
I really like Yuki.
I can not live without you, I can not imagine
the world without you. could you be my girlfriend.
I never make you sad, I promise it.
2名無しさんの初恋:04/12/11 18:22:55 ID:sH+wtQJH
3名無しさんの初恋:04/12/11 18:24:52 ID:nkOyJGqT
4変態行為鑑定士:04/12/11 18:27:20 ID:hPc7W4yR
I like 4P,you know.
5純情:04/12/11 18:30:07 ID:ZrkeXrf7
6名無しさんの初恋:04/12/11 18:40:47 ID:IxmnpPEP
7名無しさんの初恋:04/12/11 18:43:13 ID:l1uDh3re
i'm lost.
8名無しさんの初恋:04/12/11 18:55:44 ID:vbgVjbh7
( ゚Д゚)<what a poor English
9名無しさんの初恋:04/12/11 22:22:39 ID:9ndzHqJZ
love or like?
10かんちゅうはい ◆dPrcCHERRY :04/12/12 01:08:46 ID:5BAe+mJk
11名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 01:10:31 ID:DSCPGrJz
I like u
12かんちゅうはい ◆dPrcCHERRY :04/12/12 01:13:00 ID:5BAe+mJk
13名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 01:14:52 ID:LqmNSJpe
I love you 言えたことがない
I love you あくびの出る言葉
14名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 01:20:28 ID:9OTS4nTH
I wanna tell you
...even though you don't feel the same way as I do about you...
I love you .

15名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 01:44:59 ID:cTBRKgc/
I don't like or love you.Even I'm loving you.I want to say I think about my feeling will be reaching to you.I love ….
16名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 02:08:35 ID:loQG2AUU
Shogo... I always think of you.
Because I never feel this way before.
Do you feelin' me same way too?
you remind me-- you make me be happy and blue.
sometimes i wanna running away from here.
anyway call me.. S from H
17名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 02:12:06 ID:9OTS4nTH
18名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 02:14:34 ID:7lUsGGm/
19名無しさんの初恋  :04/12/12 02:54:35 ID:SxGJk+Dr
Hi, what you doing now?
can you see me? I wanna show you all of me.
can you hear me? I wanna hae you my voice.
but, this things is all a contrary.

20名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 04:34:17 ID:loQG2AUU
boy, do you wanna love me or die?
21名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 04:38:19 ID:/unpHGlq
(・∀・)Fuck me!
22名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 04:38:50 ID:H5ZSLcbv
Junichi,about half month have passed since I met you again.
...and I love you again.
Littele did I dream I love same man twice
that like "Fuyu-no-sonata"(laugh

What do you feel met me again?
We didn't see in spite of live same city as long as 6years.
But, met our again.
Was It just an accident?
I feel it coincidence...even think distiny...If exaggerate...

We have often enjoing time since it,
What do you think that?
Resource or lonely or sympathy??
... It's bad to wonder about you,
But,you don't say your mind.

My mind just I love you,more than 6years ago.
If You love other lady still,no I sad.
I hope that you're happy.
I brought happiness you're stay there,you're alive.
I'm very glad meet you.
Thank you so much.


23名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 04:38:51 ID:/unpHGlq
(・∀・)Kill me!
24名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 04:41:18 ID:3ivt+EDA
25名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 05:05:18 ID:dRtkO5J3
Touch me,hold me tight,and kiss me tender, please!
I do hope so.
26名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 05:06:20 ID:3ivt+EDA
27名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 06:38:21 ID:audYNjNy
2822:04/12/12 14:08:23 ID:hVPb84k3
29名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 21:01:02 ID:4HW3NcvZ
Time DOES fly so quickly everyday because I love you.
30名無しさんの初恋:04/12/12 22:14:16 ID:SYaXorOw
31名無しさんの初恋:04/12/14 22:11:08 ID:s+ne33m8
32名無しさんの初恋:04/12/14 22:33:43 ID:FU9R6os1
Kill me in your hands. I want to be strangled.
33名無しさんの初恋:04/12/14 22:40:03 ID:vl4AQSQ0
34名無しさんの初恋:04/12/17 09:23:27 ID:cpa/wo0x
I want you.I need you.I love you so bad.
35名無しさんの初恋:04/12/19 19:31:04 ID:KLTJHf2v
I need you.
36名無しさんの初恋:04/12/19 19:44:18 ID:r7bxekaf
It's too late.
37名無しさんの初恋:04/12/19 19:59:56 ID:GyqkXBs/
CUNT! (=See You Next Tuesday!)
38名無しさんの初恋:04/12/20 09:51:09 ID:seBnpXv0
39名無しさんの初恋:04/12/20 10:33:31 ID:CA2Alhgq
my lover S,
do you love me?
birds are singing for us, so beautiful
sun is shining for us, so brightly
I'm always by your side, just for you..forever

40名無しさんの初恋:04/12/21 00:34:49 ID:FaGkdpUA
loving you is like a battle,
i meaan am waiting for you so really miss you...
too much to mine nowdays, but.. never give up to..
cuz love you somuch you..
please feeling me.. enough feeling you right here.
41名無しさんの初恋:04/12/21 00:57:02 ID:JpAVwTl4
I'm still in love with you even though you have no idea.
Do you remember the day when we were together?
I was totally out of mind because of you.
With whom do you wanna be on Christmas day?  

42名無しさんの初恋:04/12/21 15:26:18 ID:4FZOnrOW
It's you that I love.
43名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 03:05:08 ID:p7gUknBq
suck my dick
44名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 03:18:27 ID:DtFGw9PV
Make me happy. Don't makme sad to be more than this.You are so crazy!
45名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 03:37:39 ID:owY4baMm
You know what?
I don't know if I'm in love with you anymore.
I don't know why you're still on my mind and
why I'm still bothering myself about you.
I guess... I care about you in a way.

I'm not asking to let me be your girlfriend
or anything liket that. All I want is to be
real friends with you and to get to know
each other better. I'm not asking for anything
more than that. You should understand that
by now.

Being real friends... Am I asking too much?
I do not think so.

46名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 03:50:37 ID:DtFGw9PV
↑So long!A ha ?
47名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 04:20:36 ID:952sXAaU
when i saw you kissing with another girl
i'm jealous
i never feel this way
i knew it's "love"
i realize something inside...

but.. last week when i was drank with friend"A", he just kissed me
but i'm nothing feel to him
only think about you all the time
that's all.

today when i saw you & the girl.. and after i cryed, another friend "C", he send me e-mail.
he save me, little while think of him..
so i runing away from you.
but. i still be blue
because it's you.
anybody can't save me
it's just you...for me.
48名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 04:28:46 ID:DtFGw9PV
49名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 04:33:38 ID:952sXAaU
i should ask you telephone number!!
50尻れん:04/12/22 04:34:37 ID:QYLyTiuR

51名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 04:48:23 ID:DtFGw9PV
52名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 04:51:50 ID:W5FAaAxF
should ask ×→should have asked ○
53名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 05:56:50 ID:DtFGw9PV
54名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 06:07:59 ID:952sXAaU
55名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 06:09:39 ID:W5FAaAxF
5645:04/12/22 13:14:33 ID:owY4baMm
What is your comment supposed to mean?
You ought to know it doesn't make any sense.
I'd appreciate it if you could ever answer in

If you can't, don't you ever try to post
a comment. Thanks.
57名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 13:20:55 ID:PJ4DX0/8
58名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 18:18:26 ID:vyqRf5Ct
I love you.
Do you love me?
59ちゃこ婆ちゃん:04/12/22 18:34:02 ID:Bv4NWj79
60名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 18:35:58 ID:JqZ40OaO
61名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 18:45:21 ID:0JAZS8ub
I love you and miss you so much Honey!
62名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 18:49:02 ID:qVNbSqpa
↑ イイ♥
63名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 18:51:30 ID:JDZNJmv4
You are the initial of the family name of who ?YUKI.
64名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 19:16:35 ID:E04cPJzy
A B C D E F G H I love you.
65名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 19:36:32 ID:hs7g82fm
i like you M.
what do you think of me?

i think you are perfect.
you are gentle,funny,smart,and a good-looking guy.
and you always do your best.

i wanna be with you if you don't mind it.
i wanna talk with you more. and i will study English harder.
i think it's true that love makes us grew.

i wish you are always by my side...

See you on Friday!!
66名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 19:41:07 ID:vw5V9KHK
67名無しさんの初恋:04/12/22 19:43:04 ID:hs7g82fm
↑基本的な文法に忠実でしょw どうもw
68名無しさんの初恋:04/12/23 22:03:15 ID:s2jfw+/E
My life shins more and more thanks to you.
69名無しさんの初恋:04/12/23 22:05:45 ID:kSghXb5j
70名無しさんの初恋:04/12/23 22:12:40 ID:UFUViYvZ
71名無しさんの初恋:04/12/23 22:30:59 ID:mDiW/1hY
I wish I forgot about you. I cannot settle down to do everything when I think of you.
72名無しさんの初恋:04/12/23 22:41:33 ID:kSghXb5j
Onather know cotton gass key!
あなた の  こと  が好 き
73名無しさんの初恋:04/12/23 22:54:23 ID:FmseOtfg
Even if I lost everything,I would have continued loving you.Coming soon to see me.I want to be loved heavily.
74名無しさんの初恋:04/12/23 23:07:30 ID:nssr9Wrx
75名無しさんの初恋:04/12/23 23:10:03 ID:FmseOtfg
Non Non Darling!
76名無しさんの初恋:04/12/24 16:51:05 ID:Hm45wMXF
You never know how much I really love you.
You never know how much I really care.
77名無しさんの初恋:04/12/25 06:13:13 ID:8HpR8HMk

