【VB】ウイルスバスター2007 Part35【TrendMicro】

4. System Requirements

To run Trend Micro Internet Security 2008, your computer must meet
these hardware and software specifications:

4.1 Compatible Microsoft Operating Systems

a. Windows Vista Ultimate, Business, Home Premium, or Home Basic
b. Windows XP Home or Professional Edition, with Service Pack 2
c. Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, with Service Pack 2
d. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, with Service Pack 2

Note: Trend Micro Internet Security supports both the 32-bit and
64-bit versions of all Windows Vista editions named above.
678名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/08(水) 18:10:49
1. About Trend Micro(TM) Internet Security 2008

Trend Micro(TM) Internet Security 2008 Pro provides comprehensive
protection against viruses, Trojan horse programs, worms, and other
threats, including network viruses and rootkits. It also blocks
spyware, hackers, phishing fraud attempts, and unwanted Web sites.
It can filter your email messages for spam as well.

Improvements in Trend Micro Internet Security 2008 help safeguard
your computer, home network, and Internet connection.

2. What's New

This version of Trend Micro Internet Security 2008 includes
the following features:

a. Upgrades supported from the 2007 version to 2008 version

b. Faster and simpler installation and setup

c. Single scan for viruses, suspicious software, Windows security
flaws and other threats

d. Enhanced protection against unauthorized changes

e. Trend Micro Data Network controls

f. Trend Micro Pro Services available online

g. Interface improvements for enhanced usability
679名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/08(水) 18:11:33
4.2 CPU
a. Windows Vista Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, or Ultimate
(32-bit or 64-bit)
Intel Pentium 800MHz (1GHz recommended)

b. Windows XP Home, Professional, Media Center or Tablet PC
Intel Pentium 350MHz

Note: Trend Micro Internet Security 2008 can support computers
with processors equivalent to those listed above, as well
as Intel Hyper-Threading and dual core processors, plus
RAID 0 (Striping) or RAID 1 (Mirroring).

4.3 Memory, Disk Space, and Monitor
a. Memory
128MB minimum (512MB recommended) for Windows XP,
512MB minimum (1GB recommended) for Windows Vista Home Basic,
1GB for Windows Vista Home Premium, Business or Ultimate

b. Disk Space
300MB available for installation

c. Monitor
1024 x 768 (XGA) minimum with high color
680名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/08/08(水) 18:17:50
>c. Single scan for viruses, suspicious software, Windows security
>flaws and other threats


>1GB for Windows Vista Home Premium, Business or Ultimate
