Hi, Nick. I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. I asked, "Why?" The angel said, "Angels don't watch over angels!" Twenty angels are in the world. Ten are sleeping. Nine are playing. One is reading this comment. wwwww
<Japan's 'geisha guys' the latest accessory> http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/04/07/japan.geishas/index.html?iref=mpstoryview 画像 http://i.l.cnn.net/cnn/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/04/07/japan.geishas/art.geishaguy.cnn.jpg At first glance, the man and woman at the nightclub look like any other couple on a date. He flirts and pours champagne. She looks at him and laughs. This isn't a date, though. It's business. The woman, a successful executive, has joined a growing number of professional women in Japan in forking out from $1,000 to $50,000 a night for male companionship. They meet their "hosts" in hundreds of clubs that have sprung up around Tokyo - the industry says only compliments are exchanged. The women pay for a man to lavish them with undivided attention.
Stop whining about Emily's business. Her career path may lead to a porn star but you are worse than her. You can't even draw readers without writing entries about her. You are a parasite in a way.
If Emily is secure enough in herself to pose in underwear for a camera and spread her legs so her vagina pokes through, she can handle my LJ without concern. This is proved because with that body of hers she must have absolutely no sense of self-consciousness.
So I don't see why anyone would have a problem. If to you my LJ shames her reputation, her own gravure photos are doing the better job.
What Emily does is putting herself in the spotlight for others to see. She's going out of her way to make herself a spectacle for attention, but you're saying no one can criticize or make fun of her?... Myself and those at my LJ find it hilarious and atrocious at the same time. If she didn't want attention she shouldn't seek it by being another empty-headed gravure "model" and post the photos on a public website.
>>184 Emily tries to repeat "model model model" over and over, but isn't it just gravure modeling? When I think of a legitimate model I think of advertising or fashion, what Emily does is just a step below softcore pornography - the kind of stuff you find in a cheap magazine that men jerk off to. She advertises herself for just that purpose, what exactly is she "modeling"? I don't claim to understand gravure modeling beyond observation but is there something I'm missing?
gravure model is the step to go to their next stage. many teens idol hav appealed as gravure model. you know SHOKO NAKAGWA? dont look down on gravure model.
>>186 The problem is Emily isn't a Nakagawa (lol) or Leah Dizon.
Why can't I look down on it? She's showing off her disproportionate body in her underwear, and in one of them is spreading her legs just enough to see her vagina. That isn't respectable, and it isn't respectable work.
emily opens the door to showbiz of japan. I hav no idea if she has great success or not. but she is challenging. thats admirable. she is so brave. buy her DVD sold in august.
It doesn't hurt to add Leah has the face and body of a model whereas Emily falls very short in comparison. I don't mean to say this out of pure malice toward Emily, but her body doesn't compute - her shoulders are broad, and her fat seems to collect just around her lower abdomen giving her an awkward shape if you want to put it in a modeling context.
The other question to put forth is "Why hasn't she tried to be a model or build a portfolio in America?". Because she knows she has no advantage to the innumerable girls her age who are prettier and more fit. In Japan, she banks on her whiteness as some advantage. If she were to audition and try to fulfill a modeling/music career in America, at least before going to Japan to add credibility to herself, she must've realized she wouldn't get very far. Doing gravure as a "oh look at me I'm white"-gimmick doesn't spell "success" to me, especially when you look around and notice how many other people excel at what she is multiplied x10. The entertainment business is just harsh that way.
>>231 Who says I'm not? I'm busy going to school to earn a degree. Emily's dad can't pay for her to stay in Japan and take off her clothes forever... she should probably do the same as me.
>>248 色々タイプいますけど、実は、ボクが4ちゃんねらではないです。 There are many weeaboos, nerds, and people comparable to 2ちゃんねら but there are also a lot of regular people I think. I'm not familiar with the place anymore, I think it's degraded over the last year because of the publicity and notoriety that has invited a mainstream effect. I use 420ちゃん myself, I'm very happy lurking there.
The weeaboo types who hate Emily do so not just because of she is a weeaboo herself, but because she embodies everything annoying about that subculture. It's her personally I think, I don't think a more modest, restrained, and mature girl would be nearly as disliked as Emily, even if they shared identical interests and goals. Does anyone really like Emily just for her personality?...
Tibet isn't looking for independence so the question isn't that valid. Last I read the Dalai Lama conceded that they want only regional autonomy so they can retain and feel entitled to economic benefits of the PRC government. I support regional autonomy for Tibet to some degree, I believe this is more historically consistent, but I would be against any Tibetan provisional government that rejected modernization, education, or the immigration of Han Chinese and other ethnic groups of China to live in the region. The Tibetans ignited riots not long ago over a perceived Han Chinese takeover and assault on their culture, so I think that's important to acknowledge. I'm not against Tibetans, but I severely disagree with the naive notion Tibet was "free" before the PRC took over and to advocate a "free" Tibet now. I'll just repeat what I've said, Tibet was a theocratic aristocracy where most people were peasants, the religious authority controlled and owned all the wealth, they rejected any and all modernization, and regularly punished their own people in cruel ways. With all that said, I support an autonomous Tibet, but an independent Tibet is out of the question.
While we're on the subject, I want to say I completely support Russia protecting the South Ossetians from Georgia, and I hope someday Ossetia is able to declare its own independence. However I last read in The Economist magazine that an Ossetian provisional government official said until that can be realistically realized, they are in favor of becoming a Russian province, and want nothing to do with Georgia as they have no cultural, historical, linguistic, or logical foundation to ever be considered a part of Georgia. I'm not unsure (but curious) how the Japanese media is handling the issue in the Caucuses, but over here it's tiresome propagandizing because it's become another proxy war for America to repel Russian influence and promote their own interests. Anyway I just had to express that while I speak about Tibet...
>>277 China is many ethnicities, Han Chinese are just most dominant, so I consider Uyghrul's Chinese too. At least being a province of China they have economic incentives but I admit I don't know much about their situation, other than they are fighting for what they see is complete autonomy from PRC rule.
I don't know if Han Chinese can marry Tibetans, but I'd presume it's true, because the Tibetans claimed systematic cultural extermination of their people which means intermarriage between the two groups.
>>285 Tibetans and Uyghurs can't realistically declare true independence so I don't argue too much in ideals. As far as the Chinese see it, they are a part of China, minority or not, and they're afforded their freedom to have their culture and have some governing autonomy anyway. True peace and stability should be founded on economic benefits and incentives, and even the Dalai Lama wants Tibet to share that with China rather than be their own sovereign region. He's smart enough to know that at least...
>>308 If you don't know what she did in the past or what personality she has, then she looks gorgeous enough to jack off watching her photos.
I don't like the way she talks, the 無表情 she has but still, she is a bomb in terms of her figure. Nice boobs silky smooth skin (not touched her before though) and slim enough body. You sound like accustomed to degrade her figure by speaking ill of her, nitpicking like, she's fat and all that, but actually, she has pretty good sexy figure no matter what.