Listen, do want you know a secret?♪ でしょ?好きな歌。
78 ◆umIbUdOu.k :04/12/25 06:15:04 ID:16tctPN1
79名無しさんの初恋:04/12/25 22:38:24 ID:gq0rVivN
80名無しさんの初恋:04/12/27 13:18:51 ID:Hqa90Wdv
I miss you,darling.
81名無しさんの初恋:04/12/28 19:42:26 ID:52xp1z0q
Oh darlin', I am but a fool.
Darlin' I love you tho' you treat me cruel.
You hurt me and you make me cry,
but if you leave me I will surely die.
82名無しさんの初恋:04/12/28 19:44:14 ID:i5Ys7dG7
83名無しさんの初恋:04/12/29 00:24:58 ID:YNjXhVMJ
I love you~ I wanna be able to get married you someday. But I do not think that it will be all right. Anyway I wanna see you.
84名無しさんの初恋:05/01/01 04:44:13 ID:LxDGTuRZ
Ryoko、your smile is shining over the world.
85名無しさんの初恋:05/01/07 06:46:35 ID:KzCiCQsd
Perhaps you can't anderstand,
2years ago I thought my life is so black,
But now I glad meet you,
You make me laugh.sad.happy.confuse,heal,cry,happyhappyhappy!!
86名無しさんの初恋:05/01/09 04:25:37 ID:/MyhjiMr
i knew the speed and the style even before you moved.
87SK ◆l0FqVS3XXU :05/01/09 05:17:57 ID:QzjJB5wT
there'll never be another you.
88名無しさんの初恋:05/01/09 06:48:56 ID:+4+E27iB
I've always hated romantic love things, because they seemed dirty to me.
But when I first saw you talking about sexual topics,
I wondered why I didn't feel offended. I even had a crush on you.
You were talking directly and clearly,
so maybe that's why I felt comfortable to listen to you.
I've always tried to put everything into neat categories of good and bad,
clean and dirty, but I won't do like that anymore.
Now I can say I really love you without any hesitation.
89名無しさんの初恋:05/01/19 23:00:10 ID:rbDM7ThP
I love you!
90名無しさんの初恋:05/01/19 23:02:25 ID:UQ/Pi9Bx
That's enough.
91名無しさんの初恋:05/01/19 23:09:15 ID:ibtR+Qn2
I cannot stand any more.
Do you really love me? Don't you feel something different?
Say the most necessary word, please.
I can say it wherever and whenever.
I love you so deeply.
92名無しさんの初恋:05/01/19 23:30:48 ID:lAKefqQ2
When I first saw you, eye to eye with you,
my heart jumped and started to fly to the sky over the heavy clouds.
Now I got the sun. You are the sunshine.
I have never felt like this; you're one in a million.
93名無しさんの初恋:05/01/19 23:59:04 ID:RWuBuhTD
I think of you and want your e-mail.
You know that I love you, don't you?
Yes, you are my beloved.
Even if you love somebody, please understand
how I love you and hope your success.
But I can't help you anymore
because you can't open your mind.
Please trust others and yourself.
Otherwise, I will be the other's.
94名無しさんの初恋:05/01/20 00:28:49 ID:AxH7Rk5D
I wanna be your lover.
95名無しさんの初恋:05/01/20 00:35:09 ID:LI8X1IMt
ofcaurse me too..
96名無しさんの初恋:05/01/20 00:36:10 ID:VwkQGH0n
I can't believe it!
97名無しさんの初恋:05/01/20 00:43:31 ID:xL9U8QAW
I give you my mind and body.
98(゚-゚*) ◆85oooooooo :05/01/20 00:51:50 ID:kJ2EFbZ1
forever yours....
99名無しさんの初恋:05/01/20 00:53:42 ID:VwkQGH0n
100名無しさんの初恋:05/01/20 03:55:49 ID:Ledv24jF
why you make me so crazy like this you dislike me? im lonely so discrive your image every boring day
101名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 19:28:59 ID:PtrtYvfh
Let's make with me!

↑If you can say that, I'll identify you as a god.please try it.

102名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 19:32:25 ID:dvlxARaS
I like Your asshall.
103名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 19:38:19 ID:dmsHp4rz
????? ??? ???
???? ???

identify 文章が堅い

104名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 20:13:20 ID:pvZ2LUFV
105名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 20:34:43 ID:1PEW2Hsm
  _, ._
( ゚ Д゚) ←相手に愛があってもきっとこんな顔だね
106名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 20:39:47 ID:CqeOdMiz
If I were you,I kill her
107名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 20:43:33 ID:LH/9dJTI
Adolf Hitler, a charismatic, Austrian-born demagogue, rose to power in Germany during the 1920s and early 1930s at a time of social,
political, and economic upheaval. Failing to take power by force in 1923, he eventually won power by democratic means. Once in power,
he eliminated all opposition and launched an ambitious program of world domination and elimination of the Jews, paralleling ideas he
advanced in his book, Mein Kampf. His "1,000 Year Reich" barely lasted 12 years and he died a broken and defeated man.
108名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 20:44:40 ID:itKxergD
I am you.
109名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 20:45:05 ID:CqeOdMiz
110変態行為鑑定士:05/01/21 20:45:35 ID:kBRn+Bhf
111名無しさんの初恋:05/01/21 21:36:38 ID:CqeOdMiz
112名無しさんの初恋:05/01/22 00:09:49 ID:P+/sdQj+
Even if you dont like me, but i will always love you.
113こるーじゃ:05/01/22 00:11:47 ID:1XZNXE/5
>>112 ハズカシー
114名無しさんの初恋:05/01/22 00:24:09 ID:FB/NNQvk
I hope you are my soul-mate.
115名無しさんの初恋:05/01/22 00:33:41 ID:NWY3xEGK
knock knock
116パクリ魔:05/01/22 00:37:16 ID:92tQkzeb
I'm stuck on you
117名無しさんの初恋:05/01/22 00:39:29 ID:E+mrkfQn
You're are mine,forever・・・はどう??
118名無しさんの初恋:05/01/22 00:42:17 ID:OFk5brbY
honey pie
119名無しさんの初恋:05/01/22 01:10:43 ID:PtRoVgL5
I love you,ai!
120名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 01:11:26 ID:0IprEfzz
all my lovimg
121名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 01:17:27 ID:dnjF1gyP
122名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 01:23:21 ID:HxgtM2nq
I'll be back
123名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 01:26:46 ID:Vmh3CbJf
How Do U Want It
124名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 01:33:45 ID:0IprEfzz
You say yes,I say no,
you say stop and I say go go go.

Oh no
you say goodbye and I say hello,hello,hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello hello hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello.

I say high,you say low,
you say why and I say I don't know,oh no
you say goodbye,and I say hello hello hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello.

Idon't know why you say goodbye,I say hello.
125名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 01:38:37 ID:0IprEfzz
126名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 01:38:54 ID:wD4m8SBL
127名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 01:41:48 ID:i44ADy8G
if you want me ,you can get it ,let me know!!
im bout a fuckin nigga lets go!!
128名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 17:59:04 ID:UMh6F7P7
129名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 18:02:56 ID:QvFtlZTn
marry me
130名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 18:03:31 ID:FPa3Ot2K
131風の谷のアズサ ◆NB4N2sipkc :05/01/24 18:05:24 ID:s9SCK/Lk
Hello Goodbyeですね
Why why why why why why...
do you say goodbye goodbye...

you say goodbye,and I say hello hello hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello hello hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello.

You say yes,I say no,
you say stop and I say go go go.

Oh no
you say goodbye and I say hello,hello,hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello hello hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello hello hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello hello hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye,I say hello...

132風の谷のアズサ ◆NB4N2sipkc :05/01/24 18:08:26 ID:s9SCK/Lk
133風の谷のアズサ ◆NB4N2sipkc :05/01/24 18:10:53 ID:s9SCK/Lk

I want to hold your hand
I need you

134名無しさんの初恋:05/01/24 19:02:20 ID:0IprEfzz
いや、HELLO GOODBYEがほのぼのとしていていいかなぁって思って、、、(ちょっと告白の台詞から離れましたが)
135名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 01:40:39 ID:lqTmh+ZN
If you always stay by my side, I don't want any longer.Stay with me, please.
136しょう:05/01/25 01:55:51 ID:GnzRaA5N
137名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 04:21:31 ID:B64ldpqq
Oh durIng!please belive me
138名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 08:12:57 ID:XZHevNd8
You are my love, my better-half, my brother I never had, my parent, my home, my teather, my best friend, my sunshine, my chocolate, my lover, my shelter, my soul mate, my laugh, and again, love of my life. Love you to a bit.
139paul:05/01/25 08:33:35 ID:5kgKLroj
There are million things that I don't know.
But there is one thing that I do.
I love you and I'm going to love you.
Day in and day out the rest of my life.
140名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 08:37:18 ID:xvqzngyL
luv u, sweetie
141名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 09:20:51 ID:yUW2Rqv4
i love you so much.
142名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 09:40:12 ID:0L30RDv5
Give me kiss of life.
143名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 11:01:42 ID:LL5O2Bp+
Be my baby!!
I want nothing,I realy realy want you,just only you.
If I cant get you, everything means nothing.
144名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 11:12:18 ID:QjC2SwQv
145名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 14:36:57 ID:kxwdOYBl
146名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 21:03:41 ID:B64ldpqq
my love does it good.
147名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 21:25:09 ID:kxwdOYBl
148名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 21:53:38 ID:vzEymxYE
あっちでは i love u より i like u のが告白に使われるらしいねー
149名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 21:54:29 ID:AEP7NnoA
150:05/01/25 22:00:29 ID:nhzietaI
I'd like to the only girll
among all over the world for you
151:05/01/25 22:04:53 ID:nhzietaI
↑訂正 girl
152名無しさんの初恋:05/01/25 23:19:00 ID:1wGeOBjX
I love only one lady.You.
153名無しさんの初恋:05/01/26 14:03:35 ID:oyOzSBPb
May I like it just like this because I like you though I don't understand how you think?
154名無しさんの初恋:05/01/27 00:45:02 ID:VkL3rBTN
Baby won't you help me
to understand.
155名無しさんの初恋:05/01/27 02:07:49 ID:UiYRReoQ
How come you dont give me your heart?
156RUNA:05/01/27 15:31:59 ID:JW7WZvOC
everytime I drink the coffee,I used to remember your smile.
Why didn't you tell me the truth at that time?
You mean that I'm just your keeper,I used to wonder.
But today , our everythin' conection gonna change.
I feel your power,your words,your acts,your all.
And you makes me laught.Really really thank you.
Just I like you.

157名無しさんの初恋:05/01/27 15:51:09 ID:N/cwLkFD
158RUNA:05/01/27 15:59:04 ID:JW7WZvOC
告白の時に使うLIKE U はあまり重い意味じゃないよ。

159名無しさんの初恋:05/01/27 16:17:15 ID:37pBDuof
160名無しさんの初恋:05/01/27 16:50:13 ID:YGULE//H
161名無しさんの初恋:05/01/27 18:32:39 ID:Ss4tqjQR
162名無しさんの初恋:05/01/28 06:16:42 ID:lSiubanJ
163名無しさんの初恋:05/01/29 12:46:12 ID:DGUjHsOI
Nobody'd have any trouble, if >>162 died.
164名無しさんの初恋:05/02/01 03:20:08 ID:q5bkg8dj
165かいつぶり:05/02/01 03:36:38 ID:BWUROJJh
I hope you will be married with me!
Now even I'm loving you.
You see me agein ,are'ntyou?
I want to be here in my room.
166名無しさんの初恋:05/02/01 03:47:25 ID:RMjMC0j3
167名無しさんの初恋:05/02/01 09:36:32 ID:nKLiTpzQ
168名無しさんの初恋:05/02/18 15:25:51 ID:ajnAg1uQ
Actually, they don't say "I love you" as much as you think.
They can be quite careful when it comes to "love someone".
Until they really think they love someone, they'd say
"I care about you" or "I'm in love with you" or stuff like

They say you can't say "I love you" until you really know
the person well enough. In my opinion, it's Japanese who
say "I love you, I love you" a lot, not knowing how much
those three words mean.
169名無しさんの初恋:05/03/18 19:25:05 ID:nUsXwvRr
We shall meet someday,
would you ask me that question again?
Next time,I will say yes.
170名無しさんの初恋:05/03/18 19:48:01 ID:B3IvRrcU
171名無しさんの初恋:05/03/19 09:37:47 ID:9n05fuUx
Do you think we can be more than a friend?
172名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/22(火) 18:46:37 ID:J7lOFO7c
because my boyfriend is not Japanese,nor living here,
and he doesnt understand Japanese at all.

