基本的に「何かを見張る」と言うアプリはPCを激遅にするし、見張る数が多ければ多い程遅くなる 特にCPUの負荷を見たり計算しているソフトはその傾向が強い Process LassoやGhost Processのように何もかも見張るぐらいなら、オートギアでアプリの存在と優先度の確認だけを見ている方がずっと軽いよ
Addition.Core: Now writes log entries when the virtual memory of all processes is trimed (paged out) periodically, per the user configuration. The log entry reports the percentage of free RAM before and after. As usual, I again note that people shouldn't carelessly use the 'trim all processes' feature. Change.Core: During system shutdown processgovernor will now be one of the last processes to quit, and if there is an excessive delay the user will not be prompted (termination forced). This is just typical tweak using the Windows SetProcessShutdownParameters API, nothing fancy.
Process Lasso最高だな。設定なんかデフォルトのまんまで最高だよ。 俺の低性能オンボロノーパソにはピッタリだ。 Process Lassoをインスコした当初はいろいろ設定変えたりしてみたが デフォルトで使うのが一番相性良い。 これ使ってからyoutubeやニコ動見続けても動作が遅くならない。
2.94 -> 2.95 beta1 Addition.Core: Now writes log entries when the virtual memory of all processes is trimed (paged out) periodically, per the user configuration. The log entry reports the percentage of free RAM before and after. As usual, I again note that people shouldn't carelessly use the 'trim all processes' feature. Change.Core: During system shutdown processgovernor will now be one of the last processes to quit, and if there is an excessive delay the user will not be prompted (termination forced). This is just typical tweak using the Windows SetProcessShutdownParameters API, nothing fancy.
2.95beta1 -> 2.95beta2 Addition.GUI: Added 'forced mode' (keep default priorities and affinities enforced) option to system tray menu. Addition.GUI: Added 'show ballon tips' option to system tray menu. Change.GUI: Some minor code optimizations (as always).
Addition.GUI: Added 'forced mode' (keep default priorities and affinities enforced) option to system tray menu. Addition.GUI: Added 'show ballon tips' option to system tray menu. Addition.Core: Now writes log entries when the virtual memory of all processes is trimed (paged out) periodically, per the user configuration. The log entry reports the percentage of free RAM before and after. As usual, I again note that people shouldn't carelessly use the 'trim all processes' feature. Change.GUI: Some minor code optimizations (as always). Change.Core: During system shutdown processgovernor will now be one of the last processes to quit, and if there is an excessive delay the user will not be prompted (termination forced). This is just typical tweak using the Windows SetProcessShutdownParameters API, nothing fancy.
Addition.GUI: Added option to enable/disable out-of-control process restraint to the system tray 'main' menu and the Process Restraint submenu of the Options menu. Change.GUI: Changed forced mode system tray menu option text so its more clear what it does. Change.All: Changed compiler and linker optimization settings.
個人的にはブラウザでお気に入りをまとめ開きしている間に別のことしようとした場合 オートギアで通常時は通常以下、アクティブ時に通常以上にしている場合だと表示エラーになってたりしてたからBill2's Process Managerの設定は助かる ランチャー経由で起動させた場合オートギアだと登録したアプリの起動時に変更を頻繁にやってたりして気になってた ブラウザやプロセスモニターなど常駐させて非アクティブにしたり最小化したりするのを使い分けてる人にはBill2's Process Managerの設定は合うと思う
Addition.Package: Added utility to configure Vista's multimedia scheduling service. Addition.GUI: Added menu option to launch Vista multimedia scheduling configuration tool. Addition.GUI: Renamed 'Vista UAC' start menu folder to 'Vista Tools' and added option to launch vistammsc" Change.GUI: Minor adjustments and optimizations.
Change.GUI: Minor adjustments and optimizations. Fix.UACBatchFiles: Fixed unupdated filenames and other errata. Change.VistaUAC: Now by default it will run with 'highestAvailable' rights .. at least for now. This is experimental as Windows Defender will block the startup of Process Lasso in this mode.
