I think i'm gonna make one of these too haha
AmerikaJinMusume (3 hours ago)
OMG you're the cutest thing EVER!!
Your japanese is so good and cute!
no For study
yes For money
I hate discriminating.
However, Korean people is bad people.
You may not answer.
Please take care about Korean people.
Magibon, may I ask them to create your Ascii Art at the AA board?
magibon is pasta
I am the pasta.
Is the above sentence correct?
Please teach me, Magi.
>>871 What kind of art is it...? Good, or bad?
>>875 I am the pasta. = 私はパスタです。
878 :
873:2007/01/25(木) 12:33:52 ID:???0
>>877 It's a picture drawn with characters and symbols as you know.
He wants Ascii Art artists to create a likeness or something like that of you.
Of course, good looking one.
Hi, Magi!
Do you live in West coast or Hawaii?
Be careful,we all 2channelers are the spoilers. m9(^o^)
I also ate pasta now.
883 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/01/25(木) 12:57:08 ID:JWz7QFUo0
I like mentaiko pasta
Nobody has answered my question posted on the English board
because you haven't come there for over 1 month.
I'll ask you the same question here. Please teach me, Magibon.
Is this sentence correct?
The building is located at 2km off of the Tokyo station.
Should I say like this.
The building is located at 2km away from the Tokyo station.
>>884 They both sound good! I think I like the first one better.
This building is location 2km away from the Tokyo Station.
I would probably word it that way if I were just speaking naturally.
Sorry! I meant to type "located" instead of "location."
I'm really sorry if that messed you up!
>>886 Thank you.
You're always the best answerer.
"The building" instead of "this," since that's what you meant to say.
Ok, I'm stopping now. ^^'
>>887 >>889 Don't worry about it.
I already got it.
hurry up
new vblog
i want pasta picture
Magi,do you think about it?
I think her Japanese is okay, but it sounded like she practiced her jikoshoukai a lot...
it sounded sorta rushed...
I am cuckold
Hot Magibon
>>880 Oh, I missed it, sorry. If it's nothing bad, it's ok.
>>892 I haven't seen it. If it's bad Japanese, please don't ask me to watch,
because I might get messed up. '-.-
>>871 けなしたり変なやつじゃなければ、作ってもらってもいいんだって。
Magi, you are a wise person. (^o^)
but, you dont have to supply answers to all question.
in 2ch スルーしる! through shiru!
>>894 She never write that kinda comment.
It is fake.
892 want to see girl fight. Thats all.
>>897 I wrote it, but I didn't mean it in a negative way.
I don't know what video was being talked about. If it has incorrect
Japanese, I might learn the wrong thing. You know?
>>898 The pronunciation of the foreign language is difficult.
Nobody can speak first. We welcome your speaking Japanese.
In addition, we are looking forward to the brush improvement to your Japanese.
Magibon is trolled.
903 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/01/25(木) 18:52:01 ID:YNBeaZH10
904 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/01/25(木) 19:50:08 ID:Gcs3rVFO0
Magibon is trolled by me.
>>907 俺はmagibonのおっぱいから出したミルクを入れたミルクティが好き
912 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/01/26(金) 00:56:07 ID:DlKdHFHL0
913 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/01/26(金) 01:01:50 ID:DlKdHFHL0