The bull elephants of western Nepal are the largest Asian elephants ever recorded. 「雄のゾウたち」(western Nepal)は アジア象の仲間で記録上で最大です。
A large male Asian elephant usually measures to 9' 6". 普通は「大きな雄」のアジア象ですら、 (肩高)289.65cmしかないのです。
Raja Gaj has an estimated shoulder height of 11' 3" to 11' 6". 新たに発見されたアフリカ象並みの体格を有するアジア象の中の 一頭の「Raja Gaj」は、推定だが肩高が、 335.28+(7.62〜15.24)=[342.9〜350.52cm]もあると 判定されたそうです。(判定方法)足跡や写真 (木の高さが判明しているので、横のゾウの高さもわかる) からの推定で判断。
These elephants unique and are as tall as male African elephants. これらの「ゾウたち」は雄のアフリカゾウ並みに背が高い。
黒熊とグリズリーはしばしばピューマから獲物を奪う(Murphy et al. 1998).ピューマは狼らと直接バッティングし、時々狼やコヨーテに殺される(Paquet 1993, D. Boyd pers. comm., M. Hornocker pers. comm., I. Ross pers. comm.). (インド環境省、野生生物研究所) they can hold their own with the big cats."Yoga," has spent the past four years studying sloth bears in India, and when he has seen bear meet tiger, the result is often a draw. ヨガはインド野生生物研究所(インド環境省)の生物学者です。ヨガは過去四年間ナマケグマをインドで研究した。『トラとナマケグマの戦いがしばしば引き分けだったのを彼は目撃した。』 (ナショナルジオグラフィック) if a bear feels threatened, it will launch a swift and vicious attack that will send even a hungry tiger running. インドの研究者によって、ナマケグマは約10年間に渡り研究されている。もし、ナマケグマが脅威を感じたのなら、『このクマは、素早くかつ猛烈な攻撃を加えて、餓えたトラでさえ逃亡させるだろう。』
Occasional confrontations with similar weight animals over a kill usually fizzle out after a bit of noise and threatening display. 獲物をめぐって時々生じる衝突は、同じような体格同士の場合は 威嚇行為などによって大概の場合は未然に回避される。
However the 1000 lb plus bear is king here and of a much more ferocious disposition. しかし、ここでは、 450kgを超える巨熊は非常に獰猛な性質を有する王として君臨する。
Two large male tigers were found killed by such animals in the year 2000 which is tragic if natures way. 悲しい自然の摂理だが、2000年には、2匹の大型の虎の雄の成獣がそのような巨熊に殺されているのが発見されている。
Tigers will usually avoid such a powerful foe but eventually these huge animals will run into each other. 大抵の場合は、虎はさすがに巨熊は避けるのだが、いずれ両雄は激突する運命にある。
Often the bear is trying to steal the tiger's kill. しばしば虎の獲物を熊は盗もうとする。
There is a great deal of interaction between the brown bear and the Amur tiger. Tigers and bears are born enemies. アムール虎と羆は相互に大きく干渉しあう不倶戴天の間柄である。 (参考資料) 1,2,3,4,5
Whenever possible a tiger will drive away a bear or try to kill and eat it. もし可能なら虎は常に羆を追い払い、殺し、喰おうとするであろう。
A male tiger will even attack a female brown bear with young. 雄の虎の成獣は 子連れの羆の雌さえ襲おうとする。 Animal biologists once spotted a big male on a freshly killed brown bear cub. 生物学者達は、かつて、殺害されたばかりのヒグマの幼獣に覆い被さっている大きな雄の虎を発見している。
※補足(原文にはこの記述は無い)。 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten. (Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に 60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
These two opponents are very wary of a fight. 両雄は直接対決には非常に用心深い。 嗅覚を働かせる熊
A fully grown male brown bear weighing up to 1500 lb presents a formidable foe to even the biggest male Amur tiger. 完全に成長を遂げた 雄のヒグマ( 最大のものなら680kgにもなり得る)は、最大級のアムール虎にとっても強敵となる。
Large brown bears even follow tigers and will take over their kills; especially at the end of winter when there is little food around. 特に食糧難になる冬の終わり頃には、大きな雄の羆達は、虎達の後をついて行き、虎達の仕留めた獲物を横取りしようとさえする。
In the course of the study which began in 1991 14 tigers have been trapped and radio-collared and their movements and behaviour are under continuous monitoring. 1991年からの研究において、 14匹の虎が罠により捕獲され、無線発信機を取り付けられたことにより、間断なくその活動をモニタリングすることが可能となった。
Brown bears which have also been radio-collared have been found to take over tiger kills. 同じように発信機を取り付けたことによって、その羆達が複数の虎の獲物を横取りすることも判明した。