Addition.Package: Added utility to configure Vista's multimedia scheduling service. This utility still needs a little work, so keeping it in beta until its done (next week or so). Addition.GUI: Added menu option to launch Vista multimedia scheduling configuration tool. Addition.GUI: Renamed 'Vista UAC' start menu folder to 'Vista Tools' and added option to launch vistammsc" Addition.GUI: Added a 'No default priority' menu item for the process context menu default priority menu. This seems more clear than having to uncheck the current default priority to remove it. Change.GUI: Minor adjustments and optimizations. Change.GUI: The default behavior is now to exclude foreground processes from OOC restraint. Users may wish to restore the process restraint defaults (use the Process Restraint variables dialog). Fix.UACBatchFiles: Fixed unupdated filenames and other errata. Change.GUI: Disabled Polish and Russian until updates are provided (they were crashing). Change.GUI: Removed beg balloon.
Change.VistaMMSC: Added balloon tips. Change.VistaMMSC: Added 'Backup' button and removed mandate of backup before save. Change.VistaMMSC: Other cosmetic and function changes. Change.GUI: Included updated Russian translation.
Change.GUI: Continued tweaks to reduce RAM usage even further. Change.GUI: Some string management changes. Change.VistaMMSC: Fixed scruffy and misaligned dialog.
[Check for update] でもサイトの表記でもまだ 3.00.2 のままだけど、ファイルは差し替わってる。
Addition.Installer: Added new section to reset only out-of-control process restraint settings. You'll be prompted at install to do so if that section is checked (it is by default). Fix.Core: Restoration of restraint process priorities when they move to the foreground has been improved. It is now more rapid in its response time and possible errant conditions have been addressed. Fix.Core: Fixed rare case of restrained processes sometimes never being restored to their original priority of their total CPU utilization never drops below 10%, regardless of the configured value. Change.Core: Changed out-of-control process restraint defaults so they are slightly less aggressive. Change.Core: Improved code efficiency in some places. Change.GUI: Reduced max depth of per-process and global CPU utilization history, there-by reducing RAM use per-process slightly (very).
Fix.Core: Fixed high CPU load when Lasso update speed set to 'Pause' and the Process Governor is started/restarted. Update.VistaMMSC: Now properly describes network throttling index, removes percentage mark from that value, enforces new max limit (70), and supports disabling of throttling.
Fix.Core: Fixed high CPU load when Lasso update speed set to 'Pause' and the Process Governor is started/restarted. Fix.Installer: Fixed issue where two instances of ProcessLasso.exe could end up running after initial install, depending on timing. Update.VistaMMSC: Now properly describes network throttling index, removes percentage mark from that value, enforces new max limit (70), and supports disabling of throttling.
>>233 > Process Lasso 3.04 > Fix.Core: Fixed high CPU load when Lasso update speed set to 'Pause' and the Process Governor is started/restarted. フォアグラウンドで優先度復帰後に、勝手に抑制されるのはなぜか直った感じ。 おそらく、最後の「is started/restarted.」部分が「3.02.1」と違うから修正されてる?_
Change.GUI: Now has a much more accurate per-process average CPU utilization calculation. It can calculate the per-process average even in periods when PL was't running. This is a nice little improvement as it better shows you which processes have consistently been using the CPU(s) over time.
* Correction d'un probleme de stabilite lors de la recuperation des informations des processus * Amelioration de (re)lancement des applications : le repertoire de demarrage est maintenant specifie automatiquement * La verification de nouvelle version se fait maintenant tous les jours
Change.GUI: Now has a much more accurate per-process average CPU utilization calculation. Change.GUI: Internal changes to string handling to improve safety and efficiency of code. Change.GUI: Restored Polish translation.
Change.GUI: Now has a much more accurate per-process historical average CPU utilization calculation. Change.GUI: Restored Polish translation. Change.GUI: The 'aggressively trim GUI working set' option now defaults to TRUE. This will cause it to more aggressively trim its virtual memory. This does not affect the core engine, whose memory use is negligible already. Change.Core: Changed default OOC settings a bit, lowering the per-process restraint threshold. Addition.InstallHelper: Added capability to set the 'show all processes' option for Vista UAC at install-time. Addition.InstallHelper: Added capability to tweak GUI startup type as well as governor startup type. Addition.InstallHelper: Second dialog, wizard-look, to make room for more options. Change.Installer: Added new section to launch the InstallHelper and let the user configure Process Lasso before starting it. Change.Installer: Several misc. tweaks.
