Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. 密猟、森林伐採、悪天候と並ぶ脅威がヒグマ等の肉食獣に獲物を目の前から横取りされる事である。
ロシア科学アカデミーより 4年に間の冬の観察から The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter. Various reactions were observed in such situations in the case of bears. One brown bear, which was staying in an area permanently inhabited by tigers, clearly felt himself to be the complete master in that place.
large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. A study of the ecological relationship between black bears (Ursus americanus),grizzly bears(Ursus arctos) and mountain lions in Glacier national Park in Montana and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming found that bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulate biomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition, lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana. グレーシャー国立公園やイエローストーン国立公園での研究で以下の事柄が明らかになった。それは、熊らがピューマらを追い払い、その獲物を奪うので、ピューマは一日に必要な食事の25〜40%を失う事になったという事である。 追い払われ獲物を奪われたピューマは、その分だけ多く獲物を狩る事になった。 Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana. 研究者らは、ピューマらを追い詰め殺しているグリズリーらを記録しています。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
I have read several books that discussed siberian tiger-brown bear conflicts but only two of them discussed in great detail the encounters between the two. (私はシベリアタイガーとヒグマの闘いについて議論された、いくつかの本を読みました。 その中で2冊だけ、トラ対ヒグマの闘いについてとても詳細に議論されていました。) These two books were about mammals of thew USSR. (これら2冊の本は旧ソ連の哺乳動物に関するものでした。)
One book was published in the 50's the other in the 1970's. (1冊は50年代に、もう1冊は1970年代に出版されました)
I will try to find the authors of the books. (私は本の著者を見つけようとしています。)
From what I have read tigers do prey on brown bears but generally only brown bears only up to a certain size. (私が読んだ限りでは、トラはヒグマを捕食しますが、しかし普通それはあるサイズまでのヒグマです。)
Tigers kill many bears but generally not large bears. (トラたちは沢山のクマを殺しますが、大抵それは大きなクマではありません。)
Apparently tigers sometimes get killed by bears when they attack a bear that is too powerful for them to handle. (時々、クマを攻撃したトラがクマの絶大なパワーに対抗しきれず、殺されたことが明らかになっています。)
I read about how a tiger was killed by a large brown bear near a river in 1913 and about a tigress that attacked a bear scavenging from her kill and was killed. (私は1913年に川の近くで大きなヒグマによってトラがどの様に殺されたのか読みました。それは雌トラから獲物を 横取りしたクマを雌トラが攻撃して逆に殺されました。)
forest and outdoors: volume 28(1932) canadian forestry association
to try his fighting ability, diaz, president of mexico some years ago, matched a grizzly against a large specimen of african lion. the fight took place in a large seteel arena. the lion lasted less than 20 minutes. the strength of the grizzly is amazing.
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
「The Temple Tiger and More Man-Eaters of Kumaon」 (Oxford University Press)」洋書。 著者/Jim Corbett August, 1999出版(18〜24ぺージ)
And on two occasions I have seen bears walk up to feeding leopards and, after shooing them off, carry kills away. But on this occasion the tiger and a big male at that was present on his kill and, further, he was not an animal to be shooed away like a leopard. But that was just what the bear appeared to intend doing, and his opportunity came when the tiger was cracking a bone. Whether the bear had been waiting for this moment I do not know; anyway, while the tiger was crunching the bone, the bear drew himself to the edge and, gathering his feet under him, launched himself into the hole with a mighty scream. The object of the scream I imagine was to intimidate the tiger, but so far from having this effect it appeared to infuriate him, for the bear’s mighty scream was answered by an even mightier roar from the tiger. Fights in the wild are very rare and this is only the second case I know of different species of animals fighting for the sake of fighting and not for the purpose of one using the other as food. I did not see the fight, for the reasons I have given, but I heard every detail of it. Waged in a hollow of restricted area the sound was terrifying and I was thankful that the fight was a straight one between two contestants who were capable of defending themselves, and not a three-cornered one in which I was involved. Time stands still when every drop of blood racing through a rapidly beating heart is tingling with excitement. The fight may have lasted three minutes, or it may have lasted longer. Anyway, when the tiger considered he had administered sufficient chastisement he broke off the engagement and came along the open ground in front me at a fast gallop, closely followed by the still screaming bear. (短文) 私が見た二つの事例は、黒熊らが豹らをシッシと追い払い獲物を奪ったものだ。 しかし、今回は、大きな雄のベンガル虎が獲物の側にいる。 さらに、虎は豹のように軽く追い払われるような存在ではない。 豹はともかく虎は非常に恐ろしい。しかし、 大型のベンガル虎と大型の黒熊との激しい戦闘が約3分間続き、トラが獲物を 奪われた。
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
A fully grown male brown bear weighing up to 1500 lb presents a formidable foe to even the biggest male Amur tiger. 最大限(680kgクラス)にまで成長を遂げた 巨大な羆は、最大級の アムール虎 でさえも手におえない敵となる。
Large brown bears even follow tigers and will take over their kills; especially at the end of winter when there is little food around. 特に食糧難になる冬の終わり頃には、 大きな雄の羆達は、 虎達の後をついて行き、 虎達の仕留めた獲物を横取りしようとさえする。 large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. 私達が目で直接観察した、ある大きくて、雄と思われるツキノワグマは前述のヒグマと同じように、トラがいる事を全く恐れていなかった。 彼はトラの足跡に沿って歩いて、トラが休んだのと同じイノシシの巣穴で休んだ。
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
「ナショナルジオグラフィック」RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION Nose to Nose with Sloth Bears より。 The species has been studied for almost ten years by Indian researcher K. Yoganand.インドの研究者、K. Yoganandによって、ナマケグマはほとんど10年間に渡り研究されている。 if a bear feels threatened, it will launch a swift and vicious attack that will send even a hungry tiger running.もし、ナマケグマが脅されたと感じたのなら、このクマは、素早くかつ猛烈な攻撃を加えて、餓えたトラでさえ逃亡させるだろう。
POWER: One of the most powerful land carnivores in the world (exceeded in strength but not speed by the Kodiak bear), the tiger is a massively built cat of awesome size and power.
ユージン・ビクトル博士 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなた(巨大動物図鑑の管理人さん)からの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本(The Last Big Cats)の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のヒグマで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
Sociobiology of the myrmecophagous sloth bear in Nepal Anup R. Joshi, James L.D. Smith, and David L. Garshelis Can. J. Zool./Rev. can. zool. 77(11): 1690-1704 (1999) 131kgの大ナマケが虎を張り倒した。 サンキストがナマケ熊が捕食される例は非常に稀と明言。対して一流虎保護団体が沢山の虎がナマケ熊に殺されたと明言。
where the grizzly walks(P191) bill schneider(1977版)
in the late 19th century, bear/bull fight promoters matched a grizzly with an african lion-the king of beasts. the lion lasted about long enough for the crowd to get a single breath.