Just practicing,leave us as we are and do your business.
173名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/24(木) 12:20:00 ID:SOYJfWsc
174名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/24(木) 12:42:27 ID:PPX4WJft
Good afternoon!

Sorry, I don't say that things now.

I want to be so happines.
But I don't know that you like or love really.

I'm sorry I should had written that things.
Good bye,my friends.
175名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/24(木) 12:51:08 ID:BO5s13ry
Your English is way too awful, I can barely understand what you wanted to say.
176名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/24(木) 22:08:36 ID:5XtE80tA
ああ!読みたいのに読めねぇよ orz
177名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/25(金) 11:27:27 ID:/VhXpZbu
I want to get to know you.

What colour do you like?
What music do you listen?

And, what kind of girls do you like?

Could you like me?
178名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/25(金) 17:05:09 ID:Uowg2RLm
175 was meant to point to 174.
what was 174 wanted to say anyway ?
179名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/25(金) 19:06:42 ID:OyWHqvp+
I realy like you, miss you so much..
180名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/26(土) 06:32:51 ID:/bR/eYTG
What if you don't like me ?
What if you like me and ask me to come live with you ?
I have no clue ...
181名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:04:04 ID:oylP3k8n
Apparently I seem to be better off at least than many of the less fortunate souls who
inhabit this board, as my situation right now is, to quote a friend, "amusing enough to
film a sitcom out of". But still. Remaining a geeky bachelor after 20-odd years,
frankly, I can't trust my own senses on whether I have any chance at all on succeeding
this time (I hate to use those words - 'this time' - but I've failed enough times to
practically be forced to use it). I mean, how can you smell success when you don't
even know what it's like? How do others get to that very first success?
Blind luck? No idea.

You appear, at the very least, to not dislike me. And I hope you enjoy talking to me as
much as I do with you. But when I start thinking like that, that line you uttered a few
months back rears its ugly head again: "Music is more important to me [than dating/
socializing]." Was that a thinly veiled back-off warning? Or just something you gave
off casually without putting much thought into it?

Do I have any chance at becoming more important than music is to you right now?
182名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:06:39 ID:5URqk3so
good night
my baloon
183名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:09:08 ID:IEe0UY/P
Let it be .
184名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:10:34 ID:o99FKYtT
I want to meet your pink pussy.
185名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:12:11 ID:IEe0UY/P
186名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:12:21 ID:5URqk3so
kana henkan dekinai mou
187名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:14:26 ID:4rgD4ope
Poderia escrever em portugues aqui??
Te amei de todo o coracao.

Mas acabei acahr um cara bom, eu espero que nos possamos namorar
Eu espero que eu consiga te esquecer.
beijinjo com carinho.

188名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:38:24 ID:o99FKYtT
Do you like my little son? if you want,i will you meet to my son.
189名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:41:59 ID:V90GPbLx
190名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:43:31 ID:0tvFji1C
191名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:47:48 ID:s4/RiEgV
192名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:48:51 ID:V+VkC4zf
Want a Perly White Smile.?
whiter teeth in just two weeks

Want a professional quality teeth whitening,
But Dentists charges in excess of $300 for this product.

Now you can get-Pearly Whites,
which is the most powerful at-home teeth whitening system available for appox 10% of Market price, and is exactly the same system used in professional dental offices.

Spend a few minutes with us and discover how to whiten your teeth and brighten your smile.

Show us your Pearly Whites
193名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 02:51:08 ID:INsdZKX6
shall we fuck?
194名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 03:21:27 ID:USpad6Wh
I'm disgusting!!
195名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 03:23:18 ID:j4/py5CH
196名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 14:41:15 ID:0uWyccb0
197名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/30(水) 21:04:00 ID:7NQPWK/Y
Please enter the same grave.
198名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/31(木) 17:32:21 ID:2kY/vstF
I'm not telling you that I love you,
You shouldn't tell me you love me.
No way,we are just friends ... for now.
199名無しさんの初恋:2005/03/31(木) 19:56:25 ID:ZhuzlxOg
let me rest?
200名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/24(日) 18:15:24 ID:lwHo5f9y
201名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/24(日) 19:24:47 ID:rnafjLlF
It's Greek to me.
202名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/24(日) 19:59:49 ID:79ShTpij
Do not forget me.
Will the day when I am reflected in to your eyes come?
203名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/24(日) 20:25:36 ID:3525+inf
Oh yeah!!fuck me please!
204名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/24(日) 21:02:34 ID:sKPdnD52
I love your tenderness…

Only for me…
My love is only for you…
You are my everything…
You are my angel…
Light up my way,my life…
I'm your left ear and part of you...
I choose you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you…
Share is everything with you…
No more tears...
No more lonely...
I'm yours,You are mine…
Hold me so tight...
Long long time...
Thank U…
My dearest,My lover...
205名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/24(日) 21:07:18 ID:VAqJfneY
Take me high
206名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/24(日) 21:09:01 ID:K5gXJYKv
207名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/26(火) 14:30:41 ID:SsVtWfKv
I don't love you anymore as once I loved.
We are no longer than lovers.
And Will you do me "A" favor.
Please be THE ONE.
Instead I'll be your survent,be your slave or your husband.

  〜Time after time,10years later〜

He becomes a slave.

208名無しさんの初恋:2005/04/29(金) 13:54:33 ID:sZR0lpNw
I'll never meet you


I'll never say you

I loved you
209名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/03(火) 19:18:15 ID:PCfLgYVY

× say you
○ say to you
210( ゚Д゚)y─┛~~ ◆qH7gJYwEGo :2005/05/04(水) 15:38:23 ID:aRJfUMKW
i luv u
211名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/12(木) 20:52:09 ID:PYFRLkyI
I love you with all my heart
212名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/15(日) 18:21:05 ID:2Yvg92OH
I was born to love you
213名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 10:14:44 ID:aRMoc2lC
I miss you,Because I can't meet you.
I want meet you...
214名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 10:18:09 ID:99MI3QH4
May be… I love u

215名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 10:38:27 ID:h6JhZ1KR
May be?!
216名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 10:39:43 ID:rr53qNRI

I don't have anything and art also.

Or always I am compared with you.

In this way,I am a funnyperson.

Because also today, you don't existed by me.

Only I think about you on the table.

Every day,nothing is a high cost to me.
217名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 12:20:47 ID:aRMoc2lC
I love you.
But you don't love me.
Because you like me as a friend...
218名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:04:19 ID:a8ItSc4/
i looooooove yooooooou
219名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:07:21 ID:rr53qNRI

I'm very happy!

220名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:17:57 ID:6gQQXaQu
I'm crazy for tryin'
I'm crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin' you
221名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:19:45 ID:a8ItSc4/
no! I don't love you! I love another girl. She's sooo cute like you can't imagine. She's like an angel sent to me from heaven. But she has a fucking boyfriend..!!!
222名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:20:35 ID:NYIZC0bg
u must die
223名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:22:19 ID:rr53qNRI
224名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:24:50 ID:a8ItSc4/
baby baby baby
love me.. please.. LOVE ME!
I want you i want you i want you i want you
I kissed you on the cheek when we were saying goodbye but really, i wanted to kiss you on the lips.
225名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:25:43 ID:rr53qNRI
226名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:27:59 ID:uFPa7/rC
Oh!Fucking boyfriend is very shit guy!
227名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:28:27 ID:a8ItSc4/
I wish your boyfriend disappears from this world.
God, i so wish you hadn't have met him before you met me.
You're the coolest american girl i ever had a chance to meet.
i wanna have you so badly.
228名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:32:01 ID:8KMVoBbv
229名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:36:24 ID:600WJlRA
230名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:39:05 ID:rr53qNRI
231名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 16:51:00 ID:1vIEEuUm
i like you
not only because of who you are but because of who i am when im with you

232名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 17:08:55 ID:a8ItSc4/
That was beautiful.
Why don't you tell that to the person you love.
She/he'll be yours man. :)
233名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 17:12:27 ID:BO8h3cpu
234名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/21(土) 21:20:22 ID:y9EhA64R
are we still in the game?
235名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/22(日) 01:06:43 ID:qfEiwuKA
love me like I love you?
236名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/24(火) 19:55:20 ID:UHQwy6MB
Saya cinta awak.

237名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 14:14:26 ID:tC2VQmzR
what language is that?
238名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 14:45:24 ID:GkwTtEho
I love U so much
...But I can't it
239名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 19:43:00 ID:tC2VQmzR
Baby I love you, I love you, I love you ever so much.
I wish I could go see you now.
I'll be writing you a letter soon. I bought some presents for you too.
Please don't forget me. Please miss me like I miss you.
Fuck.. I miss you. : (
I'll go see you.. when I've saved up enough...
I love you. I'm always thinking of you. I wanna kiss you.
240名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 19:47:20 ID:ulQ+AKZy
I'm waiting for coming your love massages!
241名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 19:51:37 ID:tC2VQmzR
Do you think you have a chance with that person?
242名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 19:52:29 ID:2IHVRjGm
Fuck you
243名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 19:55:18 ID:ulQ+AKZy
That parson?

I don't know one and also understand.
244名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 19:58:11 ID:dMsux8Ur
245名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/25(水) 20:12:46 ID:tC2VQmzR
Whose "love massages" do you want to get??
246名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/26(木) 12:42:42 ID:A8bSAIf5
I see you're online now.
I won't talk to you today because it might be annoying if I always talk to you.
I want to give you some space.
I wonder what you're doing right now. Maybe you're chatting with your boyfriend?
I'm going offline. Hope you have a wondeful day. I love ya!
247名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/26(木) 12:49:42 ID:vKPuZWc6
OH NO! There are so many misstakes.
248チコリ:2005/05/26(木) 13:34:00 ID:xXrf3kMQ
249名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/26(木) 16:18:38 ID:gKovwzXu
Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.
250名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/26(木) 16:35:19 ID:49J/xmRb
251名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/27(金) 23:16:54 ID:uH6V5QIv
I love you but you won't love me back
252名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/27(金) 23:29:39 ID:K/+rmRPb
Prease love me...
253名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/27(金) 23:30:55 ID:DXchRP3t
A condition of your slave is fine.
254名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/28(土) 00:10:41 ID:EXoybCcU
An email of the we daily life that came across by an email throbbed all the time || beat fast.
It was the time when 1 was pleasant in 1st.
I love it.
255名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/28(土) 01:39:07 ID:4rLLM8in
Wishing I could change the way the world goes round
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
256名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/28(土) 01:51:22 ID:TwEDtAtW
I hate yOu
But I LOVE ya
I cant stop thinking of ya...Its true I stuck On yOU
257名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/28(土) 11:20:12 ID:rzUcNgnZ
Humans are so greedy. We want many things.
We get frustrated when we can't have things we want.
I WANT HER! But I know I can never have her. She's in love with someone else.
I can't be just friends with her. I'm sorry but I want to be more than that to her.
I am greedy. I am very sinful.