Changes from v3.04: Change.GUI: Now has a much more accurate per-process historical average CPU utilization calculation. Change.GUI: Restored Polish translation. Change.GUI: The 'aggressively trim GUI working set' option now defaults to TRUE. This will cause it to more aggressively trim its virtual memory. This does not affect the core engine, whose memory use is negligible already. Change.Core: Changed default OOC settings a bit, lowering the per-process restraint threshold. Addition.InstallHelper: Added capability to set the 'show all processes' option for Vista UAC at install-time. Addition.InstallHelper: Added capability to tweak GUI startup type as well as governor startup type. Addition.InstallHelper: Second dialog, wizard-look, to make room for more options. Change.Installer: Added new section to launch the InstallHelper and let the user configure Process Lasso before starting it. Change.Installer: Several misc. tweaks. Change.Installer: Update to NSIS 2.39.
This minor update polishes InstallHelper, the configuration tool that runs during the installation process. The configuration dialogs got a few cosmetic tweaks, descriptions were clarified, and some text corruption on the second dialog was fixed.
Changes since v3.06.1: [.2]Change.GUI: Tweaked more string handling to truncate on the event of overflow, instead of throwing an exception. [.2]Change.Installer: Removed Vista UAC shortcuts, as InstallHelper is for this purpose now. [.2]Change.Installer: Main window now displays when ProcessLasso.exe is launched after install, instead of going straight to system tray. [.2]Change.GUI: Changed main window background color.
Changes since v3.06.2: [.3]Fix.GUI: Made final fix to main window background color. It should look fine now for all Windows flavors and themes.
Minimem 1.2.2 (September 15, 2008): available for doanload - official 1.2 version
* Bug fix: optimization not working in some cases when foreground option disabled (1.2.1) * Bug fix: GUI layout was inconsistent when Windows set up to use large fonts (1.2.1) * Self-optimization of Minimem now disabled when Minimem settings in the foreground * Minimem settings now behaving like a normal window rather than being always on top
Changes since v3.06.3: Change.GUI: Some minor string maintenance. Changes since v3.06.4: Addition.Installer: If foreground processes aren't excluded from restraint, ask user if they want to change to the new default config. This will apply to users of older versions who have an older default configuration, or to those who manually adjusted their configuration.
Change.GUI: Changed update checker string 'Download and exit' to 'Download'. Change.GUI: Misc. minor adjustments. Change.Installer: The product version is now stored in the registry, for update checking applications that may depend on it. Change.InstallHelper: The first configuration dialog is now bypassed if it doesn't fit on the screen.
Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic and string changes. Reduced size of first dialog, more consolidated look now. Change.GUI: Reduced some buffer sizes, in accordance with continuing policy to streamline the code. Rollover.changes: Several post-release changes were made to v3.06.
Addition.GUI: Added capability to delete a running process's executable at the next system boot. This is for malware and such that you may otherwise have a hard time getting rid of. Change.GUI: Renamed out-of-control process restraint to 'CycleShare'. Change.GUI: Removed 'beep when priority is restored' menu item. It is still in the CycleShare config dialog. Change.GUI: Re-arranged process context menu items, creating a 'Misc Advanced' menu with trim, restart, and other functions. Change.GUI: Removed 'Aggressively trim GUI RAM' menu option, as part of streamlining effort. This setting can still be manually changed in the INI file. Change.GUI: Disabled Russian, as out of date and can't guarantee proper operation since its binary only. Change.GUI: Disabled Polish because it is too out of date. Change.GUI: Added the word 'Current' to 'CPU Affinity' submenu heading in the process context menu, to better differentiate between the current and default affinities. Change.GUI: Consolidated View menu. Change.GUI: Removed, renamed, and relocated other menu items. Change.GUI: Cleaned up every dialog. Fixed errant titles. Fixed bad formatting. Fixed language errors. Change.InstallHelper: Changed first config dialog title. Addition.InstallHelper: Added a little security icon to the Vista UAC settings and path over-ride dialog.
