
2ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/05/31(木) 13:43
Ich kann Deutsche sprechen nicht !
3ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/05/31(木) 13:47
般 羯 多 呪 多 得 想 掛 所 亦 無 耳 不 是 異 蘊 観 摩
若 諦 呪 能 是 阿 究 礙 得 無 意 鼻 増 舎 色 皆 自 訶
心 羯 即 除 大 耨 竟 無 故 老 識 舌 不 利 色 空 在 般
経 諦 説 一 神 多 涅 掛 菩 死 界 身 減 子 即 度 菩 若
   呪 切 呪 羅 槃 礙 提 盡 無 意 是 是 是 一 薩 波
  波 曰 苦 是 三 三 故 薩 無 無 無 故 諸 空 切 行 羅
  羅   真 大 藐 世 無 陀 苦 明 色 空 法 空 苦 深 蜜
  羯   実 明 三 諸 有 依 集 亦 聲 中 空 即 厄 般 多
  提   不 呪 菩 佛 恐 般 滅 無 香 無 相 是 舎 若 心
      虚 是 提 依 怖 若 道 無 味 色 不 色 利 波 経
  波   故 無 故 般 遠 波 無 明 觸 無 生 受 子 羅
  羅   説 上 知 若 離 羅 智 盡 法 受 不 想 色 蜜
  僧   般 呪 般 波 一 蜜 亦 乃 無 想 滅 行 不 多
  羯   若 是 若 羅 切 多 無 至 眼 行 不 識 異 時
  諦   波 無 波 蜜 顛 故 得 無 界 識 垢 亦 空 照
      羅 等 羅 多 倒 心 以 老 乃 無 不 復 空 見
  菩   蜜 等 蜜 故 夢 無 無 死 至 眼 浄 如 不 五
4ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/05/31(木) 15:55
5ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/05/31(木) 16:07
>4 ぢゃ英訳してよ
6ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/06/02(土) 14:51
wake is wakaran
7Absonderung:2001/06/02(土) 16:28
1 humbart das Unch in der Toilette.
8ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/06/02(土) 16:59
>>7 なぜどいちゅ?
9ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/06/04(月) 12:31
10ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/06/04(月) 16:09
11ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/06/04(月) 17:47
12ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/06/04(月) 20:32
Many Deutsche sentences are written.But rarely sentences
are translated into Japanese or English.
13ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/06/05(火) 22:07
14ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/10(火) 22:40 ID:KM8WQAro
Age which is avobe mention is written in terms of
15ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/10(火) 23:20 ID:9R4GWfc2
From the comments due to 1, we found that his
consideration ability is seriously low.
16ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/10(火) 23:21 ID:9R4GWfc2
This result allows us to consider that he is a DOKYUSO.
17ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/10(火) 23:26 ID:9R4GWfc2
Thus, we finally reach to a conclusion that we shall
tell him "Itte-Yoshi !".
18ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/11(水) 05:22 ID:lJWu7zT2
論文読んでてexpost factoって出てきたのですが、
19ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/11(水) 05:42 ID:???
201:2001/07/11(水) 10:56 ID:???
21ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/11(水) 13:43 ID:CcF5HQ5U
The present author thanks 2-channelers for their
fruitless discussions.
This work was supported by CIA grants CIA999 and
FBI grants FBI999 and DOD grants DOD000.
22ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/14(土) 16:45 ID:nlf2cC3Y
1 was not able to find means for activating this thread.
23ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/14(土) 16:47 ID:nlf2cC3Y
This means that he is a DOKYUSO as considered.
24ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/14(土) 19:03 ID:???
I agree completely!!
25ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/20(金) 03:00 ID:TMvPz9cI
I miss you
26俺文系:2001/07/20(金) 03:10 ID:JRhW0rT6
27ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/20(金) 03:16 ID:???
It is well known that 1 is described by
1=Dokyuso (3)
in the one-loop approximation [5-6].
However, it still remains as a difficult problem to obtain `expost fact'
from QED [7-8,10].
28ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/20(金) 05:36 ID:rjfEfIUg
29ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/22(日) 00:00 ID:???
expost facto is an appropriate representation to argue in this thread.
30ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/07/22(日) 00:04 ID:???
31ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/08/03(金) 04:41 ID:???
32ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/08/04(土) 04:12 ID:???
This is the autor of 1 defined as DOKYUSO on the response of 23.
The author found the serious fact that the autor is DOKYUSO as avobe mentioned by myself in this thread.
Hence, the author shall apologize and corrects the description of 1
to "A possyblity of conversation using dissertation english in 2ch".
33ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2001/08/04(土) 04:14 ID:???
and would you like to tell me the dissertation english?
34ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:01/09/04 02:57 ID:fojSpDiQ
english for discussion is rikei english
35ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:01/09/04 12:07 ID:ITEA.e72
36ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:01/09/11 07:17 ID:f7cBWBsI
You did your best well, bearing an ache.
It was impressed!!!
37ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:01/09/22 01:39 ID:???
I can't write or speak in English
38ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:01/11/06 15:26 ID:1m9wI2dC
39ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/02/08 21:10 ID:9D3rvZSa
hey! good scientist!
How are you!
I'm fuck you
40ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/02/08 23:55 ID:???
I am very happy because my submitted manusript has been accepted
41ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/02/09 00:07 ID:VWRvLwwu
42ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/02/09 00:15 ID:1e30rTB+
you shuld know fuckin job
43ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/05 01:28 ID:QjQQU3TO
your manuscript is the best
44ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/05 08:27 ID:xI2xeRUF
Advanced Modern Mechanics
45ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/05 08:28 ID:xI2xeRUF
Advanced Modern Quantum Mechanics
46ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/05 18:46 ID:giV5O8Wj
this is your life
47ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/15 16:09 ID:IPoNkmEb
past quarter century,
48ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/15 20:56 ID:F0+o7/iA
49ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/15 23:13 ID:IoN5+n5M
It is now obvious that we derived the following remarkable
formula. We remark that it is the first proof in history.
However for more detail, please refer to our future paper
which is in preparation.
50ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん :02/03/26 15:06 ID:p0EnGaez
51a:02/03/26 15:45 ID:gbKSnAh0
The question which the author always considering is as follows:
Why you do not leave from your "Netscape" and study for your next seminor?
52ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/26 21:34 ID:pZ1CvGMU
Its answer is a question.
53ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 00:04 ID:???
Final Answer?
54ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 00:53 ID:6XgmutAq
55ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 01:08 ID:???
Final Answer?
56ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん :02/03/27 01:51 ID:9wpxeFlu
57ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 02:51 ID:???
Mino Monta?
58ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 02:53 ID:F65N+/tZ
I don't know.
by Dirac
59ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 07:35 ID:???
My name is Omaemona.
60ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 08:38 ID:???
My name is Omaemona too.
61ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 14:57 ID:???
My name is Omaemona also.
62ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/03/27 17:44 ID:???
63ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/04/01 15:22 ID:???
physic or die
64ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/04/14 02:03 ID:QT/TaAbz
65ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/04/14 02:52 ID:???
physics or physical
66ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/04/15 13:29 ID:pix7vwk0
review letters
67iii:02/04/15 17:40 ID:YQl26wG/
68ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/04/15 18:28 ID:???
Got Physics?
69ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/05/02 19:41 ID:Vizs8Oml
70ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/05/02 19:43 ID:???
IIB or not IIB.
71ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/05/02 19:45 ID:???
f(u) + C = k
72ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/05/02 21:30 ID:4glN6WtS
Van der
73ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/05/03 20:11 ID:dcS7tMmc
Prof. Tonegawa
74ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/05/03 20:17 ID:???
Physics or Die ?
75ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:02/05/03 22:43 ID:xI8sOYBW
By the way 1, will you listen to me for a while?
It's not really related to the topic of the thread, though.
The other day I went to Yoshinoya nearby. YOSHINOYA.
But it was terriblly crowded that I could not find any seat.
I was looking around and found banners saying "150 yen OFF."

