>>41 >>50 Sorry for being on at a weird time. Our time zones are very different... >>42 How does pizza mean fat guy?? >>44 Ewww! Is that Japanese pizza? >>45 The weather here is a little chilly. It seems Summer is over. :(
>>61 Well, the weather does weird things in Pennsylvania. It might get hot again in a couple weeks. Trust me, the weather is easier in Japan than in PA. >>62 Beatles. ^_^ >>65 Wow! I've never seen anything like it! I like plain cheese. ^_~ >>66 American fat comes from almost every food we have now. >.<
The climate ..change.. .... meant ah and Pennsylvania incidently ..you.. well. And, I said at that time that I would ruin the belly me in the climate. XD
Are there what famous place and a famous person in Pennsylvania?I know only the name of a place named Philadelphia. It is not from what kind of hoe that cares about the place.
>>69 I laughed out loud at that video. XD I love both! I think I am more like a cat, so I get along with cats well. But, dogs can be so happy and loving that I like them too. ^_^ >>70 Pennsylvania also has Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Allentown, as well as Lake Erie. Most of the state is rural areas.
The USA has a lot of history in Pennsylvania. Many important historical documents, including The Declaration of Independence, were written here. The Battle of Gettysburg took place here. Philadelphia used to be the capital of the United States before Washington D.C. ^_^ Pennsylvania is home to Heinz Ketchup, Hershey Chocolate, and Harley Davidson Motorcylces. Some famous people from Pennsylvania (alive and dead) are Kobe Bryant, Bill Cosby, Kevin Bacon, Louisa May Alcott, Seth Green, Christine Taylor, Christina Aguilera, Boyz II Men, Will Smith, Pink, Benjamin Franklin, and Daniel Boone. There are more people listed here: ^_^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_from_Pennsylvania >>72 Awww, that is SOOO cute! ^___^ Thanks for sharing that!
I would like to tell you about where I live, but for safety reasons I probably shouldn't. You never know what kind of people are around... I really want to travel and see other places though. ^_^
>>76 I also think Pennsylvania is great. ^_^ We do get floods, and also tornados. I don't know if the killer bees and termites are a big problem though. >>78 Bye, sleep well.
what's up Magi? you like watching games on TV or @studium,aren't you? I often go to the studium to watch a baseball game. I like "Hirosima Toyo Carp"is Japanese professional baseball team. cheering carp is special and very hard. Incidentally,every team has special cheering. and I found videoes cheering of carp. I introduce the videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcYLwzHWSA4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he5CsFQNaz0
>>95 Haha, that looks like fun! A lot of fun! >>96 : ( Well, please stop in when you can. You can also leave me a message on YouTube. ^_^ >>97 Cool. : ) >>98 To relieve itching? Are people itchy for some reason?
I hered kissing is just greeting to say Hello. Men kiss each other instead of Hell in America? Just like French? So family member often kiss each other? In case I meet you somewhere, I must kiss You? Otherwise is it inpolite?
>>100 Summer Vacation is also finished in the States. How long does it last in Japan? Three months? >>101 No, not at all. People rarely kiss like that in the US, and only gay men kiss other men. In some social groups, people may kiss girls on the cheek as a greeting, but it isn't very common.
Sorry, I'm watching a "dorama," so it may take me awhile to reply. ^_^
>>103 Capitalists? Like business people, or...? They don't work? >>104 I see. Three months always seemed too short for me. >.< Do you get another break in Winter? >>105 It was nice talking to you. See you later. ^_~
日本で最も有名な仮装コンテストの番組で、私が最も感動した仮装。 It is television of the disguise contest that is the most famous in Japan where I was impressed by most, and it is disguise by a program. It is introduced as "Matrix pingpong" in youtube.
>>108 I don't understand what they're talking about with all those letters and numbers? :( >>109 I've been getting into a Japanese drama called Hana Yori Dango. Have you heard of it? It's great so far, I really love it. ^___^ >>110 What the heck? XD Haha, that's pretty cute and interesing. Thank you for the link.^_~ I'll read about setsubun now, because I have never heard of it. >>111 I think that it is very creative. It reminds me of this: ^__^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7uSkAXrOvY
>>113 I smile when I look people in the eye, as do most people here. No one teaches us to, and it's not just girls. It's just nice to smile at people and nod or say Hello. Isn't it the same way there? >>114 I'll have to think about that. >>115 Ah. Thanks for the explanation. >>117 I also played it as a kid.^_^ I think it was just a performance those students put on. We don't really have festivals like in Japan. It would be nice if we did.
なんか高校生が自分以外にもいるみたいですね。 I am relieved that there were some high school student except me. あとお腹痛い。多分2日間放置してたウーロン茶飲んだからだと思われ。 I have stomachache, perhaps on account of I had had oo-rong tea which has been left for two days.
Thank you for introducing Jdrama " hana yori dango" and "1 litre no namida". I have not watched Jdrama these days. I have rent these videos and saw them. I think they are quite good ones. Please introduce your favorite J or US dramas what ever When coming to mind.
Personal Question: You might pass them for any reasons,as a matter of course
1 your favorite color 2 your favorite food 3 your favorite flower 4 your favorite saying 5 your favorite Star(J&US movie, drama, singer, artist and so on) 6 your favorite type of boy, looking, personality what ever 7 how do you want to establish yourself, going to make Carrier or dont know yet? (I always get confused to listen words of carrier and korea) 8 Not personal one, As for Pennsylvania origin of a word, Being related to independence declaration? so that Pen is stronger than Sword, Pennsylvania would be stronger than Pentagon.
>>125 砂糖入りのウーロン茶のんでみたら。 You should had had oo-rong tea contains sugar. 砂糖とか塩が入ってるのは腐りにくいって言うし。 It is said that bevarage contains sugar or salt are not easy to rotten.
>>109 >>112 Of course I know HANA YORI DANGO. Original manga of it is very very famous in Japan. The manga sells more than Part 48000000. Do you know that 2nd season is broadcasted next year?
>>121 Yes, the live action drama! It's terrific! >>125 : ( I'm sorry your stomach hurts. I hope you feel better soon. >>126 You're welcome. If I find another one I really love, I'll post it here. >>128 Heh. Japanese sho biz? : P 1. I love all colors, but my favorite might be pink. 2. I like chicken and pizza. 3. I think that might be a lily. 4. I don't really have a favorite saying. I like quotations a lot though. 5. Ayaka Komatsu!!! 6. Someone who is smart and true to himself. 7. I don't know what I want to do with my life. I just want to do something good for people. 8. Hah. Many puns. ^_^ Actually, Pennsylvania is named after William Penn. The word "Pentagon" comes from the Greek "pente" which means 5, because the Pentagon has 5 sides. The word "pen" comes from the Latin word "penna" which means "feather," and the first pens were feathers. So, they are really unrelated in meaning. Words are fun. ^__^ >>131 Yes, I read that! I'm already excited! ^__^ >>132 Hi.^_^ I hope you make the most of this weekend! Cute puns, too. ^_^
Is the title attached to the drama? Or, as for Magibon, can Japanese be caught? It is very glad all over the world that the one of Japan is seen. The drama however ..me.. is not read including MANGA. If I was SYOUJO MANGA "TOKIMEKI TONIGHT", it borrowed from the elder sister and I was reading. I remember it was very interesting. Perhaps, I think that Magi is MANGA doesn't know.
I have seen your video. Your rooms looks tidy. You watch Japanese drama, and what do you think of Japanese rooms. I think Japanese rooms get mess, put many things outside, and easy to catch dust.
Ohayo, Magibon, Do you know ZYX? (a former Yagu's group with H!P kids) I like this song and Yagu in this video very much.^^ ZYX - Shiroi Tokyo(Sub) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-35t0oR9Hs
How do you feel about it? Season has changed to fall here.
Yes, I am. I am a silly boy. Please laugh at me. I am going to die soon. I fall in love with a girl who me should not. Do I tell her this or keep in my mind? Give me a good suggestion.
>>136 I have never heard of "Tokemeki Tonight." Is it very popular? >>137 I'm glad you're feeling better. ^_^ Yes, that is the correct etymology. Isn't it like words are history and other cultures all around us? I really like words for some reason... : P >>138 Well, I know that rooms on TV aren't always like rooms in real life. Most of the rooms in the Japanese dramas seem very clean. You think they're dirty? I have to try not to let dust build up, because I'm very allergic to it. : ( >>139 I knew about the group, but I never listened to the songs or watched the videos. I see I've been missing out, because that was cool. I really like the feel of the video and the sparkles. ^_^ >>140 You're going to die soon???
At that time, it was a popular considerably work. Because ten years or more are the previous works even if it is said at that time, does not a young person know even the Japanese?
When it is a brief description Fantasy love comedy that drew Oocamionna with vampire centering on love by girl of parents field and man boundary.
