規制人より2008年中止のお知らせ 芋25本目

459Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
I would like to order servers for upgrade tomorrow.
1 ebanana
and 4 tbanana.
Optional 1 tbanana to upgrade the headline server.
460名無しの報告:2008/01/07(月) 06:06:41 ID:xQtsgtNn0
461名無しの報告:2008/01/07(月) 06:07:46 ID:22OjBjb80
Thank you for your reply
462Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/01/07(月) 06:07:55 ID:ONJNfr7w0 BE:296940825-2BP(215)
One good day can add plenty of snow. We had 10 feet of snow in the
mountains here just a few days ago.
463名無しの報告:2008/01/07(月) 06:11:14 ID:xQtsgtNn0
464FOX ★:2008/01/07(月) 06:12:57 ID:???0

I heard eBanana has been ordered and already it was set at PIE.
a little problem there . power suply or something.
just waiting it will be fixed. so you don't need to order it again.

and we don't need 4 machine, it is too much
please order 3 tBanana, we will use 2 tBanana for BBS.
and another 1 tBanana you can use for headline.

4GRAM tBanana is good for them
because we can use them either 32bit OS or 64bit OS.

please order them and set them up
after that I will put BBS system on them.
465雑魚『爽やかな風に揺られて』 ◆PoorManD1k :2008/01/07(月) 06:14:14 ID:Fmb5AsOV0 BE:300229643-2BP(6690) 株主優待


意味がわからん 可読性を損なう投稿(笑)削除対象です・・・・



※でも 自転車通勤者なのはわかった・・・・・マウンテン
466Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/01/07(月) 06:15:41 ID:ONJNfr7w0 BE:1068984094-2BP(215)
>>463 --> ふっ
467FOX ★:2008/01/07(月) 06:17:05 ID:???0
He said .

wow, you have snow too.
468Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/01/07(月) 06:19:38 ID:ONJNfr7w0 BE:742350555-2BP(215)
はい わかった