918 名前: アフラック 投稿日: 2008/02/21(木) 23:30:07 http://www.tigers.ru/books/ecolog/ch4_en.html The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter.
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなたからの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のひぐまで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Of course, we could only estimate the bear’s body size because he ate them, but adult female brown bears in this area rarely weigh more than 400 lbs. もちろん、私達はクマの体の大きさを見積もったのだけです。なぜなら、彼はそれを食べてしまったからです。しかし、この地域の大人の雌のひぐまの体重が400ポンドを超えるのがまれです。 We never found a bear killed by Dale that we thought was larger than he was and certainly never “twice his size”. デールが殺したクマの中に、彼よりも大きいのを私達は一度も見付けませんでした。当然彼の二倍大きいのも見付けませんでした。
http://www.answers.com/topic/amur-tiger The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
世界最大(四億五千万世帯)のドキュメンタリー放送局であるディスカバリーチャンネルのエキスパート達の結論 http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/animalfaceoff/game/play.html The bear is bigger, the lion faster. In this contest of carnivores, the fastest foe would win nine out of ten times, according to our analysis.
In the Russian Far East, young brown bears are attracted to carrion, and those that find a kill belonging to a tiger are quickly dispatched by the tiger. (~Smithonian answer book 「cats」)
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 http://www.saveindiastigers.co.uk/tripreport.html Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
For example after hybernation the brown bear is very hungry and will often find a tiger and follow it waiting for the tiger to make a kill. When the tiger finally makes a kill the bear chases the tiger away and claims the dead animal as its own. ここでは冬眠終了時で非常に空腹な時などには、 ヒグマはトラを見つけると、後をつけ、トラが獲った獲物を奪い取る。
This provides an important source of nutrition for the bear until other foods are available. ヒグマ が植物類などが手に入らない時でも貴重な栄養素を摂ることが出来るのはこの横取りがあるからだ。
While this may not seem fair it is merely part of the balance of nature. いけないことだと思われるでしょうが、これがありのままの自然の姿なのです。
I recall reading somewhere that brown bear males in the Amur region average around 450-750 lbs, with occasional 1000 pounders being reported. This would mean that the average sized male would have a very slight weight advantage over the average sized Amur tiger male, with large males outweighing large male tigers by a good margin. A good, even fight with median specimens, and a fair edge to the bear with large males.
There was also a very detailed first hand report from a couple of Russian trappers of an encounter between two large males of each species, that ended in the death of the tiger. This case may have been the one that was mentioned in the report on tiger fatalities of that year (I believe it was from the Hornocker institute). There was also another similar case (with a large male tiger getting killed by a large male bear), but there were no further details.
確かに稀にナマケグマが虎の餌食になった例はある。カランスもそのような事(rare items)があると述べるし(性別年齢等不明で1%だったかな?)、Valmikもon very rare occations,tigers have been known to kill young elephants..and even bears.. と述べている。しかし概して共通しているのはこれらは稀な出来事であるということだ。
「where the grizzly walks」第7章 The fight between a large amur and a large grizzly was accidental but it ended up representing what a big brown grizzly can do. The tiger bit into the bears shoulder when the bear accidentally found itself in the tigers enclosure. The grizzly responded by tearing out the front shoulders of the tiger then breaking the bones of the skull. 大きなシベリアトラと大きなヒグマの間に起きた戦いは偶然の産物だったが、 巨大なヒグマができることを示した結果に終わった。 トラがクマの肩にかみついたとき、クマは自分がトラの囲いにいることに気がついた。 クマはトラの肩を引き裂き、頭蓋骨を破壊した。
米コニーアイランドのサーカス獣舎で、ライオンがロシア産の雄グマを殺害 http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa161/SumatranTiger/sdff.jpg Desperate Fight to the Death in. Cage at Coney Island Show. The lion .Baltimore and a valuable -Russian bear had a fight ' to the death in the Bostock animal enclosure at Coney. Island
600ポンドのホッキョクグマと同体格のヌビアライオンが10ラウンドに渡って戦い、ホッキョクグマが死に至る (Source: The News - Newport, Friday, February 17, 1911)
Fierce Struggle between a Nubian Lion and a Polar Bear, In Which The Former Won. A furious right to a finish between a fierce Nubian Hon and a monster Polar bear took at -Mundy's An- bear -was badly beaten. 'but everybody admitted. that he had made a splendid fight (中略) The circus men secured the animals with ropes, and four veterinary surgeons set to work on their wounds. They bound them up with antiseptic dressings wherever they could and in other places used largo strips of plaster. The lion will probably recover, but The condition of the bear is desperate.