>>475 >>387 >>382 自殺?
In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>245 >
>>240 > >∀x(not x∈x) はZF集合論では定理だが型理論では文法違反
> 0点
> ZF集合論では集合とみなされないので定理にならない
>>310 > ∀x(not x ∈ x) holds in ZF