ああっ女神さまっ 旧作総合スレ4

He went through just a couple and said that he had gotten a ton of feedback about that and everyone seems to have loved it.
Howard got back to the clip where Dice was going off on this heckler.
She told a friend who begged her to call the cops. He brought up Jeri Ryan since she's on the cover and he doesn't think she looks all that good.
She didn't know she was supposed to do that. Debbi told Howard about how she likes to dress and how she once passed out after some guy drugged her.
Reichen said that there was a whole society of gay guys in there and they would all hang out and come up with stories to tell people when they were asked about where they were at night.
She said she has peed and pooped on guys before. Robin said that she has the shape of a V down on her area and it doesn't have to be shaved every day like Beth might have to do to keep it clean shaven. She said she has a boyfriend now and lives with him.
She said she would go out with any cute guy she met when she was stripping.
Doug came in and said that they should have it available after midnight tomorrow night.
She said she doesn't think that the movie was done in good taste and she only laughed 6 or 7 times during the movie.
Howard said he got caught in traffic that was caused by the marathon.
Howard asked Debbi what she's trying to do with the nude pictures. Howard asked Isabella why she wanted to be in the movie and she said she always wanted to do a woman and wanted to do it with Tabitha.
She gave him some details about Alan Hevisi. Howard said that was one tough crowd there.
She had Big Foot feeling her boobs and then asked him to stick his hand in her stinky hole and then asked him to jerk off in her hair.
She said she's had to use an enema to make that happen. She didn't know she was supposed to do that.