(´・ω・`) The current P.M. Yoshihiko Noda (野田 佳彦), so-called Nobuta (ノブタ;野豚) or Noda Buta (野田豚), ate Fukushima Cesium Rice in public, and then he cried Mai-Uh (まいうー) again and again. Mai-Uh? What is Mai-Uh? Even Kohjien (広辞苑) dictionary doesn't have this word. So I must teach you what Mai-Uh means. Mai-Uh is the signature phrase of famous Japanese comedian Hidehiko Ishizuka (石塚 英彦). Ishizuka is also a famous gourmet TV show reporter. When Ishizuka eats each of dishes, Ishizuka says Mai-Uh. Mai-Uh means umai (うまい;美味い). We Japanese people cannot afford Nobuta's immense foolishness...