such a thing -- 1 -- or it hears it just for a moment Massage is carried out to SURE and it is ねんけど which is not related. In the meantime, it is not acting as a byte in the Yoshino house. Byte of the salesclerk of the Yoshino store. if it is ほん -- what -- also coming -- even if い男 and a strange family companion enter and it already sees from a salesclerk by や -- frank -- " -- me -- a frequenter -- coming out -- " -- ねん which carries out a both check and does not exist by って touch you which -- except for a service day -- all-star たことあらへん also usually, come -- っちゅうねん Also usually. A parent-and-child companion is し [ it has said by 特盛り ] something. It is slightly rich in the four families today. Congratulately ねん. よ- carrying out -- you -- miso soup -- you may take - and ねん which has not been said Already true at order 聞いてられへん. you -- since it says only at the average peaks, come every day the Yoshino 屋っちゅう -- already -- coming out -- a more lighthearted store -- what -- coming out -- 。 Whenever relations may become good as for Mr. [ which sat down together with the character table of U / visitor ], it is や which is not amusing and which it is carried out whether it greets or such an atmosphere does not say. ESE frequenter affectation is すっこん and ろ. if it thinks that it came out and the order of a family finished at last -- an opposite side -- also going away -- い男 is a large serving of Welsh onion by the proud face -- く GYOKU and good おんねん then -- again -- striking -- a piece -- coming out -- 。 Of course, he is burned in the heart. they are such あ and a large serving of Welsh onion -- く GYOKU etc. -- a menu -- writing -- あらへん see well -- や -- it is stupid what is a large serving of Welsh onion slightly chicly -- く GYOKU and ねん you are a large serving of Welsh onion really -- く GYOKU 食いたいん -- と -- I want to ask I want to question closely. I want to question closely for small 1 hour. they are you and a large serving of Welsh onion -- く GYOKU って言いたい -- what and ろ It is なれっちゅうねん also to a salesclerk's body which is not divided and known and which is menu 作 carried out. If allowed to say from me, the Yoshino store salesclerk, the newest fashion between salesclerks has no cow of a 牛鮭 table d'hote too. this -- a salesclerk -- not winding -- or . A cow-less fellows dish is a salmon only. Instead, mad cow disease is also safe. Be fastidious. It comes out, and pushes for it, んこ is also attached, and it is ちゃう. This the strongest. However, the sword of many edges of suspecting the danger of the meat of a beef bowl if a visitor looks at the place which is eating this. We cannot recommend you for a newcomer to provide meals. you and 1 are stylish well also at lamp 亭 -- saying -- things