There was no problem though the head was finally stricken even if the master hit or it violated or it sold it away because they were the properties of the master who nothing but existed for the master and it dropped.
それこそ赤子の手を捻るように、いとも簡単に主人は碑女たちを性の道具 にしたものであった。
The master often made Hionna the tool of the character in the very easiness as baby's hand was twisted only in it.
奥方たちの嫉妬を買った碑女は打ち据えられたり、 ひどい場合は打ち殺される こともあった。
Hionna that bought the ladies' envy was occasionally struck to death when it was beaten or it was awful.
The change, and it is good, and it said by Hionna that there were abandoned bodies of daughters of the pubescence caught to the one often flowing to South Korea Se, the water ditch, and the river and without falling with master's virtual domestic animal not to mention the clearance and the capital punishment if not having become a homi cide though it is struck to death though only externals are men.
It was a hero of the unhappy destining killed by the lady at the end that became master's toy needless to say that the stone and the club were inserted in the part.