とにかく相対的に狭い所で力と力がぶつかる闘技場では500sや600kg(アフリカ水牛クラス)にもなりうる“巨大熊”が牛を圧倒できたのだろう。 同じ様な体格なら力負けもしないだろうしな。同体格の動物の中ではトップ級に力が強いらしいし。 また慣れや経験などもあるのでしょうね。もちろん、200〜300sの熊ならアフリカ水牛に完敗すると思うけどね。 しかし、平均ですら400s級のアラスカの海岸沿いの熊やコディアックベアーなら話は別だと思うよ。 [my question!ww] btw, you said that a lion>an african elephant. really?w I have never heard of a male lion or tiger killing an adult elephant. Are your statements your own opinions or can you back them up by any kind of evidence? Until there is some evidence shown of a single lion being able to kill a single adult elephant or a single rnino, I think it's safe to say the adult elephants and rhinos would be too-2-2-2 much because a single elephant or a rhino often driving away large groups of lions. even "female black rhino" have been known to kill a male lion!!! but i do know that lion is king of beasts in big cat world[clyde beauty]www.
ある時、雌のスイギュウが雄のトラをボウリング・ピンのように突き飛ばし、大きな木の太い幹にぶつけた。角で何度も突き刺し、さらには持ち上げて地面に叩きつけ、踏みつけた。 最後にトラをまるで一束の藁のように放り投げた。ハンターでナチュラリストでもあった W. R. Foran(1933)がインドで目撃した事件である。
(ソース)adult black bears are practically immune to predation from all North American animals except grizzly-brown bears(Ursus arctos) and timber wolves(Canis lupus).
(ソース)adult black bears are practically immune to predation from all North American animals except grizzly-brown bears(Ursus arctos) and timber wolves(Canis lupus).
黒熊とグリズリーはしばしばピューマから獲物を奪う(Murphy et al. 1998).ピューマは狼らと直接バッティングし、時々狼やコヨーテに殺される(Paquet 1993, D. Boyd pers. comm., M. Hornocker pers. comm., I. Ross pers. comm.).
ライオンとトラはたいていの場合ライオンの方が強いみたいですね。 lion and tiger fights were held in the tower of London, with the lion almost always winning
On the Bell, the lion shot out to confront the bear. ゴングがなって、ライオンがはなたれてクマと向かいあった。 The bear looked like he couldn't care less. クマはこれは油断がならないという風に見えた。 The lion suddenly pounced on the grizzly but was met by a short sharp left jab which put the lion down. ライオンが突然クマに襲いかかったが、鋭い左ジャブをくらった。 It was clearly dazed. それは明らかに(ライオンを?)放心状態にさせた。 The second attack went much the same except that the lion succeded in biting the bears paw. 2回目の攻撃はほとんど一回目と同じだったが、ライオンはどうにかクマの腕に噛み付くことに成功した。 Then it happened... そこでそれは起こった・・・ the lion in a lunging pouncing attack bit the bears nose, the only unprotected part of his body. ライオンは飛びつきクマの鼻に噛み付いた。それは唯一クマの体の中で 守られていない弱点だ。
At the same time however, the lion was thumped to the ground by a haymaking left paw slap. しかし!同時にライオンは左の一撃をくらい地面にたたきつけられた。 The lion was quite obviously killed instantly. Later inspection proved his skull had been caved in by the blow. ライオンは明らかに瞬殺されていた。後の調査で、ライオンの頭蓋骨に クマの一撃による穴が開いていたことが明らかになった。 But the drama was still unfolding, the bite to the bear's nose was a lot worse than anyone suspected, and the bear had lost quite a lot of blood... so much infact that he lost conciousness after some twenty minutes or so. しかしドラマの幕は下りていなかった。クマの鼻の傷は想像よりも ずっと悪かった。クマは大量の血を失い、20分後に意識を失った。 In what is believed to be a very rare event, a group of nine adult sperm whales were attacked by approximately twenty-five killer whales... 非常に稀な出来事だと考えられているが、9匹の成獣マッコウ鯨の集団が、約25頭の鯱に襲われた。これは、NOAA(ノア)の科学者たちにより目撃され記録された。鯨の1頭は殺され、複数が怪我を負った。 Although rarely witnessed, killer whales have been seen attacking small sperm whale calves, but never attacking and killing adults," said Dr. Susan Chivers, NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) and Chief Scientist on the cruise... 滅多に目撃されることはないのだが、シャチが小さなマッコウクジラの幼鯨を攻撃しているのが目撃されている。しかし、成熟したマッコウクジラが攻撃されるのは決して目撃されていない。と、SWFSCのチーフサイエンティストのSusan Chiversは述べる。... Dr. Barbara Taylorによると科学的な資料では、6回しか、鯱がマッコウ鯨を襲ったことは記録されていないという。 (※上の詳細, Mammal Science: Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 494-507.(主旨)この事例等から専門家は以前は捕食とは無縁と考えられていたマッコウ鯨にも捕食に対する恐れがあると考えた。
(3) Sometimes, when the ice melts, polar bears have been known to be driven off by grizzlies, when they move south into the grizzlies feeding area.