258名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/28(土) 11:24:07 ID:7lX5HC6k
I hate youにはまじうけました
259名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/28(土) 11:36:57 ID:RI2FC/k9
I love you......
260名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/28(土) 11:36:59 ID:rzUcNgnZ
261名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/29(日) 07:07:36 ID:fzijwqhx
Why dont u just love me?
U r haunting me...I cannot hate u...
Dont look at other girls but me!
Dont make it like a joke
262名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/29(日) 07:40:08 ID:PUGRXGK3
How do yo do?
Everything is doing well?
I'm hapey if it is.
see you
263名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/29(日) 10:45:04 ID:GEVv+LRn
you know, i know. that's all.
264名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 00:24:21 ID:WynXuCzl
I met a cute girl today. She gave me her number.
I'm thinking whether to call or not..
Maybe it's time to move on and find another one.
265名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 01:11:28 ID:gH7wWYs7
I love you.
266名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 01:15:39 ID:kLDJjJny
Do me! Oh, yeah! Harder, harderrrrrr!!!!
267比較級:2005/05/30(月) 01:30:56 ID:G6TyBOly
I love you more than love
268名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 02:14:48 ID:BcGd9oy7
I Hope heart Whole love.
Come here love...
Keeps Angel heart.
I Think .
You are musician pure
and simple.
269名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 02:48:32 ID:BcGd9oy7
Behind the scenes...
270名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 14:55:40 ID:WynXuCzl
I want to touch your beautiful face again.
You are... so perfect.
I'm hurting because I am not getting love from you.
Can you save me? If you could save me. Please save me.
271名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 14:56:10 ID:l3CBY2GI
I hate you!
272名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 15:01:54 ID:BcGd9oy7
273名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/30(月) 23:53:06 ID:BcGd9oy7
I'm sorry.
Preparations forthe
wedding are going
forward smoothly...
Respect..you are self.
Keep one's vow.
I love you....
274名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 00:12:00 ID:Yoz0njks
Display one's ability.
275名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 00:29:38 ID:Yoz0njks
a school excursion ♪
276名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 00:32:07 ID:Yoz0njks
Pleasure (^-^)
277名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 00:36:35 ID:sb4Ij5sZ
278名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 03:54:16 ID:kyTJMckx
Do you have a girlfriend? How old are you? I don't know about you. But I love you… I miss you… Can I meet you tommorow?
279名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 13:19:54 ID:vEtAZ30j
Kazumi, Your smile is truer than what peace all over the world.
280名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 21:21:29 ID:N2E8BKj3
How do you like Wednesday?
281名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 22:35:29 ID:ywHFtBTU
Hey, Mr. A.
Don't you think I have already paid for my future sin?
It is the hight time I can be happy, isn't it?
You've been giving me cold shoulder.
If you don't want me, you should say "no".
All I want is "yes" or "no"...please speak up!
I still love you, Mr. A....
282名無しさんの初恋:2005/05/31(火) 23:21:00 ID:hLa1HaV3
I feel empty. The person I love doesn't love me.
I've been very nice to her. I've done a lot of things for her.
Yet she doesn't love me. It's very sad. It makes me wonder why I even exist.
283名無しさんの初恋:2005/06/01(水) 23:43:49 ID:iVyCU/lf
I hope to see you in my dreams..
284名無しさんの初恋:2005/06/06(月) 01:00:34 ID:0bfXpWsa
285名無しさんの初恋:2005/06/06(月) 01:01:26 ID:kIAQNOku
286名無しさんの初恋:2005/06/06(月) 22:02:05 ID:1LWox3dG
Of course I love you, but I have no confidence now...so, give me some more time to decide it. I know that you're also hard. I promise I'll give you a ring after I get that. I know you're 30, but please wait for me.
287名無しさんの初恋:2005/06/10(金) 08:27:06 ID:BtfL0LJ+
Don't tell me you have to go...
288名無しさんの初恋:2005/06/14(火) 00:15:39 ID:AqrW9FTf
I've been waitin' 4 ya
289名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/02(土) 15:27:51 ID:3oJLIXnc
just like you
290名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/02(土) 15:55:53 ID:YVxhxHBx
I love you, and I love you...
291名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/02(土) 16:54:08 ID:Mhu5WwpW
I wanna be with you now
Cuz I know this can't be forever
We can start over,just you and me
We should stay together,just you and me
I wanna be with you
292名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/02(土) 20:38:34 ID:/WvJdpMq
I know we can get back together again,
but I still love you.
I never spent a day without thinking about you since you left me.
293名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/02(土) 21:08:21 ID:ecT3ithZ
I still sometimes wonder you had a feelig for me.
I don't really care about it anymore.

If I could have a wish come true,
I wanna see you sitting on that bench once again.
But I know it's not gonna happen.

I pray for your success and happiness forever.

・・・I just wanted to stay close to you.
294名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/02(土) 21:24:21 ID:wk4BtvDV
Dearest you,
I dont know what should I say to u at first, as u know yes I actualy
likes u.
Im so glad when u showed me ur hearts, and I want to understand that.
so please dont be afraid.
295失恋中23才:2005/07/02(土) 21:50:57 ID:BEDJ51sy
You are everything I need. You are the one shine my heart when it is dark.
You are the star that bright my world. You are the sun, and i am the moon.
I can only shine becasue of you. You are the air i breathe. Without you I cant live.
You are the one deserve the happiest life. And I am the one who can provide that happiness.
I am the one who put the ring on your finger. Girl, I love you. Will you marry me?
296P太:2005/07/02(土) 22:08:52 ID:BEDJ51sy
I have big dick
297名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/07(木) 21:32:40 ID:0gbMEVcH
Dear K
I hav been thinking of u since when I saw u at first time.
Can I wish u to luv me? I wrote the wish 4 tanabata today. Ofcourse about u.
I wanna see u now!! I wanna be kissed by u again!
Im gonna waitin 4 u until u luv me...
298名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/07(木) 21:33:54 ID:6Im5hBTs
I wanna FUCK YOU!!!!!111
299名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/07(木) 21:37:57 ID:5ynrsn4i
Love me!
300名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/08(金) 02:06:20 ID:B7685EQl
OK, then let's have a look at it, shall we?
301catherine:2005/07/13(水) 03:39:42 ID:jI/QTDEM
I am Heathcliff.
He is always, always in my mind.
302名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/13(水) 06:28:56 ID:JJ3zkkjL
303名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/13(水) 07:56:28 ID:K7EYF2G0
I love you.
I can't alive without you.
why don't love me?
304名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/13(水) 08:34:54 ID:DjWotKJa
Dont wanna close my eyes
Dont wanna fall asleep
cause Im missin you,baby
305名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/13(水) 08:58:58 ID:zV6OCjvy

ヤッパ スッキャネーーン
306名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/13(水) 12:15:37 ID:DjWotKJa
307名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/13(水) 12:20:22 ID:cZ6VF2aq
what do you think?
308名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/13(水) 13:21:08 ID:fnjonmTj
Suck me!Suck me!
309名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 03:28:33 ID:/yhGlVXu
I guess you don't remember anything I've said.
It's not fair... because I remember everything you've said.
you didn't lend me the videos.
when the time came, I tried to say that,
but you seemed to give a shit and went away.
we're not going to meet again. It was a last chance for me.
Last chance to say I like you.
I missed it. missed again.

310名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 11:09:00 ID:FtCvv0zF
Talk to me, I do love you.
311名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 14:23:20 ID:KIeEP3Qm
To Jun
Before now I cant say you...I love you from my heart.I love you as you are. Prease be my boyfriend. Then always cloth to you. Do you think about me?
312名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 14:39:30 ID:nRaBa6z4
I want you.
I need you.
I love you.
313名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 15:00:23 ID:khyL/Ov7
you said to me that you do like me.
i trusted it. but now i can't.
what do you want to do?
how do you want ?
i can't understand you are thinking about.
don't make me confuse...
314名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 15:02:30 ID:uS4LJuJU
Oh shit!! I can't forget you.I wana love you. I wana hold you. I wana kiss you. I wana fuck you. I love you "love".
315名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 21:20:38 ID:Y3smzNsM
i never wanna let you dowm
316名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 21:42:38 ID:G2NHVTJx
Dearest A
I fell in love with you since I saw you at the first time.
I've never felt like before.
I know from the 1st time, you are the person who can make me and break me.
317名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 22:09:59 ID:wW+PByXT
i love you
but i cannot carry on
318名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/14(木) 23:37:29 ID:bLtP3/of
i neet you!
319名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/15(金) 00:22:45 ID:/WHhURbZ

and I 'm asking you please help me save me if you could,
320名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/21(木) 22:37:11 ID:prOYSSwI
if you could ,save me
don7t know what it like
i can7t take it anymore
321名無しさんの初恋:2005/07/22(金) 00:16:13 ID:W24KmxjY
322名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/02(火) 16:54:54 ID:UqGQK20w
everything makes me broken
323名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 17:59:33 ID:XGF05/6P
I always jack off to you.
And so much feeling I felt is gonna be alright
'Cause I....
324名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 18:02:40 ID:yTPBKQkH
fuck you
325名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 18:10:12 ID:LvE0LnSn
326名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 18:12:25 ID:gD1zoCr6
Oh〜〜I'm hastle!!!!!!!!
May I put out and put a strange stick?
327名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 18:15:31 ID:FC0F5ySP
With Love
328名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 18:29:28 ID:XGF05/6P
Until we kissed, I never knew the thrills that could be tasted.
Until we kissed, I never knew the years that I had wasted.
But now I know that I was waitin'
For you to come by, I was waitin'. Girl, won't you please tell me why
This took so long to begin, darling.
Where have you been all my life?
329犬男(あつはなつい):2005/08/16(火) 18:36:19 ID:WKpjerQb
Is this your bike?
yes,it is.
330名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 18:42:53 ID:ICC0KuE7
I love you,but you are...
331名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 18:54:28 ID:UaFtDNEB
332名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/16(火) 19:51:21 ID:77XoF2+V
333名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/17(水) 22:46:51 ID:wJDLViso
Let me love you !


