このソフトを日本語化して欲しい! パッチ6

223未定 ◆uBh/ztxe8c
About NetInfo Cracks:

Please never use the programs having been created by computer crackers.
You are putting your computer at risk by downloading files from unreliable sites especially crack sites.
In many cases these programs are Trojan horse viruses that may cause an irreparable damage to your computer!

Note: This version of NetInfo contains a brand new self-checking routine that detects any illegal using of the product.

Thank you for supporting the legal usage of NetInfo.
It ensures that developers will continue to bring you quality products and services designed to enhance your use of Internet.

クラックすんな( ゚Д゚)ゴルァ
クラック(改編)すると、強制終了しますよ( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ
224名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/09/03 13:36 ID:v2Pywjx2
全部おいらの責任です (´・ω・`)ショボーン
225名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/09/03 13:40 ID:c1Jk4UGR