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
There is also a vague account of a circus (African) lion that jumped an American black bear during an act. The fight was fierce and both combatants were injured, but the lion's injuries where [sic] of the extent that it had to be destroyed.
「The Temple Tiger and More Man-Eaters of Kumaon」 (Oxford University Press)」洋書。 著者/Jim Corbett August, 1999出版(18〜24ぺージ)
And on two occasions I have seen bears walk up to feeding leopards and, after shooing them off, carry kills away. But on this occasion the tiger and a big male at that was present on his kill and, further, he was not an animal to be shooed away like a leopard.
But that was just what the bear appeared to intend doing, and his opportunity came when the tiger was cracking a bone. Whether the bear had been waiting for this moment I do not know; anyway, while the tiger was crunching the bone, the bear drew himself to the edge and, gathering his feet under him, launched himself into the hole with a mighty scream.
The object of the scream I imagine was to intimidate the tiger, but so far from having this effect it appeared to infuriate him, for the bear’s mighty scream was answered by an even mightier roar from the tiger.
Fights in the wild are very rare and this is only the second case I know of different species of animals fighting for the sake of fighting and not for the purpose of one using the other as food. I did not see the fight, for the reasons I have given, but I heard every detail of it. Waged in a hollow of restricted area the sound was terrifying and I was thankful that the fight was a straight one between two contestants who were capable of defending themselves, and not a three-cornered one in which I was involved.
Time stands still when every drop of blood racing through a rapidly beating heart is tingling with excitement. The fight may have lasted three minutes, or it may have lasted longer. Anyway, when the tiger considered he had administered sufficient chastisement he broke off the engagement and came along the open ground in front me at a fast gallop, closely followed by the still screaming bear. (短文) 私が見た二つの事例は、黒熊らが豹らをシッシと追い払い獲物を奪ったものだ。 しかし、今回は、大きな雄のベンガル虎が獲物の側にいる。 さらに、虎は豹のように軽く追い払われるような存在ではない。 豹はともかく虎は非常に恐ろしい。しかし、 大型のベンガル虎と大型の黒熊との激しい戦闘が約3分間続き、トラが獲物を 奪われた。(前の例と合せて二例目か?)。
ネコ科の牙は皮膚の伸びる相手に対しては攻撃力が半減してしまうようです。 Lion and Leopards have been recorded killing Honey Badgers but it is likely that they were old or sick animals. In one case, a fully grown Leopard took two hours and much effort to eventually kill an old toothless Badger! ライオンとヒョウなどはラテルを殺した記録がある。しかし、そのラテルらは、老衰、病気であったと思われる。ある事例では、完全に成長を遂げたヒョウが、「老衰かつ歯の無い」ラテルを殺すのにさえ、二時間もの奮闘努力を要した。
【マレー熊】 Small but Powerful/Although sun bears are only about half the size of American black bears, they are well equipped to defend themselves if attacked by a large predator such as a tiger. 〜if a large predator grabs a sun bear, it can turn in its loose skin and bite its attacker. マレー熊はアメリカ黒熊の半分の大きさしかないのですが、トラ等の大型捕食獣から十分に身を守る能力があります。彼らは怒鳴り声をあげて二本足で立ち上がり、攻撃者に重傷を与よるために鎌のような長い爪と不相応に長い牙と強力な顎を用います。 大型の捕食獣が熊をつかまえると、伸び易い皮を利して向きを変えて敵に噛みつきます。 Some consider the sun bear the most dangerous animal in its wild habitat, as they will even defend against tiger attacks". ある地域ではマレー熊を最も恐ろしい動物と考える人もいる。この熊はトラの攻撃からでさえ自分の身を守れるでしょう