Five hundred curious and interesting narratives and anecdotes(1838)
the lion and the bear had a long contest. the lion his teeth and with his claws wounded the bear in several places, but could not penetrate much farther than the skin. the bear somehow or other took the lion at an advantage, got him within his grasp, and gave him such a squeeze as squeered the breath out of his body.
and soon they found the battle had not been between two tigers, as they had supposed, but between a tiger and a bear, and that both were dead. The bear was still hugging the tiger, and the tiger had reached round, and fastened his teeth in the side of the bear's neck.
the bear reared up and hit the lion a mighty blow with its fore-paw. the big cat went backward for several feet and nearly had its shoulder torn off. the lion was injured so badly that it had to be destroyed, but the berar was ready to go back to work within a few days.
ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
a lion or a bear, according to beatty, will whip a tiger nine times out of tens.
in assam there is a sport of which the natives of sylhet are fondviz, a tiger and buffalo fight. into a staked enclosure a buffalo and a tiger are caused to enter from opposite ends. the european idea would be that the tiger would go straight at the buffalo and kill him with a blow or two. the fact is that the tiger knows that he has no chance, and it is the buffalo that goes at the tiger and soon kills him.
suprisingly agile for their great bulk, the wild buffalo has been known to kill tiger and one of the game wathcers told me of an old bull which gored to death both a tiger and his mate when they tried to pull him down.
野牛が虎を殺すことが知られている。 老いた野牛が攻撃を仕掛けてきた雄と雌の2頭の虎を突き殺した。
the milwaukee journal(1946)
tiger and a wild buffalo invaded a tea garden in a bloody battle friday. the tiger was reported to have killed seven persons and injured five before it was gored to death by the buffalo.
they are then used for baiting with the tiger and wild bull. In these combats,the alligator has been known to seize the tiger's head between his teeth and crush in the skull; on the other hand, the infurianted bulls have without difficulty gored them to death.
in assam there is a sport of which the natives of sylhet are fondviz, a tiger and buffalo fight. into a staked enclosure a buffalo and a tiger are caused to enter from opposite ends. the european idea would be that the tiger would go straight at the buffalo and kill him with a blow or two. the fact is that the tiger knows that he has no chance, and it is the buffalo that goes at the tiger and soon kills him.
suprisingly agile for their great bulk, the wild buffalo has been known to kill tiger and one of the game wathcers told me of an old bull which gored to death both a tiger and his mate when they tried to pull him down.
野牛が虎を殺すことが知られている。 老いた野牛が攻撃を仕掛けてきた雄と雌の2頭の虎を突き殺した。
the milwaukee journal(1946)
tiger and a wild buffalo invaded a tea garden in a bloody battle friday. the tiger was reported to have killed seven persons and injured five before it was gored to death by the buffalo. 350-pound grizzly chasing off all nine wolves.約160kgのグリズリーが9匹の狼を追い払う。they may see the cats as a feline gravy train. Between 1990 and 1995, wildlife biologist Kerry Murphy and other HWI researchers monitored 113 cougar kills (mostly deer and elk) in Glacier and Yellowstone and discovered that bears (grizzlies and blacks) were claiming a significant share of the spoils. Bruins visited about one of every four cougar kills, robbing the feline owner of as much as 26 percent of its food requirement, sometimes for several days running. "It appears," says Murphy, "that competition for kills creates significant gains for bears and significant losses for cougars." グリズリー達はピューマをぼろ儲けの道具として見ているのかもしれません。生物学者と調査員達は113体のピューマの獲物を調査しました。熊達はピューマの食料の26%を強奪していました。獲物に対する争いでは、熊に相当な利益を与え、ピューマに相当な損失を与えました。
bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulatebiomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition,lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana.(Ruth and Hornocker 1996) 熊らがピューマらを追い払って獲物を奪うので、ピューマ達は1日の食料の必要量の25-40%を奪われる事になった(Murphy et al. 1996)。獲物を奪われたピューマらはその分、余分に獲物を狩る事になった。 ピューマらを追い込んで殺しているグリズリー達が記録されてる(Ruth and Hornocker 1996)。
I have read several books that discussed siberian tiger-brown bear conflicts but only two of them discussed in great detail the encounters between the two. (私はシベリアタイガーとヒグマの闘いについて議論された、いくつかの本を読みました。 その中で2冊だけ、トラ対ヒグマの闘いについてとても詳細に議論されていました。) These two books were about mammals of thew USSR. (これら2冊の本は旧ソ連の哺乳動物に関するものでした。)
One book was published in the 50's the other in the 1970's. (1冊は50年代に、もう1冊は1970年代に出版されました)
I will try to find the authors of the books. (私は本の著者を見つけようとしています。)
From what I have read tigers do prey on brown bears but generally only brown bears only up to a certain size. (私が読んだ限りでは、トラはヒグマを捕食しますが、しかし普通それはあるサイズまでのヒグマです。)
Tigers kill many bears but generally not large bears. (トラたちは沢山のクマを殺しますが、大抵それは大きなクマではありません。)
Apparently tigers sometimes get killed by bears when they attack a bear that is too powerful for them to handle. (時々、クマを攻撃したトラがクマの絶大なパワーに対抗しきれず、殺されたことが明らかになっています。)
I read about how a tiger was killed by a large brown bear near a river in 1913 and about a tigress that attacked a bear scavenging from her kill and was killed. (私は1913年に川の近くで大きなヒグマによってトラがどの様に殺されたのか読みました。それは雌トラから獲物を 横取りしたクマを雌トラが攻撃して逆に殺されました。) Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. 密猟、森林伐採、悪天候と並ぶ脅威がヒグマ等の肉食獣に獲物を目の前から横取りされる事である。
1、体重225キロの雄トラがヒグマに殺された。 (タイトル) ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (中略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
Aparantly, two weeks ago the Mapogo Males were drinking from the Sand river in Londolozi Game Reserve when a crocodile attacked and killed one of them at the waters edge.
二週間前、the Mapogoの雄ライオンの中の1頭がワニに攻撃されて殺された。
(2)Mid 2007, one of the Roller Coaster males was killed by a Crocodile
ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
a lion or a bear, according to beatty, will whip a tiger nine times out of tens.
In the course of the study which began in 1991 14 tigers have been trapped and radio-collared and their movements and behaviour are under continuous monitoring. 1991年からの研究において、 14匹の虎が罠により捕獲され、無線発信機を取り付けることにより、間断なくその活動をモニタリングすることが可能となった。
Brown bears which have also been radio-collared have been found to take over tiger kills. 同じように発信機を取り付けたことによって、その 羆達が虎達の獲物を 横取りすることも判明した。
The tiger, leopard and dhole are not large enough or strong enough to kill adult elephants and rhinoceroses. However, tigers sometimes prey upon elephant and rhino calves. In the tropical forests of Nagarahole National Park, Karanth and Sunquist (1995) found that one percent of all tiger kills were calves of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).