334名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/17(水) 22:57:59 ID:W1Yum/Ye
ユミコォ スキデス
335名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/26(金) 15:42:39 ID:O7UaLlsm
あ な た の 黒 い 顔 み て る だ け で イ ラ イ ラ
黒 人 の 黒 肌 じ ゃ な く て フ ィ リ ピ ン 人 や
中 国 人 系 の 黒 肌 の 方 イ ラ イ ラ イ ラ イ ラ
336ちょリ:2005/08/27(土) 02:44:15 ID:68X4m1Bz
アメリカ人って簡単に「I love you」って言うけど
337名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 03:43:51 ID:5Cd3dPIR
i need you.i love you very much.your my everthing.i really happy to talk with you!how about you?i thing of you everyday.so,
338名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 05:23:57 ID:YBJzvmD2
339名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 06:08:48 ID:Z1hgEMbA
You are the one who make me smile you're really the one....
340名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 06:21:55 ID:sb/UaN/z
i wanna sleep w/u *G*
341名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 12:33:49 ID:AF1UmzdH
I love you so much even though we've not talked much yet.
But I can tell you're a good guy from the ways you talk and smile.
I want to tell my e-mail address but you don't give a chance do you?
Actually I want to take time for it, but I don't have time to waste.

342名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 22:46:55 ID:mDlcebQz
So you wanna tell him your email address and at the same time you are thinking it's wasting time... strange.
343名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 23:00:29 ID:0FcaC8it
I would die 4 U!
I'll be your fire when you're cold,
make u happy when you're sad,
make u good when u are bad.
344名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 23:10:49 ID:YBJzvmD2
May be,I think she is busy worker.So,she says i want pass mail-adress but dosn't have a much time for.

How about you?
345名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 23:15:56 ID:xJoLQ7N7

Fool for you!
346じじ:2005/08/27(土) 23:36:13 ID:aM8Ajqvy

347名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/27(土) 23:57:09 ID:cegSazBx
I really need you in my life.
348341:2005/08/28(日) 03:23:15 ID:eMdbDNrv
that's what I wanted to say.

349名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/28(日) 21:58:26 ID:Kjv1Ayc7
I like you.
350名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/28(日) 22:08:39 ID:y+NXkX+y
I cannot love you anymore.
351名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/28(日) 22:14:39 ID:0iw22Ck5
I love チン君
352名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/29(月) 16:31:27 ID:lUoBX1+n
353名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/30(火) 10:07:15 ID:FbWM0nCi
I want to see you soon
354名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/30(火) 10:18:49 ID:yWtZI2YR
You love it, and there is not a way.
I always feel you be me who cannot speak confession.

355名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/30(火) 10:22:49 ID:IumsQKG7
When I am with you,the world looks wonderful.
356名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/30(火) 10:32:56 ID:kqrNqRF7
Come to me, come to me please. please...
You are everything for me and the world without you is nothing.
I just wanna be with you. it's all that I am thinking.

357名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/30(火) 10:41:39 ID:MtrWZ4PC
I love you like fat boys love cake.
Although you'll forget about me someday, I would remember you forever.

358名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/30(火) 20:26:23 ID:WnlGxk4+
359名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/31(水) 14:49:34 ID:rG7Hbp56
360名無しさんの初恋:2005/08/31(水) 16:34:30 ID:6O5Ga7eT
I want to peropero your vagina ><
361名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/01(木) 04:34:27 ID:HcGP8heO
This is a pen!
Is this a pen?
362名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/01(木) 07:20:23 ID:QYLRsHHe
I love you more than life
363名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/01(木) 11:00:54 ID:P7jBu4pO
i ain't able to think you any more... Bye Bye !!!
364名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/01(木) 13:09:08 ID:eS8R6HmJ
I won't forget when you said to me“STAY GOLD”
365名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/01(木) 21:07:36 ID:Gj0jgQyD
You don't know how happy I am since met you!
366名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/01(木) 21:12:33 ID:bN115fAo
I'm blessed to have you in my life.

367名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/01(木) 22:37:36 ID:gc8xNZ5+
368名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/01(木) 22:46:52 ID:bN115fAo
369名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/02(金) 00:14:34 ID:eyPzQczZ
370名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/02(金) 18:22:22 ID:hNCW34QO
i'm fallin' love when you shown up in front of me.
It is happiness i met you.

371名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/03(土) 21:43:14 ID:ka6bvAKG
Will I ever feel your love once again my dear
372名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/03(土) 21:48:07 ID:mQvJCQaa
I need you every night.
373名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/03(土) 21:48:57 ID:Eh0HVW2K
Stand back! You stink. Take a shower.
374名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/03(土) 21:50:28 ID:R9tGqBxm
Would you call me if you need my love
375名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/03(土) 21:51:40 ID:mQvJCQaa
suck my cock,softly please.
376名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/06(火) 16:49:10 ID:LzfoL7RI
I fell in love when you showed up in front of me.
It was happy to meet you.(It is my happiness that I met you (then).)
377名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/06(火) 17:05:31 ID:HL/heoaP
don't drop me home
378名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/09(金) 03:52:47 ID:zoQKv2q2
you should trust me ,anytime,anywhere.
379名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/09(金) 04:00:08 ID:SJN/uVzR
bloody marie
380matya:2005/09/09(金) 04:35:18 ID:s/JNBeQR
To want to tell really... I fascinated from the time when a look met you.
With being not able to see anyone but you, my heart taken away is asking you even now.
381名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/09(金) 04:36:46 ID:s/JNBeQR
I like very much. I like very much. Please hug it for you. It's painful on your side.
Would... for which it may take how many years love me??
I'd like to look at you all the while.
382名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/09(金) 05:21:35 ID:I6CjsUex
We've been going steady for two years.
I do love you with all my heart. You don't know how much I adore you.
I've been falling in love with you since I met you for the first time.
I always think of you and your lovely child.
I am very happy if you permit me to think about him as OUR kid.
I never leave you alone. Heal me with your smile.
Let me lead you inside my love. I make you mine forever.
383名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/09(金) 06:23:20 ID:UnzVZmgS
384名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/09(金) 06:35:21 ID:hDx3xsoR
Damn you are beautiful.
I don't wanna say, but I can't... I've already fallen for you.
385名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/09(金) 07:00:21 ID:thxs+8Lx
You are the one who I loved.
386ミカ:2005/09/10(土) 15:32:44 ID:AJBEZO4i
T love NAGATA very much.
Will you go out with me?
Tam looking forward to your letter.
387名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/10(土) 16:37:17 ID:SOnDuz4M
388名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/10(土) 20:35:54 ID:yqdjncRp
I always care
389名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/14(水) 00:41:31 ID:EL9+MzdP
Everything is little important if we are always together.
390名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/14(水) 01:43:54 ID:TsebhmZK
toriaezu sokode yokoni nare
boraja ha ore ga mushiritoritai kara sonomamade ii
391名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/14(水) 08:56:29 ID:zXA/vGvw
Sore nihongo desu yan.

Teka arufabeto de kaku to nihongo mo ikokugo mitai ni naru na.
392名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/14(水) 20:15:54 ID:G67De4T/
It's you I adore
393名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/14(水) 21:14:20 ID:gtNb6O7P
I cant resist loving you
Tthere is no time when I forget you.
I have confident to take you to somewhere filled with joy.

so ,Let me be your ・・・・・partner in life.←くさい
394名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/15(木) 00:57:21 ID:xGvdmdLX
Until the day I die.
I’ll spill my heart for you.
395名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/15(木) 06:44:04 ID:XbOXi7Xz
I love my dearing.
396名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/15(木) 11:18:17 ID:okm11V4Q
I'd like to say ' I love you honey♪'If we have a opportunity.
397名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/17(土) 00:06:19 ID:aXRHxNU9
I ain't gonna love you anymore because I'm very tired...
I cannot understand what you think and what you say.
I'm up to here with your lying...
398名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 08:02:06 ID:/rHi324n
399名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 09:02:24 ID:qlEmWbO3
400名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 09:06:05 ID:sWp7Gyzj
401名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 09:07:11 ID:yE71vpu8
402名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 10:29:28 ID:n0uCGzZs
403名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 14:28:21 ID:By+V788e
I would like you to make love with me.

404名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 14:56:06 ID:DEEYpUS/

405名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 21:18:19 ID:4zZRW/76O
I just want you
406名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 21:19:16 ID:VEO+i/Nq0
407名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 21:23:11 ID:VNpPmFVvO
Let's play it!
408名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 22:18:43 ID:/rHi324n0
>>396 もし機会があったらI love you honey♪って言いたいな
>>397 疲れました、もう愛しつづけられない。あなたが何を考えてるか
>>403 抱いてほしいです(withよりtoの方がいいよ)

409名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 22:19:14 ID:cNPRQqIT0
410409:2005/09/27(火) 22:21:57 ID:cNPRQqIT0
You are one darn good translator!!
411409:2005/09/27(火) 22:23:07 ID:cNPRQqIT0
oops, I meant >>408
412名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 22:29:05 ID:ZpM8naWu0
wise men said, only fools rush in
but i can't help fallin' in love with you

413名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 22:47:44 ID:7SXo6GhT
you are my gifts
414名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 23:11:31 ID:HaSlIh7R

Thank you for your good transration!

You are difficult to transrate my broken english,aren't you?w
415名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 23:37:10 ID:Zv5gLox7
kiss me kill me love me
416名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/27(火) 23:56:48 ID:U+hu8XL+
417409:2005/09/28(水) 02:00:46 ID:VNGx4Tf6
erm...I don't think I am that difficult.
I guess your broken English would the one which is supposed to
be difficult if I wanted to translate.
Could you tell me something - what made you think that I am
difficult for your broken English?

...Do you get what I mean here? :D
418名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/28(水) 02:36:06 ID:X8L6SRdj
your love is like the misty rain, coming softly,
but flooding the river in my heart.
thanks to you, i am a good swimmer.

good night, my sweet heart ☆
419名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/28(水) 05:15:08 ID:cPQU7ibL

I always think about how do I make a influence my feeling for sentence making in English.And,my English sometimes mistake to use the word.This is the one of thinking that my English has been broken.

So,I discribed that my broken English.How about you?
420名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/28(水) 05:18:21 ID:cPQU7ibL

You must be lovely poemer.^^
421409:2005/09/28(水) 13:47:33 ID:VNGx4Tf6
You didn't get it, do you!
I WAS JOKING! Let me explain.
In your post, #414, you should have written
"It's difficult for you to translate my broken English, isn't it?"

You said "You are difficult (to translate)".
In that case, it means you're saying I am a difficult person.
In Japanese, 私が気難しい人、と言ってることになります。


422名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/28(水) 14:31:58 ID:cPQU7ibL
oh,I see it.And,I agree with your opinion now.

