I don't understand why Mao got her insanely inflated score again in the worlds after she got the same treatment at the Olympics. Her 3A's are plain No Good. Every 3A's she attempts is badly underrotated and everyone who sees it knows that but her fans quickly erase what they saw from their brain as they were all brain washed by the Japanese media. And her PCS? Are you kidding me? What does she do to earn that over-the-top score in her level other than skating sluggishly in a straight line back and forth between her mediocre 3 loops and toe loops and her trademark meaningless arm waving. She should have been ended up third place and still should be thankful for that. But her mothership is the mighty Japanese skating federation and all the Japanese corporate sponsors so she gets gold instead. How nice for her to have all this given to her. If she wants to be taken seriously and not just a shadow of Kim Yuna, I suggest she go back to her drawing board and practice 3Sal and 3Lutz properly.