Fix.GUI: Fixed lost first digit of log date/time in first column of log listview. This would cause a display and sort error. Note that the backing log file was/is written correctly.
Summary: This release represents a major overhaul/improvement of the run-as-service functionality for the core background engine (ProcessGovernor). It also, amongst many other things, changes the default ProBalance settings so that services are not excluded.
Fix.InstallHelper/MakeService: Removed inadvertently included user name and password from the ProcessGovernor service command line. Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed operation of service error message, where clicking 'Yes' to try an alternate config did not represent the startup config dialog. Fix.InstallHelper: Fix handling of user passwords containing spaces. Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed general problems with log-on service as user functionality. Fix.InstallHelper: Added error message describing how to change the local security policy to allow a service to run as a specific user. Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed inability to restart service, it was getting relaunched as a normal process when restart necessary due to config change. Fix.GUI: Fixed color of Responsiveness next in graph legend. It appeared more blue than green in some cases. Fix.MakeService: Fixed handling of quote encapsulated parameters.
Addition.MakeService: Added new /start function. Change.MakeService: Returns more detailed error information in exit code. Change.MakeService: Cosmetic and licensing revisions (now at v2.01). Change.Defaults: No longer exclude services from ProBalance. Change.InstallHelper: Now asks to change ProBalance settings if services are excluded, since this default has changed. Change.InstallHelper: No longer inform user about Process Lasso restart events. Change.InstallHelper: Now exits completely if user quits first dialog and responds Yes to prompt, instead of advancing to second dialog. Change.InstallHelper: Now prompts with error if no service username or password given, and 'run as user' is checked. Change.InstallHelper: Now auto-populates global configuration file path when 'use global over-rides' is checked by the user. Change.Installer: Writes more product information to registry, for display in the Add/Remove Programs list. Change.Core: A global config file or log path found in HKLM now takes precedence over any command line specified paths. This is mostly only relevant when running ProcessGovernor as a system service.
Addition.Installer: Added batch files to properly start and stop the governor, running as a service or not. The advanced start menu items to control the governor now use these. Change.Core: Changed service name to ProcessGovernor, instead of ProcessLassoGovernor. Change.Core: Changed service description to something more descriptive. Change.InstallHelper: Removed back button on second dialog. It was more a nuissance than anything.
Change.All: Digitally signed all modules and installer. Change.GUI: Minor cosmetic and maintenance work. Change.Core: Changed Product Name in version info block to match other descriptions of the core engine.
Addition.Core: Added new functionality to limit the number of instances a process can have per-session. Fix.Core: Improved handling of cases where unexpected results come from the NT kernel, usually indicating a rootkit or other kernel-level hooking. Fix.Core: Small reduction in memory use. Addition.GUI: Added config dialog for new feature to limit the number of instances a process can have per-session. Change.GUI: Make 'buy now' button initially not visible. Change.GUI: Config dialogs no longer ask to save changes when close button hit if no changes were made. Installer.Change: Upgraded to NSIS 2.40
Addition.Core: Added new functionality to limit the number of instances a process can have per user session. Fix.Core: Improved handling of cases where unexpected results come from the NT kernel, usually indicating a rootkit or other kernel-level hooking. Fix.Core: Fixed improper handling of cases where syntactical errors were present in the default process priorities (they would attempt to be applied anyway, in contrast to the error shown). Change.Core: Some memory optimizations. Change.Core: Some minor CPU optimizations. Change.Core: Improved efficiency of COM components calls. Addition.GUI: Added config dialog for new feature to limit the number of instances a process can have per-session. Addition.GUI: Added new log toggle for terminations due to instance limit. Change.GUI: Substantial reduction in memory use. Change.GUI: Make 'buy now' button initially not visible. Change.GUI: Config dialogs no longer ask to save changes when close button hit if no changes were made. Change.GUI: Made default button on the process list config dialogs the 'Add' button so you don't accidentally close the dialog by hitting enter. Change.All: Changed compiler optimization settings. Change.Defaults: ProBalance priority restorations (end of restraint) events are now logged by default. Installer.Change: Upgraded to NSIS 2.40
Change.GUI: Improved ProBalance configuration dialog behavior. Change.Core: Fixed critical Windows 2000 error in cases where a large number of process instances exist. Change.Installer: Force Win2k users to manually close instances of Process Lasso during upgrade to avoid problematic older versions.
