The manuscript has been reviewed by our referees. A critique drawn from the reports is enclosed. On this basis, we judge that the paper is not appropriate for Physical Review Letters, but might be suitable for publication in another journal, possibly with some revision. Therefore, we recommend that you submit your manuscript elsewhere.
This manuscript has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters; there are no reviewer comments to address. The paper is now being prepared for publication. A length count estimate will be made for the final version. If within the appropriate limit, the paper will be sent to production. If not, you will be asked to shorten the manuscript. If any questions arise in the production process we will attempt to contact you.
>>1です。御無沙汰しておりました。 無事に実験を終え(中略)共著者のチェックも終わり投稿しました。 Manuscript **2007nov02_*** has been submitted to Physical Review Letters だそうです。これからエディタのacknowledgmentが届き、適当にレフェリーが 選ばれ、エディタとレフェリーを交えて学級会並の肉弾戦あり神経戦あり放置 プレーありエディタ落ちありの不毛なプロセスが開始される訳ですね。
From our understanding of the paper's context, motivation, presentation, and level of importance and interest to physics research, we conclude that your paper is not suited for Physical Review Letters.
In view of our assessment, we are not sending your manuscript out for review.
This manuscript has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. The paper is now being prepared for publication. A length count estimate will be made for the final version. If within the appropriate limit, the paper will be sent to production. If not, you will be asked to shorten the manuscript. If any questions arise in the production process we will attempt to contact you.
PAGE PROOFS: Page proofs are transmitted via the PRL production web site. When proofs are ready, an email will be sent to the corresponding author indicating that proofs are available online along with the web site address and a unique password for access.
COMMUNICATION: To assure rapid transmission of page proofs and other communications, it is essential that we have on record accurate up-to-date email, fax, and postal addresses. Please check the information currently in our records:
In Nature's News & Views section we have a page of brief items, in which each week we draw our readers' attention to a variety of newly published papers. Your paper in PRL on theoretical modelling of xxxxxxx was chosen, and I'm attaching the brief item that has been written.
I hope you are available, and can cast an eye over it and quickly let me know if there are any errors. Please note that the text is at the maximum length, and may even have to be shortened, and that the language has been kept deliberately simple so as to be accessible to non-specialists.
As we're working to a tight timescale, so it would be helpful if you could send back any comments by tomorrow.
My thanks in advance for your help, and best wishes,
This manuscript has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters; there are no reviewer comments to address. The paper is now being prepared for publication. A length count estimate will be made for the final version. If within the appropriate limit, the paper will be sent to production. If not, you will be asked to shorten the manuscript. If any questions arise in the production process we will attempt to contact you.
31May07 Communication (miscellaneous) received from author 31May07 Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author 30May07 Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author 25Apr07 30May07 Ed. decision and/or ref. comments to author; response rcvd