Boycott SMAP!!!!

1Rage against the smap:02/03/10 20:17 ID:pZbQbXWc
2 :02/03/10 20:17 ID:jpbOTcVZ
3Rage against the smap:02/03/10 20:22 ID:pZbQbXWc
I konw they are really fucken stupid guys.
Listen carefully their songs. Do you think they are good singer??
4I totally agree man.:02/03/11 05:55 ID:OXBiMMBl
Boycott Smap!!
5じーざす:02/03/12 13:30 ID:1DhvpLdc
6かおりん祭り ◆IidAAeuI :02/03/12 13:37 ID:R94Ic3Xo
\( ^▽^)×( ^▽^)×( ^▽^)/  新スレおめでとうございまーす♪
7 :02/03/12 13:38 ID:3X6cYC+1
Don't Speak japanese!!>5
8Correction unit.:02/03/12 14:48 ID:Q/1F+pZ+
>I konw they are really fucken stupid guys. .

I know they are really fuckn' stupid guys.
9Correction unit.:02/03/12 15:05 ID:Q/1F+pZ+
>3 Um...It's amusing your grammer.
   What "Excite" translation reproduced?
   Although it thinks that it is also good….
But, That translation it is very well wrong.
10Correction unit.:02/03/12 15:14 ID:Q/1F+pZ+
Generally, it is different from a thread title.
Not "Boycott SMAP"
It is open at "Excite" translation….
11Rage against the smap!!:02/03/12 16:37 ID:q0cKSW6o
Hey!! What the fuck are you guys talking about??
I don't use translation, I'm writing myself!!
Difinitely my English is correct.
Your English is almost fucked up isn't it??
12Correction unit.:02/03/12 17:18 ID:eudHLtiq
Hey!! Rage against the SMAP!!

About "Difinitely" written by you.
In some cases, I want to hear it...
"Difinitely" is what?!?!
Without playing in such a place, And restudy from spelling.
And, Incidentally "What the fuck are you guys talking about??"
-is also different.
13What a fuck??:02/03/14 07:22 ID:K3XGnvQX
I'm sorry. I can't understand your fucken English. Don't use translation.
Sometimes translation is causing of mistake. OK?
14Rage against the smap!!:02/03/15 15:34 ID:EMCTcDtK
Stop fuck this shit!!!
15Correction unit.:02/03/16 03:46 ID:2UFnwVHJ
It is a complete defeat.(w
Although I was looking forward to it with when he notices...
It has been noticed by you.
When does he notice?
I want to look forward to it.(w
Thank you for nice TSUKKOMI.
16あほーか?:02/03/16 10:43 ID:/MOM+v5z
17Correction unit.:02/03/17 02:40 ID:iArwp5SR
18age:02/03/17 17:17 ID:rdtm3DHQ