ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam
General and Technical Data
Model number: ZGMF-X10A
Code name: Freedom Gundam
Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Operator(s): ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty); Three Ships Alliance
First deployment: 5 May C.E. 71
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 18.03 meters
Weight: max gross weight 71.5 metric tons
Construction: unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact nuclear fission reactor, power output rated at 8826 kW
Model number: MSA-003
Code name: Nemo
Unit type: mass production attack use mobile suit
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics Company
Operator: Anti-Earth Union Group
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 19.5 meters; head height 18.5 meters
Weight: empty 36.2 metric tons; max gross 55.6 metric tons; mass ratio 1.32
Construction: gundarium α alloy on movable frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1620 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 18200 kg, 2 x 13800 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 12
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.15 G
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 10020 meters
Fixed armaments: 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, power rated at 0.4 MW, stored in recharge racks on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use
Optional fixed armaments: shield, mounted on either forearm
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, power rated at 1.9 MW, powered by rechargeable energy cap
ultracompact nuclear fission reactor, power output rated at 8826 kW 超小型核分裂炉 出力8,826kw
Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1620 kW 超小型ミノフスキー型核融合炉 出力1620kw