アジア以外では珍しい歌手のカバーfromメヒコ Luna Llena (Acústico), Mariana Ochoa desde el Sheraton 絢香 - 三日月 http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=o-bvYzXhMus なお、コメント欄は荒れてる模様メヒコの恥、ちゃんと日本の絢香のカバーだと言えとか 現地では売れてる歌手なのかな?
>>969 as for the name, if you don't put anything in the name field, your name will automatically be "名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。". i have no clue what's up with the "お腹いっぱい" ("i'm stuffed") part though.
or, are you asking why most people don't put their name? if so, it would be a tough question... you might have to try to explain weird Japanese culture and such... but basically, people would think who you are is useless information if you are not a special person, i guess. and, himeka, you should put your name cause you're a special one :)
as >>977 and >>984 said, i also suggest you to use the tripcode function to identify yourself on 2ch. it's simple: 1) put "yourname#yourpassword" in the name field. 2) it'll turn into "yourname◆randomcharacters" on the thread. 3) write down the "yourname◆randomcharacters" on your site. 4) done. and don't tell anyone your password. for more information: Tripcode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tripcode