Actually I get turned on every time I see her in swimsuit and I wanna a screw her ripping off her swimsuit and rub her boobs and ass violently. I's slurp her love juice, too. If you don't have grudge against her, all men's reactions to her photos are same as me.
>>312 I think you're making a mistake of comparing ethnicity in your country to the way it is in America. At least in California, where it's extremely diverse, I don't have preconceptions or fixations on someone's race as you may, as you come from a place where it's the opposite. I've never dated a Japanese girl or any other Asian girl before her, but that's all retrospective because it's something that's not important to me in the moment. The fact she's Taiwanese-American and thus Asian didn't even occur to me until after we were dating for a while, that's just not how I'm conditioned to think normally. If she's Taiwanese it's what she is, it's not very important, and I've never had hang-ups over things when I dated or were with someone. But lastly, Taiwanese aren't a small minority in the bay area of California where I met her first, so it's a different picture than one where I'm out and about looking for someone "rare", like a specific ethnicity to date lol.
>>313 I really don't agree with you, and I have enough sense to set aside my history with her and judge for what it is. I know enough to realize that styled hair, makeup, lighting, fashion, and angles do absolute wonders, and anyone with an agency staff to make them look good can do it to just about anyone. The fact that an agency, professionals paid to do so, made Emily presentable for a retail DVD doesn't blow me away.
She thinned out compared to before, but her figure doesn't change; broad shoulders, disproportionate, and having no ass is still apparent no matter what you do. So you know, good for her I guess.
That's what (presumably) idol DVDs really are, just selling sex appeal by making Down Syndrome faces and bouncing awkwardly on a ball (lol) dressed in "sexy" attire, but it doesn't do much for me in general. If it turns you on and works your hormones then the agency did the job they're supposed to, but knowing Emily, seeing her up close instead of behind a camera and professional photos, and having a vivid memory of her body and face for what it is, the big touch-ups and tricks are just veils to cover up the bad and accentuate the good features. The fact she needs so much of that "assistance" should be a hint enough when it comes to her or anyone. I mean look at her Ameba blog userpic and tell me you can't count at least 10 things done to make her look better.
Watching what parts of the clip I did, I'm pretty sure the last thought in my head is to put my dick in her vagina and catching whatever disease she was going on about before and watch her fat bounce around her stomach. Excuse me while I throw up and go out for a cigarette.
>>314 だからさぁ探しに行ったんだろ? わざわざChinaTownに。無意識を装ってさw LAがヒスパニックその他マイノリティの巣窟なのは行った事あるから知ってるよ。 俺は君とJessicaの関係に限った話をしてるんじゃないよ。 君のお父さんとお母さんと日系の継母、そしてエミリーとの関係から導かれた必然性を見出してるに過ぎない。 あらゆる出会いには偶然性を伴うが、同様にある種の必然性も完全には排除できないものなんだよ。 You're just making up for your vainity in your heart with an indirect revenge, by fucking your quasi japanese girl, to your stepmom who consequently deprived you of your real mom. A sad story.
>>315 Saying Taiwanese girls are "quasi Japanese" is racist and stupid.
Second, I grew up being raised by my mom, whom I still see everyday, so whatever you're going on to say my stepmother somehow "deprived" me of her doesn't really work as an insult when it makes no sense because you made it up. (lol) Just letting you know...
イザベラ・バードの朝鮮紀行(Korea and Her Neighbors)のエセコピーが NYタイムズから出ています。 (実本とは全く異なり、100年前のソウルは 近代化されていて 東洋一きれいな都市と書かれていますが、 おそらく先導者は NYタイムズのオオニシノリミツあたりではない でしょうか) The Streets of Seoul.; From Korea and Her Neighbors, by Mrs. Bishop.
A member of YouTube gang, KGKGKG has been enlisted to help reduce 2ちゃんネラー's violence on the internet.
KGKGKG has been recruited by the Japanese Government to work with the best YouTuber on the internet.
In the late 2006 and early 2007 he was a member of 2ちゃんネラー and saw many friends killed or jailed.
The 39-year-old speaks to 2ちゃんネラー on YouTube who have been identified by police as potential troublemakers.
KGKGKG, who permanently lives in Kyoto, works alongside youth worker in the threads 2ちゃんネラー Disorder Engagement Team encouraging 2ちゃんネラー to consider YouTube, Mixi and legal employment as an YouTuber.
He said: "We are trying to get 2ちゃんネラー involved in something constructive rather than what they are doing. That is the primary task - giving 2ちゃんネラー a signpost to stop them from doing what they are doing."
"What I say to 2ちゃんネラー varies," he said. "Some you can talk to very abruptly and directly. Whereas others you have to take a different approach. But you have to reinforce to them what they already know - the path they are taking is the wrong one. It's common sense and we as parents and adults have to reinforce that."
The Japanese Government has seen a string of 2ちゃんネラー related incidents in the last year despite overall crime falling by 2000 per cent. Emily Connar, 19, was hacked and banned from the internet last year.
KGKGKG, who really lives in Kyoto, left 2ちゃんねる after he became a head of エミリースレ. He believed his life was in danger because of his 2ちゃんネラー's feud with their rivals, the Crips. He said: "The safe internets were not there anymore by their mid-twenties. Friendly 2ちゃんネラー were either dead or in jail and I thought I could be next."
He said the response he gets from 2ちゃんネラー is positive, and he rarely has to speak about his past by VLOG- although he has the scars and broken PC to show.
"2ちゃんネラー knows if you have not been on the internet, they are not dumb," he explained. "If you can talk to them and they understand you are from the internet they will listen to you."
KGKGKG believes the solution to 2ちゃんねる's epidemic of mentally killings is for families and YouTubers to work together. "There needs to be a collective response from everyone," he said.
Nick, you aren't a kind of guy who wins a popularity contest. You are too skinny and a nerd from an average American standard. But there is a nitch in everything. So you preyed on a Taiwanese or other Asian and white wapanese girls.
>>360 I'm thin and not terribly tall (5'8") but I do exercise everyday, not to lose weight obviously, but to have a better physique which I don't think is a bad thing. As for being a nerd I don't know what you mean, but then again, you're the one coming in this thread anonymously insulting a foreigner on 2ch for no real reason probably because you hate that I expose things about Emily that taint your wota dreams. So whatever masturbation fantasies I've made less enjoyable because of it, I apologize. Welcome to the world.
Also to think that a Taiwanese girl is a lower standard than an American girl just says to me that you have a white fetish because you're stuck in a homogenous society.. Maybe I'd be sexually frustrated too if I were fixated on someone "exotic" because of it but thankfully I don't have that problem. Enjoy your white wapanese girl, sir.
>>363 No. I just wanted to write something in English. And that happened to be the insult. (at least to you) Actually I have no fantacy about Emily.
Being anonymous is common here and so is being flamed because you use a fixed handle. Just Enjoy what you have to pay for being in 2ch and using a fixed handle.
I think I've seen your photo somewhere here in the past but you were too thin to be called thin, which means you're skinny. Anyway, want to see you become like a battleship sometime soon.
