ああっ女神さまっ 旧作総合スレ4

6:15amHoward's Chess Obsession Continues.
She was saying that she hopes that her dead son is able to find her dead husband in heaven. Big Foot would hesitate before delivering his lines like he wasn't quite sure what to say.
Howard got back to the clip where Dice was going off on this heckler. Howard asked Debbi what she's trying to do with the nude pictures.
Artie said that the Steelers might be done for the season after losing to the Broncos yesterday.
Howard read some notes about her and found out that she was raped by a cop when she was just 16 years old. She said it's horrible but the guys will rub ti in and get into it.
Beth's FHM Layout And Shaving Discussed.
She said she did have a few people recognize her but the people were very intent on hearing the lectures that were going on.
Debbi told Howard how the other chick went down on her while her boyfriend did her from behind. That's why she handed him the brochure. He said the chicks all had boyfriends so he wasn't going to get anything going there.
He had to cut off the clip because she gets a little boring. Howard said he heard that Debbi made out with Ginger Lynn one time.
He said they could think up a bunch of other shit for her to do if she comes in.
Howard played some clips of Dice trying to get past the people in the crowd who were chanting Artie's name.
Debbie thinks that the audience is going to be the same people who watch Jon Stewart and The Daily Show.