「クロクマとピューマ(科学的研究資料>読み物)」 1.Popular accounts sometimes claim that mountain lions prey on black bears. While possible, evidence is sparse. In Arizona, a mountain lion was responsible for 1 (12%) of 8 identified cub mortalities. 一般的な読み物では、ピューマがクロクマを捕食する記述が時たま見られる。 しかし、可能性としては有り得ても、証拠に乏しいです。アリゾナでは、死亡していたクロクマの幼獣を調べたところ、八匹中の一匹の死亡にピューマが関わっていた。 A study in Wyoming found that black bears displaced mountain lions from 50% of the lion-killed carcasses they visited but physical contact was not documented. ワイオミング州の研究では、「ピューマが獲物を獲ると、クロクマがやって来て、その内の二回に一回はクロクマがピューマを追っ払いその獲物を奪っていること」が明らかになった。 large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. 「私達が目で直接観察した、ある大きくて、雄と思われるツキノワグマは前述のヒグマと同じように、トラがいる事を全く恐れていなかった。 彼はトラの足跡に沿って歩いて、トラが休んだのと同じイノシシの巣穴で休んだ」
Bengal, Sumatran, and Indochinese tigers (Panthera tigris tigris, Panthera tigris sumatrae, and Panthera tigris corbetti): Depending upon where sun bears live, one of these tiger subspecies may share the same forest, and periodically prey on the bears.
In the course of the study which began in 1991 14 tigers have been trapped and radio-collared and their movements and behaviour are under continuous monitoring. 1991年からの研究において、 14匹の虎が罠により捕獲され、無線発信機を取り付けることにより、間断なくその活動をモニタリングすることが可能となった。
Brown bears which have also been radio-collared have been found to take over tiger kills. 同じように発信機を取り付けたことによって、その 羆達が虎達の獲物を 横取りすることも判明した。
There are even cases known of adult brown bears that were killed and eaten by Amur tigers. This probably only happens when these bears are surprised during hibernation in their den. 大人のヒグマがアムール虎に殺されて食べられる場合さえもあります。おそらくこれはクマが穴の中で冬眠中にトラに奇襲された時にだけ起こります。
However, brown bear cubs are killed more often (indicating that male tigers can drive away the defending mother bear) しかしながら、ヒグマの子供がより頻繁に殺されているのです。(これは雄のトラ達が、守っている母グマを追い払う事が出来る事を示します)
The killing of male brown bears is very rare. 雄のヒグマを殺すことは非常にまれです。
In such cases the tiger usually takes the bear by surprise during hibernation. このような場合トラは通常冬眠中の熊を奇襲します。
These two opponents are very wary of a fight. この両者は争いに非常に慎重です。
A fully grown, male brown bear, weighing up to 1500 lb, presents a formidable foe to even the biggest male Amur tiger. 種としての成長した雄のヒグマは、最高1500ポンドの重さがあり、最も大きい雄のアムールトラにさえ手ごわい敵となると思われます。
Large brown bears even follow tigers and will take over their kills; especially at the end of winter when there is little food around. 大きいヒグマは、トラの後を追ってまでも、トラの獲物を乗っ取るでしょう。特にほとんど存在している食物がない冬の終わりに。
However, the 1000 lb plus bear is king here and of a much more ferocious disposition. しかしながら、1000ポンド以上クマは、ここの王様であり、また、よりずっと恐ろしい気質の王様です。
Two large male tigers were found killed by such animals in the year 2000, which is tragic, if natures way. 2000年に、この動物(ヒグマ)によって2匹の大きい雄トラが殺されているのが発見されました。もしそれが自然の摂理であるなら悲劇的です
Tigers will usually avoid such a powerful foe, but eventually these huge animals will run into each other. トラ達は、普通はこのような強力な敵を避けるでしょう、しかし結局は、これらの巨大な動物はお互いに逃走します。
Often the bear is trying to steal the tiger's kill. しばしば熊はトラの獲物を盗もうとします。
The tiger gives a better account of itself in a bear fight than the lion. トラは、熊との争いにおいて、ライオンよりは堂々と振舞うでしょう。
The bear does not go in for strangulation or nape biting, but uses his paws to rain blows to the head and shoulders. 熊は、絞殺や首筋を噛むことには拘りませんが、前肢を使い、相手の頭と肩へ雨のように強打を見舞います。
Possibly this removes any advantage of a mane. おそらく、これはたてがみのどんな利点も消してしまいます。
The grizzly bear is a poor predator, taking down a caribou only when the opportunity arises. グリズリーは、機会があった時にのみトナカイを狩るという貧弱な肉食動物でした。
This, however, shifted his evolution in favour of the job in hand, namely as a digger of hard barren ground for roots, tubers and den building. しかしながら、この事は、彼の手の役目を隆起や巣穴を作るように進化させました。すなわち硬い不毛の土地を掘る坑夫として。