Change.Installer: Added UAC plug-in so that Process Lasso isn't launched with admin rights by the installer in Vista /w UAC enabled. It is now only launched with those rights if the user configures Process Lasso to start with admin rights. Change.Installer: Removed config/LOG migration from very old versions. Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where the GUI didn't detect the governor when it was running as a system service. Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue where log events are not written when running the governor as a system service not in any user context, and a global log folder is not specified Addition.GUI: Appended PID to process name in log rows. Addition.Core: Added a safety catch for unexpected or inconsistent data returning from the NT kernel, which can happen as a result of a rootkit or improperly implemented API hooks. Change.All: Reverted some secure string functions back to their insecure counter-parts in cases where appropriate. Change.GUI: Tweaked compiler optimization settings. Change.InstallHelper: Allow blank passwords in service run-as user configuration. Change.Core: Increase timeout of pipe for balloon notifications. Fix.Core: [from 3.18.2] Fixed critical Windows 2000 error in cases where a large number of processes exist. Change.ProcessControl: [from 3.18.2] Optimized loading of dynamic imports. Reduction in CPU use. Change.Installer: [from 3.18.2] Force Win2k users to manually close instances of Process Lasso during upgrade to avoid problematic older versions. Change.GUI: [from 3.18.2] Improved ProBalance configuration dialog behavior.
Addition.Installer: Process Lasso is no longer launched after install with administrative rights (showing processes of all users) unless configured to be launched that way. Addition.InstallHelper: Now force users who choose to start the governor as a service to user global INI and log path over-rides. Change.Installer: Removed IntallHelper from start menu shortcuts, you must now re-run the installer to make install related changes. Change.InstallHelper: Removed 'Process Lasso must restart' message and functionality, intending for the InstallHelper to only be run during an install, when Process Lasso is already closed. Change.InstallHelper: Restore 'back' button on second dialog. Change.InstallHelper: Auto-populate global log folder over-ride. Change.InstallHelper: Other changes related to run-as-service support. Change.InstallHelper: If error during service installation, don't allow user the option to continue without changing startup type or service config. Fix.GUI: Process creation time now shown in local time. Addition.GUI: Appended PID to process name in log item display. Change.GUI: Fixed tab ordering on several dialogs.
Addition.Installer: Process Lasso is no longer launched after install with administrative rights (showing processes of all users) unless configured to be launched that way. Addition.InstallHelper: Now force users who choose to start the governor as a service to user global INI and log path over-rides. Change.Installer: Removed IntallHelper from start menu shortcuts, you must now re-run the installer to make install related changes. Change.Installer: Removed config/LOG migration from very old versions. Change.InstallHelper: Removed 'Process Lasso must restart' message and functionality, intending for the InstallHelper to only be run during an install, when Process Lasso is already closed. Change.InstallHelper: Allow blank passwords in service run-as user configuration. Change.InstallHelper: Restore 'back' button on second dialog. Change.InstallHelper: Auto-populate global log folder over-ride. Change.InstallHelper: Other changes related to run-as-service support. Change.InstallHelper: If error during service installation, don't allow user the option to continue without changing startup type or service config. Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue where log events are not written when running the governor as a system service not in any user context, and a global log folder is not specified Fix.Core: Fixed issue where core engine, when running as a service, it in some cases wouldn't detect configuration changes. Fix.GUI: Process creation time now shown in local time. Addition.GUI: Appended PID to process name in log item display. Change.GUI: Fixed tab ordering on several dialogs. Change.GUI: Changed menu organization slightly.
