322 :
C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★:
323 :
C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★:2014/04/04(金) 22:39:56.08 ID:???0
324 :
Jack ★:2014/04/04(金) 22:40:24.04 ID:???0
>>322 That is dangerous. I think that the method is not good.
The ISP has not coped with the vandal act.
325 :
Jack ★:2014/04/04(金) 22:41:02.93 ID:???0
>>323 The ISP has not coped with the vandal act, either.
326 :
名無しの報告:2014/04/04(金) 23:00:26.81 ID:jRI4VjZ+0
>>322-325 Hey, guys.
Take out these operations after discussed.