>>141 u are seorious boreing.こいつの返しマジ下らねーwwww we never mind your vampire's fang.we always mind your long mandible like monster. are you ANTONIO INOKI?of course you've already kwown it, haven't you?
>>144 Hi. ^_^ I like the woman who owns the store Tsukushi works at, and Jun Matsumoto, because they are the funniest. Her family is also funny. ^__^ I was surprised that Matsumoto is such a good actor. I am looking forward to the second season. ^_^
Since people are speaking English here, can someone please tell me why KGKGKG is so disliked? I'm just wondering...
>>146 He is true idiot. Because he is always selfish in such a public domain. On the youtube,he always notice about prety young girl in foreign country like you. Blaming about it,he must do self-justification with using 2ch's anonymity. I concisely told only the fact.
I just wanted to make sure he wasn't a criminal or anything. KGKGKG has always been nice to me, so I was wondering why other people didnt' like him. I can see there is not a good reason, so my opinion of him is still ok.
He is true idiot. Because he is always selfish in such a public domain. On the youtube,he always notice about prety young girl in foreign country like you. Blaming about it,he must do self-justification with using 2ch's anonymity. I concisely told only the fact.
He is true idiot. Because he is always selfish in such a public domain. On the youtube,he always notice about prety young girl in foreign country like you. Blaming about it,he must do self-justification with using 2ch's anonymity. I concisely told only the fact.
He is true idiot. Because he is always selfish in such a public domain. On the youtube,he always notice about prety young girl in foreign country like you. Blaming about it,he must do self-justification with using 2ch's anonymity. I concisely told only the fact.
He is true idiot. Because he is always selfish in such a public domain. On the youtube,he always notice about prety young girl in foreign country like you. Blaming about it,he must do self-justification with using 2ch's anonymity. I concisely told only the fact.
He is true idiot. Because he is always selfish in such a public domain. On the youtube,he always notice about prety young girl in foreign country like you. Blaming about it,he must do self-justification with using 2ch's anonymity. I concisely told only the fact.
KG uses 4 PCs, and act 4 personallties. KG is a good person Using handle name KGKGKG and very kind to girls. but using annonymous system, KG becomes opposite nasty charactors at same time, and bring toumoil and turburance here. That is why quite some people dislike him.
>>154 Because he only want to be liked by you.He often blamed 2ch's user time and time again. So we don't have reason to be friendry for him at all. we don't care separately whether you like or dislike him:) I just told you for your question.
>>154 No, he is not criminal or anything. But there are reasons for him to be disliked. Let me explain.
There is a common but unwritten rule for fan sites or fan threads in general. That is, "Nobody tries to get closer to the idol in the audience of other fans". Some people think his attitude kind of broke the rule.
It is also said he has a tendency to leave childish comments on random YouTube girls he likes.
Well, I don't expect you to understand. After all, The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. Welcome to the dark side of Japanese culture.
To Magibon Thogh I do not want to write person's abuse so much,when either is said, I do not like him. For me, anti KG idea might be the following reasons.
The Internet is anonymity. He has the doubt of making and playing it for him by oneself. The person who makes and plays it by oneself is disliked. Moreover, his comment is unpleasant for the same sex. It is felt that the secret desire appears plainly. For instance, so as not to have actually met,he says, "Please marry". Moreover, he was rash to say so only to many foreigner's lovely girls. Such a person very gets disliked in the real of Japan as well.
There might be "ARASHI" to enjoy the reaction of KG in the inside, too.
"After all, The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. Welcome to the dark side of Japanese culture. "
Yes, I have read that quotation before.
I hope you all won't doubt my integrity. I believe everyone deserves respect, you know? So, I have no reason to ignore or be rude to someone who is being nice to me. But, I am not "closer" to KGKGKG than I am to anyone else here.
As a side note, I am not easily fooled, either. ^_^
Something I would like Japanese people to consider, is that people aren't nails. Please think about this.
>>107 Winter vacation is two weeks in high school and junior high school. in college,it is about one or two months.my University has a week. Spring vacation is about 2 weeks..in college ...about a month! So every year,vacation is 2 and half months or 4 months. My corporation give us summer vacation 4days and winter vacation 5days. But to dissapointing it is not continuation X(
>>188 I have heard that Japanese high school is extremely hard, and Japanese college is extremely easy. Japanese students come to college in the US because they say they can study more seriously here. Do you mean you lost your job?? What happened? :(
No,I'm sorry my poor English. For example,08/02,08/05,08/13,08/24 are summer vacation. I can't get continuation summer vacation. 1. In Japanese college,you can study very hard,and you can choice not to study hard. I think a person who can study seriously in American college can study seriously in Japanese college, and a person who cannot study seriously in Japanese college cannot study seriously in American college. 2. Japanese students in the US spend a lot of money,it bring motivation to study seriously them.
>>192 Japanese study hard bofore entering college, enjoy college life and study hard after college. American enjoy high school life, and study hard in college and enjoy life after college. Japanese Life time study san is longer than American. We have many book stores and publish a lot of books in Japan than anywhere else.
You say, >Japanese students come to college in the US because they say they can study more seriously here.
I think those kind of serious Japanese students are not many. Most of them could not enter college in Japan, and no way to come to America, most of them play around and come back.
The nail thing is true in real life but it's not as obvious as you see here. The total anonymity makes 2 channel one of the dirtiest place in Japan. You must have seen it. (and will continue to see it I'm afraid to say)
How can you be so nice enough to stay with us after seeing all this? As far as I know, you are the first foreign girl who stayed longer than 5 minutes on 2 channel.
So what I can tell is that the Japanese students who come here for college aren't honest about their reasons. They all say it is because they can study more seriously here, but they must be saying that just to sound good.
>>197 I am still here because I don't let rude people cause me to stop talking to pleasant people. Also, I am not shocked by dirty talk. It is only words. When people talk like that, it only shows that they are weak in one way or another. I don't get mad at them. I feel sorry for them.
So,Magibon san.Please teach me the celebrity of your favorite man. A certain person depended me when it wanted you to hear that.. Even if you do not sleep, are you OK?We worry about your health. Best regards.
I watched for Hello! Morning TV show. Yagu has coming back to H!M show today since she left the group last year. A Program contains about Nono-Yagu Hawaii tour with their live. So I'm gonna looking for something about that. Sleep well and fix your body clock, Magibon. See you soon!^^
>>202 I don't have a favorite male celebrity. I'm sorry. : ( And, I will be going to bed after this post. : ) >>203 I really like Yaguchi a lot. She is small in form, but has a giant personality. She can be polite and soft spoken, and she can also speak up loudly. ^_^ Nice talking to you, and good night!
Magibon. Now ,this thread is thrown into confusion. yes, it is in chaos. But, listen to me. Most of us are definitely on your side. Because we were all fascinated by your personarity and have already learned so much about you. I know you are good at deep conversasion, and you are not good at singing a song though you like it. I also know that you like smart and well trained men better than so called nice guys, a rural area of a certain country more than civilized cities, You prefer lilies to roses , pinkish colors to the other ones, though you love every flower and color as well as you love every soul of every person.
Anyway, I still want to talk with you. So, please come back here everyday when the sun rises in japan .
Good morning. : ) >>212 It looks a little scary. But, the song and the imagery was good. Is it a scary show? >>247 I wasn't able to use the computer earlier today, but it didn't have anything to do with you guys. Thank you for that post, it was really nice of you. ^_^
>>252 Hi. My allergies are bothering me a bit, but I'm ok. Just sneezing. XD >>253 Yes, Summer is over. There is a pretty Brilliant Green song called "Summer Is Over." ^__^ I am almost 5'1 tall. XD
Ok, I'm going for a walk now. I'll be back later. : )
Good morning Magibon. >>212 is a murder mystery drama "ケイゾク”. It was broadcasted in 1998〜1999. And its movie version was also made. I've watched them too. A women ,who is fresh from the Tokyo University, becomes a detective , and solves various kind of problems. "ケイゾク=keizoku" It means continuation. It may come from "now continuously investigating".
>>255 Sounds interesting. Maybe I will try to find it for download. Is there good acting in it? >>256 Yes, I am very small compared to most American girls. I really look tall in my videos? Cool. ^_^ >>257 Are they really shorter than I am? XD
>>262 I never heard of "Hitomi," but I really, really like J&M. I never heard that song before, so thanks for the link. I really like the song Daydream." Now let's see if I can get into Hitomi. ^_^ >>264 Then it's all lies!! *o* XD
I couldn't sleep, so I decided to stay up for awhile and maybe take a nap later. ^_^ >>274 Interesting... >>275 I like lots of older music. : ) >>276 "Can" is up to you, and "may" is up to me. If you say "Can I" you are asking if you have the ability, whereas saying "May I" is asking for my permission. But, we use "can" the same as "may" a lot these days. "Shall I" is more like asking me if it's a good idea, or looking for me to agree with you. We don't say shall very much at all here, but it is still said in England, I think. They are similar words and you can pretty much use them in place of each other, but those are just the subtle, technical differences.