You are the last person to insist someone is creepy to think that you've been following Emily's every moves, digging her personal history quite a long time in your own blog for the sake of insulting her. lol
I haven't really been digging for anything, whatever new things come out are said in the comments and I use whatever as new posts. Plus I don't understand how I'm creepy for maintaining that LJ, which many people visit and comment, but you're still hanging around here for someone like me you don't think much of.
So says the lonely guy who brags about her being his "friend". I think it's more applicable people look down on her for spreading her legs, but that may be just me.
I'm not saying you're thin. I'm saying you're skinny. I have to remind you some of the threads here in youtube board are made to poke fun at idiots who don't even recognize they are. This is not your personal blog FYI.
>>393 In any dictionary, "thin" is synonymous with "skinny", so I don't understand the glaring difference. Call it what you want I guess, but you have some dated photos to go by without actually seeing my body, which tells me you're simply looking for things to bash me on. I'm not self-conscious about my body anyway. I'm not even on YouTube lol
>>422 僕が日本から取り寄せた唯一のものが大沢伸一のCD「The One+」だ。 For the cost of Emily's DVD I'd rather buy an HIV-infected needle syringe and shoot mad cow disease in my blood stream.
>>429 Sarcasmって分かんないの?・・ I can't blame you if you don't, but in any case, it's a difficult case to declare a sarcastic statement like that is somehow proof of how bad a person I am. I'm almost puzzled.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayo7JQ_3B18 Kev: People think I tease you too much in my videos. Can you tell my viewers that you love me? Dad: Why? Kev: People actually think that I got my sense of humor from you. What do you think? Dad: Of course! What are you talking about? Kev: You're not even funny. Dad: Wh-what do you mean?
本当に愛してる相手に"I love you."の言葉は”野暮”なんだよ。野暮、わかる? 同様に、本当に面白いと思ってる相手に"You're funny."と簡単には言わないだろ? 君がかつてこのスレで"I'm proud of my country..."と声高に宣言していた事を思い出すよ。はは。
>>436 I think Emily isn't going to last in the lolicon market lol. But you know, let her make her own mistakes; everyone (including me) warned and talked to her about this because it's the ultimate cliche, but a person like her seems to be preoccupied with egotism and easy, fast "success"because she's immature and mentally vulnerable. I doubt her parents are doing their job because her dad seems content to pay her way in Japan while she poses for softcore porno awaiting the inevitable pixelated dick in the mouth.
She doesn't need rescuing, she needs to rescue herself.
>>441 Beware, says this woman, Canada propagandizes anti-Japanese sentiment by bringing up Nanking! Just like how everyone is indoctrinated with anti-German hate whenever the Holocaust is taught... blows my mind every time.
>>448 Because last time "Nanking" was said my thread was drowning in 2channelers fighting me about it without an opposing voice among them. I'm sorry I generalized them among other Japanese, but to be honest up to now I've seen barely a few not denying atrocities and claiming it to be a conspiracy and hoax.
>>449 Ignore the Nanking shit. >>446 and >>448 keep bringing that up only because their lives are so miserable that they don't want to face or talk about. >>446>>448 つまんねーんだよ、お前等。 南京の他に話すことないの?飲み会とかでもそんな話する? あ、呼ばれないのか。ごめん。
>>449 極化した人間ほど口数は多くなるから。 The more politically polarized, the bigger mouth. かな? 実際、日本の教科書は自虐史観の一色でそもそもがニュートラルじゃないんだよ。 だからいきなり左から右に振れる馬鹿が大勢いる。 ニックが単に弄ぶために右翼にレスするのは自由だけど、その他大勢の普通の日本人は 静観してるだけだからそこんとこよろしく。
426 :ニック ◆3hwt3m2EQs :2008/08/30(土) 03:57:21 ID:2/B1+w6w0 For the cost of Emily's DVD I'd rather buy an HIV-infected needle syringe and shoot mad cow disease in my blood stream.
>>462 What do you know about kouichiben aka tofugu? Have you interect with him on the Net?
What do you know about his femail friend? Erin (maybe she uses another handle when commenting in your blog)
Do they go out together or just friends with each other? Seems like the girl is from Hawaii but Kouichi is from mainland, right? I wonder how they got to know each other?
>>475 I see. Thanks. I first thought both of them are discendants of Japanese who immigrated to Hawaii or mainland Ameica to think that they have Asian faces and they are interested in things Japanese. But each of their youtube account says that Kouichi is 1/4? (not sure) Japanese and mixied with Irish, Korean blah blah and Erin is related to Chinese and Philippines respectively. Anyway, thanks.
>>497 I don't use Japanese much anymore except here, or listening to music and watching Japanese TV shows so it's alright. I just learn what I can and get by.
>>499 How is Oprah Winfrey popular, famous, and influential among American? Does every American know of her? Is she regarded as a success climing up from poor childhood? I don't need any explanations about her that we can see in Wikipedia or anything. I want to hear honest point of view from American youngsters like you. Maybe for youngsters in USA, she is just a fat middle-aged African American woman. No more, no less.
2ちゃんネラー was fighting for his life today after being stabbed in broad daylight during a suspected 誹謗中傷 on 2ちゃんねる.
KGKGKG found the 18-year-old, whose name has not yet been released, on エミリースレ, with several life-threatening stab wounds. He was taken to an east 京都 hospital where he is seriously ill.
KGKGKG believes the fight, in which makeshift weapons including 自演 and IP解析 were used, had been arranged by e-mail.
Terrified KGKGKG described how the 2ちゃんネラー rampaged through エミリースレ yesterday afternoon. Five 2ちゃんネラー were arrested and were being questioned by KGKGKG today.
Four were held on suspicion of attempted 誹謗中傷 and another for possession of an offensive 自演. Most of those arrested were said to be ニート and KGKGKG confirmed 誹謗中傷 had been between 2ちゃんネラー of ニート.
But one local youth, who would not give his name, said the brawl had not been racially motivated. "It's like everywhere on 2ちゃんねる," he said. "Nobody likes each other. It's not a racial thing."
rollerboogie (56 minutes ago) at first I hated you but now I just think you're retarded so I can't stay mad at you
HandsUpPantsDown (1 hour ago) you're the most worthless piece of shit i've ever seen. i wonder how disappointed your parents are with how horribly you turned out. faggot. get your GED already.
Korean Development Bank has been inadvertently and effectively advertising itself lately. What does it mean? As a matter of fact, KDB tried to buy out Lehman brothers, or the 4th biggest investment bank in America, even though the result wasn't so good.
They didn't agree with the price and terms of acquisitions, and within our gorvornment were there many people who stood against the plan, so they have almost given up now. The president of the bank said, "if we missed this oppotunity, there wouldn't be another chance to come korean finance industry would step up to the higher level", and tried to acquire Lehman brothers. That, however, seems to fail.
With that said, KDB got suddenly famous among the international finance market through the Lehman brothers takeover battle.
It's said that oversea media have described KDB quite differently than before this time. So far they used to regard the bank as "south korea small bank KDB", but that expression isn't used already. Up until now, the presence of South Korea at Wall Street was quite limited, so it'd be safe to say that Korean development bank wasn't known at all.
