>>328 了解。
インディアナ州のサーカスで、ライオンがホッキョクグマを殺害(~NewYork Times)
PERU, Ind., March 26.・quot;Brutus," the largest lion owned by Hugenbock & Wallace show
company, killed a polar bear and created panic at the show's headquarters here late
yesterday afternoon. These two animals, together with a tiger, leopard, Jaguar, a bloodhound
and a hyena constitute a family of beasts being trained by John Helliott.
Every afternoon they are put through a number of marvelous stunts and it was while the bear
was taking its seat beside the lion that it brushed against "Brutus." Quick as a flash the lion
sprangon the bear and the growling which followed created a panic among the other animals
in the iron cage. Helliott had hard work keeping out of their way. Finally he got to the door;
which opens to the runway for the animals, and he succeeded in driving all of them out except
the lion and the bear which were rolling over and tearing each other's flesh with teeth and
claws. Helliott got a crowbar and tried to pry the lion's mouth open and loosen its grip on the
bear's throat. In this he failed. He then lassoed the lion and finally got the rope around its throat,
thus choking it until it finally let go. The bear was bleeding from the breast and throat, yet it staggered to attack the choked lion. However,
the bear fell dead before it struck a blow. Helllott says this was the hardest battle he ever experienced since be entered the animal training
business. The polar bear was a new one in the family.
「The News - Newport, Friday, February 17, 1911」より
Fierce Struggle between a Nubian Lion and a Polar Bear, In Which The Former Won.
A furious right to a finish between a fierce Nubian Hon and a monster Polar bear took at
-Mundy's An- bear -was badly beaten. 'but everybody admitted. that he had made a splendid
fight (中略)
The circus men secured the animals with ropes, and four veterinary surgeons set to work
on their wounds. They bound them up with antiseptic dressings wherever they could
and in other places used largo strips of plaster. The lion will probably recover,
but The condition of the bear is desperate.