虎、豹、ドールは大人のゾウやサイを殺せるほどは強くないのだが、 時々、虎はサイやゾウの幼獣を捕食します。 カランスとサンキストは、Nagarahole National Parkでの 虎の獲物の1%がゾウの幼獣である事を確認しました。
著者:(Paul D. Haemig博士/ウーメア大学。動物生態学教授) (トップ500。世界大学ランキング152-200位) 数十もの学術論文を元に解釈。
and soon they found the battle had not been between two tigers, as they had supposed, but between a tiger and a bear, and that both were dead. The bear was still hugging the tiger, and the tiger had reached round, and fastened his teeth in the side of the bear's neck.
Summary of tiger mortalities during past 10 years, based on information supplied by counters during the 1995-1996 winter census in Khabarovsk and Primorye Krais
another lion was let loose in the arena, and again the bull advanced to the charge. this time the fight was a savage one. the bull was severely wounded. but its fierceness and strength it to trimph over the king of the african desert. mellivora I'm trying to figure out which is the dominant carnivore in their relationship. It seems they are natural enemies, who will kill each other given the opportunity, much like lions and hyenas. You mentioned that bears sometimes kill tigers particularly cubs and that tigers will predate on female bears roughly their size, has their been any interaction between tigers and large male bears?
I realize that their diets are very different, yet they still seem to compete with and harbor animosity towards each other. Again any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Small but Powerful/Although sun bears are only about half the size of American black bears, they are well equipped to defend themselves if attacked by a large predator such as a tiger. 〜if a large predator grabs a sun bear, it can turn in its loose skin and bite its attacker. マレー熊はアメリカ黒熊の半分の大きさしかないのですが、トラ等の大型捕食獣から十分に身を守る能力があります。 彼らは怒鳴り声をあげて二本足で立ち上がり、攻撃者に重傷を与よるために鎌のような長い爪と不相応に長い牙と強力な顎を用います。 大型の捕食獣が熊をつかまえると、伸び易い皮を利して向きを変えて敵に噛みつきます。 If a larger predator grabs the sun bear, it can turn around in its loose skin and bite back. もし、大型の捕食獣がマレー熊を捕まえても、熊は伸び易い皮膚により、向きを変えて敵を噛み返す事が出来る。 If caught by large predator, can turn in its loose skin and bite attacker. If a sun bear is grabbed from behind by a predator, such as a tiger, the bear can still turn around to attack with its teeth and claws. もしマレー熊が背後からトラのような捕食獣につかまれても、熊はまだ向きを変えて自らの牙と爪で相手を攻撃する事が出来る。 it is said that even the tigers leave them alone.トラでさえ彼らにかまわないと言われている。 Some consider the sun bear the most dangerous animal in its wild habitat, as they will even defend against tiger attacks". ある地域ではマレー熊を最も恐ろしい動物と考える人もいる。この熊はトラの攻撃からでさえ自分の身を守れるでしょう。 The battle I watched and photographed was between a 120-pound male puma and a 75-pound Dogo. The dog, a 1-1/2-year-old female named Conajen, which means brave in the Araucanian tongue, was making her puma-fighting debut.
When the dog was led near the cage the puma let out a series of fierce catlike hisses, baring a set of lethal fangs.
The lion then unsheathed its claws as the dog entered the enclosure.Without sparring, the dogo made a straight dash for the puma and the two animals were enveloped in a whirling ball of fur and hair.
The barks and screams were probably heard on the next estancia a mile away.As I clicked my first photo, I noted the time just as the puma caught the dogo with a lightening paw slap across the head.
Then, as the dog charged for the puma’s throat, the big cat came down with its forepaws on either side of the dog’s head and the two went tumbling end over end again. When they came to s stop, the dog had solidly pinned the lion with a death grip at its jugular vein. Bilo gave the signal and the pair were separated.My watch told me it took slightly more than two minutes for the dog to win its inaugural battle. オスのピューマ(54kg)がメスのドゴ(34kg)が戦ったが、ドゴが勝った。 (The Texas Archeological Research Laboratory/テキサス大) Dr. Ernest Lundelius holds scull of the short-faced bear, the largest and most powerful predator in North America in the Late Pleistocene. Bement narrowed the possibilities down to the short-faced bear and the sabertoothed cat species known from the region, scimitar cat. Both carnivores had large canines and powerful jaws and are known to have denned in caves. The short-faced bear was the largest and most powerful predator in North America during the Late Pleistocene and was mainly a flesh-eater. 「サーベルタイガーを差し置いて、ショートフェイスベアを上位に置く」。※DR,Ernest Lundelius(ナショジオなどで引用される博士) This bear seems to have been mainly a flesh-eater and was by far the most powerful land predator during the Ice Age in North America. 「当時、遥かに強力な捕食獣だった」。 The short-faced (Arctodus simus) bear was the single most deadly predator of the Ice Age. The short-faced bear had a short, sleek, and stealthy body, with long, powerful legs, a short face, and a broad powerful muzzle filled with large piercing canines and jagged molars that could tear through the toughest hides and crush the thickest bones, including those of a mammoth or mastodon. 「最も危険な捕食獣だった。マンモスなどの骨さえ砕くのだ」その他極めて多数。
1.In order to present approximate quantitative indices characterizing the tiger's diet〜
By summing together such segments for male tigers, we will produce a characterization of their lives over a 41-day period (460 km of tracking)〜
Over that interval of time, there were ten prey kills with one animal being an adult female wild boar that had been killed by a tigress but that was eaten by her together with a male tiger during their joint travels. その調査期間中に、10個の雄トラの獲物があった(その内の一個は雌のトラに殺された大人の雌の猪である)。
There were eight wild boar (7 of which were yearlings) and two Manchurian deer (an adult bull and an adult female) among the ten prey kills. その10個の獲物の中で、猪は8個(その内の7個は子供)で成獣の鹿が2個だった。
This means that, on average, a male tiger eats only somewhat more than 50 kg of meat per week. これらは、平均して、雄のトラが一週間ごとに50sよりやや多い程度の肉だけを食べる事を意味します。
2.There were 11 prey kills for 28 24-hour periods in the life of tigresses (219 km of tracking).The species composition of their prey is more diverse than in the previous case: six wild boar (two adults, four piglets); one yearling Manchurian deer (saek); one musk deer, and one dog. メスのトラが殺した獲物を11個調べた。6個は猪(2個が大人/残りは子供)、1つは鹿の子供、1つはmusk deer、1つはイヌだった。 Honey badgers have been known to attack animals as large as sheep, horses, buffaloes, wildebeest and waterbuck, and on one occasion an observer watched three honey badgers persuade seven lions to abandon the wildebeest kill that the lions were eating.
.bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulatebiomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition,lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana.(Ruth and Hornocker 1996) 熊らがピューマらを追い払って獲物を奪うので、ピューマ達は1日の食料の必要量の25-40%を奪われる事になった(Murphy et al. 1996)。 獲物を奪われたピューマらはその分、余分に獲物を狩る事になった。ピューマらを追い込んで殺しているグリズリー達が記録されてる(Ruth and Hornocker 1996)。
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
The only natural enemy of the Amur tiger is the brown bear. アムールトラのただ一つの天敵はヒグマである。
V. Rozhnov (Chairman), T. Aramileva, V. Gaponov, Y. Darman, Y. Zhuravlev, A. Kostyria, V. Krever, V. Lukarevsky, S. Naydenko, D. Pikunov, I. Seryodkin, J. A. Hernandez-Blanco and V. Yudin.
forest and outdoors: volume 28(1932) canadian forestry association
to try his fighting ability, diaz, president of mexico some years ago, matched a grizzly against a large specimen of african lion. the fight took place in a large seteel arena. the lion lasted less than 20 minutes. the strength of the grizzly is amazing.
ロシア科学アカデミーより 4年に間の冬の観察から The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter. Various reactions were observed in such situations in the case of bears. One brown bear, which was staying in an area permanently inhabited by tigers, clearly felt himself to be the complete master in that place.
large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger.
Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. 密猟、森林伐採、悪天候と並ぶ脅威がヒグマ等の肉食獣に獲物を目の前から横取りされる事である。
ロシア科学アカデミーより 4年に間の冬の観察から The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter. Various reactions were observed in such situations in the case of bears. One brown bear, which was staying in an area permanently inhabited by tigers, clearly felt himself to be the complete master in that place.
large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. A study of the ecological relationship between black bears (Ursus americanus),grizzly bears(Ursus arctos) and mountain lions in Glacier national Park in Montana and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming found that bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulate biomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition, lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana. グレーシャー国立公園やイエローストーン国立公園での研究で以下の事柄が明らかになった。それは、熊らがピューマらを追い払い、その獲物を奪うので、ピューマは一日に必要な食事の25〜40%を失う事になったという事である。 追い払われ獲物を奪われたピューマは、その分だけ多く獲物を狩る事になった。 Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana. 研究者らは、ピューマらを追い詰め殺しているグリズリーらを記録しています。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
I have read several books that discussed siberian tiger-brown bear conflicts but only two of them discussed in great detail the encounters between the two. (私はシベリアタイガーとヒグマの闘いについて議論された、いくつかの本を読みました。 その中で2冊だけ、トラ対ヒグマの闘いについてとても詳細に議論されていました。) These two books were about mammals of thew USSR. (これら2冊の本は旧ソ連の哺乳動物に関するものでした。)
One book was published in the 50's the other in the 1970's. (1冊は50年代に、もう1冊は1970年代に出版されました)
I will try to find the authors of the books. (私は本の著者を見つけようとしています。)
From what I have read tigers do prey on brown bears but generally only brown bears only up to a certain size. (私が読んだ限りでは、トラはヒグマを捕食しますが、しかし普通それはあるサイズまでのヒグマです。)
Tigers kill many bears but generally not large bears. (トラたちは沢山のクマを殺しますが、大抵それは大きなクマではありません。)
Apparently tigers sometimes get killed by bears when they attack a bear that is too powerful for them to handle. (時々、クマを攻撃したトラがクマの絶大なパワーに対抗しきれず、殺されたことが明らかになっています。)
I read about how a tiger was killed by a large brown bear near a river in 1913 and about a tigress that attacked a bear scavenging from her kill and was killed. (私は1913年に川の近くで大きなヒグマによってトラがどの様に殺されたのか読みました。それは雌トラから獲物を 横取りしたクマを雌トラが攻撃して逆に殺されました。)
forest and outdoors: volume 28(1932) canadian forestry association
to try his fighting ability, diaz, president of mexico some years ago, matched a grizzly against a large specimen of african lion. the fight took place in a large seteel arena. the lion lasted less than 20 minutes. the strength of the grizzly is amazing.
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
「The Temple Tiger and More Man-Eaters of Kumaon」 (Oxford University Press)」洋書。 著者/Jim Corbett August, 1999出版(18〜24ぺージ)
And on two occasions I have seen bears walk up to feeding leopards and, after shooing them off, carry kills away. But on this occasion the tiger and a big male at that was present on his kill and, further, he was not an animal to be shooed away like a leopard. But that was just what the bear appeared to intend doing, and his opportunity came when the tiger was cracking a bone. Whether the bear had been waiting for this moment I do not know; anyway, while the tiger was crunching the bone, the bear drew himself to the edge and, gathering his feet under him, launched himself into the hole with a mighty scream. The object of the scream I imagine was to intimidate the tiger, but so far from having this effect it appeared to infuriate him, for the bear’s mighty scream was answered by an even mightier roar from the tiger. Fights in the wild are very rare and this is only the second case I know of different species of animals fighting for the sake of fighting and not for the purpose of one using the other as food. I did not see the fight, for the reasons I have given, but I heard every detail of it. Waged in a hollow of restricted area the sound was terrifying and I was thankful that the fight was a straight one between two contestants who were capable of defending themselves, and not a three-cornered one in which I was involved. Time stands still when every drop of blood racing through a rapidly beating heart is tingling with excitement. The fight may have lasted three minutes, or it may have lasted longer. Anyway, when the tiger considered he had administered sufficient chastisement he broke off the engagement and came along the open ground in front me at a fast gallop, closely followed by the still screaming bear. (短文) 私が見た二つの事例は、黒熊らが豹らをシッシと追い払い獲物を奪ったものだ。 しかし、今回は、大きな雄のベンガル虎が獲物の側にいる。 さらに、虎は豹のように軽く追い払われるような存在ではない。 豹はともかく虎は非常に恐ろしい。しかし、 大型のベンガル虎と大型の黒熊との激しい戦闘が約3分間続き、トラが獲物を 奪われた。
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
A fully grown male brown bear weighing up to 1500 lb presents a formidable foe to even the biggest male Amur tiger. 最大限(680kgクラス)にまで成長を遂げた 巨大な羆は、最大級の アムール虎 でさえも手におえない敵となる。
Large brown bears even follow tigers and will take over their kills; especially at the end of winter when there is little food around. 特に食糧難になる冬の終わり頃には、 大きな雄の羆達は、 虎達の後をついて行き、 虎達の仕留めた獲物を横取りしようとさえする。
「ナショナルジオグラフィック」RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION Nose to Nose with Sloth Bears より。 The species has been studied for almost ten years by Indian researcher K. Yoganand.インドの研究者、K. Yoganandによって、ナマケグマはほとんど10年間に渡り研究されている。 if a bear feels threatened, it will launch a swift and vicious attack that will send even a hungry tiger running.もし、ナマケグマが脅されたと感じたのなら、このクマは、素早くかつ猛烈な攻撃を加えて、餓えたトラでさえ逃亡させるだろう。
POWER: One of the most powerful land carnivores in the world (exceeded in strength but not speed by the Kodiak bear), the tiger is a massively built cat of awesome size and power.