Fix.Core: [from 3.18.2] Fixed critical Windows 2000 error in cases where a large number of processes exist. Change.ProcessControl: [from 3.18.2] Optimized loading of dynamic imports. Reduction in CPU use. Change.Installer: [from 3.18.2] Force Win2k users to manually close instances of Process Lasso during upgrade to avoid problematic older versions. Change.GUI: [from 3.18.2] Improved ProBalance configuration dialog behavior.
Fix.GUI: Fixed ProBalance settings dialog condition when 'Restore Defaults' button used, then 'Cancel' button pressed and changes aborted. Previous versions would show the unsaved settings when you reopened the ProBalance dialog, possibly causing user confusion. Change.Core: Minor tweaks to NT native API client code.
Fix.GUI: Fixed ProBalance settings dialog condition when 'Restore Defaults' button used, then 'Cancel' button pressed and changes aborted. Previous versions would show the unsaved settings when you reopened the ProBalance dialog, possibly causing user confusion. Change.Localization: Removed some strings that need not be translated from the localization file. Change.Core: Minor tweaks to NT native API client code.
Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed failure to determine that the governor was previous installed as a service. Addition.GUI: Added message box notice in case where GUI fails to restart governor as a service.
Fix.GUI: Fixed failure of imported configuration (menu - File / Import configuration) to persist after application closes. Fix.GUI/Core: Fixed issue where the core engine, when running as a service, was being inappropriately terminated by the GUI upon user logoff. Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed failure to determine that the governor was previous installed as a service. Addition.GUI: Added message box notice in case where GUI fails to restart governor as a service. Addition.GUI: Added menu item 'Help / Visit Bitsum Technologies'.
Addition.GUI: Added prompts confirming process close, terminate, and restart operations initiated by the user. Addition.GUI: Added additional prompts for operations on critical system processes. Fix.GUI: Fixed failure to remember window size and position in some circumstances.
Fix.GUI: Fixed failure to remember window size and position in some circumstances. Addition.GUI: Added prompts confirming process close, terminate, and restart operations initiated by the user. Addition.GUI: Added additional prompts for operations on critical system processes.
Addition.GUI: Added option to exit the GUI on window close, instead of minimizing to system tray. Addition.InstallHelper: Added extended error codes from MakeService to help track down service install problems. Addition.InstallHelper: Created new switches '/terminate' and '/uninstall', which were formerly combined in '/remove'. Fix.GUI: Various ongoing adjustments to windowing code. Change.GUI: Don't open another instance of the update check dialog if one is already open. Change.GUI: Edits to log entry descriptions. Change.Localization: Don't show language selection dialog since only English is available (instead of show and close). Change.Installer: Several upgrade related changes. Change.Installer: Less safety wait time for termination of running instances. Change.Installer: Startup settings now preserved better.
Change.Installer: No longer asks Windows 2000 users to terminate Process Lasso, unless necessary. Change.Installer: No longer launches startup config dialog if install is an upgrade. Addition.Installer: Now detects if Process Lasso instance(s) are still running after attempted termination, and prompts user to terminate them. Addition.InstallHelper: Added explicit '/checksettings' switch, to check for default setting changes the user should be prompted about.
Addition.Core: Added support for ProBalance restraint by changing the CPU affinity of offending processes. Addition.Core: Emits log entry when an instance of the governor starts. Addition.GUI: Added support for ProBalance restraint by changing the CPU affinity of offending processes. Addition.GUI: Created a new log/action column for process ID. Change.GUI: Minor optimizations. Change.Core: Minor optimizations. Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance restraint algorithm.
Fix.GUI: Now utilizes XP/Vista themed common controls (v6), an accidental omission. This improves the GUI display considerably. Change.Core: Optimized foreground window change detection code, resulting in an even further reduction in CPU usage. Change.GUI: Change links to processlasso.com domain. Addition.GUI: Ask once whether home or commercial install.
Change.All: Licensing changes, some features Pro only. (具体的には以下の機能: Vista Multimedia Scheduler config NT Scheduler config Process instance count limits Periodic virtual memory trimming) Change.Core: Further reduced resource usage. Change.GUI: Further reduced resource usage. Installer.Change: Reduced size of free build installation.
