The battle I watched and photographed was between a 120-pound male puma and a 75-pound Dogo. The dog, a 1-1/2-year-old female named Conajen, which means brave in the Araucanian tongue, was making her puma-fighting debut.
When the dog was led near the cage the puma let out a series of fierce catlike hisses, baring a set of lethal fangs.
The lion then unsheathed its claws as the dog entered the enclosure.Without sparring, the dogo made a straight dash for the puma and the two animals were enveloped in a whirling ball of fur and hair.
The barks and screams were probably heard on the next estancia a mile away.As I clicked my first photo, I noted the time just as the puma caught the dogo with a lightening paw slap across the head.
Then, as the dog charged for the puma’s throat, the big cat came down with its forepaws on either side of the dog’s head and the two went tumbling end over end again. When they came to s stop, the dog had solidly pinned the lion with a death grip at its jugular vein. Bilo gave the signal and the pair were separated.My watch told me it took slightly more than two minutes for the dog to win its inaugural battle. オスのピューマ(54kg)がメスのドゴ(34kg)が戦ったが、ドゴが勝った。
「アメリカクロクマの最大記録」 The current “world record” black bear was taken by a hunter in North Carolina in November 1998. The 103/4-year-old male weighed 880 lbs.
「成長の限界」 In areas of good nutrition, females reach adult weight at 3.1/2 years, but males may continue to grow until 8.1/2 or older. 雄のクロクマは8.5歳以上まで成長を続ける場合もある。
「クロクマとヒグマの混同」 Black and grizzly/brown bears may sometimes be confused in the field, particularly since some “black bears” are brown and some grizzlies nearly black.
「クロクマ(クマ全部か?)の速度」 Bears have been clocked at speeds of up to 35 mph. 走行速度56kmが測定されている。
「クロクマとピューマ」 Popular accounts sometimes claim that mountain lions prey on black bears. While possible, evidence is sparse. In Arizona, a mountain lion was responsible for 1 (12%) of 8 identified cub mortalities. 一般的な読み物では、ピューマがクロクマを捕食する記述が時たま見られる。しかし、可能性としては有り得ても、証拠に乏しいです。アリゾナでは、死亡していたクロクマの幼獣を調べたところ、八匹中の一匹の死亡にピューマが関わっていた。
A study in Wyoming found that black bears displaced mountain lions from 50% of the lion-killed carcasses they visited but physical contact was not documented. ワイオミング州の研究では、ピューマが獲物を獲ると、クロクマがやって来て、その内の二回に一回はクロクマがピューマを追っ払いその獲物を奪っていることが明らかになった。 Small but Powerful/Although sun bears are only about half the size of American black bears, they are well equipped to defend themselves if attacked by a large predator such as a tiger. 〜if a large predator grabs a sun bear, it can turn in its loose skin and bite its attacker. マレー熊はアメリカ黒熊の半分の大きさしかないのですが、トラ等の大型捕食獣から十分に身を守る能力があります。 彼らは怒鳴り声をあげて二本足で立ち上がり、攻撃者に重傷を与よるために鎌のような長い爪と不相応に長い牙と強力な顎を用います。 大型の捕食獣が熊をつかまえると、伸び易い皮を利して向きを変えて敵に噛みつきます。 If a larger predator grabs the sun bear, it can turn around in its loose skin and bite back. もし、大型の捕食獣がマレー熊を捕まえても、熊は伸び易い皮膚により、向きを変えて敵を噛み返す事が出来る。 If caught by large predator, can turn in its loose skin and bite attacker. If a sun bear is grabbed from behind by a predator, such as a tiger, the bear can still turn around to attack with its teeth and claws. もしマレー熊が背後からトラのような捕食獣につかまれても、熊はまだ向きを変えて自らの牙と爪で相手を攻撃する事が出来る。 it is said that even the tigers leave them alone.トラでさえ彼らにかまわないと言われている。 Some consider the sun bear the most dangerous animal in its wild habitat, as they will even defend against tiger attacks". ある地域ではマレー熊を最も恐ろしい動物と考える人もいる。この熊はトラの攻撃からでさえ自分の身を守れるでしょう。
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
A fully grown male brown bear weighing up to 1500 lb presents a formidable foe to even the biggest male Amur tiger. 最大限(680kgクラス)にまで成長を遂げた 巨大な羆は、最大級の アムール虎 でさえも手におえない敵となる。
Large brown bears even follow tigers and will take over their kills; especially at the end of winter when there is little food around. 特に食糧難になる冬の終わり頃には、 大きな雄の羆達は、 虎達の後をついて行き、 虎達の仕留めた獲物を横取りしようとさえする。
All, i watched the event at 9pm last evening. 皆さん、私は昨日の夜9時から見ました。
The grizzly destroyed the tiger. グリズリーはトラを破壊しました。
The extremely powerful blow reported by some individuals here, knocked the tiger over and the bear walked away unconcerned. ここの何人かの人も報告したとおりに、物凄い力の一撃でトラが倒されました。クマが何事も無かったかのように立ち去りました。
The tiger attacked again so the bear hit it again with full force and broke its back. Game over. トラが再び攻撃したので、クマは力いっぱいトラを叩いてその背骨を折りました。ゲームオーバー。 mellivora I'm trying to figure out which is the dominant carnivore in their relationship. It seems they are natural enemies, who will kill each other given the opportunity, much like lions and hyenas. You mentioned that bears sometimes kill tigers particularly cubs and that tigers will predate on female bears roughly their size, has their been any interaction between tigers and large male bears?
I realize that their diets are very different, yet they still seem to compete with and harbor animosity towards each other. Again any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.