It's said that the effect of advertising of KDB by this buying out was more than money could buy. KDB's broadly known and the name is here to stay in Wall Street. According to one of the PR team of KDB, in rough estimation the adverting effect would deserve 2 billion dollars at least.
KDB hasn't been successful in negotiation, but KDB's advertised itself quite successfully.
>>502 I haven't watched much of her, but I think she just happens to be what many see and believe as the perfect talk show host. She comes off as authentic, outspoken, generous, a champion for women, and comes across as consistently likable - the latter being the ultimate key to her success, and Americans are attracted to a success story. I think it would be very unusual for Americans to have not heard of Oprah, her name and brand is a force in TV and women's lives, maybe.
>>552 ありがとう for your response. なるほど。すごい有名人なんだね。 彼女はオバマを支持しているらしいね。そのことで、女性からの票が オバマに流れる可能性があるね。
I heard she announced her support to Obama and that could lead to supports to him from her fans, too. Macain chose the female running mate to get votes from supporters of Hilary. Oprah's fans and Hilary's supporters are female. I wonder how the both canditates'll manage to obtain female supporters.
>>553 It's tricky because although McCain's running mate is female, she is on the opposite side on issues compared to Hillary Clinton. Palin (McCain's VP mate) is against abortion even in cases of rape and incest, has absolutely zero foreign policy/national security experience, and even right-wingers silently admit she was picked as a political stunt for votes than her credentials. I think (or hope) this resonates toward election day; so far she has refused to do any real interviews except one last week, and she exposed herself as clueless and gave memorized, rehearsed answers on questions regarding American national security and foreign policy. There is no real reason for a majority of female voters to support Palin as most are pro-choice on the issue of abortion and would support undoing everything Hillary Clinton stands for.
>>554 Sorry, I just woke up, my last sentence should read: There is no real reason for a majority of female voters to support Palin as most are pro-choice on the issue of abortion and *Palin would support undoing everything Hillary Clinton stands for.
>>554 I see. I didn't know her stance to abortion and all that. So just her being female doesn't mean Mcain side can get votes that was supposed to be for Hillary.
Seems like Palin has ups and downs in her life so far than average people. I read she has twisst and turns until she got her current position as Alaskan governer. Bearing a baby around the age of 18 and moving to Hawaii, quitting uni in Hawaii and all that. Personally I think it's good she had a chance to climb up social hierarchy to governer. I don't think most people manage to become a success with a personal history like her.
I was wondering if American people can't stand having African American president deep down in their hearts.
>>559 Most people don't become like Sarah Palin, but I think it's more a testament to the progress we've made in America that allow women and now minorities to become some of the most powerful people in the world.
As for some not wanting a black President, there are certainly those people, but I imagine they're more concentrated in rural, southern areas of the United States where they're more infamous for being uneducated and racist. It's not to say people in general from that area are racist, or that there aren't racists even where I am in California, but that racial sentiment is more alive there than anywhere else. However it's my thinking that anyone that would reject a candidate solely because of their race, even if his economic policies would *help* them more than the white guy, that they would vote for the Republican anyway no matter what. It's really no loss hopefully.
All I know is that if the people in this country are so stupid as to vote for McCain, I'm going to be embarrassed and ashamed.
>>560 I can imagine the states in the south that supported slavery is where prejudice aginst African American is deep rooted.
Mcain has rich experiences and is a seasoned politician while Obama hasn't proved his skills in every aspects regarding major issues in American policy as far as I know. I heard some people say he's just good at making speech. Being eloquent and being a compitenet politician is another story.
After two terms of Repubilican president administration, it's natural the adminstaration is going to be in the hands of Democratic party's candidate. I'm curious how racial factors will come in when American people elect their president. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
>>561 McCain has been a longtime politician but ironically enough Americans don't normally vote for Washington insiders for President. Many people like McCain from his run in 2000 because he was independent and went against his party, so that was appealing. This time in 2008, he's not the same person; he's gone out of his way to flip-flop on his independent positions and is now lock-step with the Republicans who have been in charge.
Obama is also a Senator but has the edge as he's "fresh", seemingly very intelligent, and his positions are a refreshing change for a lot of people. He has political experience as a state legislator, a Constitutional lawyer, and a community organizer (which admittedly isn't easy or financially rewarding work), but he's been successful as a candidate because of his positions. Keep in mind I'm not voting for Obama or McCain, and Obama has his flaws, but everything people bitch about him is everything but issues it seems. His economic and tax policies make much more sense than McCain cutting taxes more for a country that's in a record deficit and shattered economy.
I think race has died as an issue now that people are used to Obama's face and the fact that working class people should vote for him instead of against their economic interests which is McCain. If people vote on issues, they'll probably go for Obama. If they vote on bullshit or something stupid, they'll vote for McCain.
>>563 Yeah, some(or many?) presidents used to be a governor of a state, Texas, Bush, Arkansaw, Clinton, not a poilitician in Washinton.
Obama's skin color isn't black in a real sense. It's brown and that help reduce prejudice againt him. If his skin color is real black, things might have changed. That's just my opinion and I don't mean to dwell on racial things, though. I wonder how Martin Luther King Jr. would felt, if he reincarnated in this time and age.
All in all, reagarding US policies, sounds like Obama's the right person for the next president.
>>566 Ralph Nader has in fact done more for Americans over the decades as just a citizen and lawyer than any politician could dream of having on their resume.
Then American need to make a system where most appropriate person can win a presidential election.
I don't know much about how a US presidential election works but something has to be done for the benefit of the entire world not to mention US itself.
>>568 I've been a big advocate for third-party candidates to be allowed to participate in the televised debates and open up the elections so people have choices for a long time. The US system is fixed and controlled by the two big parties, Democrats and Republicans, as well as the debate commission, and the system works by shutting out other candidates and perpetuating this anti-democracy rhetoric that voting for a third-party is "wasting votes" or "taking them away" from someone else which I believe to be nonsense. Regardless of what third-party candidate it is, even if I disagree with them so much it makes me sick, I am 100% behind supporting the cause to get them on the televised debates so Americans can have more choices than the two they get - who are all paid by the same people, with the same money, and have identical agendas. Our democracy is rigged and a joke.
Then let's establish a new country somewhere in the Pacific ocean. You are the first president and the national anthem is the song played in the background of this video. I'll write lyrics when I have time.
In an interview on satirical local news programme in Kyoto, the best YouTuber on earth was subjected to a grilling by host "kitsune" about his decision to send troops to 2ちゃんねる in 2008 and his enduring friendship with Emily Connar. Mr KGKGKG takes on a role teaching a "VLOG" course at 実家 today.
Asked if, in retrospect, the 2ちゃんねる vs KGKGKG war was a strategic misjudgment, Mr KGKGKG said: "When you go back and you look at the situation at the time and the bloodshed that there's been and the difficulty, I would have been shocked but I would have asked the question 'Why has this come about? Why has it been so hard?'