Addition.Core: Added support for matching wildcards to process pathnames for default affinities and priorities. Addition.GUI: Added 'match wildcards to pathnames' to default priority and default affinity dialogs. Addition.GUI: Added 'more strictly enforce affinities' to default affinity dialog. Addition.GUI: Reinstated updated Russian translation. Addition.GUI: Duplicate item detection added to dialogs. Change.GUI: Some spelling and grammar corrections. Change.GUI: Added dialog close confirmation if unsaved text is in edit box, to prevent accidental closes. Change.GUI: Improved appearance of default affinity dialog box. Change.Installer: Reduced size of installation for all builds. Change.Installer: Reduced size of helper utilities is_writable and test_gdiplus_present substantially (both now less than 4KB). Change.Installer: Upgraded to NSIS 2.42 Fix.InstallHelper: Improved automated termination of Process Lasso under Windows 2000. Fix.InstallHelper: Fix issue installing core engine as service with non-local user context. Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where 'exit GUI on window close' option would cause the system tray icon to act incorrectly when double clicked. Fix.GUI: Fixed last character of log entries being sometimes lost in log item display.
Addition.GUI: Added ability to select multiple processes in the listview. Change.Core: Completely rewrote configuration file load/save code. It is now much more efficient. Removal.GUI: Removed Matching Rules column for some tweaking in the next build. Fix.GUI: Fixed sporadic failure of configuration changes to propagate to the core engine, appeared in v3.38. Fix.GUI: Fixed some other minor issues. Fix.Governor: Fixed unnecessary accesses to the configuration file. Fix.InstallHelper: Improved W2k auto-termination of Process Lasso for install.
Process Lasso 3.41 beta Addition.GUI: Added Portuguese/Brazilian translation. This is the first translation imported from new text file format. Change.InstallHelper: Edited second configuration dialog to improve clarity.
Process Lasso 3.41.2 beta Fix.Core: Fixed issue where instance count limit process matching was inadvertently case sensitive under some circumstances. This would cause some name matches to fail, resulting in the Process Lasso taking no action where it was configured to act. Change.GUI: Date/time fields now shown in localized format. Change.Core: The username field in log events now is the user owning the target process, instead of the user context of the core engine instance that performed the action.
Process Lasso 3.42 Addition.GUI: Added Portuguese/Brazilian translation. Addition.TestLasso: Added new command line switch (-c) to run with a sustained CPU load for X seconds. Fix.Core: Fixed issue where instance count limit process matching was inadvertently case sensitive under some circumstances. This would cause some name matches to fail, resulting in the Process Lasso taking no action where it was configured to act. Fix.GUI: Fixed incorrect verb in confirmation message box of multi-process terminate and close. Change.GUI: Changed date/time formats. Change.Core: The username field in log events now is the user owning the target process, instead of the user context of the core engine instance that performed the action. Change.InstallHelper: Edited second configuration dialog to improve clarity. Change.Installer: Language selection of installer now propagates to Process Lasso application. Removal.Installer: Removed localization pack for translators from installer, is packaged separately now. This reduces installer size.
Addition.GUI: Added ProBalance option to not change priority class, only adjust CPU affinity. Addition.Core: Added support for ProBalance option to not change priority class during restraint.
Process Lasso 3.43.1 Addition.GUI: Added multi-process default priority and affinity context menu selections. Change.GUI: Updated PTBR translation and images.