I'd like to ask you a question. What do you think about wearings of American people? It is often said that wherever they might go Americans are identifiable from their appearences. They are always wearing flushy T-shirt, short pants, bulky sneakers and backpacks. Why do they looks the same way?
>Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. >It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth >as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part >of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something >out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it. (quot. Joss Whedon)
Wow, are you all right? magi?
I watched that Joss Whedon's video. And this above sentences especially are very interesting to me. So ,let me ask you something. what kind of neccessity do you have or feel in America ? What kind of problem do you have in America as a matter of equality? please answer it whenever you like.
>>281 I'm not sure if I've ever listened to those bands. Wat are their famous songs? >>284 That's just one style. Not all Americans dress like that. ^_^ >>285 I feel like people assume I am weak and stupid before they really know anything about me. I also feel like everyone wants girls to be either extremely modest, or totally wild. I feel like I'm expected to be more of a stereotype than a person. This is the same all over the world though, right?
>>287 >I feel like people assume I am weak and stupid before they really know >anything about me. I have never been a girl myself so I never know but I think you are a little paranoid. Today, only few men see women that way. They just want to be nice to you.
I have a simple question. May I ask? I encountered your first writing in http://pc7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/streaming/1155255256/ thread. How did you know this thread? did anyone(japanese?) teach you this thread? and do you communicate Miss.Sammi now?
If someone taught you this BBS, I want to appreciate him(her). because we(include this user) met through this thread. if you are OK, Let's keep in touch.
>>290 Well, I have heard of them, but I don't know if I have heard their songs. I probably have, but didn't know the name of the band. >>291 It's not the same thing. :S >>292 You can see all the places that link to a video, under where the video plays. ^_^
to Magibon Hi today is a good chance. I introduce one of the most famous and popular groups in Japan "Mr children" to you. Superior musician should have 3 points, good lyrics, good music and nice voice. They have all of them, I think. I tried translating one of their songs by myself . It's my free translation. It may contain any mistakes, pardon me. It was hard exercise for me, but interesting. I used dictionary, and computer. It's a good way to learn another languages.
"Sign" by Mr children
I wish my heart reached you. I'm playing music now where you don't know. I catch up two feelings like drooped sprout not growing up, and make the harmony.
We pile up the loneliness like the building block, repating "Thank you" and "Sorry".
If we feel commnplace time dearly, you said "Work of the love" and smiled a little. Your gestures, they are sings to me. I won't miss all of them. I think all like that.
Sometimes we abuse each other , and find ourselves immature. It makes us disgusted. But someday, we feel bodytemperature, and show bare warm hearts each other.
It looks alike, but little different, and same fragrance. Not only body, not only heart, I love you.
We swore that even if slight light is on in our hearts ,we should take care of it. Signs from everything I met, I won't miss all of them. Let's get along like so.
Sunbeams shining through branches of trees shoot you and flicker on green road. And I know beauty and cruelty of the time.
We have limited time , so you said " We should love that" and smiled a little. Your gestures , they are signs that make me strong. I won't miss all of them . Let's get along like so. I think all like that.
>>293 >You can see all the places that link to a video, under where the video >plays. ^_^ Interesting.. I didn't know this feature. Thank you for telling us.
hello,Magibon >>293 really?I uploaded my video on youtube:) So could you tell me how to use the function? I want to know the places that link to my video. maybe.....my translation and understanding are error?X(
>>294 Ah, I have heard one song by Mr. Children, but it wasn't that song. I'm beginning to think I could really get into that band. ^_^ >>296 I have probably heard those songs and don't know it. XD >>298 I am trying to make the change. >>306 Ohayo! ^_^ I took a nap and then spent time with my family. I hope you have a great day! ^__^
Hi! Magibon, Many people talking about this girl. As show her clips to Management, contract with her right now...etc. Every her dance is so amazing, how do you feel this Americajin musume? Is there many girls who love H!P dance as professional like her in the states? or she is something special? http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=AmerikaJinMusume
>>310 That girl have to do nothing with the pics. It's typical Japanese writing without theoretical constitution. He just want you to show his favorite video and pics in sequence and ask you comments.
Magibon I learned a lot from you write in English. Before I saw you use "forgot to post" to two posts link together as you write. So I just tried to do same thing. If it makes you feel bad I just say I'm sorry.
>>312 Ah, I get it. Thanks. ^_^ >>313 I thought you meant the pictures had to go with the video. Those pics are from Yaguchi and Nono's recent Hawaii trip, right? They're great. ^_^ I really wish that concert would come out on DVD or something, because they sang some really fun songs. They're my favorites, so I really want to see and hear. ^__^ >>314 Nothing like that, please. Just saying Hi to me on here makes me feel good enough. Thank you for the sweet thought, I just can't say my address. ^_^
>>323 really? u no we most of japanese eat sushi and sukiyaki every day. we often do "harakiri" when we fail. i think it's pretty strange japanese culture. is there anything strange culture in US?
I don't know if this is because of Marcus01's "Shout Outs", but the view count on your profile has jumped up to 6600. I think you will soon be featured in a computer magazine or some sort, because some YouTubers who have similar popularity already have. Will you be bothered by getting popular? I am asking because you don't seem to be a show-off type of person. I am kind of worried.
>>325 I like many Morning Musume songs, but I think my favorite right now is Koko ni Iruzee. I like it because it's about everyone being young at heart. Also, they say "uta wa kokkyou koete, dokomade mo susumu yo," which I think is cool because I'm listeing to it in America. ^_^ >>326 I don't think I will be featured in anything like that. My videos aren't very interesting, because all I do is play with my webcam. ^_^ You are right that I am not much of a show-off, but if people enjoy my silly little videos, that makes me happy. So, I suppose it doesn't matter to me either way. ^__^
I'm going to try to take a nap now. I'll be back to talk later. ^__^
I want to see the street in the town where you live. Please take a movie of the forest, the river, and the street in the region where you live if it is possible. My best regards.
>>318 Let me explain a little bit, Magibon, I wanted to make you click >>309's 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。. Because there is Yagu's AA laughing at you, It's a silly trap. I didn't mean to you have to check her vids before see the pics. It's my fault makes you confuse, I'm so sorry about that. I hope you understand what I really wanted to do.
Yes, pics came from Nono-Yagu Hawaii tour last week. I agree with you that they selected famous party tunes for the set, for everybody have a good time there. I'm not sure it will be released or not now, I will check a information. I heard Nono goes Hawaii again for another fan club tour with Gatas H.P. in Nov. Thanks for a polite answer to me.
>>328 fortunately i'm so rich indeed u no we japanese have much money come to japan soon kick ass japan ya ya i'm proud of japanese culture obviously our culture is something u had better learn about "real" japanese culture i hope
Magi-san, Gooood Morning Musume! I have to go to office, no time to talk, sooory! It is going to rain soon. Rain dorp is over my head though, Be happy then.
It's been rainy here from a tropical storm down south. Isn't it funny how we always seem to have the same weather? XD
I made Chicken Teriyaki for dinner. My family loves it. I keep cooking it, and it gets a little better every time. I really want to bake cookies though...
Good morning ,how are you? You've made teriyaki-chicken for dinner? Really? Wow,sounds great!
>>287 >I feel like people assume I am weak and stupid before they really know >anything about me. I also feel like everyone wants girls to be either >extremely modest, or totally wild. I feel like I'm expected to be more of >a stereotype than a person. >This is the same all over the world though, right?
Yes, I think everyone has his own bios of perception. We all think of someone or something from our own point of view which is depended on imperfect being as a individual and insufficient experiences of life. You might be assumed you are weak and stupid as you say in America, but ,on the other hand ,in Japan some of us could also have had another preconceived idea about you.
Ofcourse, almost every guy on the earth wants girls to be modest, smart, cheaful, healthy, beautiful and sometimes wild as you know. We guys are so fool enough that we usually imagine ideal girls of our own which are mostly effected by the stereotyped images of our generation.
Every person wants to live his/her own worthy life as a individual. But most of us have some difficulties to realize and integrate these wills and wishes as a mail or a femail. Because so many wishes but just two kinds of sex are there . I think this is the same all over the world ,as you said.
I wrote it last night but the atmosphere of this thread was so aweful that i post it now.
ok,I have to go. have a nice dinner ,magi. God bless you!