"Because after all, 2ちゃんネラー were removed more than five days ago but since then you've been fighting the type of battle against the same type of people that you're fighting all over that internet." Referring to their position as a Japanese internet envoy, Mr KGKGKG added: "I can tell you there's a fundamental struggle going on. There are two sides."
An uncomfortable-looking Mr KGKGKG defended his decision to invade 2ちゃんねる on the programme, which is hugely popular among young people in Kyoto.
He said: "It came from a belief that 2ちゃんネラー were a threat and that after my 39th birthday the world had changed.
"I came to it of my accord and I came to it also from a position of conviction. I don't disrespect people who take a different point of view but it's what I believe, what I believe then and it's what I believe now."
He added: "At the time, and subsequently, you assess and you re-assess and you re-examine. That's why I say I never took the view that people who disagreed with it were stupid or misguided or had bad intentions ... in the end you have to take a decision and you have to come down on one side or the other and these are things that you then live with for the rest of your life and so you should."
kitsune repeatedly quizzed Mr KGKGKG on the success of his 2ちゃんねる policies, causing the best YouTuber on earth to snap, "None of this is easy OK." Mr KGKGKG said "Whether it's in 4chan or YouTube or 学校裏サイト or mixi there's a struggle going on. There was my 39th birthday. That in my view changed everything." kitsune told him: "Your relationship-with Emily Connar seems inexplicable." Mr KGKGKG responded: "Here's something that I find always goes down well particularly back home. I love her so much. I can die for her. And her too"
Mr KGKGKG seemed to confirm that Miss Connar often rang him in the middle of the night. Asked by kitsune: "Did she [Emily] understand the time difference, or would your phone ring and it would be, like, four in the morning, and he would be, like, KGKGKG you gotta turn on 2ちゃんねる, there's a snake eating an egg?" Mr KGKGKG replied: "It was OK. I got used to that. It was fine."
He added of Miss Connar: "I'm not a fair weather boyfriend. We went through a lot together and also I think it's important that my YouTube account and her YouTube account, whatever our little difficulties in the past, stick together."
Mr KGKGKG also confessed his conversion to Vloggism, made after he stepped down yesterday would have been "complicated" while he was still in the best and unbreakable YouTuber. He also re-iterated his belief that religious extremism is the greatest challenge facing the world.
>>583 Yeah, it is real and it did happen. I think the guy who did it is just some college student who wanted to find incriminating emails about her investigation in Alaska she is stalling since she was picked as VP. Leave it up to our leaders to use Yahoo with easily-guessed password hints that are public knowledge to do their government business.
>>584 おいおい、お父さんの出身はバクではないよ。お父さんは農村地域で育てられた。 You can't even throw your trash away in Tokyo because there are no trash cans.
From what you wrote so far it's obvious you're not a rock fan, Nick. But at least you are in the know of (punk) Rock scnene in US more than me.
The offspring is still considered cool here in Japan although their prime was in mid 90's. Their song has been used in many CMs here but I heard in US their popularity is over. It's considered here that Greenday and the offspring are both cool but as far as I know, people in US think Greenday is still cool (actually they got Grammy just a few years back with the album "American Idiot" if my memory serves right.)while the off spring isn't cool anymore and they are far less popular than Greenday. In reality, how is the offspring popular now over there? They are history now while Greenday is still considered popular?
>>620 I am a rock fan, I just have eclectic tastes. I just also happen to have always liked various genres of electronic music, and I think it's okay to indulge in that and all my other music tastes without feeling like I have no music identity.
I don't pay attention to much American rock bands anymore, but The Offspring are still fairly popular. Of course their heyday is long over because now hip-hop, rap, R&B, etc. are the most popular kinds of music in the USA, but to my knowledge they still rank-in on charts, play lives, and people see them live. Maybe they're not "cool" in a hip sense of the word, because they're an older band, but there are plenty of people who follow them.
Green Day is very mainstream now, so they're popular with teenagers and the like. I don't even know what they've done lately, but I'm sure whatever new album they release in the future will be a hit. When I was much younger, maybe 11-13 or so, I used to be a big fan of them, because I consider their first albums to be punk rock classics. I think after 13 my tastes in punk and ska grew more sophisticated, then by 15-16 I just grew out of it altogether. Green Day didn't come back until 2000 (?) but I did not like their songs and especially since "American Idiot" it's difficult to buy their credibility as a punk band. Regardless of what I think, they're still popular though.
>>618 Thanks Nick, I owe you one now, so I'll reply in English. w Probably, you're the first one in the world who uploaded it on the internet, so you might want to delete it before Mr. Osawa goes after you. w If there's anything you're looking for, let me know.
>>624 I noticed no one else upped it either, that's kind of surprising... but in all respect to Mr. Osawa it was worth the drama of going to see him perform at EDC in June just for him, I buy his CDs, and I just want to promote his name and work lol. If anything comes to mind I'll hit you up, thanks.
>>621 So the offspring is still popular among some people in US. Greenday has teenagers' fan base because of "American idiot" while the offspring's fan base is older.
Good to know the offspring is still popular in US, too.
>>637 今じゃ経済学の学生ですが、ただ幸福を見つけたいね。 Being one of sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll would be fun too though, but I don't have many dreams anymore. What happened in life comes and goes, so I just take it as it comes and sees how things fall.
The financial crisis is George Bush's last great fuck-up before he left office. We were just waiting for it, because we knew he wouldn't leave gracefully, he needed to make his mark in history as not only a failure as a president, but the most failed president ever. The fact this country voted for him for a second term is exactly what people losing their homes, jobs, retirement, and stock value deserve.
I don't think my tax money should be used as a blank check for banks and CEOs to be bailed out from running themselves into the ground. I think our money should be used to bail Americans out. This is another example of Republican hypocrisy; they decry the "free market" values against regulation or oversight so they can be free to rob the value of this country, but when the money is gone they're suddenly communists and want big government to buy private industry and give them a golden parachute. I hate how I live in a country where we're getting robbed and ripped off on top of an incoming economic meltdown, and nobody seems to see it or care. Our tax money shouldn't be used to bail any corporations out. Let the banks fail, government needs to instead be there to protect the citizens directly.
>>650 >Let the banks fail, government needs to instead be there to protect >the citizens directly. I understand how you feel about how to use tax money, but the fact that Japan suffered back in the late 90's and has somehow managed to avoid bankrupcy after that period indicates that America will suffer more if it refuses to help mega-banks. And if America fails, the world will be down as well. Credit Default Swap is a big problem to be solved, and Group of 7 (and the market) expects America to decide soon.
Speaking of president Bush, he signed the agreement that America lifts economic sanctions against North Korea while at G7, and many Japanese are shocked now. He betrayed Japan's trust at last. Many of us were hoping against hope that Bush wouldn't make the worst choice, though... It implied that the countries that try to develop nuclear weapons are treated nicely. As you implied in the first paragraph, Bush obviously wanted to leave his name in history as a good president at least about the deal with North Korea... Worst choice, I'd say...