I have to make a sentence that You can't translate my broken English,can you?It may be able to communicate about my thinking with you easily.

423名無しさんの初恋:2005/09/28(水) 14:35:22 ID:cPQU7ibL
〜can you? at #414.

424名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 02:33:19 ID:QQgW1Xe3
Really want to know you
Really want to go with you
Really want Shoyu, lord
425名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 08:21:53 ID:ikZjttAh
I'll be there in the very near future
426名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 08:39:16 ID:AE3m750V
I can't live without you, so stay by my side. If you do, I'll hold your everything. This is all my love to you.
427名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 21:48:59 ID:zvIY61cB
there is a small percentage of the population who were born with the
ability to detect injustice
they have tendencies to question injustice and to look
for answers that would be considered abnormal by their
oppressor standards in ways

I won't calmly and literally complain to you
I'm going to fucking kill.
You will deserve it
428名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 21:51:46 ID:ExFk8g/R
I was gey.
429名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 21:52:46 ID:3tEEVa9W
I am a pen.
430名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 22:01:09 ID:SxGDgI7U
431名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 22:18:05 ID:C7DePxCb
432名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 22:28:48 ID:SB6C0xjN
All you've got to do is give me a hug...
Love always sweetie
433名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 22:45:43 ID:YVpElIGL

everytime ICU in my dream.
I can't stop thinking of you.I'm in Love.I'm mad about you.
I luv U!!!
434名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 22:56:14 ID:e+Iig018
It's your love if my sad is resolved by something else.
435名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 23:03:51 ID:PblBfFbb
I don't like you.
But I love you.

I don't want you.
But I need you.
436名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 23:04:04 ID:vb6FL5qg
I love him.
437名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/03(月) 23:11:26 ID:WbxV4k2i
to tell the truth,
I want you to like me.
but, maybe you love other girl and you and her is together.
I love a person for the first time.
I'm glad that it is decided that you can enter the college.
I respect you,in terms of still you studying so hard.
I promise to do my best,like you.
438名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/04(火) 02:13:58 ID:fG+sq7O3

I love you.
439名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/04(火) 06:41:22 ID:TVt5631f
440名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/04(火) 06:43:35 ID:TVt5631f
do you ever felt like youre been used?
441名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/04(火) 08:51:38 ID:4wdHtE+w
My love for TAKASHI never change.
442名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/04(火) 15:47:21 ID:uBjCGwct
I have been feeling for you since I met you.
You are so cute, sensitive and compassionate.
I fall for you right now.
If you are brave enough to ask me out, I am willing to go out with you.
However, we have an obstacle to be an item due to the conflict of interest.
I wish you could move to the another bureau.
If that happens,we can have so much fun.
I hope you feel the same way.
443名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/04(火) 15:52:31 ID:ubP8H2+s
444名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/06(木) 12:16:56 ID:B/rq5zzA
姉は血を吐く、妹は火吐く、 可愛いトミノは宝玉を吐く。
ひとり地獄に落ちゆくトミノ、 地獄くらやみ花も無き。
鞭で叩くはトミノの姉か、 鞭の朱総が気にかかる。
叩けや叩きやれ叩かずとても、 無間地獄はひとつみち。
暗い地獄へ案内をたのむ、 金の羊に、鶯に。
皮の嚢にやいくらほど入れよ、 無間地獄の旅支度。
春が来て候林に谿に、 暗い地獄谷七曲り。
籠にや鶯、車にや羊、 可愛いトミノの眼にや涙。
啼けよ、鶯、林の雨に 妹恋しと声かぎり。
啼けば反響が地獄にひびき、 狐牡丹の花がさく。
地獄七山七谿めぐる、 可愛いトミノのひとり旅。
地獄ござらばもて来てたもれ、 針の御山の留針を。
赤い留針だてにはささぬ、 可愛いトミノのめじるしに。
445名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/06(木) 12:29:56 ID:FdSB8wvO
446じじじ:2005/10/11(火) 15:30:54 ID:D8qdyDFh
Д`)   The lover is being recruited now.
447名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/13(木) 15:20:44 ID:WThfEQ+S
I do love you. I mean it.
448名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/20(木) 00:13:45 ID:3CW2qTwQ
449名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/20(木) 00:18:50 ID:OcjXR5gf
I want you to be within my reach.
Someday,I'll convey my love.
So,I want you to wait for me.
450名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/20(木) 11:22:21 ID:+cnExWzo
I need you to hear me as you need to be heard....
451名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/20(木) 13:33:21 ID:MxArezyz
452名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/20(木) 13:42:26 ID:bAjjqNS1
I love you baby
I need you baby
I want you baby
453名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/20(木) 23:49:54 ID:4PaJDg5X
Come and get it.
454名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/22(土) 22:55:22 ID:7UhW2Ffn
I wanna tell you I love you so much and say thank you for caring me at any time.
But the shyness always keep my words from flying out from my heart to you.
My love, I really want you.I really want to touch you and you to touch me.
I'm so happy even when you catch me by the hand.
yesterday, you said you so missed me before you said good-bye.
I could not tell you I also felt lonely without you.
If you say I can do it, I will kiss you right now.
If you say you love me too, hold me tight and do not let me go.
My sweet, never leave me alone. Be with me forevere.
I can't imagine somebody I fall in love, but you.
You are the one.Only you can understand what I am.
I can't hold my love in my heart any more.So I tell you now.
I love you.I love you so,my dear.

455名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/24(月) 16:39:44 ID:YXxVFqF/
take me home and have me spend the rest of the day with you
456名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/29(土) 22:17:46 ID:5USE4u9L
Baby,I don't know why I'm so sad whenever you want me.
Whenever you say you love me, I feel lonley.But I love you.
Whatever you give to me, I 'm not satisfied.But I want you.
But I miss you.I can't satand being alone.
So kiss me.Love me.I need you.
457名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/29(土) 23:26:07 ID:ZWHtdm9f
Just remember, your true companion's always at your side.
458名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/30(日) 00:45:10 ID:/G0njS0q
459名無しさんの初恋:2005/10/30(日) 00:58:24 ID:J1JCqyPe
I do love you
460名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/05(土) 13:16:38 ID:nyyzAQ19
Talk to me now I'm older
Your friend told you 'cause I told her
Friday nights have been lonely
Change your plans and then phone me
461名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/11(金) 19:10:50 ID:ywvZnLVy
I will.
462名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/11(金) 19:48:53 ID:xUHejtiI
463名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/11(金) 20:55:28 ID:ZxAnYGup
this is a pen
464名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/12(土) 18:11:54 ID:1NJR2v4J
I am a boy
465名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/18(金) 05:51:02 ID:GU0EAW//
Everybody calls it love but I'm not really sure if this is love.........
466ぶるじょあ ◆H6wikgcXIU :2005/11/18(金) 07:02:28 ID:DIQfuGsy
I am the HITMAN!
Is this a Tom?
No,it is a pen.
467ららら:2005/11/18(金) 17:41:52 ID:kmkHuD8f
you'r My Oasis you'r My.SanSeyain you'r My LOVE AND hope SO you'r All OR Me All OR Me
468Mr,KOUMON:2005/11/18(金) 17:43:14 ID:8t2xonqA
I am koumon nise to meet you!! koumonfo-
469名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/18(金) 17:52:46 ID:VVg6NtNy
Oh,I'm YUKI!!!
470名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/18(金) 20:39:06 ID:O6lkT6uZ
I'm weary. but I still love you.
471名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/20(日) 23:21:43 ID:HVaTdyIK
You taught “TRUELOVE” to me.
I love you at the risk of my everything.
Please stay by me forever.
472名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/20(日) 23:29:31 ID:xNedK/4d
Finally I've found you!!!
473名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/20(日) 23:38:16 ID:buh103mj
i have to go
474名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/21(月) 00:19:47 ID:lcgj1uRZ
Please hold me tight.
I miss you.
475名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/21(月) 01:12:28 ID:WsFSvIUi
476名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/21(月) 01:28:36 ID:FO4gfF7u
EnryoNaku Itadakimasu
477名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/21(月) 01:49:49 ID:2pjdvt5k
i hate u but i love u i cant stop thinking of u
478名無しさんの初恋:2005/11/21(月) 09:58:57 ID:lF9UfjjX
I think that it was able finally to meet the person of destining that I should have
been searched through life and searched for today.
479大坂広之 ◆fPKETaUZsA :2005/11/30(水) 00:41:59 ID:o7qDCSO+
480名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 02:05:16 ID:TSYnNjdD
I am just a dreamer,
but you are just a dream,
You could have been
anyone to me.
481名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 02:12:13 ID:oWnZXGML
You who would like to do me happily because it's being loved, I'd like to build the family.to c
482名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 02:20:11 ID:oWnZXGML
You who would like to do me happily because it's being loved, I'd like to build the family.to ocosa
483名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 02:40:19 ID:7cpcIhZK
Je t'adore.
484名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 02:42:12 ID:8m/S9gXR

485名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 05:26:51 ID:XD6pQsOj
486名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 05:51:23 ID:HadTvK37
ビートルズの"I need you"の歌詞思い出した。

I'm not madly in love,but I wanna have some time with you.
Please attention me. rub my head tendely like two months ago.
I wish the day come that I may go to your house again,
and lay with you in holded at your bed.
487名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 07:32:50 ID:3hllT7Ru
I hate you!
488名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 11:34:48 ID:jkf8Hj/g
489名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 11:39:33 ID:mqMJtIWz
I think that it was able finally to meet the person of destining that I should have
been searched through life and searched for today.

adverbはwasの後ろ 名詞を何故わざわざ(動)名詞風にするのかがわからない
through "my" lifeの方がいい。んで後ろのはいらない。つか
違う動詞で未来を語ってみればいい。でもthrough my lifeだからなああ。

490名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 11:51:19 ID:o8gXD0Lh
When you are suffering from or feeling down I'll be there for you.
491名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 11:53:34 ID:mqMJtIWz
You who would like to do me happily because it's being loved, I'd like to build the family.to ocosa


