北九州高専について語ろう! 第1回戦

272名無し専門学校:03/09/09 00:56
輪咲 shows shame of KOUSEN over and over again.
What come he does such thing?
I think, He is so foolish that we can not realize his tulely able.
He can speaks Japanese, write Japanese, even eat foods.
The fact is that he is a higher animal in Japan because of
He can do which other many animals can not do.
I think he should be admireable as well as birds which speaks a word.
273名無し専門学校:03/09/09 01:05
It is nice snow as if for others need as follows: His or her lost lover will come back to life.
If their wish come true, in retuen for it, 輪咲 may well die.
274名無し専門学校:03/09/09 01:10
I think, 輪咲 as fool boy should be die
as he does so because he delight himself.
輪咲 is rudeness boy and likery barbarian,
his behaver and speaking covinces me that he is such a man.