>>651 A lot of Americans are mad about this bailout because the hundreds of billions of dollars given to the banks and other companies has not enough oversight or accountability to where that money goes. We all know the companies are going to give tens of millions of it to their CEOs, the same ones who ran themselves into the ground. If we're going to bail people out with tax money from regular Americans who are already at the tip of the iceberg of an economy that's going to be very bad, we are owed some government insurance and oversight that this money is used responsibly. As Ralph Nader said in 2000, Bush is a giant corporation disguised as a human being. Throughout his term he has done nothing but help the rich get richer, and thank god he failed at trying to privatize our Social Security.
"The world's largest insurance company, AIG, spent $440,000 (£250,000) on a lavish corporate retreat at one of California's top beachside resorts just a week after accepting an $85bn emergency loan from the US government to stave off bankruptcy." http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/oct/07/creditcrunch.useconomy
Bush is wrong on North Korea but I think that issue has more to do with China than it does with anything else. What can you say about him I don't already know or have felt? He was never to be trusted, and the people that really ran the show in his administration are some of the most extremist, criminal, secretive, and manipulative political minds - many of them are from Reagan and George HW Bush's terms. Go figure. These are the same assholes that illegally sold weapons to Ayatollah Khomeini's Iran so they can give the money against Congressional law to anti-Communist Contras who violently murdered civilians and trafficked cocaine in the United States during the 1980s. The fact Bush betrayed Japan's trust on the North Korean issue is something so routine. I would not be surprised if he had just one more fuck up before he actually leaves the White House in January.
>We all know the companies >are going to give tens of millions of it to their CEOs, the same ones who ran >themselves into the ground.
That sounds just beyond ridiculous, really. The government can do anything to prevent it from taking place while they take action about those banks? They have to come up with some sort of enforcement that taxpayers would somehow agree to, instead of just letting all slide. Otherwise, we are all going to be \(^o^)/ owata.
which is kiss X or O? Judging from pronunciation, X sounds kiss but The the shape of O looks opened mouth. But O looks like you throw your arms around someone so O can be a hug. I thught X means kiss and O means hug but Leah Dizon says the opposite.
http://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2008/10/15/01.html >「しばらく休みますが、できるだけ早く復帰します!」と約束 I bet you will never come back though. Why didn't she use contraception? I mean, she could earn money a little bit more. What is she going to do after the birth? pornstar in Japan?
>>669 I always thought X was kiss and O is hug too, so I'm not sure what to tell you. I guess her way makes sense too but I've never heard of it actually explained that way from anywhere else...
>>670 そうな、日本人だ。 I don't know why anyone not wanting pregnancy or STDs can't go through the trouble of a condom or taking the pill. It's not that difficult and never worth risking it. The only up side for Leah is that it puts her name in the papers and acts as free publicity probably when she needs it. It is awkward though, here is this very popular, sexualized model that gets pregnant at 22 right at her prime. I think this itself is a risk to her career, but if she can take a maternity leave and come back without her popularity or fanbase evaporated she'll last a while. Namie Amuro did it, and she looks as hot and is as popular as ever, though that may be a reaching comparison.
"Fans thunderbolted by out of the blue anouncement, shotgun marriage."
Leah Dizon (22) dubbed as Black ship and has made splashes in Idol arena revealed at Shibuya O-East on 14th that she's got married. Her husband is a Japanese fashion coordinater/stylist Leah Dizon got to know through their work. The already had a wedding ceremony on 10th this month at a hotel in Shinjuku ward. She's pregnant. She's going to hold a press conference in Tokyo on 15th from 3:00pm.
Her husband is in his 20's and has been working as a fashion coordinater for five years. He 's been working with her for a year at her album Jackets' shooting sessions and has also got involved in her latest album "Communication!!!" released August 20th. They hit it off with each other talking about fashion and all that. As she consulted him about her visual facters to promote herself, the started to go out.
Only their close families and relatives joined the shinto style wedding ceremony held on 10th at Hotel Hilton Tokyo. Leah wanted to wear Japanese style clothes at her wedding ceremony so they chose shinto style wedding. They haven't registered their marriage yet. It's shotgun marriage so Leah didn't have enough time to prepare for paparwork needed as a person whose nationality is American.
She's between 4 and 5 monthes of pregnancy. The day she announced her marrage was the last day of her concert tour nation wide. She is planning to go on maternity leave after her the tour so she decided to announce her marriage directly to her audience from the stage.
She made apperance in fron of about 1000 fans wearing read outfit exposing her thighs. It looked like she's gained a little weight but her belly didn't stand out. She wore boots with high heels and took rythmical steps while singing. She got her about two hour concert finished even though she was pregnant. Before she moved on to the last song, 18th song, "LOVE U," she announced, "there's something I need to talk to you guys. I've just got married."
She continued, "I have a baby in me," in a commotion caused by the sudden announcement and the audience buzzed even more. She said, "My family is very happy as much as I am" and when her fans celebrated and screamed "Congratulations!," she shed tears.
As for her carrer, she said, " I'll take some time off but I'll come back as soon as I can." She might have been expecting harsh reactions to her. Reacting to her fans' unexpected good wishes, she told them they don't force themselves too hard to keep supporting her with tears.
At the end of the concert, She bowed and waved her hands over and over saying, "Thank you very much" to her fans.
>そして最近ってさ、 capsuleというバンドを良く聞きます。笑 渋谷系ね。なーんかさ、pizzicato fiveに似ているけど、 pizzicato fiveよりテクノとダンスって感じだね。 楽しい音楽だ。元気が出るわ! And lately, I've been listening to this band called 'capsule'. Haha. They're SHIBUYA-KEI music. And somehow they resemble pizzicato five... But I guess they have more of a techno and dance feel than P5. It's fun music! Makes you happy!
I think Emily deserves all my pity for buying that crushed velvet jacket and believing she has a sense of fashion taste. I have a sad feeling I know more about makeup more than her too... one would think a "career" in gravure wouldn't make her such a disaster at these things.
Japan has nothing to do with Haloween but because of commercialism, shops are selling goods related to Jack o' lantern made of plastic or porcelain. To think Christmas is rooted in Japan even though Japan is not a country of Christianity, that's understandable. Maybe some kindergarten even take advantage of Holoween and hold a costume party.
Japan is really a starange country where a Christian style wedding ceremony is very popular even though in some cases a preist who handle a wedding ceremony isn't a real one but hired as part time job.
>>739 I've never heard of Halloween having a presence in Japan so it's interesting to know. I'm not religious at all, neither is my family, but we celebrate Christmas because it's a good time to just get together and enjoy ourselves with gifts, dinner, whatever.
I was kind of a cute kid, I just don't know what happened. Thank you though.
Hello Nick, Do you think that Obama collected popularity like this as a result of Iraq War in the American? Or, is the disappointment of the Republican Party a large factor?
>>777 Obama collected popularity because he is a fresh face in a time when much of the country wants to go in a brand-new direction. The occupation of Iraq isn't talked about in this country very much, the economy is by far the most important and relevant issue to Americans, and that is also a very significant reason why Obama may win over McCain.