ユージン・ビクトル博士 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなた(巨大動物図鑑の管理人さん)からの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本(The Last Big Cats)の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のヒグマで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
Sociobiology of the myrmecophagous sloth bear in Nepal Anup R. Joshi, James L.D. Smith, and David L. Garshelis Can. J. Zool./Rev. can. zool. 77(11): 1690-1704 (1999) 131kgの大ナマケが虎を張り倒した。 サンキストがナマケ熊が捕食される例は非常に稀と明言。対して一流虎保護団体が沢山の虎がナマケ熊に殺されたと明言。
and soon they found the battle had not been between two tigers, as they had supposed, but between a tiger and a bear, and that both were dead. The bear was still hugging the tiger, and the tiger had reached round, and fastened his teeth in the side of the bear's neck.
where the grizzly walks(P191) bill schneider(1977版)
in the late 19th century, bear/bull fight promoters matched a grizzly with an african lion-the king of beasts. the lion lasted about long enough for the crowd to get a single breath.
(1)News of the day 1909年。 the struggling animals rolled over and over, snarling, biting, and scratching. 〜the animal succumbed to its injurie on sunday. ベンガルトラとクマが動物園で激しい戦いを始めた。 トラは日曜日に怪我のために死にました。
(2)Three forks news 1938年。 One time a grizzly was matched with a tiger on a barge in san francisco bay by some lowminded gambler, and killed the tiger in a few seconds. ギャンブラーが行った戦いでヒグマがトラを秒殺しました。
1.We all thought he had been killed, but he had not, although the fight had been taken out of him for that day at least. (闘牛場で行われたヒグマとの戦いで)観客らはみんなライオンが殺されたと思ったがライオンは死んでいなかった。 しかしライオンは何をしても起き上がらずその日はとても戦える状態でなかったのでヒグマの勝利が宣告された。 ソース。Wasaw Daily Times 1905年
2.A fierce fight between a grizzly bear and a lion, which ended in the death of the latter. 偶然に始まったサーカスでのグリズリーとライオンの数分間の激烈な戦いでライオンが殺された。 ソース。The Sydney Morning Herald 1912年。
4.president of mexico some years ago, matched a grizzly against a large specimen of african lion. 〜the lion lasted less than 20 minutes. 何年か前に行われたメキシコでのヒグマと大きなライオンの20分ほどの戦いでヒグマが勝った。 ソース。forest and outdoors: volume 28 1932年
Five hundred curious and interesting narratives and anecdotes(1838)
the lion and the bear had a long contest. the lion his teeth and with his claws wounded the bear in several places, but could not penetrate much farther than the skin. the bear somehow or other took the lion at an advantage, got him within his grasp, and gave him such a squeeze as squeered the breath out of his body.
and soon they found the battle had not been between two tigers, as they had supposed, but between a tiger and a bear, and that both were dead. The bear was still hugging the tiger, and the tiger had reached round, and fastened his teeth in the side of the bear's neck.
the bear reared up and hit the lion a mighty blow with its fore-paw. the big cat went backward for several feet and nearly had its shoulder torn off. the lion was injured so badly that it had to be destroyed, but the berar was ready to go back to work within a few days.
ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
a lion or a bear, according to beatty, will whip a tiger nine times out of tens.
in assam there is a sport of which the natives of sylhet are fondviz, a tiger and buffalo fight. into a staked enclosure a buffalo and a tiger are caused to enter from opposite ends. the european idea would be that the tiger would go straight at the buffalo and kill him with a blow or two. the fact is that the tiger knows that he has no chance, and it is the buffalo that goes at the tiger and soon kills him.
suprisingly agile for their great bulk, the wild buffalo has been known to kill tiger and one of the game wathcers told me of an old bull which gored to death both a tiger and his mate when they tried to pull him down.
tiger and a wild buffalo invaded a tea garden in a bloody battle friday. the tiger was reported to have killed seven persons and injured five before it was gored to death by the buffalo.
they are then used for baiting with the tiger and wild bull. In these combats,the alligator has been known to seize the tiger's head between his teeth and crush in the skull; on the other hand, the infurianted bulls have without difficulty gored them to death. 350-pound grizzly chasing off all nine wolves.約160kgのグリズリーが9匹の狼を追い払う。they may see the cats as a feline gravy train. Between 1990 and 1995, wildlife biologist Kerry Murphy and other HWI researchers monitored 113 cougar kills (mostly deer and elk) in Glacier and Yellowstone and discovered that bears (grizzlies and blacks) were claiming a significant share of the spoils. Bruins visited about one of every four cougar kills, robbing the feline owner of as much as 26 percent of its food requirement, sometimes for several days running. "It appears," says Murphy, "that competition for kills creates significant gains for bears and significant losses for cougars." グリズリー達はピューマをぼろ儲けの道具として見ているのかもしれません。生物学者と調査員達は113体のピューマの獲物を調査しました。熊達はピューマの食料の26%を強奪していました。獲物に対する争いでは、熊に相当な利益を与え、ピューマに相当な損失を与えました。
bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulatebiomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition,lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana.(Ruth and Hornocker 1996) 熊らがピューマらを追い払って獲物を奪うので、ピューマ達は1日の食料の必要量の25-40%を奪われる事になった(Murphy et al. 1996)。獲物を奪われたピューマらはその分、余分に獲物を狩る事になった。 ピューマらを追い込んで殺しているグリズリー達が記録されてる(Ruth and Hornocker 1996)。
I have read several books that discussed siberian tiger-brown bear conflicts but only two of them discussed in great detail the encounters between the two. (私はシベリアタイガーとヒグマの闘いについて議論された、いくつかの本を読みました。 その中で2冊だけ、トラ対ヒグマの闘いについてとても詳細に議論されていました。) These two books were about mammals of thew USSR. (これら2冊の本は旧ソ連の哺乳動物に関するものでした。)
One book was published in the 50's the other in the 1970's. (1冊は50年代に、もう1冊は1970年代に出版されました)
I will try to find the authors of the books. (私は本の著者を見つけようとしています。)
From what I have read tigers do prey on brown bears but generally only brown bears only up to a certain size. (私が読んだ限りでは、トラはヒグマを捕食しますが、しかし普通それはあるサイズまでのヒグマです。)
Tigers kill many bears but generally not large bears. (トラたちは沢山のクマを殺しますが、大抵それは大きなクマではありません。)
Apparently tigers sometimes get killed by bears when they attack a bear that is too powerful for them to handle. (時々、クマを攻撃したトラがクマの絶大なパワーに対抗しきれず、殺されたことが明らかになっています。)
I read about how a tiger was killed by a large brown bear near a river in 1913 and about a tigress that attacked a bear scavenging from her kill and was killed. (私は1913年に川の近くで大きなヒグマによってトラがどの様に殺されたのか読みました。それは雌トラから獲物を 横取りしたクマを雌トラが攻撃して逆に殺されました。) Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. 密猟、森林伐採、悪天候と並ぶ脅威がヒグマ等の肉食獣に獲物を目の前から横取りされる事である。
1、体重225キロの雄トラがヒグマに殺された。 (タイトル) ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (中略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
Aparantly, two weeks ago the Mapogo Males were drinking from the Sand river in Londolozi Game Reserve when a crocodile attacked and killed one of them at the waters edge.