Ohayo! Magibon Some of famous H!P girls visit Hawaii every year with fans or shooting pics for book making DVD. You gotta chance to meet them if you go to Unv.in Hawaii. There is a H!P goods shop at there I heard. Enjoy your dinner. See you!^^
>>353 Yes, I make it a lot. ^_^ What you say makes a lot of sense. I will ponder it. Thank you for the well-thought-out reply. : ) >>354 Ah, that would be so cool!
By the way,have you ever thought the evil empire once?It's called United States of America. The Japanese TV station broadcasted 911.Of course the Japanese TV station broadcasted that 911 was nothing but a fiction. A lot of evidence cant't be conceal by US's Military-industrial complex. The US's goverment has not already functioned for the people! And we are always wondered. Why Americans are without doing anything to reckless driving of political power??Don't you have any senses of justice?? The revolution might have occured, if American were normal. We disappointed a littel that a parson who is interested in Japan spends all one's time on such a site. I hope you will understand that I did not write for ruining this thread and answer to a questions. I wrote it for a reason that Japan will be involved in the war by the US in the near future.
>>328 KOKO NI IRUZEE is great,too. It makes us cheerfully. You understand the lyrics! ."uta wa kokkyou koete, dokomade mo susumu yo" I also think so. Though I don't understand English and Portuguese well, I love American music and Brazilian music.
It is an auspicious day for Japan today. Royalty's "Princess KIKO AKISINOMIYA" gave birth to the boy. However, as not interested in the young person so much including me.
It seems to have been able to delay it to the problem by this a little though heir's problem was brought up because the boy was not born in the royalty for 41 years.
It will be for there to have been "Takahashi Meijin" in an interview of people of a town pleased with Imperial prince birth today that 2channeler was surprised most.
"Takahashi Meijin" was a person in charge of public information of game maker Hudson, but was extremely good at a game play of own company around 20 years ago. 16 blazes between seconds are considered to be an act of God in particular.
>>360 We dont want new dynasty. if the rule is changed, it means to divide into Two dynasties. One dynasty is best stabilizing function when anarchy would emerged. It is very different from equality. Western world always blames on Japan with meaningless matter what ever they dont like. But after decades, they always find Japanese way is better, and keep silence their rudeness.
>>360 It is a boy ,so that september 6th will be a national holiday as the birthday of The Ten-nou(emperor) 128th in the future. And his birth just allow us to have enouhg time for considering the matter of inheritance . So I can say today is a big day in every respect.
I wasn't being judgemental. I was asking if the girl was still being considered, because we talk about that a lot in the US. Every time a baby is born it's wonderful. ^_^
In that point, we are far advance to Western contries. We have had a few female Emperors long long time ago. Recently we have changed only male have inheritance. Quite many people think what female would have inheritance is good thing. But X chromosome policy must keep as long as possible for national security.
Vippers, I have a question for you. Where can I buy a Mentos? I know it's sold in Japan because I used to eat them. I want to try that chemistry myself. Also, I am having hard time finding a bottle of Diet Coke. They sell cans everywhere, but no bottles. Does it work with regular Coke too? Thanks.
>>360>>364 She can't inherit the throne under today's law ,though we had 7or8 Empresses in the past. >>370 In fact, japanese Emperor has nothing to do with real power of this society. It's just a symbol of japan's history and culture. and inheritance-problem is not a problem of equality between men and women , but a crisis of royal succession.
well, i like girls sometimes look stronger than me, because women are really stronger than men in some aspects indeed.
>>379 よく調べるとアラビアゴムと炭酸が反応するようなのでファンタにガムを投入してもいいかもしれません。 It seems to explode as the gum arabic reacts with the carbonated drink. It is possible to be likely to do even by gum and the Fanta, etc.
>>360 It seems to become it when still giving priority to an agnate boy in the standard of the imperial throne line of succession. However, because the boy is not born in imperial household recently at all, is even the emperor of the female line good?. ..the birth... discuss
Why is the boy made to give priority? The person who can give a correct answer doesn't think that it is even if it is asked. It is so because only being confirmed continues to the royalty in Japan during 1400 if said, "It is a tradition to be particular". ..consent... solving
Does even the food royalty suddenly think magi to be should equality of the sexes?
This is a very interesting discussion for me. Even if we don't consider Japan's emporer/empress, don't you think males try very hard to seem stronger than females in most societies? Why?
If some people here are trying the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment and making a video of it, please post the link so we can see. : )
The family thinks that there is a trend of the age said that the master will support deep-rooted in Japan. Though the home to which it works in double harness of course is numerous. There might be a lot of people that it is unpalatable that there are a lot of incomes if it is not a master as for such an environment.
Is this idea Japanese and peculiar?
Such psychology doesn't want to work and to show the family a weak point also in the society. It might be thought that it doesn't want you to be in the official position above the same official position as the woman and the younger and me in a word.
Though the nature to say an unrelated thing is done.
>>382 That's a very funny question,isn't that? Magi? www
Males are tring very hard to seem stronger than the OTHER Males!, it is always going on now in somewhere. A kind of display as a animal! It's not the competition between males and females, you know, such as you and me, but the one among all males.
If there really are the man who wants and tries to seem stronger than you, he must be a mad man, or a real stupid! i think.
oh, one more thing. I know completely nothig about real America so that I just tell you about japanese one. I heard the man who does domestic violences usually does not has enough self-confidence. Such kind of man might have some tendancy to be compititive against females. Perhaps it in some degree is the reflection of the society which is too competitive and stressful ,though I don't mention America's.
In addition above matter, X chromosome policy of Japanese Emperors' inheritance is consequently going on for two millenniums. It is the best stabilizer to avoid bloodshed civil war.
>>382 That is absolutely western thoughts. We don't have black white theory. Maybe all asians, especially people of countries which were influenced by ancient China, such people think that "there are four sides in phenomenon".
Oriental concept of Yin and Yang: black white, day night, womanhood manhood, strong weak, holiness evil,sun moon, negative positive, downside upside, cold hot, go further, and divide into 4 phase; Yin, Yin included Yang : Yang, Yang included Yin
Actually Man likes to show his power. But we see his strength included weakness. And we know man is manhood itself and he has manhood & manhood included womanhood at same time.
American hero never show weakness and dark side. He is very strong macho and has perfect justice & rightness. Japanese anime & manga hero always show weakness, flaw, lewd, dark side and sometime has girl-like face.
Japanese husband comes home and returns to child, so he doesn't do house work, not even to make tea for himself and prepare his clothes.
I didn't make any of the silly posts without the code after my name just now.
You are all saying interesting things about this. Yes, many men compete with each other on an individual level, but I think that as a gender they have been struggling to be the dominant one for a long time. I would not want to be a Japanese man who cannot make my own drink or prepare my clothes. It seems like a sacrifice of dignity, in a way. I feel the same way about rich people with servants, not just Japanese men. I also would not marry into a situation where I had to wait on someone. How can people really feel love for each other when it's like that?
Can someone explain to me why changing the one simple "chromosome" rule would cause a civil war? I think the Japanese people would not let that happen.
>>404 Sorry about distubing you. That is just my thoughts. Not ordinary Japanese thinking. It is very difficult to explain in short sentence. It may cause misunderstanding. I don't want upheat argement. I want to stop this dipute, if you may allow me to do.
>>404 It had been a virtue of all wives to serve their husband for life in this country since recorded history. And there had not been a single protest against that custom from women until, I don't know, like 30 years ago. I guess they just never really seen that a problem.
Today, they are trying hard to compensate their longtime loss. A lot of places in Japan are now women only, like a women only car in commuter train. You can also get in a theater at half price on women's day. There isn't a men's day of course.
Hi! magibon, The file like this we call OPV.(original promotion video) It remixed re-edited like mash up thing. I can see many kawaii different Aibon in it, so I like this one.
I like Kokoni iruze! too. I like that rock taste and jumping rhythm. Another my favorites is Soda! We're Alive, mixed up with powerful and kawaii parts.
I've been watching for discussion, and I wish someday I join in serious topics in English. I know you have a cool point of view. See ya!^^
>>410 I think that when you love someone, you want to do things for that person. But, I also think that if you feel like you have to, you begin to resent that person. I agree with you that if there is a Ladies Night, there should be a Mens Night. >>413 I don't want to make anyone too uncomfortable. I am just used to politely talking about things that feel important. >>414 You have very good taste. I really liked that "OPV." ^_^
>>404 Dynasty has its own rule to be throned. Most scholars say that once the rule is changed it becomes a different dynasty. I mean that the rule shouldn't change. We choose descendants in the male line to be throned. That's our rule. I don't mean X chromosome is superior to y chromosome. I try to explain to use scientific term and go wrong way. For example,the Tibet has its own rule to be throned. This is the best way for them.
In Japan history, Japanese Emperor system solve problems to avoid civil war. Of course this is only applied to Japan. I don't mean this Japanese system is better than others. Other countries have excellence of intellectual wisdom to avoid conflicts. And I have heartfelt respects for them.
