

On how the downturn in the economy has affected his family...

Well my father is unable to work -- he is disabled from a job he had my whole life growing up.
So my father is unable to work. He gets, I don't know the right word, a pension or unemployment, something from his previous job but I mean,
that's what it is, it's just unemployment. My mother has worked several jobs and she lost a job because of the economy and she's now scrambling
trying to find something. It's a very difficult situation. My brother now, is at the point where he needs to be working as well. He had to put
off college for the moment to also try and help with things because he needs to have a job and help out. Honestly my family can't afford college
at the moment. Taking all of those things into account, it's been a very very tough year, almost two years, for my family. What kind of job did
your mom lose? She was taking care of all the books, and the payments and these kinds of things for a local store that sells heating appliances,
and stoves and things like that in Delaware.

