951 :
950:2006/11/21(火) 08:28:51 ID:???0
>>948 I was lucky enough to get my hands on a PS3. I have been playing it all
the time. It's so addictive.
People were fighting over them when they went on sale here. I don't remember
if it was Nintendo Wii but I heard there was even a shooting incident at a
waiting line in the US(?) I hope nobody was hurt.
Do you play computer games?
(Not so much, I guess)
>>950 NP. ^_^
>>951 Thanks a lot!
>>952 Wow! I've heard a lot about the PS3. It's waaaay too expensive for me!
I saw some videos about it online, and it looks really high tech. That's
so cool that you got one. ^__^
I also heard that because there is a limited number being sold at first,
people are buying them and selling on eBay for a big profit. The shooting
was over a PS3. Two men with guns tried to mug someone who had
just bought one. The man wouldn't give it to them and was shot, but he
is doing well. Actually, people are angry at manufacturers and retailers
for causing all of this commotion, because it's very dangerous and greedy.
Actually, I love games, but I don't have many. We have older video game
systems, like N64 and Gamecube, and I think an original Nintendo and
Sega Genesis somewhere around here. I don't get games much, because
they're expensive, and renting is no good for today's long games.
Haha, I really got talking. Sorry! ^_^'
Oh lovely!
Please hold me tight, cake can said.
>>953 Please don't be!
You are always welcomed here =)
It is true some people are buying up the PS3 just to resell.
http://search.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/search/auc?p=PS3&auccat=0&alocale=0jp&acc=jp Most of those are well above the sticker prices.
There are number of dedicated threads where people report those scams and attack
them by bidding 999 million yen and not buying it, just to close sales.
By the way, the legendary Nintendo Entertainment System was known as "Famicom"
in Japan. It stands for Family Computer because it brings folks together in the
family room. Very Japanese-English eh?
>>960 Yes, very. I remember hearing that name somewhere.
How can you write "Famicom" in Japanese? There's no
syllable for an "m" by iteself, is there? Does it look like
>>961 You are right.
Actually I was torn between "Famicom" and "Famicon" when I wrote
Famicom just seemed to make more sense in that context.
In native Japanese it was called ファミリーコンピュータ or ファミコン in short.
So "Famicon" would be more accurate word for the NES. Sorry!
Though there is no syllable for an "m", ム(mu) can be used when it appears
at the end of a word. For example, Eminem is known as エミネム here.
The NES would have been spelled ファミコム if it really were Famicom.
>>962 Naru hodo. ^__^
Nice pointing out, magi.
And you! Welcome to this thread!
>>960>>962 Naru heso ^_^
Have a good evening!
>>966 lol.Please dont drink.lol
comedian Magibon
You has a full bustXD
That's a big ketchup bottle! Or it may be your hand that is small.
I don't think any non-Japanese user will understand what this video
is about though. Do they sell Kikkoman in Pennsylvania too?
Thanks for the video. You are cute as always!
>>967 Now I know. XD
>>973 Yes, I think Kikkoman is the most popular brand! We actually use it
for cooking a lot. Thanks for the link. ^_^
>>974 BTW,soy sauce"SHOYU" in Japanese.The pronunciation looks like show you.
>>975 Yeah, I think that song is very interesting, the way it mixes Japanese
and English. Very cool. ^__^
>>976 Please learn more Japanese and come to Japan.
You are looks that accept easily to the Japanese though you are a foreigner.
Your style is also good.
You are surely popular when coming to Japan.
hmm magibon kawaii so cute..xD
>>977 Trust me, it's my dream to visit Japan. I've loved Japan for so long now.
It makes me feel very good that you think I'd be relatively accepted.
Thank you for that comment.
>>978 Haha, thanks. ^_^'
"fukudome"(japanese surname)looks like
fuck do meXD
981 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2006/11/23(木) 00:26:10 ID:nmdGonOD0
982 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2006/11/23(木) 00:49:32 ID:tKWrw2PM0
Oh my god.... Magibon, I came to here!
and.... good night. ^^; a devoted fan, oooooooooooo
Magibon, have you ever been talked by a stranger who recognized you
as MRirian on the street? It says nearly 40,000 people have read your profile.
You must be getting popular in your home town too.
How about your friends? Do they know that you are a YouTube celeb?
>>982 Haha, hey. ^_~
Good night.
>>983 As far as I know, no one in my town knows I have videos on YouTube.
That even includes my family. I've mentioned it casually to my mom,
but she hasn't seen them. I've never had a stranger recognize me.
Is 40,000 really a lot?
Yes, It's a very good video.
Thank you. I love it.
I think it is quite an accomplishment to get 40K channel views on YouTube.
You should be proud of it.
Too bad you are not noticed there. But I also have a feeling that you may not
want to be that popular either.
#If I had my videos on YouTube I wouldn't tell my mom about it!
やっていませんというしかなかった。 信じられないことにその場で担任は俺の母親を電話で
押し付け・・・) 母は俺よりも担任の言うことを信じ、「謝りなさい!隠してるパンツを早く
>>989 KG最低disgusting. KG put on and hide it. He is clever and filthy hentai.
I'm relieved you all seem to like the video. Every time I make one, I
worry that it is bad.
>>986 私はそれを吐き出しました!それは嫌でした!
>>988 I mention it sometimes because I don't want it to be like I'm hiding it.
But, I don't make a big deal about it.
>>989 そうですか?
Thank you very much for telling me what you thought about the video,
everyone. I want to put together another Nothingness, but there is a
clip that I can't decide if I want to use.
hey magibon
We have thanks giving tommorow don't we? r ur family gonna
make some? I'm gonna eat KFC. Hippy might be mad lol
>>991 Believe me, we will love your new Nothingness video including the clip you seem
to be worried. And you can replace the video later if you really want, you know.
>>992 It's Thanksgiving Day here as well.
We have one or two holidays almost every month. Instead, you can't really
take days off when you want. Legally you have a right to do so but in reality
you can't. So everybody goes to the Tokyo Disneyland on the same days.
It's one of the things this country needs to be improved.
>>992 Of course my family's having Thanksgiving dinner! ^__^
KFC? You can't have fried chicken on Thanksgiving!!!
>>993 Thanks. I think I won't use that clip though. Maybe some other time.
But, the Nothingness will be boring. I'll have to do another clip or two,
I think.
On Dramas, they often show characters taking the day off from the
office. But, I only notice this with females. Also, the females often
leave work early and such, while males stay late a lot and even sleep
in the office sometimes. Is that how it is in reality, or just how they
make it look on TV?
It is that Magibon is terrible and wonderful reply to writing in Japanese in Japanese.
>>994 Yes it's real.
Companies know those office ladies (another Japanese-English) will leave
the company sooner or later when they get married. So the companies don't
usually put them into the main career track in the first place.
Some say this is a gender discrimination, but it gives females freedom
from the office.
On the other hand, males work hard to demonstrate loyalty to the company
to attain promotion. As a result, they earn more wages and less lives.
I don't know which life is happier.
Wouldn't it depend on if you loved your job? I want to devote myself
to my work someday, but I think it is wrong to do that if it costs you
your happiness. If you have children, I also think it is important to be
there for them, but also to set a good example as a hard worker. So, I
guess a balance is necessary?