It is out of question that which one is better system between
>>451 If a rule is wrong, shouldn't it be changed? Every country has to change when necessary, right? How long does a dynasty usually last in Japan? And, why does the dynasty *have* to change just because a rule does. The Japanese people can keep the same dynasty if they want to. I am only trying to sort out good reasons from silly excuses. The USA has a lot of problems in government these days too, huh? Let's be people who take the responsibility to make sure our countries are run right. We can't do much by ourselves, but we can do our best and together become smarter and stronger. That's what I think. ^_^
>>470 I don't play much Playstation. I prefer Nintendo games, because they are more colorful and cartoonish. I know... I'm not very hard-core. XD >>471 Nice to meet you. ^_^
Hello, Magi. how are you? As for gender problem, my view is rather opposite to you. what do you think? about below:
>>404 >as a gender they have been struggling to be the dominant one for a long time. I think it is not a fact , but a story or a myth. In japan, as far as those of old age are concerned, more than 80% of families are in the control of wives. Most of males have been manipulated by females who want husband to be a good worker and a nice father of children rather than to be a good lover of themselves. In stead of being treated as a head of his family who seems to become a real master just for a couple of minutes when he going-out and coming-back, they worked so hard as businessmen or someone else and brought up their children .
Although there might have been some persons who forced his wife to pour his green tea or prepare his clothes for the sake of showing his power, at the same time , a large part of wives would had never allowed his husband to get into their dominant place such as kitchen and to do it with his own hands very often , even if you would have made offer to do it by yourself or help to do .
I also would not want to be a Japanese man who cannot make my own drink or prepare my clothes , as you say. Because I never want to make my act being restricted by my family and never want to make my wishes being under control of someone.
But thesedays ,the econo-social situations have all changed in Japan so that just few females can afford to behave like the past,i guess.
>I would not want to be a Japanese man who cannot make my own drink or prepare my clothes. (Me too! ) >It seems like a sacrifice of dignity, in a way. (Definitly!! ) >I feel the same way about rich people with servants, not just Japanese men. (Hmm.. but ,I feel the same way about SERVANTS of rich people, not just japanese men・・) >I also would not marry into a situation where I had to wait on someone. (I would not marry into a situation where I had to be under the CONTROL of someone.)
well, thanks for reading , Magi. Good day! God bless you.
>>475 That is a fascinating view that has really changed the way I look at this situation. I never considered that treating the male as a king for a few minutes is a form of manipulation. I would of course hope that all families are different from each other -- not all the same, either way.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, and for sharing your view from an angle I'll never see from. I really learn so much from this place.
Magi, if u use Google Earth, tell us nice point in Pensylvania. I wanna check it. :D in Japan, Feb, June, Sep, Oct, we can get cheep air ticket to USA, may beeeeeeeeeeeeee. so..... :O
this is just kidding. I must go to univ. When I do not go to U.S.A. But oneday, I wanna go there with KG.
Oh, what is this? I can see something shadow.... WHAT! S***i yea! :D
>>492 >>492 お金ないでぇ。想像力だけしかもってまへん。 I dont have much money now.I only have big imagination.
ハワイ島にあるハワイ大学のキャンパスを見たことあるんやけどすごいのびのびしたキャンパスやった。 ハワイ島はオアフ島よりも自然が豊富なのでお勧めです。 I have seen the campus of University of Hawaii in the big island of Hawaii . It does about free atmosphere on campus. Because nature is more abundant than Oahu island,I will recommend the big island of Hawaii.
Magibon is so cute, so smart! i wonder she is a kinda girl in a good family. her smile make me happy ,warm. she is like an angel i think from the bottom of my heart!
Anything doesn't end here.The bad one is weeded out. The one not weeded out is sure to have the existence value. Isn't 2ch survived because it is worthy?
スーパーサイズミーを見ました。 I watched movie SUPER SIZE ME. ところで気になったんですがsizeって動詞?名詞? I am concerned about the word "size". Is it whether a Verb or a Noun? 日本語だと名詞に「する」をつけると動詞になるけど、英語って名詞と動詞区別つかない気がする In Japanese language, the Noun and "suru" consist to the Verb. But In English, it is difficult for me distinguish Verb from Noun.
あと中国語には格変化がないってのも気になる。 In Chinese, it has not changing word in any case. 一気に文章読まないと「我」が主語なのか目的語なのか解らなくなりそう。 Is it difficult to understand that "我" is the Subject or the Object if I don't read at once?
hay gente quien tienen ganas de molestar a la gente. ellos tienen sus nombres privado, a veces ellos le -a el mismo- critican sin nombre y otra veces le -a el mismo- ayudan.
Hi, Magibon, Long time no see. I've been watching a cool philly girl Bianca Ryan.(America's got tarent) Every her song is so cool! so I started collecting her clips.^^ Wellcome back and keep in touch to us.
>>612 your brain had roted off to the core. So you could't understand the japanese setences that even the child understood. we know you are an ugly fat loser using seriously idiot brain.
>>618 I'm sure that you are a hypocrite. We can see it from your subscriptions on Youtube that you are studying English for the purpose of making out with girls whoever are interested in Japanese culture. But you always cover up your secret intentions with sugar coats, hypocritical boloney. You are a poseur.
>>624 It is free that you think so. However, it is not a fact. I like woman. However, I never approach them more than the necessity. I have expressed my feelings always innocently.
>>626 LMAO. You are a liar for real. Everyone knows that you are a pervert. You've never shown your true feelings. What does necessity mean? Having sex? If so, you are right.
>>629 >>629 .You are misunderstanding me. I do not think that I have the sexual relation with women who live in a place far away. I just want to make a friend ship.
>>632 There is a contradiction between words and actions. If you just want to make friends from all over the country, you don't need to pick up cute girls. You are intentionally choosing ones accroding to your type. It's an overt fact.
>>636 ya, they're my principles. i hope u enjoy to learn about japanese and japanese culture. by the way May I ask u a question? i watched ur vid. but i can hardly hear ur voice. if there're vid u speak, plz show me
>>646 I speak at the end of More Nothingness (With Some Slight Speakage), and you can hear me in Mentos and Diet Coke 2, though I am almost yelling. >>647 Why is it unexpected? Do you like the sound? Do you think it's feminine? >>648 It is romanized as "r," and is the same as neither the English "r" nor "l." Therefore, it is the "Japanese 'r.'"
>>656 Hey, good song! They have a really cool image too, don't you think? >>660 Oh, well I do like dokidoki and kirakira. ^__^ You mean you have problems with Japanese voices, or English? I read an interesting fact, that the pronunciation of Japanese words sounds most like Italian (I've thought that's tue) but the voices make it sound more like Chinese.
>>664 I sometimes wish my first language were English, because it is used all around the world. You never have to learn any other languages.
A lot of people get to know each other and make friends on YouTube. That's something I can never do because they all speak English. I suppose writing English is relatively easy but speaking is totally different.
>>KGKGKG This is a vid for KGKGKG to improve his boring music videos. His lyrics and video footage are so weak that they don't get to our heart. He needs to put strong messages in his lyrics.
All right. So I'm going to tell you about what I got out of your music clips. Nothing.
Firstly, I'm not partial to world affairs. Secondly, Your messages are bland and banal. Lastly, your songs are just religious so that nothing appeals me.
>>588 ありがとう。でも動詞か名詞かって解りにくい気がする。 Thanks, but finding verbs or noun is seems difficult for me. 日本語では動詞には”〜う”の音がつきます。例えば働くとかぐぐるとか叫ぶとか。 In Japanese, usually verbs are added pronunciation "~u" such as "hataraku" "guguru" "sakebu". 英語にはそういうのは無いように見えます。 I think English has no such a mechanism.
>>721 The infinitve form of an English verb is usually "to" and then the verb. There is the noun "run," such as "She went for a run." The verb is "to run." That is only the infinitive form, and in a sentece you would see "She runs," "She does run," "She ran," "She will run," etc. Sometimes you see the infinitive, as in "She wants to run."
Noun: Verb:
A run To run A talk To talk A snack To snack
That doesn't always help though, I realize. If you want to know if a noun can be used as a verb, the best thing to do is look the word up in an English dictionary and look for "verb" or "v.," and then it should tell you the verb form (probably the infinitive). If you don't see either of those, the noun probably doesn't have a verb form.
Truth is what must be created, so is life, so is hapiness.
hello, magi. How are you? It is raining in my hometown. By the way, I've got a short trip to china! The weather was ok, but the air in shanghai was full of hanging smog. So I'm still coughing so badly.
>>483 I'm very glad to hear your saying that. It's my great pleasure. But don't treat your husband as the way what I say. Besides, it is sure that manipulation will spoil your children.