二週間前、the Mapogoの雄ライオンの中の1頭がワニに攻撃されて殺された。
(2)Mid 2007, one of the Roller Coaster males was killed by a Crocodile
ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
a lion or a bear, according to beatty, will whip a tiger nine times out of tens.
In the course of the study which began in 1991 14 tigers have been trapped and radio-collared and their movements and behaviour are under continuous monitoring. 1991年からの研究において、 14匹の虎が罠により捕獲され、無線発信機を取り付けることにより、間断なくその活動をモニタリングすることが可能となった。
Brown bears which have also been radio-collared have been found to take over tiger kills. 同じように発信機を取り付けたことによって、その 羆達が虎達の獲物を 横取りすることも判明した。
The tiger, leopard and dhole are not large enough or strong enough to kill adult elephants and rhinoceroses. However, tigers sometimes prey upon elephant and rhino calves. In the tropical forests of Nagarahole National Park, Karanth and Sunquist (1995) found that one percent of all tiger kills were calves of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).
虎、豹、ドールは大人のゾウやサイを殺せるほどは強くないのだが、 時々、虎はサイやゾウの幼獣を捕食します。 カランスとサンキストは、Nagarahole National Parkでの 虎の獲物の1%がゾウの幼獣である事を確認しました。
著者:(Paul D. Haemig博士/ウーメア大学。動物生態学教授) (トップ500。世界大学ランキング152-200位) 数十もの学術論文を元に解釈。
and soon they found the battle had not been between two tigers, as they had supposed, but between a tiger and a bear, and that both were dead. The bear was still hugging the tiger, and the tiger had reached round, and fastened his teeth in the side of the bear's neck.
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
Summary of tiger mortalities during past 10 years, based on information supplied by counters during the 1995-1996 winter census in Khabarovsk and Primorye Krais
Summary of tiger mortalities during past 10 years, based on information supplied by counters during the 1995-1996 winter census in Khabarovsk and Primorye Krais
ソース NUMBERS, DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT STATUS OF THE AMUR TIGER IN THE RUSSIAN FAR EAST mellivora I'm trying to figure out which is the dominant carnivore in their relationship. It seems they are natural enemies, who will kill each other given the opportunity, much like lions and hyenas. You mentioned that bears sometimes kill tigers particularly cubs and that tigers will predate on female bears roughly their size, has their been any interaction between tigers and large male bears?
I realize that their diets are very different, yet they still seem to compete with and harbor animosity towards each other. Again any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Small but Powerful/Although sun bears are only about half the size of American black bears, they are well equipped to defend themselves if attacked by a large predator such as a tiger. 〜if a large predator grabs a sun bear, it can turn in its loose skin and bite its attacker. マレー熊はアメリカ黒熊の半分の大きさしかないのですが、トラ等の大型捕食獣から十分に身を守る能力があります。 彼らは怒鳴り声をあげて二本足で立ち上がり、攻撃者に重傷を与よるために鎌のような長い爪と不相応に長い牙と強力な顎を用います。 大型の捕食獣が熊をつかまえると、伸び易い皮を利して向きを変えて敵に噛みつきます。 Some consider the sun bear the most dangerous animal in its wild habitat, as they will even defend against tiger attacks". ある地域ではマレー熊を最も恐ろしい動物と考える人もいる。この熊はトラの攻撃からでさえ自分の身を守れるでしょう。 The battle I watched and photographed was between a 120-pound male puma and a 75-pound Dogo. The dog, a 1-1/2-year-old female named Conajen, which means brave in the Araucanian tongue, was making her puma-fighting debut.
When the dog was led near the cage the puma let out a series of fierce catlike hisses, baring a set of lethal fangs.
The lion then unsheathed its claws as the dog entered the enclosure.Without sparring, the dogo made a straight dash for the puma and the two animals were enveloped in a whirling ball of fur and hair.
The barks and screams were probably heard on the next estancia a mile away.As I clicked my first photo, I noted the time just as the puma caught the dogo with a lightening paw slap across the head.
