http://plusd.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/1012/28/news008_2.html 1 G Data 925,186 98.98%
2 マカフィー 920,128 98.44%
3 ウイルスバスター 916,315 98.03%
4 PC Tools 899,774 96.26%
5 NIS 899,753 96.26%
6 KIS 891,421 95.37%
7 ESET 828,993 88.69%
Avira Classic 30/30
gredAV 30/30
Norton 28/30
F-Secure 27/30
GData 27/30
Panda 27/30
ウイルスセキュリティ 27/30
AhnlabV3 26/30
Avast!5 26/30
Kaspersky 26/30
MSE 26/30
AVG Free 25/30
COMODO 25/30
Dr.web 24/30
ウイルスチェイサー 22/30
ウイルスバスター2010 20/30
ESET 19/30 ←ココ
セキュリティーソフト 28製品の紹介と検出テスト-28 security software comp.
ttp://www.anti-malware-test.com/?q=node/34 ◎金賞
Rootkit Unhooker 3.7 (7.5 out of 8 points)
GMER 1.0 (7 out of 8)
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 (6.5 out of 8)
Avira Rootkit Detection 1.0 (6.5 out of 8)
AVG Anti-Rootkit 1.1 (5.5 out of 8)
Panda AntiRootkit 1.08 (5.5 out of 8)
Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.3.1 (5.5 out of 8)
Dr.Web 4.44 (5 out of 8)
Trend Micro RootkitBuster 1. (5 out of 8)
Symantec Anti-Virus 2008 (4.5 out of 8)
F-Secure Anti-Virus 2008 (4 out of 8)
McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.1 (3.5 out of 8)
BitDefender Antivirus 2008 (3 out of 8)
McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 (1.5 out of 8)
Trend Micro Antivirus plus Antispyware 2008 (1 out of 8)
ESET NOD32 Anti-Virus 3.0 (1 out of 8) ←ココ
202 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/07/31(金) 06:26:55
30th 9% 588 NOD32v2 ★・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・なんでver4が出てるのにver2で検証してるの?
224 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/31(金) 20:29:10
>>202 大差ないからですよ。
SSUpdater.com Antivirus test FREE EDITION No.1
ttp://ssupdater.com/modules/Forums/index.php?showtopic=2592 AntiVir Personal Edition Premium- 99.33%
AntiVir Personal Edition Classic- 99.16%
Avast! Home Edition- 98.94%
Kaspersky Antivirus- 98.85%
BitDefender Free Edition- 97.44%
Sophos Antivirus- 96.48%
McAfee by AOL- 94.21%
Moon Secure Antivirus BETA- 90.93%
Nod32 V3- 90.61% ←ココ
Nod32 V2.7- 89.94% ←ココ
ttp://ssupdater.com/modules/Forums/?showtopic=3938 Nod32 4.0 - 89.79% (48.000k) ←ココ
http://ssupdater.com/modules/Forums/index.php?showtopic=3938&st=0 ソフト − 検出率(平均的なメモリ使用量) → 例えば、2位のAntiVirだと、検出率98.74%,メモリ 50MB(50000KB)使用ということ。
1. a-squared Anti-Malware 4.0 Free Edition - 99.48% (90.000k)
2. AntiVir Personal Edition - 98.74% (50.000k)
3. Avast! Home Edition ? 98.71% (58.000k)
4. BitDefender Free Edition ? 96.81% (31.000k)
5. McAfee by AOL ? 95.58% (96.000k)
6. Comodo Internet Security ? 94.85% (26.000k)
7. DriveSentry ? 93.66% (15.000k)
8. AVZ Antiviral Toolkit 4 ? 92.36% (20.000k)
9. Rising Antivirus Free Edition ? 92.18% (65.000k)
10. Blink Personal Edition ? 91.08% (110.000k)
11. AVG Antivirus Free Edition ? 89.22% (51.000k)
12. Moon Secure Antivirus Beta ? 88.47% (82.000k)
13. PC Tools Antivirus Free Edition ? 87.69% (20.000k)
14. a-squared Anti-Malware 3.5 ? 85.39% (48.000k)
15. My Free Antivirus ? 83.87% (58.000k)
16. Spyware Terminator with ClamAV ? 79.62% (156.000k)
17. ClamWin Antivirus ? 74.48% (25.000k)
18. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware ? 3.71% (28.000k)
1. Avira AntiVir Premium ? 98.83% (50.000k)
2. Kaspersky Antivirus ? 98.28% (41.000k)
3. Norton Antivirus ? 96.94% (125.000k)
4. Nod32 4.0 beta ? 89.79% (48.000k)