ProBalance でフォアグラウンドプロセスを除外する設定にしてても優先度が下 げられてしまうバグは 3.43.2 beta で直った。 それ以前からある、下げた優先度を元に戻す CPU 使用率の参照が間違っている ("Per-process CPU usage when restraint should stop" ではなく "Per-process CPU usage when action should begin" を見ている)バグは(3.44.1 でも)直っ ていない。 そういうこと。
Fix.GUI: Fixed issue when governor installed as a service, launching the GUI can sometimes result in redundant instance(s) of the governor launched as a normal process. Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where Process Lasso would exit after load during system startup when user had enabled 'Exit GUI on window close'. Addition.GUI: Added CTRL-A keyboard short-cut to select all processes. Addition.Localization: Japanese translation added. Change.GUI: Made system tray icon type menu items more intuitive. Change.InstallHelper: Enabled Process Lasso rights selection in XP, as it pertains there too for limited users who want to see 'all processes' (not recommended). Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation, by Vitor Machado. Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation by Dmitry Yerokhin. Change.Localization: Localization text files are now all saved as UTF-16-LE (Unicode). Change.Localization: Improved internal utilities and build environment. Resource changes are now automatically propagated to all languages. Untranslated new and changed strings remain in English until a translator updates the applicable language pack.
Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of process creation time in listview. Fix.InstallHelper: Warning message about Pro only features now shown in localized language. Addition.GUI: Added message about Real Time priority class and how Windows may change it to High, unless the security policy is adjusted. Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning and confirmation when user is terminating, restarting, or closing multiple processes that include one or more system processes. Removal.Installer: Removed 'uninstall' shortcut from start menu folder. User should uninstall from Add/Remove Programs, to ensure administrative run mode. Change.Installer: Don't try to UAC self-elevate during uninstall, instead force user to run (or re-run) uninstaller with admin rights.
Bill2's Process Manager * Correction d'un crash dans la fenetre de Statistiques, lorsqu'on faisait un clic droit et qu'aucun CPU et/ou process n'etait selectionne * Correction de l'install : meme si on ne demandait pas le francais, le programme l'affichait par defaut lors du premier chargement * Reduction de l'effet de flicker dans certaines fenetres * Amelioration du systeme de deplacement/sauvegarde du fichier de config lors de l'install, de la mise a jour du programme, et lors du chargement de l'application * Ameliorations sur l'icone du systray : elle pouvait parfois disparaitre sans raison
Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs. Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to 'highest' when running the core engine as a service, and disable lower rights selection. Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module. Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakSchedule for localization. Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization. Addition.Package: Included advanced tools TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC in freeware build. Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
Fix.Installer: Fixed second, redundant query for language selection in Vista+ /w UAC. Fix.Localization: Changed much internal string handling to wide-character (unicode). Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation. Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese. Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs. Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to highest when running the core engine as a service, and disable normal rights selection. Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module. Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakScheduler for localization. Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization. Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски. Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
Addition.Installer: Added evaluation copies of TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC to free build. Addition.Localization: Added Dutch translation by Bart Van Zoest.
Fix.GUI: Internal tweaks and adjustments to deal with several theoretical conditions. Change.GUI: Data structure optimization slightly reduced memory required to track each process. Fix.GUI: Fixed a memory optimization mechanism. Fix.Localization: Fixed missing strings in Dutch version of the update checker.
Fix.GUI: Fixed a very small memory leak under specific circumstances. Fix.Localization: Fixed InstallHelper untranslated string in Japanese. Fix.Localization: Several fixes and updates inherited from v3.48 post-release updates. Fix.Licensing: Fixed days installed counter. Change.Licensing: Use type (commercial or home) is no longer asked. Change.Licensing: Commercial installations no longer have a forced expiration. Change.GUI: Some minor data structure size optimizations.
Process Lasso 3.51 beta
Addition.GUI: Added option to hide process icons in the listview, reducing RAM use by the GUI considerably when hidden.
Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder. Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating). Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred. Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages. Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'. Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes. [enterprise feature] Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview. Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation. Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation. Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details. Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs. Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings. Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log. Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini. Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load. Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS. Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable. Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation (as of v3.53.9). Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation (as of v3.53.9). Change.Localization: Updated Japanese translation (as of v3.53.9). Change.Localization: Updated Chinese-traditional translation (as of v3.53.9). Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation. Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy! Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy! Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode. Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
Addition.InstallHelper: Added important warning about running the core engine as a service. Running it as a normal process is preferred. Change.Localization: Updated PTBR translation.
Change.Core: Added special ProBalance handling for certain common process(es) in certain conditions. Change.Core: Changed default ProBalance parameters to decrease sensitivity some.