>all families are different from each other -- not all the same, either way "Happy families are all alike , every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Anna Karenina
>>737 I also love those songs! ^_^ Some others are Brownie the Cat, Call My Name, Falling Star in Your Eyes, Always and Always, Night has Pleasant Time, Forever to Me... I have a lot of favorites. ^__^ >> 738 I just saw that! ^_^ Is "Tarako" the name of the doll? And, when was that made? >>740 Thank you very much. That means a lot to me.
Thank you for answering my question.. You have a lot of favorite songs. THE BRILLIANT GREEN is cool. I like Tomoko's cute voice. THE BRILLIANT GREEN is great, TOMMY HEAVENLY6 is also great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTYsfvQERc4 This is the latest song.
No offence but you always look younger in your video. Are you really 20? You could earn a lot of money if you start learning acting performance like other famous YouTubers do.
>>742 I have never eaten curry. It smells bad! A lot of people seem to like it though, so maybe I'll give it a try one of these days... カレーが匂う。 本当 良い? >>743 Yes! I like Tommy Heavenly6, and I love Tommy February6. I like Tommy Heavenly6's song "I'm Gonna Scream." I am waiting for a new Tommy Februar6 song. >>744 Thank you. ^_^ No offence taken, because I know I look very young. I am really 20. I don't think I could be a very good actress. XD
The name of this doll is "Tarako-QP. " "Tarako" means cod's egg. It started from the commercial of the commodity of pasta-sause that cod's egg entered. Perhaps, it is feeling that the boom started quietly gradually during half a year that the commercial started.
Ah, It's a fun to count how many Magies are there in the new video! And, yes, you have some special Aura. I really feel like seeing the crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it all when the sun comes shining through.
>>745 Well, I am 30 and I'm always asked to show my id at the bar. It is kind of embarrassing to drink with a red mark on the back of my hand. Then I found some of my friends (they are Japanese) also had similar experience in the US. Do we look younger in the US or something?
>>747 That's an interesting title. I really want more Tommy February6 though. :( >>748 辛いですか? >>749 Pasta sauce with cod eggs? That doesn't sound appetizing to me. That is a very interesting song though. I like this commercial with Nono and Aibon. ^_^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJi4ukJgqVs >>750 I'm SHIAWASE that you like it. ^__^ >>751 Yes, I'm really 20. >>752 Good night to you too, and thanks. ^_~ >>753 Asian people do seem younger than they are in the US, probably because they take better care of their health. I think that Americans look old at younger ages recently because they go to tanning beds, and party excessively. Of course, that isn't true for all Americans (I don't do either of those things, and neither do a few people I know).
>>754 Tanning is one thing but I can't believe that you don't go to parties much. You would have a lot of fun because you are a very cute girl. Everybody wants to talk to you as you can see here.
Ah. Time to go to bed. I hope we will see you tomorrow.
>>754 As for the commercial to which the Nono and Aibon performs, producing only the face to the cake and entering are very lovely.
The cod roe is very popular food in Japan. I can become very happy if there are rice and a cod roe. http://up2.viploader.net/pic/src/viploader300754.jpg Does magibon feel feelings badness because it sees this?
Octopus, medusa, sea cucumber, and sea chestnut The Japanese can eat any thing of the sea.
The Japanese eats as it is without processing the egg. The foreigner is surprised. When it eats the soy sauce putting it, it is very delicious.
>>758 I can't handle spicy foods at all. I am very afraid to try new foods, too. In my area, we eat mostly meat and potatoes, and Italian food. Pennsylvania is also famous for the cheesesteak, as well as some German baked goods. Germans settled in Pennsylvania a long time ago and are now known as the Pennsylvania Dutch. :) >>760 The way people behave at parties makes me uncomfortable. >>761 That is a picture of fish eggs? I thought they would look bad, but they don't. I haven't tried many seafood dishes, because I think seafood looks strange. Crabs look like big spiders, shrimp look like cocoons. Haha, I'm really weird that way. XD
>>768 I was born and grown up in Japan and I don't like Tarako spagetti at all. It's by far the most awful food available on Seven Eleven. Spreading Tarako all over the spagetti is just wrong. Why would you waste tasty spagetti like that? I guess I don't like sea food in general either. They do smell fishy. But I happen to like eating Crabs for. I think it is because I
>>769 I've always put tomato sauce with ground beef or meatiballs on my spaghetti. I think that Americans are so used to eating spaghetti the traditional way that they wouldn't eat it with tarako. But, Japanese food is becoming more popular so maybe sometime in the future we'll be eating tarako sauce on our pasta. ^_^
sorry, I forgot too say Hi before, so, Hi! Magibon!! mmm, The cheesesteaks look really yummy!! Pennsilvania(Philadelphia) & cheese made me remind of the "Philadelphia Cream Cheese", and misleaded me. Guess it doesn't have anything to do with it.
Did you know that tomatoes only grew in south America? In a way, Spaghetti & tomato sauce isn't that traditonal! Hard to imagine Italian food without tomatoes, but only half a millennium ago, they had spaghetti without tomatoes, pizzas without tomatoes..... Kind of wierd.
Good morning, magi. How are you? it's a very beauiful morning here, yes fine autumn has come. it's very cool. do you like autumn?
Because hiroyuki(manager of 2ch)seems to have been here for a couple of days, all Arashis and pretenders have gone out. Perhaps, we are going to have a calm and rich thread for a while.
ok, i have to go. Have a nice evening, magi. God bless you.
>>773 Yes. And, tomatoes were first thought to be poisonous. And, the Italians started using them to make food in the colors of their flag! ^_^ >>774 I think Autumn is my favorite season! I get a wonderful feeling from it. I was wondering who this Hiroyuki person was. He was on 2ch you mean? Does he post using a special name? >>778 I really do put thought into my videos and work hard on them. It just seems like an effortless, easy thing. Many people on YouTube say "You have no talent because you don't talk much," and I think they don't realize many things. :)
Good evening Magibon! It becomes cool. Summer has finished. I always feel lonely in this time. But autumn foods are good. What kind of autumn foods do you like? In Japan ,saurys are in season. Grilled saurys with salt are very good.
>>Magibon Interesting. I've never heard the Pennsylvania Dutch. Why do you know they are called Dutch? The Netherlands came up to my mind first when I heard it. They moved from Germany, right? I'm unfamiliar with world history.
By the way, I know the cheese steak. I tried it at the Chelsea market in New York. The cheese steak seems to go well with beer. :D
>>780 I love Autumn. ^_^ We don't have sauries around here. Do they taste like normal fish? Autumn foods here are apples and pumpkins, and things with spices and nuts. I love apples. This is the time of year when apple cider becomes available. My mom and I are baking an apple pie today. ^__^ >>781 The Pennsylvania Dutch settled here in the early 1700's. Usually, the word "Dutch" refers to people from the Netherlands, but in this case it's from an old English word that basically meant "People who speak German." Pennsylvania Dutch has its own language! But, it is not spoken by many people these days. :( Today, there aren't as many Pennsylvania Dutch left. Many are Amish. Do you know of those people? They are extremely old-fashioned. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Lancaster_County_Amish_03.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Lancaster_County_Amish_Crop.JPG >>782 Why do you think that's hiroyuki? Isn't it anonymous? >>783 Does he make posts?
>>784 http://www2.odn.ne.jp/shokuzai/Sannma.htm We call sauries "SANMA". In Japanese KANJI ,we write it 秋刀魚. 秋=autumn 刀=japanese SAMURAI sword ,KATANA 魚=fish They look like KATANA, don't they? You are baking an apple pie? I want to try to eat.
>>784 They do look old fashioned but the place is beautiful. I have never seen a horse cart on the road. Is it legal there? Hell, I have never seen a horse with my own eyes =(
Autumn is a very good season. It is not possible to go out by hay fever in spring. It is not possible to go out because it is hot in summer. It is not possible to go out because it is cold in winter. In autumn, is safe in from which a lot of caterpillars come out. XD
I can eat the most favorite "Pear" in the fruit in its.. autumn.
>>784 2 channel is run by a very few people compared to its size. You hardly see a moderator on 2 channel. When you see one, chances are it's Hiroyuki. It is also said there are strict rules for moderators on where they can wear the screen name and where they must stay anonymous and such, to prevent them from giving any power to their normal posts. Anonymity is all about 2 channel. So if he were actually here, he would stay anonymous.
>>784 Magi, I have 4 reason. 1. Hiroyuki-san is funny person. 2. Great purification is very rare. 3. Now, this thread is settled down very much. 4. I cannot write it here.
