【自己顕示】BarmyArmyハバネロ: rev.2【裸の王様】

Fight or fight
You never win
Sitting here you make me shiver
All this energy destroy me
shiiting here I lose all fear
Sleeping though I'm still alive
Waiting for the life you give
Living on this simple plane
They also wait who stand and serve
and it crashed
psycho therapy
burning bodies growing cold
mentall illness and I see myself in the gutter
and the water with the water
wing gangrene dangring myself
cos I really want to slaughter
want to slaughter
looking wide-eyes and so confused
and world end with a whimper slug
make me dizzy with your own disease
I want to smash you my knife against your throat
desperate impatience
can I be alive
onece more try to punish myself
killing my break neck action
a stinking virus
youre like a virus
isee you crawling in the gutter around