Then, as the dog charged for the puma’s throat, the big cat came down with its forepaws on either side of the dog’s head and the two went tumbling end over end again. When they came to s stop, the dog had solidly pinned the lion with a death grip at its jugular vein. Bilo gave the signal and the pair were separated.My watch told me it took slightly more than two minutes for the dog to win its inaugural battle. オスのピューマ(54kg)がメスのドゴ(34kg)が戦ったが、ドゴが勝った。
1.In order to present approximate quantitative indices characterizing the tiger's diet〜
By summing together such segments for male tigers, we will produce a characterization of their lives over a 41-day period (460 km of tracking)〜
Over that interval of time, there were ten prey kills with one animal being an adult female wild boar that had been killed by a tigress but that was eaten by her together with a male tiger during their joint travels. その調査期間中に、10個の雄トラの獲物があった(その内の一個は雌のトラに殺された大人の雌の猪である)。
There were eight wild boar (7 of which were yearlings) and two Manchurian deer (an adult bull and an adult female) among the ten prey kills. その10個の獲物の中で、猪は8個(その内の7個は子供)で成獣の鹿が2個だった。
This means that, on average, a male tiger eats only somewhat more than 50 kg of meat per week. これらは、平均して、雄のトラが一週間ごとに50sよりやや多い程度の肉だけを食べる事を意味します。
2.There were 11 prey kills for 28 24-hour periods in the life of tigresses (219 km of tracking).The species composition of their prey is more diverse than in the previous case: six wild boar (two adults, four piglets); one yearling Manchurian deer (saek); one musk deer, and one dog. メスのトラが殺した獲物を11個調べた。6個は猪(2個が大人/残りは子供)、1つは鹿の子供、1つはmusk deer、1つはイヌだった。 (The Texas Archeological Research Laboratory/テキサス大) Dr. Ernest Lundelius holds scull of the short-faced bear, the largest and most powerful predator in North America in the Late Pleistocene. Bement narrowed the possibilities down to the short-faced bear and the sabertoothed cat species known from the region, scimitar cat. Both carnivores had large canines and powerful jaws and are known to have denned in caves. The short-faced bear was the largest and most powerful predator in North America during the Late Pleistocene and was mainly a flesh-eater. 「サーベルタイガーを差し置いて、ショートフェイスベアを上位に置く」。※DR,Ernest Lundelius(ナショジオなどで引用される博士) This bear seems to have been mainly a flesh-eater and was by far the most powerful land predator during the Ice Age in North America. 「当時、遥かに強力な捕食獣だった」。 The short-faced (Arctodus simus) bear was the single most deadly predator of the Ice Age. The short-faced bear had a short, sleek, and stealthy body, with long, powerful legs, a short face, and a broad powerful muzzle filled with large piercing canines and jagged molars that could tear through the toughest hides and crush the thickest bones, including those of a mammoth or mastodon. 「最も危険な捕食獣だった。マンモスなどの骨さえ砕くのだ」その他極めて多数。
1.In order to present approximate quantitative indices characterizing the tiger's diet〜
By summing together such segments for male tigers, we will produce a characterization of their lives over a 41-day period (460 km of tracking)〜
Over that interval of time, there were ten prey kills with one animal being an adult female wild boar that had been killed by a tigress but that was eaten by her together with a male tiger during their joint travels. その調査期間中に、10個の雄トラの獲物があった(その内の一個は雌のトラに殺された大人の雌の猪である)。
There were eight wild boar (7 of which were yearlings) and two Manchurian deer (an adult bull and an adult female) among the ten prey kills. その10個の獲物の中で、猪は8個(その内の7個は子供)で成獣の鹿が2個だった。
This means that, on average, a male tiger eats only somewhat more than 50 kg of meat per week. これらは、平均して、雄のトラが一週間ごとに50sよりやや多い程度の肉だけを食べる事を意味します。
2.There were 11 prey kills for 28 24-hour periods in the life of tigresses (219 km of tracking).The species composition of their prey is more diverse than in the previous case: six wild boar (two adults, four piglets); one yearling Manchurian deer (saek); one musk deer, and one dog. メスのトラが殺した獲物を11個調べた。6個は猪(2個が大人/残りは子供)、1つは鹿の子供、1つはmusk deer、1つはイヌだった。 Honey badgers have been known to attack animals as large as sheep, horses, buffaloes, wildebeest and waterbuck, and on one occasion an observer watched three honey badgers persuade seven lions to abandon the wildebeest kill that the lions were eating.
(1)News of the day 1909年。 the struggling animals rolled over and over, snarling, biting, and scratching. 〜the animal succumbed to its injurie on sunday. ベンガルトラとクマが動物園で激しい戦いを始めた。 トラは日曜日に怪我のために死にました。
(2)Three forks news 1938年。 One time a grizzly was matched with a tiger on a barge in san francisco bay by some lowminded gambler, and killed the tiger in a few seconds. ギャンブラーが行った戦いでヒグマがトラを秒殺しました。 A study of the ecological relationship between black bears (Ursus americanus),grizzly bears(Ursus arctos) and mountain lions in Glacier national Park in Montana and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming found that bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulate biomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition, lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana. グレーシャー国立公園やイエローストーン国立公園での研究で以下の事柄が明らかになった。それは、熊らがピューマらを追い払い、その獲物を奪うので、ピューマは一日に必要な食事の25〜40%を失う事になったという事である。 追い払われ獲物を奪われたピューマは、その分だけ多く獲物を狩る事になった。 Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana. 研究者らは、ピューマらを追い詰め殺しているグリズリーらを記録しています。
.bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulatebiomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition,lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana.(Ruth and Hornocker 1996) 熊らがピューマらを追い払って獲物を奪うので、ピューマ達は1日の食料の必要量の25-40%を奪われる事になった(Murphy et al. 1996)。 獲物を奪われたピューマらはその分、余分に獲物を狩る事になった。ピューマらを追い込んで殺しているグリズリー達が記録されてる(Ruth and Hornocker 1996)。
Summary of tiger mortalities during past 10 years, based on information supplied by counters during the 1995-1996 winter census in Khabarovsk and Primorye Krais
ロシア科学アカデミーより 4年に間の冬の観察から The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter.
and soon they found the battle had not been between two tigers, as they had supposed, but between a tiger and a bear, and that both were dead. The bear was still hugging the tiger, and the tiger had reached round, and fastened his teeth in the side of the bear's neck.
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
I have read several books that discussed siberian tiger-brown bear conflicts but only two of them discussed in great detail the encounters between the two. (私はシベリアタイガーとヒグマの闘いについて議論された、いくつかの本を読みました。 その中で2冊だけ、トラ対ヒグマの闘いについてとても詳細に議論されていました。) These two books were about mammals of thew USSR. (これら2冊の本は旧ソ連の哺乳動物に関するものでした。)
One book was published in the 50's the other in the 1970's. (1冊は50年代に、もう1冊は1970年代に出版されました)
I will try to find the authors of the books. (私は本の著者を見つけようとしています。)
From what I have read tigers do prey on brown bears but generally only brown bears only up to a certain size. (私が読んだ限りでは、トラはヒグマを捕食しますが、しかし普通それはあるサイズまでのヒグマです。)
Tigers kill many bears but generally not large bears. (トラたちは沢山のクマを殺しますが、大抵それは大きなクマではありません。)
Apparently tigers sometimes get killed by bears when they attack a bear that is too powerful for them to handle. (時々、クマを攻撃したトラがクマの絶大なパワーに対抗しきれず、殺されたことが明らかになっています。)
I read about how a tiger was killed by a large brown bear near a river in 1913 and about a tigress that attacked a bear scavenging from her kill and was killed. (私は1913年に川の近くで大きなヒグマによってトラがどの様に殺されたのか読みました。それは雌トラから獲物を 横取りしたクマを雌トラが攻撃して逆に殺されました。)
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなた(巨大動物図鑑の管理人さん)からの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本(The Last Big Cats)の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のヒグマで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。
ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
a lion or a bear, according to beatty, will whip a tiger nine times out of tens. Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them.
ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
a lion or a bear, according to beatty, will whip a tiger nine times out of tens.