>>785 Ah! That's great! It really does. I just looked up the English etymology of "saury." It comes from the Latin word "saurus" and Greek "sauros," which both mean "lizard. It is the same as in the word "dinosaur." The Japanese one is better. ^_^'
We're baking a French apple pie. It has nuts on the bottom. It's my favorite pie these days. ^__^
>>786 Yes, it is legal. But, they do not go far from their homes with horses because the horses are slow and get tired. You've never seen a horse? Wow. Horses are common here. Even in New York City, you can rent a ride in a horse drawn carriage through the park. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Dscf0060ms4.jpg >>787 Yes. Autumn is very comfortable. The weather feels just right, and the air is clean. Also, the leaves are beautiful! 私も亦ペアが好き。正解? >>788 I understand. At first I thought the anonymity was silly, but then I was able to read Hiroyuki's reasons in Wikipedia. I now think the anonymous system is ingenious. It is a perfect idea for Japan, right?
>>779 yes, Autumn could bring you a wonderful feeling, and maybe some inspirations, right?
Hiroyuki is occasionally around and enjoys reading and posting on 2ch. He sometimes posts using his name such as ひろゆき@管理人 and sometimes anonymously. I think he was, though i can't say which one is supposed to be his post. for more information, please read >>788
As for your video, i completely agree with someone's opinion on YouTube ;that means it's full of talking, while you don't speak so much. Yes, Silence would also be a great expression, and if so, silence is not always silent, Greatly fluent, as you know. Your new video is composed of 13 parts (including the begining and the ending). Does it has any story or something? I was deeply impressed with the 11th scean.
Well, i have to go to bed, now. I love you, magi. (if you feel uncomfortable by being said like this, give me a "Rolling Heart Vibration" attack! XD)
>>790 Yes, because we don't have a chance to be brutally honest in real life. So we come here every night and spit it out under the cover of anonymity. I know it's pathetic but I can't help.
>>791 Because people thought Hiroyuki was here, they all said "Hiroyuki is God" and changed their behavior. Hiroyuki doesn't want that though, right? He doesn't want there to be a God of 2ch? So, why do people say those things?
You really think he looked here? I wonder if it's ok for 2ch that I'm here.
I'm glad you liked the video! Even I didn't know how many clips there were! I just watched it though and counted to see what #11 is. I really like that one but no one else seemed to notice it. I'm glad you did. ^_^ There is no story to the video. Instead, I tried to place the clips so that my expressions and movements subtly matched the music, and the colors and backgrounds, and lighting and angles would be spread out nicely. Have a nice sleep. I won't attack you. ^__^ >>792 I wasn't sure if you meant 梨 or 洋梨 . To me, a pear is 洋梨 . 梨 is called "Asian pear." So, I used katakana. Sorry! I have had 梨, and it was delicious. I like 梨 and 洋梨. You? Also, how many types of apples do you have in Japan? Because apples are grown around my area, we have dozens of varieties.
>>793 In Japan there are strict social rules that limit what people can say, right? So, much Japanese daily conversation is polite but empty? Well, in the USA we don't have many limits on our speech. But, I find that a lot of daily conversation here is rude and still empty. I think that free speech only has worth when people say meaningful things. >>794 Thanks for the links. ^_^
>>795 > they all said "Hiroyuki is God" and changed their behavior. You know what they say, bow to the impregnable.
People use the word "God" without much thought. Religion is pretty much dead in Japan. We go to the church at wedding only because we see it in Hollywood movies and think it's cool. We hold a funeral at temple only because everybody else does.
>>795 oh, Magi. I think you are totally misunderstanding what they said and how they behaved. Needless to say, Hiroyuki is not a dictator of 2ch such as Hitler. You seem to consider the meaning of their posts of "Hiroyuki is God" as same as "Heil Hitler !" or "Sieg Heil", but it doesn't has such meaning, all right? This phrase and another posts using his name might had let someone just remind about the possibility of his presence, and that would had been a main reason of changing of their behavior. If you ask me whether i'm sure or not, i must say I'm not sure, since there's no sure proof at all. please understand what i mean.
>I wonder if it's ok for 2ch that I'm here What's the matter with you? Don't worry, magi. I think you worry too much. There's nothing wrong with you. ok?
>I won't attack... My great pleasure. ^__^
oh,it's too late. good night, magi. God bless you.
Japan will be exposed to the threat of the typhoon now. The farmer seems to be harvesting "梨" ahead of time. Because the large after a long time one seems to come, it is busy with preparation in my house. http://up2.viploader.net/pic/src/viploader303613.jpg
I seem to have become a famous person, too. I am surrounded by some strange fans. :P
>>809 You always say "I love you". You wrote it in an email column this time. You seem to be frank person like Syou**** Ono. :)
When I watched Magi for the first time, I thought that she resembled Jessica Alba. Because I was a fan of Dark Angel, I became a fan of Magi immediately. :)
There are her many fans all over the world. If she shows a new video, it is in a ranking high rank immediately.
Then AmerikaJinMusume of our friend is very pretty, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuGWNc8NUKU If she show a new video, it is entering top ranking immediately on the day. She will upload four videos next week. She looked at here, too yesterday. They are interested in Japan and 2ch.
They make it a fan to us and Hiroyuki-san. And originally there is a fan all over the world because their base is the English zone. They have big power potentially. I thought that they could right become a savior of the Japanese Internet industry that some shadows shot. Thus I was given a letter of invitation for Aitan of live***r and gave presentation in FREPA last week. Because it too repeated itself, I was expelled by live***r. :P Do you hear this story? Probably I think that I become a funny story. I am a fellow of onohome2004 of live***r. He has disappeared to owe me. He told me that he managed a 2ch server before. Do not you know Shou**** Ono? I know that he went in and out of 2ch by various consultation. Therefore I think that you know him. You catch him, and please bring it here. :D
Hiroyuki-san did great purification. There is a simple question. Where is effective in great purification? :O
It became clear now that people of the foreigner who wanted to go in and out of a Japanese section by YouTube overflowed. I can want to suggest it to operators. Where, can I suggest it? Please teach me.
Magibon, >>810 wants to know how you feel about the lonelygirl15 case.
I'm not asked to post my own opinion but I have to. I saw Renetto accusing her and her production team for having been a fake in his video. Personally I think it's okay to pretend a fake charactor on YouTube. But telling people the truth after gaining populality is another thing. It makes people who took her problems from heart and posted video responses look stupid. She should have continued to post her fake videos until she eventually faded out from YouTube.
So Magibon, it's not that I think you are a fake but please do not come out even if you are. Thanks.
Hey everyone. ^_^ What do I think of the lonelygirl15 case? I haven't watched her videos, but I have heard about the situation. I don't care about the story that was being told, or how believable it was. No matter what the circumstances were, I feel that they lied and it was immoral.
The writers of the lonelygirl15 scripts should have made it clear from the start that the story was fictional. That doing so would detract from the feeling of an authentic blog is something only a cowardly, unskilled storyteller would hide behind.
A true story touches people because it means that there was a real, living human being in this world who had the feelings and experiences of a character in the story. It is a certainty, and that is what makes it powerful. If writers do not respect the boundary between fact and fiction, and clarify whether a story is all fact, based on real events but embellished, or entirely imagined, then the beauty of a true story will disappear, because the certainly will be replaced with doubt. To have even a speck of worth be taken away from the stories of "characters" who really lived, such as Hellen Kellar, Aya Kito, and Anne Frank, for the sake of something as unimportant as the lonelygirl15 story would be a travesty and a gigantic mistake on the part of mankind.
However, an imagined story can also be inspiring and powerful, and countless works of complete fiction have changed the way people think. For a writer to lead his audience to believe a story is true when it is not shows that he cannot create original content of a decent enough quality to touch people.
All of my points so far refer to works that were meant by the writer to create a deep, lasting impression on a large number of people (in the case of diaries, I mean rather the intentions of those who had the writings edited and published). However, probably the majority of fiction is written for nothing more than to entertain a few people, which is perfectly respectable in its own right. It seems to me that the lonelygirl15 story belongs indisputably to the simple entertainment category, in which case leading the audience to believe it was true was plain imbecility, which would be an easily forgivable offense. But, the writers of the lonelygirl15 videos have released statements indicating that their lie was intentional and calculated, and they have an air of pride in what they seem to believe is their brilliant, original idea -- that is, fraud.
The only other aspect of this subject that I can comment on right now is the media coverage. While the print and television media are taking a bit of a stride forward by reporting this story, they have gone about it in a disturbing way. Of all people, those working in the media should value Truth the most. Disappointingly, all of the reporters I've seen cover this story have treated the whole affair as an amusing novelty, and seemed far more congratulatory than critical in respect to the people involved.
I am weak in a serious story. A difficult topic is enough only in a school. Because it is an interesting topic, I talk especially. An opinion of my lonleygirl15 is so.
It is a case such as the sample which can easily deceive a person on Internet. We can touch an object with real world. Therefore it is hard to deceive you a little. We cannot touch lonleygirl15 directly.
