>>900 Do not you know any emulators?
emulator is a kind of gaming software
>>899 でスキャンしたら2chブラウザJaneのdatがウイルス感染していた
>>901 ボケ エミュレーターくらい知ってるわい。
>>903 でもmagiがromって書いてるじゃん
|┃三 ,ィ, (fー--─‐- 、、
|┃. ,イ/〃 ヾ= 、
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|┃ ト.l ヽ l
ガラッ.|┃ 、ゝ丶 ,..ィ从 |
|┃ \`.、_ _,. _彡'ノリ__,.ゝ、 | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|┃三 `ゞf‐>n;ハ二r^ァnj< y=レヽ < 話は聞かせてもらったぞ!
|┃. |fjl、 ` ̄リj^ヾ)  ̄´ ノ レ リ | 中国は崩壊する!
|┃三 ヾl.`ー- べl,- ` ー-‐' ,ン \____________
|┃ l r─‐-、 /:|
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y80XUFMJOQ |┃三 ト、 `二¨´ ,.イ |
|┃ _亅::ヽ、 ./ i :ト、
|┃ -‐''「 F′:: `:ー '´ ,.' フ >ー、
|┃ ト、ヾ;、..__ , '_,./ /l
>>891 I thought women have more tolerance of seeing blood.
Because they cook everyday. They also have periods.
I have never seen real blood for years. And I don't want to.
We kind of ease our biological urges for hunting by playing
video games. Thanks to the technologies.
I really hate disinfecting the computer though, so I just don't take many
risks these days. I have a couple roms that I still play. I might check
that website out later.
>>905 I can't use it on this computer.
>>909 It's not so much the blood that bothers me as the thought of mortality.
>>912 これは、ファミリーコンピュータです。
>>914 ファミリーコンピューターのzipじゃなくて jane doe styleのzipの事です
>>914 The only meaning of the Japanese word ファミリーコンピュータ is NES
or Nintendo Entertainment System.
誰かjane doe styleがIEよりも快適だという事をmagiに教えてやってくれ
>>914 >私のラップトップには、インターネット接続がありません。
Jane Doe won't make any difference if this is the only thread Magibon posts.
921 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/02/07(水) 23:08:19 ID:aK+yr9rAO
>>914 With which computer do you access to the Internet?
Which OS do you use?
>>921 おおお久しぶり。
927 :
802:2007/02/08(木) 02:43:24 ID:???0
>>891 Yes, I'm originally from Japan. But the funny thing is I feel myself becoming more like americans everyday.
Now I feel love for both countries from my heart.
About the trailers, hey, if you don't watch them, it's not fun, Magi!!
No, J/K, www.
The most annoying parts are still hidden from viewers in those videos, but I sure understand you.
Playing those games could haunt you for a week (might be in a good way).
Answering your questions, I'm usually not fascinated by pointless violent or scary games, but with that series, I liked the stories.
I once joined a fan forum of Silent Hill which was in English and had fans from over the world.
Many of them were not even serious gamers, and many of them were girls like you (yay!),
Ahem... I mean those stories touch players' heart through various audiences, I guess.
Also, from a philosophically stand point, it's interesting to see an art form that's been concentrated
with the negative aspect of things (arrghh, my poor vocabulary).
You see, the creators of the games try to scare us and bring in a lot of negative images that people usually try to ignore in their daily lives.
The best example is that the musician named Yamaoka who wrote all the songs and soundtracks said even he has tough time listening through all the soundtracks he made.
But, the truth is our lives are not only full of fun and positive things.
Death is one thing.
Are you a religious person, Magi?
I'm not, but I'm very interested in religions.
I believe that every religion has the concept of good and bad, holy and evil.
If we have a birth, we also have a death. I guess we've got to face both of them one way or the other.
I still don't have answer how to face death though.
Wait..., am I drifting a lot? www
Anyways, those games make me think what I usually try to ignore.
Good literatures also do the same effects on us. You might have not chosen to read those gloomy books,
but you probably understand what I mean.
>>922 I think it's Windows XP.
>>927 What do you love about America? I'm curious, as an American. ^_^
I do agree that our lives should have a balance, and I know what you are
trying to say. Also, it's true that art should have a quality of arousing
certain feelings in humans, and each feeling is as legitimate as another.
After that, it's all to to personal taste as to which kinds of movies, music,
and games we like. Actually, I get anxiety sometimes, so I partially steer
clear of disturbing passtimes to avoid that stress.
I am not a member of any church or religious organization. I do think about
life and death and spirituality, though. So, I don't know if you'd say I'm a
religious person.
Actually, if you think about it in terms of balance... maybe we should mostly
think about life while we are alive, and worry about death later? ^_~
Could you elope with me?
931 :
802:2007/02/08(木) 05:55:05 ID:???0
>What do you love about America?
Well, the country of US and the people have some great qualities, and I think Americans recognize most of them already
and are proud of them.
I especially like the spirit of people trying to get involved and making it better in the society.
But, what I was trying to tell above was more like the love toward your hometown.
I actually hated some of the cultural differences first, and I think that that happens most of the people who try to adopt into a new society.
When I hear complains from foreigners who are living in Japan and struggling a bit, I mostly understand how they feel.
However, once you get passed that phase and get comfortable, you start to grow some love for the place.
About the religious thoughts. I saw you talk about the Japan's suicide situations and US's too much materialism before.
It's unfortunate for people to not be able to think beyond this life and be occupied by their stresses or their financial concerns everyday.
Some of the religions consider this life exists right between heaven and hell and to be our "test field" that should decide whether we go to
heaven or hell afterlife, and I'm taking that idea in for now.
At the same time, I believe that it's natural for people to want happy lives (duh myself). I don't know if that proves that
this life is closer to heaven more than to hell.
Ahh, I'm getting even more random on my thoughts now. www
Well, I found you a very funny girl, Margaret. You can be my sister anytime. www
<Huge hug>
933 :
802:2007/02/08(木) 06:12:26 ID:???0
>>924 有難う元気です。
>>936 なぜか宗教の話する長文君のせいです。
>>935 いやいや日本語もおkですよ
>>948 ウォークマンの時代だったら良かったのかな?