[00:00.000] [i] Update started... [00:00.059] [+] Updating Service is active. [00:00.068] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates3.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid... [00:01.420] [+] Retrieved update info file. [00:02.515] [.] Info file part done. [00:02.527] [.] Testing which updates apply to this version... [00:02.549] [+] TrojansC-04.sbi (version 20130917) needs to be updated (to version 20130924). [00:02.599] [+] PUPSC.sbi (version 20130910) needs to be updated (to version 20130924).
[00:00.000] [i] Update started... [00:00.060] [+] Updating Service is active. [00:00.070] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates1.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid... [00:00.880] [+] Retrieved update info file. [00:01.420] [.] Info file part done. [00:01.430] [.] Testing which updates apply to this version... [00:01.450] [+] TrojansC-03.sbi (version 20130731) needs to be updated (to version 20131001). [00:01.500] [+] PUPSC.sbi (version 20130924) needs to be updated (to version 20131002). [00:01.510] [+] MalwareC.sbi (version 20130924) needs to be updated (to version 20131001). [00:01.530] [+] AdwareC.sbi (version 20130924) needs to be updated (to version 20131001). [00:01.540] [.] Downloading updates... [00:01.550] [+] File "AdwareC.sbi" needs to be downloaded. [00:02.700] [+] Downloaded archive "AdwareC.sbi-20131001.cab" from [00:02.790] [+] Extracted "AdwareC.sbi-20131001.cab"! [00:02.810] [+] Installed "AdwareC.sbi". [00:02.810] [+] File "MalwareC.sbi" needs to be downloaded.