I fear I'm getting a little too specific for my own good now.
I don't want to commit to an overly strong position before I wrap up this game,
so I must cut off this blog post and get back to adventuring.
Look for a full review sometime next week, complete with a breakdown on
how well the controls function, the complexity of the dungeons,
and whether the bosses are giant pushovers or worthy foes.
I can tell you that I am thoroughly enjoying my time with the game.
Now proceed to dissect my words to parse out exactly what score I will give and
hope time flies by until you can get your own hands on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
http://www.gamespot.com/news/review-in-progress-the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword-6345185 . ∩___∩ ;
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