目前のグランプリ決勝というプレッシャーから目をそらすために 2chを覗いては自らへの誹謗中傷(らしきもの)のみを抽出して反応し、報復攻撃をする。 報復という名分によって己の攻撃性を正当化し、匿名性を理由に正体の見えない相手を恣意的に人格化する。 ここでの心の混乱が来たる決勝の恐怖を紛らわし、ひいては失敗したときの口実ともなりうる。 現実逃避。自らの人生の責任転嫁。 My miserable life is always due to someone else. I can't be happy unless there's not a single person of evil mind on this earth, which I know at heart is never ever possible.
でも本当にありがとう。アドバイスと応援することも。 ごめんなさい、わがままにずるい言葉を使ってしまいましたね。 でもありがとう。Sometimes it's better to get a few slaps in the face because I'm being too easy on myself. Right?
I'm not yet sure but I'm glad to talk to you if you're real HIMEKA.
Never mind. I don't think you could insult me without knowing me in detail. I'm not an individual but "nobody" here.
That is called the wisdom of being anonymous. I think you'd better learn to be more patient with the noises around you. Yes, those're just noises for you. Who on the earth is responding to noises seriously like you do? Any good of it? Then you must learn also how to let them go past. From now on.
I can understand that people in 2ch (be sure that they're not always Japanese) eventually attack someone in most cases and torment him/her. I understood because I'm sometimes using tripcode too. I'm just nobody as I said, and posting what I had in my mind with it. But I'm often attacked even much harder than this thread. There is no reason for this matter. I was attacked because they couldn't recognize anyone else there. They didn't like the situation and needed the target to beat. That's the reason and the truth of noises.
Looking through this thread today, I found your some big mistakes and got 2 more pieces of advice on you as a professional singer in the making. This time, I'll post advice only.
First, don't run away without trying. Always do your best and don't make any excuses afterword. Never forget that there are so many people around you who couldn't have even a single chance.
Second, don't be afraid of your failure. There is no perfect satisfaction, nor is there 100% success in this world. That is very true to anyone on the same stage.
It's possible even for professionals to whine sometimes feeling small. (I think it should be covered somehow though.) But they never run away. nor do they make any excuses afterword. You seem complaining often but handling your hard days honestly at the same time. You whine often but you've never made excuses afterword as long as I know.
You look lonely in foreign country and it'll make you feel mentally and economically handicapped. But no conditions will make your excuses, nor do they need your excuses in the professional fields. Being tough isn't talking (behaving/fighting) like boys. You need to be tough girl to make things work out. Meanwhile, you need to smile sometimes to be loved.
That's the way and it's nearly same in any other fields of our lives.
Well the thing is, I'm just another fucking dumbshit loser of 2sh habitants and I'm just bored enough to bother to type down a chunk of 2cents-like delusional noise (yeah as I already told you, this is fucking noise, so ignore me as I TOLD you) in hope of your UNEXPECTED reply like, "oh dear thanks I appreciate your advise I know you're not the same as the other bunch of lame 2chers you are the exception!" Yes you're right, cuz I'm Japanese and Japanese are just as nice as me in general, prolly those mean pricks here can't be of the same nationality as nice guys like me u know???
So why you're excessively sensitive to the word "noise" "Japanese" and "nationality"?
To ignore is different from to let things go past. If you wanna do it correctly, you have to lead them to tell what they really want. Then you can find how to treat them.
Sorry for having cussed you. I didn't know you were THAAAT FREEEAKIN' AGED. And I must admit, you look very young. Both inside and outside of you, in fact. As if you had been frozen for like 10 years and just become awake. As if your last 10 years had had you learn nothing worth for your life. Keep staying awake on your life. And grow up. That's what you need to do first from now on.