>>16 どの音楽聞くアップ使いますか?You create an account, install the Last.fm scrobbling software, and it should log your tracks in your Last.fm profile automatically. You may use applications like Winamp, iTunes, etc. to do so, I think maybe even the Last.fm player too (I use foobar2000).
>>29 残念だな。ニックがいつもいな〜い。Whenever someone records a concert or especially the long line out front, I am always not there for one reason or another. It's so stupid but I want to be recorded one time for all these shows I go to.
知ってますね。600GBぐらいのMP3アルバムとシングルZIP持ってるから僕も邦楽ヲタだろう。 しかし、色々洋楽アーティストも聞きますね。日本の音楽が好き理由がわからないけど、 日本の音楽を始めて聞くときから、I've been addicted and infatuated。今でも分かりませんが、 僕はその種類の音楽を発見したのをうれしいな。テレビでLAREINEを見たときから、僕は 奇妙に咲き始めましたねww
>>37 ankles strapped and secrets they watch break you, wake up, flew just like you're leaving nothing, freely speed up, while we step in jumping jumperって完全に正しいと思います! 「ankles strapped」って全然分からなかったね・・・僕が英語しゃべる人で、 このすべての歌詞が聞こえると言い切れます。ミステリーSOLVED。ありがとう。
>>58 英語でOKですか? I don't believe in simplistic economic ideals like free-market libertarianism. However I am an advocate of the consumer, worker, and citizen, and I strongly believe in the principles of consumer protection, workers' rights, environmental standards, safety regulations - these are very basic things to me, but in a monstrously powerful and rich nation like the United States, big business and big industry runs the government, lobbies, and by proxy the way the government pursues economic policy under mostly Republican administrations.
I think Sweden is the best example of how economic policy should be conducted, as they seem to invest themselves into their own people and country, whereas the United States invests itself in a bloated military budget and what are essentially conquests and nation-building in unwinnable regions of the world like the Middle East. These are things that both rob our GDP and are paid for by magic deficit spending and borrowing from China that inflates our currency. Are the rich suffering the USA? No. Is big business suffering? No, the government grants them billions of dollars in bailouts for running their industries into the ground. What about economic disparity? It's gotten worse. It has been big spending, costly foreign policy, and tax breaks for the richest in America under Bush that middle-class people like my family are paying for it now. These people were put in power and have been robbing the United States since 2001.
With that said, with free market capitalism, I strongly disagree with any of these advocates. I think there is no such thing as the "free market" in the USA, because when Wall Street or big business fails, they become socialists with their hands out for money from the government. If you subjected the United States to a libertarian ideal, you know what would be gone? Consumer protection, safety standards, environmental regulations, minimum wage, hiring standards, union rights, accountability, job outsourcing, health/insurance rights from jobs... decades and decades of policies fought for and put in place erased because a collection of idiots who call themselves libertarians tell me "the free-market works itself out." Look out the window: there is your free-market working itself out. California now has some of the highest unemployment in the entire country.
>>72 読んだことないんですね。色々本読みますので、違う感じもいいですよw 「半島を出よ」って原作を読んでいたいと思いますね・・北朝鮮に占領される話は 面白いでしょう。日本版のタイトルが知りませんけど、僕の友達は「Almost Transparent Blue」を読むことを提案しました。彼は、「I can't think of a book you would like better」って 僕に言いましたね。まぁまぁ、村上龍さんの小説は僕だけのために書かれる感じがある・・
At least マギ is not arrogant, she does not hurt anyone else. Emily is stupid and always arrogant. Trying to show how she is cool or intelligent, but always failed. She does not know who she is in reality.
>>83 Oh I don't know, drunkenness just never appealed to me. Opiate drugs would sedate me almost beautifully like I was wrapped in an electric blanket, so what's the point of consuming alcohol for a lesser feeling? I don't want to be uninhibited and stumble around loud and obnoxious. If I want that, I would take pills, go to a rave or party, and be energetic to dance, feel happier than heaven, and like I can feel everything nice - whereas alcohol seems to just dull your brain and depress your nervous system. Even without illegal narcotics, I already take a nervous system depressant medication that sedates me. With that said alcohol just seems useless in my experience. I am picky about my highs and drugs.
>>85 It was okay, I went to my aunt and uncle's place in Palm Springs, they are home from France so I hadn't seen them in a while. My grandmother lives in the same area so it was all of them, my mom, and my sister. We just talked, ate the traditional Thanksgiving food, and went home. It's the one time of the year I eat that food, otherwise growing up, my mom doesn't cook and whatever there is to eat is never American stuff like mashed potatoes or whatever. My dad cooks, if I have Thanksgiving at his place he makes what I'm used to or what he wants which is always good. Thank you very much for asking.
>>89 最近、4時午前まで起きてます。I wake up around 9ish or so, so I don't sleep very much - can't help it, my brain doesn't shut off. I have a tolerance to the medicine I take, so the sedative effects are pretty much useless except to make me a little drowsy. I was taking Ambien but my doctor cut me off since I would almost always sleep walk... or trip out, it's a very strange experience. The first or second day I took it I woke up in completely different clothes, my computer, lights, television on, and for some reason there were porno sites on my browser lol. Another example would be me obsessively cleaning my room honestly thinking there were ten shadow figures helping me. The other times I have no memory of it (it causes amnesia) but my mom or sister would say they would see me up, try to talk to me, and I was in another world.