The grizzly bear subsequently evolved enormous bone and muscle density; roughly ten times our own for a given size. その後、グリズリーは巨大な骨と筋肉の密度を進化させました。とある大きさでは、およそ我々の10倍の大きさです。
They have developed into huge and enormously powerful animals. グリズリーは巨大で、そして途方もなく強力な動物に進化しました。
Eventually, and at considerable cost, African lions were brought in to raise the stakes. 結局は、かなりの費用をかけて、アフリカのライオンが対戦を行うために持ち込まれました。
The most fierce of the adult males was sent in whilst the grizzly was already waiting in the pits. 成獣の雄の最も荒々しいライオンは、ヒグマが既に待っているピットに送り込まれました。
The lion was known for bravely charging straight in and looked good for the money, but the grizzly killed a male lion almost as easily as he'd killed the bull. ライオンは勇敢な事で知られていて、中にまっすぐに突進していき、そして金のためにかっこ良く見えました。しかしヒグマは、すでに雄牛を殺していたのとほとんど同じぐらい簡単に雄のライオンを殺しました。
The Californians never understood why. カリフォルニアの人達は何が起こったのかまるで理解できませんでした。
We now know that it was enormously strong bone density meeting a low density skull. 我々は現在、それは途方もなく強い密度の骨が、低密度の頭骨に見舞われたからだと知っています。
At a range of 4 feet the blow crashed in before the lion could apply the wind pipe lock, which is lion and tiger learnt behaviour for taking down prey animals. リーチ4フィートの一撃はライオンが息する間もなく破壊し、ライオンとトラは獲物になって解体される動物の気持ちを学んだのでした。
Another subspecies, U. a. manchuricus, inhabits the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, Amur Basin, Sakhalin Island and Ussuriland. It once occurred in North Korea and Northeastern China,but is now almost extinct there. These animals are large (some were documented killing tigers), もうひとつの亜種 マンシュウヒグマはオホーツク海沿岸、アムール盆地、サハリン、 ウスリー地方に住んでいる。 かつては北朝鮮や中国東北部にもいたが、現在ではほぼ絶滅している。 これらの動物は巨大だ【トラ(複数形に注目)を殺したと記録されているものもいる
zoobooksより If tiger is hungry enough, it may even attack a bear. But that may by a big mistake. This Siberian Tiger has attacked a Eurasian Brown Bear that is almost twice its size. The bear is also stronger than the tiger and every bit as mean. トラは空腹になると熊を襲う事がある。しかし、これは大きな失敗だ。 この(絵の)シベリアトラはユーラシアヒグマを襲おうとしているが熊はトラの倍近い大きさだ。 また、大抵の場合、熊はトラより頑強で、したたかに噛む。
For example after hybernation the brown bear is very hungry and will often find a tiger and follow it waiting for the tiger to make a kill. When the tiger finally makes a kill the bear chases the tiger away and claims the dead animal as its own. ここでは冬眠終了時で非常に空腹な時などには、 ヒグマはトラを見つけると、後をつけ、トラが獲った獲物を奪い取る。
This provides an important source of nutrition for the bear until other foods are available. ヒグマ が植物類などが手に入らない時でも貴重な栄養素を摂ることが出来るのはこの横取りがあるからだ。
While this may not seem fair it is merely part of the balance of nature. いけないことだと思われるでしょうが、これがありのままの自然の姿なのです。
オオカミ、ピューマとグリズリーの関係 The bears seemed to follow the wolves deliberately in order to take over the kills. In one encounter nine wolves challenged an adult grizzly for a carcass. The bear lay down on the elk and refused to move.Checkmated the wolves eventually gave up and left to make another kill.In clashes with wolves grizzlies usually prevail. Where it's not available grizzlies rely mainly on plants roots berries and insects. Hibernation is an adaptive strategy that enables bears to survive through the long winter despite food scarcity. クマは計画的に獲物を奪うためにオオカミの後をつけて行くように見えた。 ある両者の衝突では、9頭のオオカミが狩った獲物を守るためにヒグマの成獣に挑戦した。 クマはエルクの上に横たわり、オオカミの要求を拒絶した。ついにオオカミは獲物をあきらめて 他の獲物を狩りに行った。対オオカミ戦では大抵ヒグマが勝つ(私の個人的意見だがクマの 下手したら2倍あるようなヘラジカを圧倒的に捕食するオオカミの集団をも大抵追い払うクマはやはり 純粋肉食獣に相性がいいと思う)。肉が手に入らないときは植物類や昆虫を主食とする。
In 1996 Montana researchers near Glacier National Park watched a grizzly that had discovered the trick of following wolves and mountain lions to steal their kills. This bear was so well fed he never went into a den and never hibernated. (要約)1996年に国立公園の研究員が、ある観察を行いました。その観察とは あるヒグマがオオカミやマウンテンライオンを尾行し、彼らが獲った獲物を横取りすることによって 栄養を補給するカラクリに気付いていたということです。このためこのクマは冬場でも十分な食料を 得られるので冬眠をしないでよかったのです。