ロシア科学アカデミーより 4年に間の冬の観察から The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter. Various reactions were observed in such situations in the case of bears. One brown bear, which was staying in an area permanently inhabited by tigers, clearly felt himself to be the complete master in that place.
large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger.
bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulatebiomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition,lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana.(Ruth and Hornocker 1996) 熊らがピューマらを追い払って獲物を奪うので、ピューマ達は1日の食料の必要量の25-40%を奪われる事になった(Murphy et al. 1996)。獲物を奪われたピューマらはその分、余分に獲物を狩る事になった。 ピューマらを追い込んで殺しているグリズリー達が記録されてる(Ruth and Hornocker 1996)。 350-pound grizzly chasing off all nine wolves.約160kgのグリズリーが9匹の狼を追い払う。they may see the cats as a feline gravy train. Between 1990 and 1995, wildlife biologist Kerry Murphy and other HWI researchers monitored 113 cougar kills (mostly deer and elk) in Glacier and Yellowstone and discovered that bears (grizzlies and blacks) were claiming a significant share of the spoils. Bruins visited about one of every four cougar kills, robbing the feline owner of as much as 26 percent of its food requirement, sometimes for several days running. "It appears," says Murphy, "that competition for kills creates significant gains for bears and significant losses for cougars." グリズリー達はピューマをぼろ儲けの道具として見ているのかもしれません。生物学者と調査員達は113体のピューマの獲物を調査しました。熊達はピューマの食料の26%を強奪していました。獲物に対する争いでは、熊に相当な利益を与え、ピューマに相当な損失を与えました。
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
Tigers are not always the killers, sometimes they are killed. Bears, elephants, and packs of wild dogs have been known to kill adult tigers (Guggisberg, 1975).
Aparantly, two weeks ago the Mapogo Males were drinking from the Sand river in Londolozi Game Reserve when a crocodile attacked and killed one of them at the waters edge.
二週間前、the Mapogoの雄ライオンの中の1頭がワニに攻撃されて殺された。
(2)Mid 2007, one of the Roller Coaster males was killed by a Crocodile
In the course of the study which began in 1991 14 tigers have been trapped and radio-collared and their movements and behaviour are under continuous monitoring. 1991年からの研究において、 14匹の虎が罠により捕獲され、無線発信機を取り付けることにより、間断なくその活動をモニタリングすることが可能となった。
Brown bears which have also been radio-collared have been found to take over tiger kills. 同じように発信機を取り付けたことによって、その 羆達が虎達の獲物を 横取りすることも判明した。
However, the 1000 lb plus bear is king here and of a much more ferocious disposition. しかしながら、1000ポンド以上クマは、ここの王様であり、また、よりずっと恐ろしい気質の王様です。
Two large male tigers were found killed by such animals in the year 2000, which is tragic, if natures way. 2000年に、この動物(ヒグマ)によって2匹の大きい雄トラが殺されているのが発見されました。もしそれが自然の摂理であるなら悲劇的です
Tigers will usually avoid such a powerful foe, but eventually these huge animals will run into each other. トラ達は、普通はこのような強力な敵を避けるでしょう、しかし結局は、これらの巨大な動物はお互いに逃走します。
Often the bear is trying to steal the tiger's kill. しばしば熊はトラの獲物を盗もうとします。
The tiger gives a better account of itself in a bear fight than the lion. トラは、熊との争いにおいて、ライオンよりは堂々と振舞うでしょう。
The bear does not go in for strangulation or nape biting, but uses his paws to rain blows to the head and shoulders. 熊は、絞殺や首筋を噛むことには拘りませんが、前肢を使い、相手の頭と肩へ雨のように強打を見舞います。
Possibly this removes any advantage of a mane. おそらく、これはたてがみのどんな利点も消してしまいます。
Another subspecies, U. a. manchuricus, inhabits the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, Amur Basin, Sakhalin Island and Ussuriland. It once occurred in North Korea and Northeastern China,but is now almost extinct there. These animals are large (some were documented killing tigers), もうひとつの亜種 マンシュウヒグマはオホーツク海沿岸、アムール盆地、サハリン、 ウスリー地方に住んでいる。 かつては北朝鮮や中国東北部にもいたが、現在ではほぼ絶滅している。 これらの動物は巨大だ【トラ(複数形に注目)を殺したと記録されているものもいる。】
There is also a vague account of a circus (African) lion that jumped an American black bear during an act. The fight was fierce and both combatants were injured, but the lion's injuries where [sic] of the extent that it had to be destroyed.
The tiger, leopard and dhole are not large enough or strong enough to kill adult elephants and rhinoceroses. However, tigers sometimes prey upon elephant and rhino calves. In the tropical forests of Nagarahole National Park, Karanth and Sunquist (1995) found that one percent of all tiger kills were calves of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).
虎、豹、ドールは大人のゾウやサイを殺せるほどは強くないのだが、 時々、虎はサイやゾウの幼獣を捕食します。 カランスとサンキストは、Nagarahole National Parkでの 虎の獲物の1%がゾウの幼獣である事を確認しました。
著者:(Paul D. Haemig博士/ウーメア大学。動物生態学教授) (トップ500。世界大学ランキング152-200位) 数十もの学術論文を元に解釈。
ferocious bengal and rosie battle to finish for 60 terrifying minutes by benton jacobs [daily staff writer]
fr.lauderdale, dec. 12.-prince, 500-pound bengal tiger, is dead, killed in an hour-long battle with a russian bear, in expiation for the crime of murdering a man. (略) difference in attack the men at the ringside began throwing boulders into the grotto and finally hours later, were able to get the bear into a cage and haul the dead 1,500$ tiger away.
a lion or a bear, according to beatty, will whip a tiger nine times out of tens.
Vratislav Mazak: Der Tiger. Nachdruck der 3. Auflage von 1983. Westarp Wissenschaften Hohenwarsleben, 2004 ISBN 3-89432-759-6
In the Russian Far East, brown bears along with smaller Asiatic black bears constitute 5?% of the diet of Siberian tigers. ロシア極東において、ヒグマとツキノワグマはアムールトラの食料の5〜8%を構成する。
(1)News of the day 1909年。 the struggling animals rolled over and over, snarling, biting, and scratching. 〜the animal succumbed to its injurie on sunday. ベンガルトラとクマが動物園で激しい戦いを始めた。 トラは日曜日に怪我のために死にました。
(2)Three forks news 1938年。 One time a grizzly was matched with a tiger on a barge in san francisco bay by some lowminded gambler, and killed the tiger in a few seconds. ギャンブラーが行った戦いでヒグマがトラを秒殺しました。
In the Russian Far East, brown bears along with smaller Asiatic black bears constitute 5-8% of the diet of Siberian tigers. ロシア極東において、ヒグマとツキノワグマはアムールトラの食料の5〜8%を構成する。
Vratislav Mazak: Der Tiger. Nachdruck der 3. Auflage von 1983. Westarp Wissenschaften Hohenwarsleben, 2004 ISBN 3-89432-759-6]