フィギュアスケート☆キム・ヨナ Part31 ☆ユナ☆


Bulgaria's World Champ Maxim Staviiski: My Life is Turned Upside Down Forever

7 August 2007, Tuesday
Bulgaria's world ice dancing champion Maxim Staviiski, who triggered on
Sunday a drunk driving crash that killed one, said all he wanted was a
fair trial.
"I am at a loss for words with which to express the way I feel. I am
very distressed and shocked by what happened. I would like to express
my deepest and most sincere sympathies with the families of the victims,
" Staviiski said in his first comment after the horrible accident.
"This is a huge tragedy, it is very personal and affects everyone close
to me. I know that this will turn upside down my life and the life of
Albena forever," reads the statement that the world ice dancing champion
sent to the Bulgarian News Agency.
"The only thing that I can do and pray for now is help anyway I can to
save the life of Manuela and see Valentin and Yoana recovered."
Staviiski concluded by saying he is not allowed to provide further
details because of the ongoing investigation, but vowed to fully cooperate
the prosecutors and the court.
The drunk driving crash, between Staviiski's Hummer sport utility
vehicle and two cars, occurred late Sunday on a bridge near the Black
Sea city of Burgas.
Staviiski veered into the opposite lane and bumped headlong into a Honda
Civic with four people riding in it.
The driver of the Honda died in a hospital, while his passenger - a woman -
was hospitalised in a coma.
The blood alcohol test has shown that Staviiski had 1.1 permilles of
alcohol in his blood.
The legal driving limit in Bulgaria is 0.5.
If found guilty, Maxim faces up to ten years behind bars.
Maxim is part of the ice duo Denkova-Staviiski, who defended their world
title in Tokyo in March.

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   おらあああ!!            ちっと遊ぶだけだからよお!!!
                ちんぽっ…!    ∧_∧
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          (⌒ ∧_∧         ,//∧_∧  ひゃははは!!おもしれえなあ!!
       バキィ!ヽ( ・∀・)  :(⌒ミ(  //(´∀` ) もっとキモイ鳴き声吐き出せや!
        バキィ!!ヽ  l| |l(:;;:( ドガァ!!///ヽ、  _`彡;;ヽ   ゴスッ!!
       ('⌒;ヾ / '/ li| l!グシャァ!!\从从///'ミ彡彡;;/ヽ   ドゴッ!!
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       (´⌒ー-   ;:#∧_>::;w 彡(:::゜`)。(;;;)、⌒从;;ノ・`⌒);
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