>>783 We can barely elect a half-white candidate with all the charisma, political skills, and genius campaign advisers in the world running in a time after two terms of Bush's disaster of an administration robbing and ruining the entire country. Anything is possible, but people overestimate America - we are in fact made up of a huge population of uneducated, uninformed, very Christian that decide elections. It would have to be the right Korean at the right time, and one can calculate those odds themselves. Obama is one of those people. However, when I saw his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, I told myself, told my parents, and told a few friends he will be President someday.
Daily Korean (japanese-translated version) insists that general election of America is ugly.
I turned the article into English. Please check my translation and correct it. Now the article:
America, the center of economic crisis, sinister and ugly general election Even so America should do what it's supposed to do as the center of the world.
Economists at Wall Street pointed out that Korean economy is haunted with spectors. Wall Street Journal says that even though multiple problems are seen at the same time in Korea, Korean high-ranked officers say no to financial support from IMF, or International Monetary Fund. Moreover, the advice that Korea shouldn't forget the lesson of Asian monetary crisis is heard everywhere. That is ridiculous. Who triggered the crisis and spread it all over the world? Why are they that arrogant?
As far as supports by IMF is concerned, it is America that should be the first to accept them. The one and only reason America hasn't gone bust until now is because it can copy as many dollar bills as it wants. Without that, spectors would have gulped the whole country already. Aside from the falls of price of homes and the speculation in those homes, there are truer American deseases. Namely, it is trade deficit and budget deficit of America that became huge like monster now. The more dollar bills America will copy, the more budget deficit will be ballooning. Someday America would put financially humongous burden on the world like this time.
I was wondering if Wall Street could give victims a hard time and manage to say, "spectors appear". At the sight of the scene in Washinton, America, on a daily basis, those problems that American politics holds seem bigger than they have been. The ugly general election campaign is heating up in America between democrats and republicans like in the past, as if it became a devided nation. The easten and westen coastral districts are on Democratic Party, while inland ones are on Republic Party. 7 out of 10 people who earn less than 35,000 dollars a year support Obama, and it's become clear those who earn 50,000 dollars a year tend to support McCain.
>>804 It was kind of long, but I did my own revision that you may or may not like, but I am an economics major, I follow American politics very closely, so I at least know what I am reading and talking about. Below is my version that I mostly used yours as a base, with some corrections and rephrasing. --------------------------------------------------------------
America, the epicenter of the economic crisis, and a sinister and ugly Presidential election. Even so, America should do what it's supposed to do as the center of the world.
Economists at Wall Street pointed out that the Korean economy is infested with spectators. The Wall Street Journal says that even though multiple problems are seen at the same time in Korea, Korean high-ranking officers refuse financial support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Moreover, it's heard from various places that Korea has forgotten the lessons of the Asian currency crisis. That is absolutely ridiculous. Who triggered the crisis and spread it all over the world? Why are they that arrogant?
As far as IMF support is concerned, it is America who should begin to accept their aid. The only reason America hasn't gone bankrupt until now is because it can print as many dollar bills as they want. Without that ability, spectators would have gulped down the whole country already.
Aside from the burst of the American housing bubble and the root causes of speculation, there are more genuine American economic illnesses. Namely, the trade and budget deficit of America that have become monstrous. The more dollar bills America prints, the larger the budget deficit will be ballooning. Someday, America will be placing this enormous burden on the entire world. Even if that time comes, will Wall Street scold the country it has damaged, and still point their finger at the infestation of currency specters?
At the sight of the scene in Washington, the problematic politics America is carrying seem bigger than they have ever been. The intense and ugly election campaign season is heating up in America between Democrats and Republicans just like before, as if it were a divided nation. The Eastern and Western coastal regions side with Democratic Party, while inland regions favor the Republican Party. 70% of those making an annual salary of less than $35,000 support Obama's candidacy, while those making more than $50,000 per year tend to support McCain.
>>813 大阪、京都に行きたいですね。 そうそう、そのイベント知ってますよ。くるりのシングル「さよならリグレット」のBサイド曲は 「ばらの花 feat. 小田和正 from 京都音楽博覧会2007」に気付きました。あ〜すっごい。 小田和正も大好き。
>>814 英語でもOKでしょ? Israel is run by criminals and cowards, and they're not going to attack. Iran is a large, populated, modern, and educated country that is doing nothing but threatening Israel's unchecked dominance in that region. The Israelis are manufacturing "threats" with no proof, even moreso saying Iran has no right to nuclear technology as Israel has illegally-developed nuclear weapons that have never been open to inspections. The NIA (National Intelligence Estimate) report from the American government agencies have found no proof Iran is even remotely close to making any sort of nuclear weapon.
I hate the Iranian government because it's a fascist theocracy that forces everyone else to abide by stupid religious rules, but the people there are some of the most hospitable, generous, and good people I've known. Israel has no right to tell anyone what to do, and if they do attack anyone, it will be with America's military and soldiers - not theirs.
There's a breaking news. Tethuya komuro was arrested on suspicion of playing con games for a private investor, after he's approached the investor with a fantastic money-making idea. That sums 5 billion yen he ripped it off.
>>818 She talks about being homesick for attention and sympathy. ホントにアメリカに帰ったら、「俺じゃ日本で有名だった、もう戻りたくて」って 三人の友達に言ってるんでしょう。She will be in Japan until she gets arrested for drugs or her dad stops paying for her indefinite vacation.
>>819 そうなんだぁ!本日の朝、そんなニュース読んでしまったね。どうしようかな・・ 小室さん has so much fucking money, why would he be so greedy to defraud someone enough to be arrested and taint his whole career? Also, didn't Marc's wife get arrested for ecstasy possession? It hasn't been a good time for globe...
>>>821 Iran has no intention to attack Israel; no one has said that except America and Israel. Iran's President, who has no actual power, said he wants Israel's regime to be wiped away in the sands of time, and he was quoting former Supreme Ruler Khomeini. He never ever said like they quote here "wipe Israel off the map" - it's propaganda.
You cannot get ahead in politics in America unless you bow your head in submission to AIPAC, which is the Israel-Jewish lobby in America. Obama is no different; the major candidates in our presidential campaign all made hard-line, pro-Israel speeches to them to secure their political support. Israel will always have the unquestionable support, aid, and bolstered influence to dominate the Middle East and attack neighbors (with natural resources) that threaten their influence like Iran.
Well, one can argue the history and values of Iranians, but my family isn't very Iranian; my father was born in Azerbaijan, his grandparents from Russia who left after communism took over, but my father moved to Tehran at 13-years-old. My grandmother is from Iranian Azerbaijan region of Iran though.
>>822 At >>821 I didn't say that Iran has any intention to attack Israel, I meant that it's Arabs who want to destroy Israel. Iranians are mostly muslim but not Arab, right?
