Netto-Uyo (lit. Internet rightists in Japan) have always set up ROK, DPRK and PRC as imaginary enemies and have harbored hatred against these nations. This time around, Netto-Uyo are fighting with Australians for the whaling issue. Primarily, moves toward whaling regulations virtually reach an international agreement in the light of wildlife conservation, the protection of the global ecosystem, or humanitarian perspective. It is only right and proper that some advanced countries including Australia express angry protest against Japan, which tries to continue the activity of hunting whales with no regard to such an international public opinion. Furthermore, no matter how much Netto-Uyo raise their voices, the intentions of the international community can not change. Notwithstanding such a condition, does Japan selfishly give ITS OWN CULTURE priority over INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION? Unless Japan changes such a right-wing and arrogant attitude, this stupid island nation remains held in contempt by the rest of the world. Definitely.