
I am the student who goes to the vocational school.
The neighborhood and command of English will be thought as important by internationalization.
since -- it is called [ whether it talks only in you and English, and ] ? -- it divided and came out and this thread was stood Don't use only cautions English.
Even if it does not understand, let's write in only in Roman alphabet 使う, what, or English. a college student -- it must not damage and AA must not also use only English if it is a college student, it is natural in conversation etc.
in English -- it is the thread which must not use w Japanese You are very well in cooperation and I need your help.

2名無し専門学校:04/12/20 22:43:39
Sorry, I do not make out that sentence '' what, or English. a college student -- it must not damage
and AA must not also use only English if it is a college student, it is natural in conversation etc.''
Please teach me more easily.
3名無し専門学校:04/12/20 22:57:28
Are you crazy?
4名無し専門学校:04/12/20 23:18:33
Certain topics,such as sex,are out of bounds for discussion.
5名無し専門学校:04/12/20 23:20:13
6名無し専門学校:04/12/20 23:23:15
What do you think we must do in order to have a good fuck ?
7名無し専門学校:04/12/22 22:02:55