What a stupid idiot you were! You moron, not regular customers,
please don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's offering 150 yen
discount? Only 150 yen!

I could see a pair with kids. They were simple enough to have felt
happy with a whole family of four in Yoshinoya. I could even hear a
voice "OK, Daddy will have an ex-large." I could not stand any more.

Hey you, I give you 150 yen so clear off the counter.
Yoshinoya has to be a more brutal place. A fight will break out
anytime soon between me and a guy in front over a U-shaped table.
Stab, or get stabbed. That's the kind of atomosphere it should
have. Shove off, bitch and bastard.

Getting seated finally, I heard a guy next to me ordering a large bowl
with extra gravy. It made me mad again. Listen moron, ex-gravy is
totally out now. How dare you proudly say ex-gravy?
Do you really want to eat an extra-gravy bowl?
I want to ask you. Question you. Interrogate you for an hour.
Or you might just want to use the word ex-gravy?

Let me say, the latest trend among Yoshinoya frenzy like me must
be an extra onion. That's it. A large bowl with ex-onion, and an egg.
That's the way the freaks have to order. Extra onion means more
onion and less beef. A Large bowl with this plus an egg makes it perfect.

But it is a double-edged sword, because if you order it you will be
marked by the staff next time. I can't recommend it to the beginners.
Anyway 1, you'd better eat a beef & salmon set. I mean it.