not use japanese character in this game.
BigNose (NL)> well the best is using english, this everybody can understand
BigNose (NL)> but nobody prohibits you from using japanese
http://ex5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/campus/1093236633/l50 GP-6971> sorry its written in Japanese
BigNose (NL)> what is it?
GP-6971> this is a BBS about TankMania for Japanese players
BigNose (NL)> ah i c
BigNose (NL)> this website says japanese is forbidden?
GP-6971> some ppl making rule not to use japanese character in this BBS...
BigNose (NL)> stupid
GP-6971> yes
GP-6971> thank you
GP-6971> anyway I know that we can use Japanese character in this game.
GP-6971> thank you very much bignose
BigNose (NL)> no problem
BigNose (NL)> well the best is using english, this everybody can understand
BigNose (NL)> but nobody prohibits you from using japanese
BigNose (NL)> stupid