>>312 >調査捕鯨で特定系統群に影響が出ないなんてことが、どうやって主張できるのか不思議です。
で2000年の科学委員会において1990年の76万頭より“appreciably lower”(劇的に減少)したと思われると発表されるわけです。
NOTING also that the Scientific Committee this year considered all estimates of
Southern Hemisphere minke whale population sizes which have been made available since 1990,
and concluded that these estimates were “appreciably lower” than the estimate of 760,000
accepted by the Scientific Committee in 1990.
http://www.iwcoffice.org/meetings/resolutions/resolution2000.htm#4 (決議2000年第4号)
i. 日本の南極海での調査捕鯨がミンククジラの資源量推計減少に悪影響を与える可能性
REQUESTS the Scientific Committee to provide to the Commission, after the completion of the IDCR/SOWER abundance estimates,
all plausible hypotheses to explain any decline in abundance estimates that may emerge, and in doing so to consider fully:
i. the possible negative impact of the take of minke whales under Japan’s Research Program in the Antarctic,
http://www.iwcoffice.org/meetings/resolutions/resolution2003.htm#3 (決議2003年第3号)