Many a coyote wolf mountain lion and now big game hunter have lost their kills to these thieving bruins. 多くのコヨーテ、オオカミ、ピューマ、そしてハンター(狩猟を行う人)が自分で 仕留めた獲物をクマに奪われる。
While working in Glacier National Park on a wolf/mountain lion interaction study the Hornocker Wildlife Research Institute discovered that both wolves and lions regularly had kills taken away by individual bears オオカミとピューマとの研究ではどちらの動物も個々のクマに 定期的に獲物を奪われていました。
Jaguars and pumas are in almost direct competition throughout most of their mutual distribution (Rabinowitz 1987). The smaller and less powerful puma probably gives way in confrontations. They are known always to avoid grizzly bears,(略) (要約) ジャガーとピューマは互いに生息地が重なる地域では大抵の場合競合します。戦いでは、小さく力の弱いピューマが恐らくジャガーに負けると思います。ピューマがいつもグリズリーを避ける事は知られています。
The lion, for example, has a bite force of about 940 pounds(約427kg), slightly less than the hyena’s roughly 1,000 pounds(454kg). The only shark tested, the dusky shark, achieves about 330 pounds(約150kg), while a common dog, the Labrador, bites at a mere 125 pounds(約57kg) or so. Anyone ever jawed by a toddler might judge the strength of the human bite force to be near infinite. But people bite at a maximum force of about 170 pounds(約77kg), just one-thirteenth the strength of a large gator. (ライオン427kg、ハイエナ454kg、ラブラドール57kg、人間77kg)。 ※1.約80匹に皮を巻いた鉄の棒を噛ませて測定したが、その内の45匹の測定に成功したようだ。
※3.ライオンやワニ等の上述各種数値は最高値(平均ではないようだ)のようだ。 ソース(University of Florida and University of California, Berkeley) Stanford University(スタンフォード大学) Greater forces would have been exerted simultaneously by teeth further back in the mouth nearer the jaw hinge. From the data the researchers calculated this force to be 3,011 pounds. By comparison, a human exerts a maximum force of about 175 pounds with the rear teeth, an African lion about 937 pounds, and an alligator slightly less than 3,000 pounds. (二) 「噛み付く力は、772kgとトラの2倍にも達する。」 ゆえに虎の噛む力は推定約390kgとなる。
スミソニアン国立動物公園の意見 Smithsonian National Zoological Park In their small range in eastern Russia,the endangered Amur, or Siberian, tiger(Panthera tigris altaica) lives in areas inhabited by brown bears. They sometimes prey on young bears.
To watch bears baited he had a special pit made and once matched a lion with a bear which was to be punished for killing a child, but the lion refused to fight and the bear had to be baited to death by dogs instead.
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. ヒグマがトラのもとより餌を盗む。 ここでは、それを虎に対する脅威のひとつとして捉えてるようです
ユージン・ビクトル博士 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
Siberian tigers are the largest of all the tiger subspecies, with male tigers averaging up to 700 lbs. and female tigers averaging up to 500 lbs. An average Siberian tiger is 12-13 feet from the nose to the tip of the tail and three feet high at the shoulders. Siberian tigers are the only tigers to live in cold weather, often below -18 degrees C, and get their name from the region in which they live, the Amur-Ussuri region of Siberia. In fact, they are quite comfortable in cold weather. The tigers manage to stay warm partly because of a layer of fat on its flanks and belly. The thick, long, light yellow coat also helps keep the tiger warm during the harsh winters of the Siberian wild. The Siberian tiger's coat is a sharp contrast to that of other tiger species, whose coats are darker and ch thinner.