>>824 Oh, thanks for pointing that out. Arabs hate Israel for pretty obvious reasons, I mean Palestinians are Arabs just chilling there, living peacefully with other religious Jews and whatnot and here comes the West to essentially kick them out, fence them off their land, and say "this is now the Jewish homeland kthxbai." I'd be pissed too, and I am pissed, Palestinians are pretty much on restricted reservations on the worst parts of that little land and Israel is inherently a racist country from the fact Palestinians can't get jobs there, they can't earn much money, they're harassed, they're shot at, and every other Arab in the region is rightfully pissed about it; it's sad to say it's going to be that way forever unless someone figures out a two-state solution which Israelis will never allow to happen. It's a sad thing but I'm not afraid to say it, fuck Israel and fuck America for bolstering that shit. Israel is the primary cause of all that civil unrest, violence, and fanaticism; the creation of a modern Jewish state isn't a religious or historical thing, Zionism is a concept developed by non-religious socialist Jews like Herzl for political reasons. Look at them now, they abide by no international law, no checks-and-balances in the entire region, and the entire world is fucking made to feel guilty or like an anti-Semite unless you support their wars, support their slaughter and punishment of Palestinians.. I mean shit goes on you'll never read in a country like America or wherever. Anyway...
Listen I don't say "Jews control everything" (I am not a conspiracy theorist), but let's be honest: AIPAC and the other Israel-Jew lobbies in America wield monstrous political influence and power here. Everyone knows it and it's not a secret. Do they control the President? No, but this noise and propaganda about Iraq and Iran are things that Israel has a direct influence on. No one on television here since 2002 has even mentioned Israel as being a motivator for invading Iraq, and of course it's ridiculous to think they weren't.
If Israel or America attack Iran, they will not cheer them. Iranians love their country, love their culture, and because most of them don't like their government does not mean they will support those who are there to destroy the country. Western powers have fucked with Iran's political system and people in the 20th century so much so they're now subjected to what they have now and they know this. Mohammed Mosaddeq?
Installing the Shah of Iran, a weak and fascist American puppet, to rule the country? The Iran-Iraq war that was manufactured by the USA giving weapons to Saddam Hussein to kill Iranians for almost a decade for no reason?
Iranians love American people and culture, but they hate our government. What most people don't even know is that other than Israel, Iran's population of Jews is second-highest in the Middle East. They even have a representative in government that has a permanent seat for them. No one will attack them, because there's no logical way to do it. With what money, soldiers, and military can the USA sustain Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran? The USSR couldn't even handle Afghanistan in the 1980's because it's not winnable and it will happen to America in time when people wake up and understand a foreign military presence there is never going to "win" over a country like that.
>>832 Yeah, I must have read too fast and got mixed up in my head after I read it all. Thank you.
>>834 I just voted, but I think Obama will win easily tonight. However there are many state propositions and local elections for me to vote for that are important, so I am happy I woke up early and now it is done.
>>845 I vote my conscience, I don't think that's shameful, I think our fake American democracy is shameful for being a fixed system where only two parties trade power.
>>864 アジア系、白人・・・どうでもいいよ。I don't care about race. So I don't think I have to answer "yes". It's asking about one being fixated on someone *because* they are Asian.
>>865 ニックが人種にこだわらないのは知ってるよ、悪いジョークだよw Anyway, I just wanted to point out how ridiculously those questions are formed based on the stereotypes for Japanophiles that exist. They're really funny though. And according to my observation, those who are fond of anything Japanese to a great extent always seem to have to deny it or draw a line in the sand. But that's understandable, no one wants to be called a name.
>>866 You know, sadly, it's not as much as a stereotype as you would think. I know up close, especially in places like anime conventions or the like, there really are a mass of teenagers and whomever that mix English and Japanese words together, stereotype everything about Japan like it's an Ayumi Hamasaki PV, eat rice for the sake of eating rice, and generally do nothing but embarass themselves whatever place they're unfortunately inhabiting. It can be really that bad and consistent. But that's the point - they know almost nothing about Japan and stereotype Japanese by themselves.
>>870 Well, I guess I've never witnessed with my own eyes the level of a disaster caused by the ones who fit perfectly into the stereotype, so I don't really know what they're like. I just hope they grow out of it asap then. lol
>>874 It's pretty depressing and irritating at the same time. They are there though, especially on college campus anime clubs, anime conventions, any event or place remotely Japanese, etc... it's cancerous. Most of them grow out of it, some of them don't, and they're the kind of people that grow up and are some of the oldest cosplayers at anime conventions and have internet status among novice wapanese.
>>875 I think it's Carolyn's business, and not mine or yours. Ask her yourself if you're curious.
>>876 僕は気管支炎に罹ってるかもしれない。しかし、OKです。やさしい言葉は 「Emily, if you go to university and work hard I know you can earn an education and make yourself proud. You're better than gravure, and better than succumbing your life to what others think of you. Make your own life with your own hands, just take that first step and capture success. I'll be proud if you do. 頑張ってみようよ」
Her and I have so much in common in various ways, but we are different in other important ways. She has the control to change her life for herself and her behavior, but up to now, at least from what people still tell me about what she still does, she refuses to change because she's insecure nad desperate for a sense of celebrity and approval. The fact her father is wealthy and spoils her by paying for her indefinite vacation shopping and taking off her clothes in Japan is not going to help her learn lessons. Someone needs to grow up and tell her the truth, and I'll be happy to do it for her sake. She has it in her to do something better than right now, which I think is a meaningless future, but she refuses to. I can't help her until she learns lessons for herself, but I'll be happy to encourage her with advice from my own experience, lessons, mistakes, and perspective. I wish her the best either way, I have no real ill will toward her except when she refuses to change herself and abandon her ego.
Does Nick possibly dislike Spanish culture? If you do not like pronunciation of Spanish. A lot of Japanese are holding fear in an increase of Chinese people. Is it likes and dislikes in such a reason? Or, it likes it cultural.
>>897 If Emily claimed to have AIDS she'd post about how more comments and attention would cure her. I hope you understand by now that Emily talking about her ill health and sympathy-drawing circumstances is a very routine thing for her.
そして、エミリーがホントのアイドルと言い切った人は誰?She did gravure modeling with a DVD that wasn't popular, and apparently spends her time posting on Star Wars PC game forums for attention and taking endless photos of Starbucks drinks. She can do that at home like anyone else, but unlike anyone else, they don't have her father to pay for her time spent in Japan. My parents would cut me off if I didn't go to university for an education, not reward me for stripping on camera as a sexual object so it can be sold.
>>916 しょうがないね。ストリッパーもケツを振るんでしょう。We will see exactly what she becomes upon realizing Japan does not embrace her the way she wants to believe they do. With no real education or prospects in the entertainment industry, as she grows older she will perhaps have to accept reality, but even then she will blame it on Japan or somebody else.
>>945 There is so much speed and meth in Japan it's hard to make a point out of such a comparison. Nonetheless, it's entirely different. The USA is a huge, immigrant-founded country and the availability and prices of drugs is its own league. Japan is an island nation where such factors are only minimally present, but demand remains as even ecstasy pills are sold there for 100 Yen whereas in California I can go by ten pills for $100. If you made narcotics as easily available in Japan as it is in the United States, the mere mentioning of 根性論 may change entirely.
>>949 I really haven't paid attention, but I think it's mostly very wealthy people's homes being burned - unless I'm wrong, but that's all I saw on the news.