Geneva@` December 1@` 2000. On Sunday@` December 10@` 2000@` at 12.15 pm (Central European Time)@` MSCI will announce its decision on free-float adjusting constituent weights and on increasing the target market representation in the MSCI Standard Indices.
The MSCI announcement will be posted at the above date and time on Bloomberg (page MSCN)@` Reuters (pages MSCIA and following) and on MSCI's web site at www.msci.com.
For further information on MSCI indices or MSCI data@` please visit our website at www.msci.com or contact:
Evert-Jan ten Brundel@` MSCI@` London + 44 207 425 6660
Dorsey Horowitz/Gregg Rubin@` MSCI@` New York + 1 212 762 5790
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MSCI is a leading provider of global indices and benchmark related products and services to investors worldwide. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.@` a global financial services firm and a market leader in securities@` asset management@` and credit services@` is the majority shareholder of MSCI@` and The Capital Group Companies@` Inc.@` a global investment management group@` is the minority shareholder.
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GENEVA@` Dec 10 - MSCI announced today that it will adjust all its equity indices for free float@` and that it will increase the target market representation of its Standard Index series from 60% to 85% coverage. The combined changes will be implemented in two separate phases@` as of the close of November 30@` 2001 and as of the close of May 31@` 2002@` respectively. MSCI plans to publish index constituents and their Inclusion Factors based on the enhanced methodology on or before June 30@` 2001@` and will begin calculating a provisional index series shortly thereafter. Details of these enhancements to MSCI's equity index construction methodology are available on MSCI's web site (www.msci.com).
These changes are designed to maintain the MSCI equity indices' long established characteristics of investability@` diversification and accurate market representation as the world's equity markets and investment processes continue to evolve. As such@` the move to free float-weighted constituents and broader coverage does not represent a new index series but is a continuation of the current series.
MSCI will provide uniquely accurate and reliable free float-weighted equity indices. "The quality of a free float-weighted index is particularly dependent on the quality of the underlying research. MSCI has the largest and most experienced research staff in the index business@` and therefore@` it has the resources and the skills to ensure that the analysis of thousands of individual securities around the world is as accurate as it can be@`" says Henry Fernandez@` President and CEO of MSCI.