492名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 11:58:30 ID:mqMJtIWz
493名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 12:01:46 ID:mqMJtIWz
494名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 12:08:14 ID:oWnZXGML
495名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 12:29:50 ID:H7YQrbDZ
I erotic she?no!
496名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 12:42:55 ID:FiNfyCWX
497名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 12:46:56 ID:FWJJgMOx
I love Toru
498名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/09(金) 17:08:57 ID:tfyik5Lw
>> ID:mqMJtIWz
499名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 08:27:49 ID:9+8KY5fa
500名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 11:08:41 ID:Ri5pGUJr
You die mothafacker!!!!
501名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 11:10:25 ID:36fSjRc3
502名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 11:13:39 ID:ETOy7Wcs
>>500 それすら正しくない件について
503名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 21:06:49 ID:Ri5pGUJr
504名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 22:16:40 ID:pwb8Q3wU
My love is true and I do know so is yours.
505名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 22:35:37 ID:SB0+6AgY
Will go out with me?
506shot of:2005/12/10(土) 22:46:41 ID:Ri5pGUJr
Because you're requesting, don't you return mail one?
I ask.
Because it's doubtful if it's the courage or you, even if I meet by chance outside, I pass each other.cyunva.
507名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 23:10:37 ID:x8jLG5s9
Mariko,I can't help folling love you.
Does my thought reach you ?
508名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 23:21:47 ID:VyQp+yPp
we can fry.
509名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/10(土) 23:22:54 ID:VyQp+yPp
your GORIRA.
510名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/11(日) 11:47:20 ID:ZCMhsCSd
511名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/11(日) 16:27:23 ID:DT6gjWhw
Please never always get angry.
512名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/11(日) 16:28:40 ID:DT6gjWhw
513601:2005/12/11(日) 16:31:51 ID:34b7Y2TH
I am unko
514名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/11(日) 16:32:16 ID:34b7Y2TH
515名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/11(日) 17:37:23 ID:Q/kAbEXZ
I want to fly to come to your town.
516ぶるじょあ ◆H6wikgcXIU :2005/12/11(日) 18:28:04 ID:TxGTs48O
Hey ray,what you said is true
I can't stop lovin' you.
517名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/11(日) 21:33:35 ID:YjqTABQ6
I think so, too.
Waterloo sunset is fine.
518名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/15(木) 08:25:39 ID:HWOEQUs3
give me a coat
you said a cold
lighting an old

who did knock
i said a note
fool ring snow
519名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/15(木) 08:49:05 ID:HWOEQUs3
little bite little boat
tangle felt tangle feet
miserable insult meserable insulate
520名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/15(木) 08:50:07 ID:HWOEQUs3
dig done dig dead
521名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/19(月) 02:25:26 ID:bNq8sPFY
Hey guys, you must not inferinge anyone's copyrights!
522名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/20(火) 04:25:33 ID:zjdw3vIT
I should have made a move on you,
but I pretended to be your "understanding" friend
because I was scared to death of your rejection.
But I'm in love with you.
I know I'm too late, but I can't cover this feeling up by smiling
when you talk about your girlfriend anymore.
Please notice I've been watching you.
I don't want to be just a friend of you to drink out.
I want to be the one next to you.
523名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/20(火) 10:08:08 ID:1yBG0rJs
jelly just jumps jow by j-stroke
she was a zealotry about zoeas
zubber zubber zubber jwir on jutland

by jove!
524名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/25(日) 23:02:40 ID:/g98HkZ7
525名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/25(日) 23:45:55 ID:/g98HkZ7
You don't like "lightly go", I advise you to change a word.
Do you want to know that?
526名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/25(日) 23:58:27 ID:/g98HkZ7
Change "go" for "come".
It means same. But we feel it is light work. w.
527名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/30(金) 16:26:59 ID:bzuy+1d6
528名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/30(金) 18:18:42 ID:R0sXuIro
529名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/31(土) 14:36:07 ID:apGL280M
530名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/31(土) 14:50:20 ID:kwAPklxt
i wanna be a popsta!
531名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/31(土) 15:34:16 ID:dVf71orW
I love U,I need U.And I luv U!
532名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/31(土) 15:40:59 ID:EHIaFmDf
How wonderful life is wheile you're in the world
533名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/31(土) 20:12:23 ID:giwSdSNF
Well, I saw your photo on the local newspaper last Wednesday.
You wore the jacket and tie which were great on you.
I was very happy to see you even on the newspaper
because I didn’t expect to see you any more.
It’s been 5 months since I met you this summer.
Although I only know your last name, I am still feeling for you.
I like your everything, especially your sweet voice, sincerity
and cute face. I tried to forget you though. I couldn’t do it.
You may expect me to visit your office again.
However, I am not going to do it
because I decided not to do what I wanted to,which you can guess
what it is.I wish I could see you somewhere.
If that happens, I definitely kiss you,fucking awesome pubic servant!!
Don’t take it seriously, LOL.
I just wanted to tell you what I feel about you.
I wish you have a happy new year!!
534名無しさんの初恋:2005/12/31(土) 20:54:53 ID:UgD15B+W
I do love you
535名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/05(木) 03:54:47 ID:CmcziKU5
I can't stop my luv 4 U!
536人生男子校 ◆Syyq6KO1XA :2006/01/05(木) 04:00:35 ID:S1JrXM52
MeはYouにFalling Love
537名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/05(木) 13:27:32 ID:jlTDHm2m
I have not any person that I love.
538名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/05(木) 13:28:33 ID:jlTDHm2m
539名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/05(木) 13:34:05 ID:kntfg0P8
540名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/05(木) 14:44:08 ID:n7ajesk1
How did you know my name & birthday?
I know you are working at the place where you can find my profile.
That means you know my phone number too.
Why didn't you call me?
I am sick of waiting for you,fucking chicken,
but I can't help loving you,smart ass!!
541名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/05(木) 17:58:59 ID:kyrz5V3W
have notではhaveを否定できない。do not haveにするのが正しい
「I don't have any person」「I love any person」になる
542名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/05(木) 20:32:02 ID:EXj8VvLi
イギリス英語では I haven't ○○で
543名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/06(金) 06:15:59 ID:DmDJWyQx
But I haven't a clue〜♪ってな
544名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/06(金) 11:51:45 ID:W0Vl8ZKB
>do not haveにするのが正しい
545名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/06(金) 11:53:57 ID:W0Vl8ZKB
546名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/06(金) 12:27:27 ID:agY70TKX
you mean a lot to me.
547名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/06(金) 21:23:24 ID:IUdDejpj
I am too love to sleep everynight
548名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/09(月) 18:36:43 ID:bvLsxwZa
Ilove you too much to sleep all night.

Nobody loves me・・or I can't love anybody・・
549名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 03:38:18 ID:BwRQfoE7
I love you than your mother.
550名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 04:07:29 ID:FHN8dhbf
愛 羅 武 勇
551名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 06:39:58 ID:qaiCESNR
I have nobody whom to love.
Nobody who(m) I love.
I love nobody.

552名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 06:43:06 ID:qaiCESNR
553名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 11:33:51 ID:ZK0h3MTh
Give me chocolate.
554名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 11:43:37 ID:oydxXv/3
I still love you. But I know you dont feel the same way. It is very hard for me. I'm not gonna mail you till you send me one. I want you to remember that I'm thinking about you all the time.
555名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 11:44:06 ID:BwRQfoE7
so,I will give you it,but I am not just like you!
556名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 15:16:51 ID:SuQ7hnnP
all nightも別に必要ない。
557名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 16:33:04 ID:uLrhsy9E
Dear S

I wonder hou you feel about me?
I know you don't see this thread,but I am too shy to write how I
feel about you in Japanese. I hope you check this thread every night.
558名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 16:34:01 ID:MfuX3KL3
559名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 16:49:17 ID:1IcMfGbE
560名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 16:59:41 ID:qbkSvna5
561名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 17:03:18 ID:1IcMfGbE
Come with a bump.
562名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 22:48:44 ID:CI9fS/9Y
Je t'aime...
Je ne peux pas imaginer le monde sans toi...
563名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 22:57:08 ID:CI9fS/9Y
Si je peux frequenter avec toi,je porterai un sentiment comme etre au septieme ciel.
564名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 23:00:50 ID:Tvzt4aFM
Just bring it !
565名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 23:01:23 ID:0fTCL+Sj
I just call to say I love you
566名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/10(火) 23:01:52 ID:2oWmSnhq
I love you for the rest of my life.
567名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/11(水) 00:45:23 ID:xBjySnzR
Il a cinq petit chiens.
568名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/11(水) 01:21:12 ID:PSZKuxF2
Oh,il a beacoup de chiens.
Mais alors,comment s'appelent-t-ils?
569名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/11(水) 01:58:09 ID:xBjySnzR
570名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/11(水) 07:19:22 ID:yzwFFmKp
que-ce que c'est?w

Nah,I'm just kiddin'...Well,
I really don' know how to say,
Bcaz I already told u about it!!
571名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/11(水) 09:48:02 ID:ghR6/kHN
572名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/11(水) 20:52:29 ID:fwh7Nx5k
I hope he notice my adress in my blogs.
or should I write a letter?
573名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/12(木) 19:49:33 ID:k1NfO+um
574名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/12(木) 23:09:49 ID:/7GtqM2P
575名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/13(金) 16:40:16 ID:BxTKXQby
ILоve yоu
576名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/13(金) 16:53:35 ID:8bak/3DF
I'm sick from you.
I can kill my self for you
577名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/13(金) 16:56:36 ID:pZ50oXxM
Never gonna give my love Hahahaha
578Kei-Nanjyo:2006/01/13(金) 17:17:22 ID:PBFvCP+H
I want touch your lip with mine, and hold your heart tight .
To my Tuhilla.wish-ing meet You not at Seijyu-Hospital.
I'll sing my "word".
579名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/13(金) 17:57:34 ID:RcpqZ6Qd
can't love u more.
in my life,i haven't loved a man such
i love u
please turn around to me
please love me
hold me
kiss me
xxxx me.....i give into u
i give my everything to u
580名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/13(金) 18:39:28 ID:i/NYLeGD
581名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/13(金) 20:24:30 ID:8bak/3DF
582名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/13(金) 21:46:20 ID:aL76Awx/
Help me,ERINNNN!!
583名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/13(金) 23:44:24 ID:+ul+x5cS
nobody knows the way's gona be.....
584名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/15(日) 01:02:37 ID:i948XqWk
I love you, bitter sweet honey.
585名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/15(日) 05:12:30 ID:Z9iMkT6P
Wo I Nee!!
586名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/15(日) 13:53:44 ID:OWSmPWQm
Love beeeeeam !!!
587こころ:2006/01/15(日) 23:33:49 ID:iIMU9GhR
Dear James,

do you remember me?
We've met during the winter holiday in Egypt...
When I saw you, I just felt something and it's called love.

I know where you live in Ealing and I know what your phone number is.
I really wanna meet you, I just wanna see you.

I dont't care if you don't remember me.
or if you do,

I would like to say;
I love you.