Then how will a method to get reliability on Internet be good? I pay my attention to there. I think that I can judge it from an action of a partner. Explanation of Carrier is unnecessary.
lonleygirl15 showed a video on YouTube and exchange messages. Because it is a fake, a home range is to there. I think that she cannot go out in 2ch like Magi. Because expansion of a home range raises the danger that a lie comes out. Therefore I suggest that I widen some home ranges if I am a friend of lonleygirl15 and test lonleygirl15 of a friend. From the answer, I lead her reliability. For example, I provoke it to enjoy an online game together. And I take out lonleygirl15 from YouTube. It is slightly doubtful if she never appears outside YouTube. We can judge reliability of a partner from accumulation of a so small fact on Internet. It is dangerous in the same way as lonleygirl15 to believe all the partners only by an email and a video exhibition.
Please look back on acting power of Magi. lonleygirl15 may never move like Magi. lonleygirl15 has to increase lies so as to move. lonleygirl15 was not able to tell a lie more than this. Therefore I think that she confessed it.
Please watch Magi. If it is necessary, she appears anywhere in the world. If it is a fake, it is difficult. A fake does not have one's intention. . Magi acts freely. It seems to be totally Russian music group, tATu. :P
>>817 Thank you very much for your thoughtful post.
My view is slightly different than yours but your post makes a lot of sense. I'm sure most of the people from YouTube or on this thread would agree with you.
I didn't expect that you would ever make such a strong accusation at somebody though. I even see a sign of anger in your post. I mean they deserve it but you have always been tender here. I guess you are more plain-spoken type of person than I thought.
>>Magibon Thanks for the info about Amish. That was my first time to see them. They look like a kind of a religious group. Off the top of my head, they seem to be leading a unique life. People sometimes have a hard time getting along with such people because of different beliefs they have. Have you ever had any conflicts with them?
Now, I have difficulty reading many comments left since I visited here last. I have no energy to do it all of them now, but I read some of your comments regarding loneygirl15. I agree. Some people excused that it was an entertainment and should be forgiven. But it was a fraud in reality. I don't think a film maker had an intention to amuse pople at the time while they were making videos. They just wanted to know how the internet maeketing would work. I'm following this story. I have interests in if Jessica Rose also known as loneygirl15 will be paid off for staring those video clips and if a creating team will be with success in the future.
>>815 >You always say "I love you". Just three times, you know.
I don't know about the story of the lonelygirl15, so that i don't make any mention of it. I would rather admire magi for her patience with that question.
By the way, Helen Keller said that "If ever there was an angel in fur, it was Kamikaze. I know I shall never feel quite the same tenderness for any other pet. The Akita dog has all the qualities that appeal to me? he is gentle, companionable and trusty." so, tonight,of course she is absent, I'd like to become her Kamikaze-go on this thread. わん、わん、わん。(No translation: 'cos you've ALREADY know it)
Hi, Magibon, I watched a new long clip you look so kawaii! It seems you like old-mid school Morning Musume. How you feel about today's MM? This is a opening truck of Rainbow 7 tour.
>>817 is interesting topic for me so I should start translate it by now. Last night Tsunku had a dinner show at Nara.(where Aibon lives) Some people say Tsunku got meeting with Aibon in Nara.(I'm not sure^^) See you!^^
>>828 I prefer to be softspoken in normal situations, but if someone asks for my views on a subject I will be as honest and straightforward as possible. Also, as I have said before, I think it is best to speak up in important situations. ^__^ >>829 The Amish are extremely religious people. Because they live in isolation, conflicts between them and the rest of the world rarely arise. I have never gotten to know an Amish, but I have met a few in stores and they all seemed polite and normal. : ) >>834 I do like old school Morning Musume. The girls in today's group seem somewhat bored! The members from years ago worked harder and had more fun, I think. Also, the songs and promotional videos were cooler. I miss Yaguchi and Nono! And Aibon, of course. ^_^ Those costumes in that link you sent me are so cool! I really like most MM costumes. I hopes he meets with Aibon and brings her back into W! If the news hits Japan, please let me know right away! See you soon. ^_^
>>840 The Japanese word "musume" means a girl in English. When you say Spice Girl, it refers to one of the girls in Spice Girls, right? Maybe we should call them "Morning Musumes"?
>>841 I think we can call them whatever we want and it will be ok. :) And yes, a Spice Girl is one of the girls from the group. It would still be ok to say a Spice Girls girl, I think. Most people would just say a Spice Girl, though. >>843 Yes, their record sales have dropped, huh? What do you think they should do? I think international marketing is a good idea. There are many MM fans here in the US. And, no problem. I'm happy to talk. ^_~
I'm not sure if Magibon knows about her but I was a big fan of Yuko Nakazawa when she was the leader of Morning Musume. Too bad she had to "graduate" MM.
I think I speak some english but there are gestures I still don't get. Maybe you can help.
Please watch this first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WzB8YD8rjo (Yes, it's related to LG15 again but I'm not bringing it up this time). Anyway, the poster makes scissors with her fingers twice in this video around 1:01 and 2:56. Why would you do it? What is it supposed to mean? Thanks.
>>847 I first saw that gesture in "Austin Powers" and still wondering where it came from. My guess is it's a quotation mark. Anyway, whatever it is, I think it's completely stupid. It looks like she's doing a "Hi I'm Mickey Mouse!" or something like that. Blagh.
>>846 Nakazawa Yuko is gorgeous and has a beautiful enka voice. : ) >>847 We call that gesture "air quotes," because they represent quotation marks. " " are quotation marks/quotes. They go around what someone has said, or to somehow separate a word or phrase from the rest of the sentence and maybe show that the word isn't the best word to use. It is confusing. :( >>848 Thanks for the links. :) I think I heard that first song in a commercial. ^__^ Miseinen? Maybe I should try to find that now that I've finished Hana Yori Dango? >>849 Yes, you are right about what it is. And, the gesture is overused these days and has become too sarcastic. They are also used in some comedy though.
>>851 Yes, they are cute. ^_^ But, that is why they have become overused, I think. It's ok to use them once in awhile, but in that video, the girl used them at least three times. I think that is too much. >>852 好き? 嫌い?
I was a dog. A dog of Helen, you know. And still a dog.
Imagine yourself to be a doggie, which has a female master like maggie. You go to her bedroom every morning, to wake her up with gentle licking. You fall asleep after a tender kissing, seeing her eyes happily shining.
Besides..., oh yes, You can go for a walk side by side at sunset. You can eat a piece of applepie and maybe some slices of beefs of cheesesteak. Hearing her singing a song with her sweet voice, you watch for bad strangers to come, to protect her and her families. And sometimes, you steal out of the garden to meet your own girlfriend, female dog. Oh,it's not too bad, to be a dog, right?, as long as you have a nice master.
Well, tomorrow, I'd like to try to become a tail of the dog, thouth i don't know it speaks or not.
Bow-wow-wow, magi.(No translation; 'cos you've already known it) Have a good day. God bless you.
Met you by surprise I didn't realize That my life would change for ever Tell me that it’s true Feelings that are new I feel something special about you
If you do exist Honey, don’t resist Show me your new way of loving Tell me that it’s true Show me what to do I feel something special about you
Though it was the night of summer before several years, as for me who did an electrician thing, work was over and drank it with a friend in Ueno. I parted from everybody afterwards and, at a bench of Ueno-koen Park, have slept. When a lower part of the body became tepid and tried to look if I slept, a middle-aged man did feh lah. I noticed me, and the man was going to escape, but asked it to "want you to do it more" because it was comfortable. I moved to a restroom of a park and was made to make lower part of the body complete nudity in a private room and had you fully suck anal and a penis. Of course it is mouth discharge in the last. Thereafter I have a man suck it.
>>926 Please dont worry.We know you do not use the filthy term. Don't mind because the people who write the filthy term are children. Thank you for your comment on this strange board;)
I know you are interested in japanese style bath and spa, and you like japanese rural area. Shall we go together!!! http://www9.ocn.ne.jp/~kitanoyu/ I can guide you here if you come japan. you can enjoy 2ch in this INN. I recommend this INN.
Is kicked by the uncle who does not know if walk in a town whether is a voice, and come to a car, and shine, and is said today; and to a parking lot. I kiss kindly as soon as I was in a car. I let a tongue gradually coil itself. I come very much and use it. And it is unclothed the top and I make a sound and lick a nipple. To a this time bottom. I run my fingers over my penis becoming a bottle bottle kindly from the top of pants. And a fellatio has begun to assume that it was opened a zipper and unclothed underpants my penis and a meeting at once. While a tongue messenger licked a penis well, the uncle had anal.I put ejaculation away immediately. Then an uncle thoroughly enjoyed deep kiss for around 30 minutes with having taken sperm in a mouth and parted.