Brown Bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. Bear is one of the most beautiful animals in Siberian forests. There are brown bears in Russia, but we know about arctic - polar bears and mountain - black bears. Siberian bear is brown. It's big and strong. People call it THE TAIGA MASTER, because it is the strongest animal here. A bear is a predatory animal but also it likes mushrooms, berries, nuts and honey. One of the favourite meals for bears is fish. Bears spend a lot of time on the riverside for swimming and fishing in the summer time. Winter is sleeping time for bears. Bears make a special home-den under the tree and sleep in it all the winter. A bear is a hero of many Russian tales.
野生生物リハビリテーション・センターの人たちは、雌トラが雌ヒグマに殺されるのは当然と考えているようです。 Environmentalists are searching for a female tiger called Troya, which was released from a wildlife rehabilitation centre. The tiger disappeared without trace in the Far Eastern taiga. Three months ago, Russian and American experts launched a unique experiment in Russia's Far East. Two young female tigers, Troya and Pakhomovna, were released from the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Utes, at the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin Range in the Khabarovsk Region, following a lengthy treatment. Special radio-collars, which transfer information via a satellite to a radio centre, were attached to the two animals. However, soon the radio centre stopped receiving signals from Troya's collar. The ecologists organised helicopter rides over the taiga and hunting experts and rangers combed the area, from where the last signals were received, but no trace of the tiger has been found. Board Chairman of the Regional Wildlife Foundation and Doctor of Biology Alexander Kulikov told RIA Novosti that "most probably, Troya has become yet another victim of poachers." "Even if the tiger died in a fight with another stronger animal, e.g. a female brown bear, the collar would have shown where she died," Mr. Kulikov said.
「where the grizzly walks」第7章 The fight between a large amur and a large grizzly was accidental but it ended up representing what a big brown grizzly can do. The tiger bit into the bears shoulder when the bear accidentally found itself in the tigers enclosure. The grizzly responded by tearing out the front shoulders of the tiger then breaking the bones of the skull. 大きなシベリアトラと大きなヒグマの間に起きた戦いは偶然の産物だったが、 巨大なヒグマができることを示した結果に終わった。 トラがクマの肩にかみついたとき、クマは自分がトラの囲いにいることに気がついた。 クマはトラの肩を引き裂き、頭蓋骨を破壊した。
鎖に繋がれたグリズリー>>>>2頭のスペイン闘牛 In 1851 John Borthwick joined the gold rush and ventured to California. He traveled to Moquelumne Hill, where he witnessed an extraordinary bear and bull fight between the celebrated bull-killing bear "General Scott" and a young Spanish bull. The bear was tethered to a twenty-foot chain in the middle of the arena and the bull roamed the arena unhampered. General Scott proved a worthy adversary on this day, as the bear defeated not one but two bulls pitted against him at the same time.
His hind feet were tethered with several turns of a strong rawhide reata, but were left about a yard apart to give full play. To the center of this rawhide, between the two feet, was fastened another heavy reata, doubled and secured to a big loop made of doubled reatas thrown over the center post. He was of the old long-horn breed but of great weight and power. 足をくくられている証拠↑ Then up went the great paws, one on each side of the bull's head, and the sharp points of the horns whirled up from horizontal to perpendicular, then almost to horizontal again as bull and bear went rolling over together. 倒し方一例↑ Now one could see exactly why cattle found killed by bears always have their necks broken. ↑いつも牛がやられる証拠。
Tigers are not always the killers, sometimes they are killed. Bears, elephants, and packs of wild dogs have been known to kill adult tigers (Guggisberg, 1975).
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
All, i watched the event at 9pm last evening. 皆さん、私は昨日の夜9時から見ました。
The grizzly destroyed the tiger. グリズリーはトラを破壊しました。
The extremely powerful blow reported by some individuals here, knocked the tiger over and the bear walked away unconcerned. ここの何人かの人も報告したとおりに、物凄い力の一撃でトラが倒されました。クマが何事も無かったかのように立ち去りました。
The tiger attacked again so the bear hit it again with full force and broke its back. Game over. トラが再び攻撃したので、クマは力いっぱいトラを叩いてその背骨を折りました。ゲームオーバー
POWER: One of the most powerful land carnivores in the world (exceeded in strength but not speed by the Kodiak bear), the tiger is a massively built cat of awesome size and power. >The short-faced bear was the largest and most powerful carnivore found at Rancho La Brea. >Its size alone was probably enough to scare away any opposing animal.