Your love,
588名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/16(月) 14:56:47 ID:m3hNt5R4
You have been typing my birthday on this thread to contact me.
I feel a little bit scared of what you are doing there.
I am not going to type my birthday on this thread.
If you get frustrated,why don't you call me or come and see me?
I don't want to talk to you on 2channel.
I really want to see you,if you are the one whom I like !!
You should think about that.
589名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/16(月) 15:25:36 ID:cHKG+8xZ
You know what, hon?
You can't LOVE somebody unless you know him/her well.
You just can't. You two met during the winter holiday(s)
and he hasn't tried to reach you after that, then it was
just for fun, just an affair. Just leave it at that.
You two had a good time, then that must have been what
he wanted. No love there. Don't feel attached. Grow up.
If he had the same feelings as you do, then he would
have called you or emailed you by now.
590名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/16(月) 16:29:50 ID:Qj2mPBIw
Baby let's pretend we could always be together.
591名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/16(月) 22:48:30 ID:RONHbbq+
592名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/19(木) 20:25:06 ID:FyOkB5NO
593名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/21(土) 05:47:08 ID:+YohAwDS
You said you have no one to go out with other than me.
Who the heck is the girl you were with tonight?
You know what, I'm in love with you! Fuck you, K!!!!
Screw you!!! Why did you play on me? You two go to hell!!!
Hey, I really like you. You should have told me.
594名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/21(土) 10:05:07 ID:5eBFqVI8
595名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/21(土) 10:43:06 ID:9TonfNAY
596名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/22(日) 00:19:17 ID:DHvAwwL2
597名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 08:20:59 ID:8e2gDNfq
I'm guna give you my heart.
598名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 08:53:06 ID:rv9FO6af

599名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 08:57:36 ID:0Dqqr/rm
600名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 09:13:15 ID:hAXEEeDH
601名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 11:51:43 ID:25LjTK04
602名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 13:15:28 ID:yCO1uxsw
Yome ne ndayo.
Bak a yaro ga.
Kakko tsui te ne yo.
Engrish no sei seki?
Two dayo,ahiru dayo bakaga.
Teme ra JAPAN no people daro?
Choushi non na...
603名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 13:24:01 ID:nYDjB5Vj
604sage:2006/01/26(木) 17:22:15 ID:gYQHaAkj
dear H
i'm for you as a birthday present.
but… once you accept this,
you'll repay me with the some for me birthday.
605名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 17:54:25 ID:naGx+yiC
You mean everything to me.
606名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 18:11:53 ID:0Dqqr/rm
607名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 18:27:56 ID:m6QwpTdQ
youre the one who helped me out when i was in the distres. youve wiped all the tears i shed for him. you were always there when i needed someone to listen to me. i really love you now babe. you are such a sweetie. stay with me for the rest of my life.


608名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 19:12:12 ID:hAXEEeDH
609名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 20:01:17 ID:WhJHkrRh
610名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 20:24:09 ID:0kyd5viT
Let`s ABC!!
611名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/26(木) 20:26:05 ID:Qq52hCBW
612名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/28(土) 04:25:31 ID:69ji8z7b
ilove you more than you know.
613名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/28(土) 05:24:12 ID:uLzfK4vO
614名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/28(土) 06:23:33 ID:6Ga7p8Z8
u said that u liked me.
u said that u had a huge grush on me.
u said that u fell for me.
and i said that i had a boyfriend,

do you still think of me?
since u told me how u felt about me, i'd never stopped thinking about u.
i feel that i don't have the feeling for my boyfriend anymore.
i feel that i like u so much and i wanna know more about u.
why r u still good to me?
i wish i could've met u before i met my boyfriend.
i like when u tease me, and i like when u meke me smile,

615名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/28(土) 06:24:35 ID:6Ga7p8Z8
616名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/28(土) 08:34:19 ID:K89xgPNV
Omae no bf kawaisosu
617名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/28(土) 10:28:45 ID:IgEr4iV1
do you think of me?????????????????
618名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/29(日) 04:22:01 ID:a/B1C40Q
Your English is quite good!
But not enough. Check again what you've written.
619名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:29:32 ID:PSCuK1c7
why don't you love me?
620名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:31:13 ID:PSCuK1c7
tell me?
621名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:32:09 ID:PSCuK1c7
i don't know well...
622名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:34:05 ID:PSCuK1c7
623名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:37:44 ID:PSCuK1c7
can I write this?
624名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:41:19 ID:PSCuK1c7
625名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:41:51 ID:PSCuK1c7
626名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:42:49 ID:PSCuK1c7
627名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:44:28 ID:PSCuK1c7
one more time....
628名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 05:45:05 ID:PSCuK1c7
i gave it up.....
629名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 16:26:15 ID:SmKgDJ7U
Don't give up on me!
630名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 20:38:50 ID:aRIy/ST3
631名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 20:49:21 ID:2UxIzGpY
Dear shouhei

I love you.

From girl
632名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 21:09:49 ID:rA5NdweP
633名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 21:37:05 ID:ylVsyvq/
I don't know how to express whenever say I love you.
634名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/30(月) 21:45:25 ID:/kSPZACi

I'm afraid, but it does not make any sense.
635名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 14:00:51 ID:hY6yvc3v
I don't know what to say whenever you say to me "I love you."
636名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 14:04:43 ID:eQZ7Nr1Z
637名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 14:11:46 ID:+TVf1Fp/
I dont know English
I dont know Love
but, if you say this feeling is love, I...... love you.....
638名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 15:33:27 ID:HNfrXcQW
You know?
・・・I really like u.
639名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 15:46:36 ID:1bnDXGDM
so sweet
640名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 16:57:25 ID:k/kZUkdq
I really regret that the folly which I did have hurt your heart.
I realized your appeal and, in fact, I liked you. but I din't express that feeling. I was fool and I was very very very immature.It may be nature of you to leave me.
I wish I could be back to those days…… or, only met with you as we was, for now I can say I love you.
641名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:11:31 ID:k/kZUkdq
I would meet with you once again......orz
642名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:17:47 ID:vljA8T2x

I would like to meet you again...
I am dying to see you again..

643 :2006/01/31(火) 18:18:50 ID:5aq6sN66
644名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:22:12 ID:a9Btrf76
もう泣かせるようなことはしません のこりの人生を俺に下さい

645名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:23:23 ID:eQZ7Nr1Z
646名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:26:19 ID:FvK0wsJ9
Give me the rest of your life , for I won't make you cry .
647名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:31:57 ID:k/kZUkdq
648名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:53:29 ID:vljA8T2x
I am only attracted to you.
649名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:56:28 ID:k/kZUkdq
650名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 18:59:17 ID:k/kZUkdq
さらに>>643はIt is only avoidedだろが
651名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 19:03:28 ID:+TVf1Fp/
652名無しさんの初恋:2006/01/31(火) 22:34:58 ID:FvK0wsJ9
Dear Y

how're you doing ?
Recently, you haven't been kind to me .
I feel so sad .

do you remember the Cristmas day of last year ?
we really had a good time , talking to each other happily, drinking a cup of tea .
Then, I gave you a Pusan which is holding heart .
you said “This is so cute .”and you attached it to your cellar phone.
I was so happy to see it .
After several minutes , I said to you “When I talk with you, I always feel happy . ”
you said “Oh, I'm pleased .”
but I couldn't say I love you . That's was a shame .
I should've said the words .

now, I can't feel happy .I don't know what to do, what to say.
653名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 00:06:04 ID:yFBurw/s
Thank YOu for lying to me
thank you for all the times you let me down
I was stupid and you broke me down
so thank you for showing me
654名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 00:42:55 ID:WFc1ViCy
655名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 03:21:55 ID:YudodQgX
kiss shiteeeeeeeeeee
656名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 07:05:54 ID:eB+3lQrB





657名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 07:28:47 ID:CH+Qwtrl
If it were not for you,
I would not be what I am today.
658名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 07:30:38 ID:RlK/X15U
I love you only.
659名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 07:39:52 ID:SWikgecC
100万回のI love youより、たった一言…
660名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 10:20:49 ID:CUKwpdSQ
Do you remember when you gave me first kiss,boy? Even if I have a boyfriend,all I think about is you. You are the best man who I've ever met.Just...I wanna stay with you.
661名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 15:25:29 ID:+6f19Blb
I love you because you are you
662名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 15:37:50 ID:yE5iB0zY
This is a pen.
663名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 16:01:13 ID:EGN8XWCZ
fuck me
664名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 16:42:51 ID:Fta0zZ33
665名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/03(金) 23:33:10 ID:eMsnv05t
your mom hoe
666名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/06(月) 07:24:23 ID:OJ2/LD2b
667名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/06(月) 08:49:59 ID:02DUk5y+
Won't you marry me if I could be very handsome.
668名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/06(月) 08:56:31 ID:nkebY+Kk
I love you mucn more than you love me.
669名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/08(水) 21:39:58 ID:TFEMy+DE
Am I offcially death to you?
I feel like never see you agein.
Please tell me...
Do you still want to see me?
I hate to being blind to you.
I am sick of being here to give you a message which you don't ever see.
670名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/08(水) 22:16:48 ID:Igw6sKQQ
I dedicate my all to you
671ゆうた:2006/02/15(水) 15:35:22 ID:1gAqDsJv
i want see your face always.we are far now but our love is strong always.i always thinking our futer.
672名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/20(月) 09:58:15 ID:2EgfuxUk
☆I Still Luv U☆
673名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/24(金) 16:27:00 ID:ywNf1j5Y
昨日、出張で某所の東横インに泊まったんだけど 今朝、チェックアウトしようと思ったらフロントの女性が

674名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/24(金) 16:53:00 ID:gsunojyH
i need you
675名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/25(土) 07:46:07 ID:4QPBu2pX
yunisan odaizini
676名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/28(火) 01:19:54 ID:89hS8rjN
677名無しさんの初恋:2006/02/28(火) 02:39:43 ID:9vqkIo64
Can't stop fall in love.
678名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/06(月) 14:27:17 ID:ZXlcEvVV
679タカアンドトシ:2006/03/06(月) 15:16:52 ID:WzdJRl6m
お お お お お お お お お お お お お お お お お
う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う う 
べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ べ
い い い い い い い い い い い い い い い い い

680名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/06(月) 15:18:12 ID:4DIsN1Xi
681名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/06(月) 15:32:41 ID:ZXlcEvVV
682名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/06(月) 15:41:51 ID:ulYCh4RG
683名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/06(月) 17:32:17 ID:ZXlcEvVV

684名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/06(月) 17:54:33 ID:M/UNjBAq
Keep the seat next to you empty for me, forever and forever.
685名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/06(月) 18:00:09 ID:ZXlcEvVV
686名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/06(月) 18:16:01 ID:EAUsA8OA
687名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/07(火) 08:26:06 ID:H7WElNAa
688名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/07(火) 16:26:32 ID:91pyCUBn
Are you seriously going to copy >>684 and write or say it to someone?!
Ugh, you shouldn't.
689名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/07(火) 16:37:42 ID:BdNXTIR0
I love you forever!!
690名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/07(火) 19:30:28 ID:d/bZ6Jf2
691名無しさんの初恋:2006/03/08(水) 20:57:35 ID:x2tVGzyL
You don't know why? It's incorrect and it sounds
strange. That is why.
You who always sleep in a side are my treasure.
I take good care throughout the life.