975 :
名無しの報告:2006/03/08(水) 20:37:00 ID:OANmouSq0
>>972 即レスありがとうございます。
977 :
:2006/03/08(水) 22:27:02 ID:Vvr7Kvuo0
Greeting .
I want to start my first letter from a question: "Is it possible to be happy without LOVE?"
I think that you will agree with me if the answer will be "NO WAY". Love is the most beautiful and exciting thing
that may happen between man and woman! It inspires us only for doing positive things towards each other.
One very famous writer said: "The beauty will rescue the world" i agree with his words but still i would add :
" LOVE and Beauty will rescure the world".
I hope you agree with me that Love is a big notion.
There's love to God, to Mother, to a child to the country where you were born, and there's love that joins a man
and woman for all their life. That is the LOVE i'm looking for! And i'm seeking for the man who is also eager to have
this life long adventure full of surprises and new experience we can share together! Will you join me for this trip?
I do realise that it should be very difficult to say "Yes" from the first letter having no idea about me.
That's why i just offer to get to know each other better though correspondence that will help us to reveal many things
about each other whether we mach perfectly or not. In addition you can look at my pictures and read some info about me here
http://ppn9yPQ.i-am-waiting4love.com/ I hope you'll like what you see and read there.
Well closing my first letter to you i just want to thank you for reading it and i really hope that you'll share
my point of view on what i said above. I do really hope that you'll answer me soon.
Yourth faithfully
http://life7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/utu/1140955959/188 2006/03/08(水) 21:20:11 ID:njiShXCa
>>978 本日2件で登録済みですー
981 :
名無しの報告:2006/03/08(水) 23:34:13 ID:LRGxKGF30
ミナサン オチカレサマー ( ・∀・)つ d▼~ d▼~ d▼~ d▼~
( ≧∀≦)つd▼~
983 :
常習報告者:2006/03/09(木) 00:10:30 ID:M7e1/5RK0
984 :
名無しの報告:2006/03/09(木) 00:49:30 ID:hxg5ijwC0
>>972 Rockのお手伝いをし始めた頃は
987 :
名無しの報告:2006/03/09(木) 07:31:50 ID:5kqPLp8P0
988 :
1/2:2006/03/09(木) 08:03:05 ID:7zMpRxTp0
989 :
2/2:2006/03/09(木) 08:03:39 ID:7zMpRxTp0
[※時給例]5000円-30000円 [※支払例]日払い・現金手渡し
http://www.gyakuten6.net/serebu/?1938 ★☆★今なんでホストが必要なの?★☆★
http://www.gyakuten6.net/serebu/?1938 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
http://life7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/utu/1140955959/190 2006/03/09(木) 05:05:10 ID:GVjutuSF