「The Temple Tiger and More Man-Eaters of Kumaon」 (Oxford University Press)」洋書。 著者/Jim Corbett August, 1999出版(18〜24ぺージ)
And on two occasions I have seen bears walk up to feeding leopards and, after shooing them off, carry kills away. But on this occasion the tiger and a big male at that was present on his kill and, further, he was not an animal to be shooed away like a leopard. But that was just what the bear appeared to intend doing, and his opportunity came when the tiger was cracking a bone. Whether the bear had been waiting for this moment I do not know; anyway, while the tiger was crunching the bone, the bear drew himself to the edge and, gathering his feet under him, launched himself into the hole with a mighty scream. The object of the scream I imagine was to intimidate the tiger, but so far from having this effect it appeared to infuriate him, for the bear’s mighty scream was answered by an even mightier roar from the tiger. Fights in the wild are very rare and this is only the second case I know of different species of animals fighting for the sake of fighting and not for the purpose of one using the other as food. I did not see the fight, for the reasons I have given, but I heard every detail of it. Waged in a hollow of restricted area the sound was terrifying and I was thankful that the fight was a straight one between two contestants who were capable of defending themselves, and not a three-cornered one in which I was involved. Time stands still when every drop of blood racing through a rapidly beating heart is tingling with excitement. The fight may have lasted three minutes, or it may have lasted longer. Anyway, when the tiger considered he had administered sufficient chastisement he broke off the engagement and came along the open ground in front me at a fast gallop, closely followed by the still screaming bear. (短文) 私が見た二つの事例は、黒熊らが豹らをシッシと追い払い獲物を奪ったものだ。 しかし、今回は、大きな雄のベンガル虎が獲物の側にいる。 さらに、虎は豹のように軽く追い払われるような存在ではない。 豹はともかく虎は非常に恐ろしい。しかし、 大型のベンガル虎と大型の黒熊との激しい戦闘が約3分間続き、トラが獲物を 奪われた。 350-pound grizzly chasing off all nine wolves.約160kgのグリズリーが9匹の狼を追い払う。 they may see the cats as a feline gravy train. Between 1990 and 1995, wildlife biologist Kerry Murphy and other HWI researchers monitored 113 cougar kills (mostly deer and elk) in Glacier and Yellowstone and discovered that bears (grizzlies and blacks) were claiming a significant share of the spoils. Bruins visited about one of every four cougar kills, robbing the feline owner of as much as 26 percent of its food requirement, sometimes for several days running. "It appears," says Murphy, "that competition for kills creates significant gains for bears and significant losses for cougars. "グリズリー達はピューマをぼろ儲けの道具として見ているのかもしれません。生物学者と調査員達は113体のピューマの獲物を調査しました。熊達はピューマの食料の26%を強奪していました。獲物に対する争いでは、熊に相当な利益を与え、ピューマに相当な損失を与えました。
bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulatebiomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition,lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana.(Ruth and Hornocker 1996) 熊らがピューマらを追い払って獲物を奪うので、ピューマ達は1日の食料の必要量の25-40%を奪われる事になった(Murphy et al. 1996)。獲物を奪われたピューマらはその分、余分に獲物を狩る事になった。 ピューマらを追い込んで殺しているグリズリー達が記録されてる(Ruth and Hornocker 1996)。
PAGE196-197 bengal tigers were accidentaly allowed into the same encolsure on 6 december 1830. the lion died a few days later from the injuries he sustained during his half hour mauling.
PAGE218 the most notorious encounter of this kind came on 3 december 1830, when one of cops's assistants carelessly left open a door between the lion enclosure and the den containing bennett's moody bengal tiger and tigress.within moments they were engaged in the fiercest struggle, which lasted quite some time,with even the most energetic efforts on the part of the desperate keepers unable to stop them the tigers, with the advantage of numbers, largely had control of the fight, and though they were finally separated from thier victem after a half-hour mauling, by heated brands held to their nostrils and mouths, the injured lion did not survive more than a few days.
ロシア科学アカデミーより 4年に間の冬の観察から The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter. Various reactions were observed in such situations in the case of bears. One brown bear, which was staying in an area permanently inhabited by tigers, clearly felt himself to be the complete master in that place.
large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger.