24 :
メタラーの漏れは今EAGLE FLY FREE聞いてた。人生を感じさせる壮大な曲だぜ・・。
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1 ◆OOVlwrB/ts :03/08/11 18:04
>>24 すまぬ。メタルは聞いたことないなぁ。
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就職戦線異状名無しさん:03/08/11 18:06
ニルヴァーナいいよね。NEVER MINDよりインユーテロのほうがすきだけど。
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就職戦線異状名無しさん:03/08/11 18:10
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就職戦線異状名無しさん:03/08/11 18:12
Eagle Fly Free
People are in big confusion
they don't like their constitutions
everyday they draw conclusions
and they're still prepared for war
Some can say what's ineffective
some make up themselves attractive
build up things they call protective
well your life seems quite bizarre
Bridge: In the sky a mighty eagle
doesn't care 'bout what's illegal
on its wings the rainbow's light
it's flying to eternity
Chorus: Eagle fly free
let people see
just make it your own way
leave time behind
follow the sign
together we'll fly someday