2 :
就職戦線異状名無しさん:02/07/27 03:46
3 :
就職戦線異状名無しさん:02/07/27 03:46
NothingI have ,nothing I wanna ask you.
4 :
就職戦線異状名無しさん:02/07/27 03:47
A kind of funny!
The perfect site for you, and anytime enjoying!
Iy you're starving for something, then you're gonna love the great
place of this site.
Don't be shy!
It's easy to make your heart move-
that is, love.
8 :
就職戦線異状名無しさん:02/07/27 04:01
poco tiempo
9 :
就職戦線異状名無しさん:02/07/27 04:02
Yeay 今のところ飲んだいないですが
Rage Against Mashines