>>92 しゃくれ can mean a shape of one person's jaw or a person himself who has such shape of jaw. it's long and protruding. When you see しゃくれ on the side, it looks like a crescent moon. Usually, your lower front teeth are behind upper front theeth when your mouth is shut but, in case of しゃくれ、 upper front teeth are behind lower front teeth.
What line of work do you want to do? You want to land a job related to your major in university? Do you want to work for a blue chip company? Or you want to start your own business?
Is true that people who start their own business is regarded more highly than those who work for a top notch company like GE? Or it depends on business you start? Maybe GE employees are reafarded higher than a person who start pizza shop but regarded less than IT related startup?
>>127 I have no idea what I'd end up doing, I'd probably prefer working for a private company or government job. A degree in economics, especially if I earn my Master's Degree in it, will afford me a lot of various and relevant opportunities so I guess we will see.
In America, starting a business is a proud tradition to earn wealth, but most fail within the first year. It isn't easy, but perhaps that is why successful ones are respected if you start from the bottom. If one works for GE or a corporation like that with government contracts, that is very respectable if you are an engineer of some sort, as those jobs pay well and take care of you forever. That is very respectable and dependable. My father lives in San Jose, CA, and we know a lot of people who work in the Silicon Valley which is where most of the computer industry is. Those jobs pay well too and are good jobs mostly, we know people who work for Google, Apple, IBM, and others. It just depends what you do and where you are. If one starts a pizza shop and is successful, I think most people agree having a solid job with a good education is more respectable.
>>134 Not a small business at least, but I suppose it depends on how big the business starts and what sort of investment there is behind it. Now with this economy, I don't think small businesses can even start because banks aren't giving out loans. The ones that need to survive are going to need some sort of tax benefits to make it through this disaster Bush has left us.
Dell, HP, Google all started at garagae if I'm not wrong meaning they started small but maybe venture capitalist judged they had bright prospects and will end up raking up money that's why they invested in them.
If a business plan is revolutinary, they'll invest in the business.
>>135 Nick, aren't you a student of economics, the FRAUD science? Haha. It's one big Ponzi scheme. You haven't woken up? Hasn't your econ professor told you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVkFb26u9g8
>>136 Yes your point is correct, but such success is few and far between considering the huge number of new and small businesses that do fail or do not succeed enough.
>>137 Economics is a social science like sociology, but that is why I like it compared to the rigid aspects of natural sciences like physics, chemistry, etc. I used to be a biology major after all. Before that it was English literature. Slowly and slowly my majors changed the more I thought about my actual future.
Any idiot can watch a YouTube video explaining the Federal Reserve, it isn't like it's a secret or no economists know the history or doomsday conspiracy theories spouted out people who's only knowledge of economics is by watching these things sitting on their ass.. The only semi-coherent challenge to the Fed system is by half-brained libertarians who think the United States should regress back into a "gold standard" which is laughable. Yes there are enormous problems right now, but it's cause-and-effect, and it goes back to the Bush/conservative policies of deregulating the mortgage companies to give loans to people who wouldn't afford it and spending billions on Iraq by borrowing money from China that causes currency inflation. The housing market is the root cause of what is happening and massive government spending is the only real way we can get out of this grim recession. With that said, what do you know about the economy? What a YouTube video said? Congratulations, you're enlightened...
I don't know what you do or study (if you do anything), but having a degree in economics is very relevant and affords me to do lots of things. Perhaps when I graduate I'd like to join the Peace Corps and help poor countries manage themselves. I don't know, but I can do many things. If that's a scheme, I'd rather play it than sit on my ass and watch YouTube videos about things I do not understand.
>I graduate I'd like to join the Peace Corps and help poor countries manage themselves. Don't tell me you don't know what the IMF is doing to those coutries. Haha!
>>140 I don't see how my ambitions helping other third-world governments is diminished because of trade and economic policies of the IMF, World Bank, etc. You behave as if you just now discovered Marxism and economics at the same time. If only we could be so well-read and intelligent watching YouTube videos like you lol.
>>146 Discovered economics?! Nicholas-kun, it'a castle made of sand. A house made of cards. There is no dicovering, my friend. Tell me, what kind of social science needs a self-serving award to get validated, aka the National Bank of Sweden Award, aka Nobel prize? Muhaha!
六四天安門事件・天安門大屠殺 Red China army killed great number of Chinese democratization's people in Tienanmen Square in 1989 Jun . Their China military's tanks killed many democratic citizen . It was awesome and shocking !
文化大革命 Over 40 million Chinese were massacred by red China of Mao Zedong in Chinese culture revolution (1966-79) . It's awesome cruel !! , communism that ... , just a mad dog ! Unbelievable ! But that's truth that all . Cause , red China is the bloody red beast or Satan's country and area in Bible's John's holy prophecy .
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 反共 法輪功 北京之春 激流中國 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 侵略 掠奪 破壞 屠殺 民族淨化 内臟器官 蛇頭 遊進 走私 六合彩 賭博 色情 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 Tibet 達ョ喇嘛 Dalai Lama 東突厥斯坦 East Turkistan